I seek economic hegemony in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 413 Sun Quan’s decision

Chapter 413 Sun Quan’s decision

Ding Gu, Zhu Ji, Gu Cheng, Lu Ju and others who followed over heard this and knew better.

Moreover, they were very satisfied with the way Li Heng dealt with Sun Hong, and even relieved their hatred.

This story tells us that in the power game, if we want to gain the sincere support of the people below, we must establish a common enemy.

When the time comes, killing this enemy will push your own prestige to the top.

But don’t forget to create a common enemy to unite everyone.

Sun Hong froze on the spot. It was not until two Shenwu soldiers picked him up that he shouted in horror: "General, spare my life! I am willing to do anything for the general! General, please spare me... spare..."

Sun Hong was dragged down like a little chicken.

He still tried to struggle desperately, but was kicked to the ground by a soldier.

After screaming, the soldier picked up his collar and dragged him to the side. He was kicked in the calf before he knelt on the ground.

The Han army's attack became more fierce. A large number of heavy armored soldiers advanced row after row, and their neat steps made the ground bang.

This Wu army did not flinch at all. They were Sun Quan's imperial guards. They were all wearing armor and holding sharp weapons, with solemn expressions. They were three layers inside and three layers outside.

Those scholars who had been clamoring in the morning suddenly changed their stance and began to shout: "The destiny of the Han Dynasty lies with the Han Dynasty!"

Some Wu soldiers who had been seriously injured endured the pain. They roared and moved forward without hesitation to fight with the Han army.

The two sides faced off outside the palace.

A large number of Han troops were armed with halberds and axes and marched forward. They waved their weapons very bravely.

There were already corpses of Han and Wu soldiers outside, and the ground was stained red with blood, which was very tragic.

As the martial law order continued to be enforced in the city, the people of Jianye City suddenly felt that the green-faced and fanged Han troops they thought before turned out to be more like Master Wang than Master Wang.

After Sun Hong was tied up, his head was cut off from his neck with a knife. He rolled on the ground several times and was wrapped in messy hair.

They lined up like a torrent towards the Wu army in front.

The people who hated the Han army were robbed in the chaos, but were rescued by the Han army that entered the city.

Li Heng said again: "Let's go to the palace to pay a visit to Sun Quan."

"Don't move. If you cut it off, I'll tell you not to move! Grab him and tie him up!"

The soldier walked over and bent down to lift Sun Hong's head. A large amount of blood hung down from Ping Qie's neck.

Everyone went with him.

At this time, Wang Ling's main force had surrounded Sun Quan's palace.

"Send it to the entrance of the palace."

More Han troops poured into the city and began to gather on every street, imposing full martial law.

Sun Hong's eyes were wide open, and his face still retained the fear before death.

But neither side retreated.


They fell to the ground one after another, and the ones behind moved forward one after another, and no one flinched.

They planned to use their tenacious will to save the last bit of face for the king in the imperial city.

Even if the mayfly shakes the tree, he will not hesitate.

Finally, the terrifying offensive of the Han army was stopped by the Wu army, and they could no longer move forward.

Wang Ling ordered a temporary halt to the attack, allowing the army to spread out and seal off everything around them.

At this time, there were densely packed imperial guards in the imperial city coming out of the city. Their troops were in great shape, their morale was high, and they were ready to die for Sun Quan at any time.

These are Sun Quan's personal guards. Not only are they well-equipped, but each of them is a brave man with strong physique and good at fighting.

"We need the general to support more powerful crossbows." Wang Ling said to a messenger, "Go quickly and tell me that I want a hundred eight-oxen crossbows to attack the imperial city before dark today!"


"We are all His Majesty's personal guards. We are deeply favored by the Emperor. Now is the time for us to repay His Majesty. Those who cherish their lives should go back!" Prime Minister Zhu Ju put on a suit of iron armor, pulled out his sword, and shouted loudly in a rich voice. .

No one flinched.

Zhu Ju said again: "A man's dignity is more valuable than gold. Today I will fight to the death with you all! After I die, you continue to move forward until the last person is left!"

The crowd shouted: "Fight to the death for Your Majesty!"

Voices rose and fell, and emotions ran high.

Wang Jinhu strode over and said loudly: "General, the Wu thief is stubborn and unclear. I am willing to lead five hundred elite soldiers to break through the thief's defense!"

Wang Ling was about to let Wang Jinhu give it a try, but at this moment, Li Heng's messenger arrived.

"Your Majesty, the general has an order to hand over this head to the Wu army. Send a message to Sun Quan not to kill anyone who surrenders!"

Wang Ling didn't know Sun Hong's identity, but since it was Li Heng's order, he had Sun Hong's head sent over.

Not long after, Wu Jun handed over Sun Hong's head to Zhu Ju.

When Zhu Ju saw Sun Hong's head, he couldn't help laughing.

Laugh until you cry.

His heart was filled with hatred. How could Da Wu, who was so good, be messed up like this by such a villain at the critical moment?

"Go and hand over Sun Hong's head to Your Majesty!" Zhu Ju ordered.


After issuing this order, a while later, the Han troops on the opposite side shouted one after another: "Those who surrender will not be killed! Those who surrender will not be killed!"

But Wu Jun's response turned out to be: "I would rather die than surrender!"

Wang Ling's old face was covered with wrinkles like iron. He said coldly: "Okay, the heads that the general wanted to hand over have also been handed over. If the Wu thief doesn't surrender, don't blame me for destroying the imperial city today. !”

"Wang Jinhu!"

"The general is here!"

"Give you five hundred elite soldiers and help me break through the Wu rebels' defense line!" Wang Ling emphasized, "Remember, I don't want casualties, I want to clash with the Wu army's formation!"


Wang Ling obviously didn't want to wait for the arrival of the crossbows, so the most elite group of the Han army was selected. They wore more than 60 kilograms of infantry armor and held iron bone flowers.

The shortest one is 1.75 meters!
They quickly gathered together, formed a cone-shaped formation, and began to move forward.

The thick footsteps echoed in front of the empty palace gate, and Wu Jun was ready to engage in a fierce war at any time.

At this moment, the palace door was opened.

A hunched man came out. His temples were covered with white frost, his face was haggard and his expression was depressed.

But it is still difficult to conceal his outstanding temperament.

"His Majesty!"

someone exclaimed.

Sun Quan tried his best to keep his posture upright and walked slowly.

The Wu troops in front all made way for him.

"His Majesty……"

Seeing Sun Quan's fragile body and haggard face, some people couldn't help but shed tears.

That year, it was also a spring. He walked out of the pavilions, followed by Zhou Yu, Lu Su, Lu Meng, and Huang Gai.

That year, he held his head high and vowed to contain the man from the north by the Yangtze River.

That year, his era had just begun.

However, the spring breeze remains the same, things are changing and people are changing.

(End of this chapter)

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