I seek economic hegemony in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 416: Just won Jianye, are you planning on Hefei again?

Chapter 416: Just won Jianye, are you planning on Hefei again?

On the fifth day of March, the weather was fine.

After Zhuge Ke landed at Jianye Ferry, he went all the way to the gate of a small house in the north of the city.

I happened to meet Du Yu and the two exchanged a few words.

Zhuge Ke suddenly asked: "Why does the general live here?"

This place is so small and shabby that Sun Quan’s palace could live in it!

Du Yu smiled bitterly and said: "How can the general live in Sun Quan's palace?"

"Oh, to avoid suspicion? You can also live in the Prime Minister's Mansion. If that doesn't work, you can also live in my father's former General's Mansion."

"No, it's best here. Please ask Yuan Xun. The general may have something important to do today."

As soon as Zhuge Ke entered, he saw Zhu Ji, turned around and saw Gu Cheng again.

Li Heng was sitting there, drinking tea.

This is a man about thirty years old, dressed simply.

Everyone took their seats.

Why did he come here?

"Zifan, please take a seat."

When he saw Du Yu and the others, he immediately said: "Come and sit down quickly. This is the tea that Buzishan sent from Changsha County. I have prepared a portion for each of you."

Everyone walked through the corridor in front, and the road was heavily guarded.

What shocked him even more was that even Ding Gu was there.

Zhu Ju was Sun Quan's prime minister, and he resisted to the death in front of the palace gate.

"We all turned from darkness to light."

"I, Zhu Yi, have met the Han general."


Finally, Zhu Ju also came.

Not long after, someone came over again.

"It turns out that your Excellency is Zhu Jiwen, who defeated Lujiang Prefect Wen Qin before." Li Heng stood up and said with a smile, "I have admired you for a long time, I have admired you for a long time."

Zhu Ju bowed and said: "General!"

Everyone was quite surprised.

When we arrived at the back garden, we saw some peach trees. It was the season when peach blossoms were in full bloom.

Zhu Ju said, "General, I have brought you the person you want."

It's Wang Ling and Wang Guang.

Zhuge Ke: "..."

"The general has given you a reward."

Zhu Yi looked a little embarrassed.

He originally led 30,000 Wu troops from Ruxuwu to the Yangtze River, and even made a battle plan. However, when he received the news, Jianye was defeated and the king surrendered.

Zhu Yi had two choices: one was to surrender to Li Heng, the other was to surrender to Cao Wei.

What would be the consequences of taking 30,000 troops to surrender to Cao Wei?

Even if Guan Qiu Jian is a good man and does not deprive him of his military power, Zhu Yi, who was unfamiliar with the place in Cao Wei, will be a fat sheep next.

But surrendering to Li Heng was different.

Uncle Zhu Ju has surrendered, and his clanmate Zhu Ji has also surrendered. Many of his former colleagues are here, and I heard they were treated politely.

Even a pig knows how to choose.

So Zhu Yi took the remaining 30,000 troops to Jianye and surrendered to Ji Han. All 30,000 Wu army elites were recruited.

As for the 100,000 men Sun Quan planned to mobilize in the three counties, Li Heng has stopped it.

Jiangdong is not in wartime now. Bringing those 100,000 strong men to Jianye will not only greatly increase his military food expenditure, but also destroy local agriculture.

This is harmful to the ecology of southern Yangzhou.

As for how many troops Li Heng has now?
Zhuge Ke's tribe in Wuchang originally had 50,000 troops. After defeating the Wu army in Wuchang, he recruited 30,000 Wu troops and currently has a strength of 80,000.

There are thirty thousand left in Jiangling.

Li Heng himself led an army of 100,000 to Jianye, and currently has a total strength of 70,000 Wu troops in Jianye.

The total strength of the Jianye area is 170,000.

And more than half of them are young and strong men who can directly go to the battlefield to kill the enemy, and have complete military equipment.

