I seek economic hegemony in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 419: Sima Yi thinks he can do it again?

Chapter 419: Sima Yi thinks he can do it again?

"Is father angry about Jianye's situation?"

Sima Yi's face was extremely gloomy.

"Sun Quan is such a stupid pig! He didn't even hold on for a month!" Sima Yi cursed loudly, and the anger that had been suppressed in his heart finally burst out.

"From Wuchang to Jianye, thousands of miles of Yangtze River defense line, 200,000 troops, and Jianye's elite were defeated by Li Ji's security department in less than a month!"

"Less than a month!"

"When those people from the Wu Kingdom fought with us before, how could they be so majestic..."

Seeing that Sima Yi was extremely angry, Master Sima was very worried about his health. He said: "Father, calm down, now..."

"An army of two hundred thousand! Even if there are two hundred thousand pigs, Li Jian can't kill them all in a month!"

"Sun Quan should do nothing!" Sima Yi ran to the door like crazy and yelled outside, "He should let his 200,000 pigs jump up from the top of Jianye City and kill Li Jian's Kill them one by one and see who wins in the end!"

"Father, it has become a fact that Jianye has been captured."

The officials of the Taifu Mansion were all frightened. This was the first time they saw the Taifu being so manic and rude.

"Stupid pig! Stupid pig! Stupid pig!"

But the situation collapsed, catching him off guard and causing him to collapse.

Sima Yi had expected that Li Jian would break through Wuchang in a flash, but it would be almost impossible to capture Jianye within half a year.

"Why not? I don't believe Li Jian has three heads and six arms!"

He just needs to stay in Jianye honestly and don't waste time, and the whole situation will not collapse.

"Can't we seize Jianye! Let's assemble Yangzhou and Xuzhou soldiers and horses, and then let Yuzhou soldiers and horses go south to Wuchang, and let Nanyang soldiers and horses go south to Xiangyang, and start a battle with Li Jian!"

In fact, Sima Yi wanted to go to Tongguan and had decided before.

"Are you just watching Li Jian gain a foothold in Jianye?"

All he needs to do is suppress the army and put psychological pressure on Li Heng.

Sima Yi is very confident.

As for Sun Quan?

And what is the difference between the white-haired old man in front of me and the ordinary man on the street?

"Father, our army hastily prepared warships to fight, which is a taboo for military strategists!"

He wanted to meet Zhuge Liang.

"Let Guan Qiujian immediately command all the soldiers and horses in Yangzhou, and ask Hu Zun to immediately command the soldiers and horses in Xuzhou, go south in two directions, cross the Yangtze River, and take Jianye directly!"

In their minds, Sima Yi was always calm and steady as Mount Tai.

"Father, you must not..."

Unexpectedly, just as they were about to set off, news came that Jianye City had been defeated.

Gao Rou walked in and heard Sima Yi's scolding. He was slightly stunned and stood there motionless until Sima Yi finished cursing for a while before he walked in.

"Sun Zhongmou... how did he stop Emperor Taizu's hundreds of thousands of troops?" Sima Yi's voice became hoarse, his eyes became a little hollow, and it seemed as if all the energy in his body had been drained.

His forehead was covered with fine sweat, and he looked at Master Sima helplessly.

"Father, the spy we deployed in Yizhou spread rumors in Chengdu that Li Jian supported the army and respected himself. Although it didn't work, that may not be the case now."

"how do I say this?"

"Li Jian captured Yangzhou and won over the Jiangdong gentry in Jianye. First, he had great achievements, and second, he had too much power. We don't need to spread it anymore. It has become an established fact to support the troops and respect themselves."

Sima Yi fell silent and did not speak.

It's hard to talk about.

He knew the situation in Yizhou.

Liu Chan's imperial power declined, and Zhuge Liang's Prime Minister's Palace was in charge. If we talk about supporting the troops and respecting themselves, Zhuge Liang is the one who respects himself the most.

"Zhuge Kongming has much greater power than Li Jian. He can appoint and remove officials in Guanzhong without asking for instructions, but Li Jian cannot appoint and remove officials in Yangzhou without asking for instructions."

Sima Yi sighed.

"Liu Chan wants to touch Li Jian?"

He shook his head, obviously this was impossible. In Sima Yi's eyes, Liu Chan must also want to get power. Everyone does not love power.

But Liu Chan couldn't get it. Without Zhuge Liang's nod, he couldn't move Li Jian.

In fact, Sima Yi's idea was of course completely correct.

Liu Chan looks kind and gentle on the outside, but he is actually very sensitive to power on the inside.

Official history can be seen from Liu Chan's arrangements after Zhuge Liang's death.

The best proof is that there is no longer a prime minister and the power is returned to the chancellery.

But Liu Chan was really not good at governing the country, and was later forced to delegate power to Jiang Wan.

"Unless Kong Ming dies."

"Then Kong Ming has no objection to Li Jian?"

"If you have any objections, I won't let him lead Jingzhou Shepherd. I know Zhuge Kongming's character very well. He is generous and generous, strict with himself and lenient with others. In order to realize Liu Xuande's last wish, he can compromise on many things."

"Then why should father be anxious? Kong Ming is not in good health and is already old."

Sima Yi then walked back again. After venting his anger, he felt that his whole body seemed to relax a little.

He picked up the paperwork thrown on the ground and continued to write a letter to Guo Huai.

Master Sima was grinding it for him on the side.

"The confrontation between the north and the south takes time." Sima Yi said as he wrote, "I am old and my body has become weaker in recent years. You have to prepare for some things in advance."


"You and I both know this."

Master Sima was silent for a moment and then said: "