Compared with before, Cao Wei's Yangzhou defense line may not have such sufficient troops.

"Sit down, we have something important to say today."

Wang Ling glanced at Zhu Ju and Zhu Yi, but he didn't expect Li Heng to directly invite these two people here.

Isn't this defenseless at all?
He admired Li Heng's magnanimity even more.

After everyone sat down, Li Heng ordered someone to make tea for them all.

Li Heng first asked a question: "Gentlemen, I am afraid that Shouchun has already known that our army has captured Jianye. Within five days, Sima Yi will receive the news. I received news a few days ago that the soldiers from Lujiang County and Huainan County The Wei army was gathering, many merchant ships were confiscated, and food was also confiscated. But that was before Jianye City was destroyed."

"Yes." Zhu Yidao, "When I was dispatching troops from Ruxuwu, I received a letter from Shouchun. Wei said that it would send a large army to support Jianye."

Du Yu said: "Our army set out from Jiangling and quickly captured Wuchang in a short period of time. It is impossible that Cao Wei's scouts were unaware of it. I am afraid that Sima Yi not only wants to reinforce Jianye, but also sends troops to Wuchang."

"It is almost impossible for the Wei army to cross the natural chasm of the Yangtze River." Zhu Ju took over, "I have fought against the Wei army several times. The water battles we are accustomed to are a nightmare for them. General, don't worry."

Li Heng wrote lightly: "I am not worried about Wei Jun coming, I want to take the opportunity to get Hefei."

Everyone was stunned. Now they were thinking about Jianye and Hefei?
"After we get Hefei, we will use Hefei as the front line to manage people's livelihood, and then we will do the Northern Expedition with twice the result with half the effort." Li Heng said, "What do you think?"

Zhu Yidao: "The Shouchun Wei army has sufficient troops and horses, and they have been mobilized now. It may be impossible for our army to make a surprise attack."

"No surprise attack." Li Heng said, "We will go north in two ways, one from Wujin to attack Guangling, and the other from Ruxukou into Chaohu to attack Hefei."

Zhu Yi thought Li Heng had some clever tricks up his sleeve. Isn't this the same strategy Sun Quan had been using before?

Li Heng said: "If our army can capture Guangling, we can attack Xuzhou. Xuzhou is the gateway to the Central Plains. The Wei army in Yangzhou dare not stand aside."

"What about Hefei?"

"As for Hefei." Du Yu took over, "The attack on Hefei is just a pretense. In fact, it is a heavy troop attack on Guangling. As long as Guangling is penetrated and the troops are directed towards Xuzhou, Hefei will be ours."

Everyone looked at each other.

"What about the soldiers and horses from Hefei?"

Li Heng said: "Hefei is a virtual army."

Now all the surrendered ministers of Wu State are confused. You want to take Hefei, but you send empty troops in Hefei?
But Zhu Ji soon came to his senses: "The combination of virtuality and reality, virtuality and reality."


"What do you think? Our army is going to send troops to Guangling now. Can we fight?"

"We can definitely fight." Wang Ling said, "The Wei army in Guangling only has 10,000 troops. If reinforcements are needed in Huainan, it will take more than half a month at the earliest."

Only then did everyone come to their senses. Wang Ling was previously the governor of Yangzhou in Cao Wei.

Although Guangling County belongs to Xuzhou, Wang Ling was previously in charge of military affairs in the southeast. He knows the military situation there better than anyone else.

Zhu Ju asked: "Since the prince left, will Luoyang increase its troops in Guangling?"

"No, the people in Guangling cannot support the deployment of heavy troops there." Wang Ling said, "Similarly, if our army attacks, we can easily defeat the Wei army in Guangling, but once we reach Xiapi in Xuzhou, we will also face the problem of excessive supplies of food and grass. ”

This is also the reason why Sun Quan sent troops to attack Guangling several times, but ended in failure.

(End of this chapter)

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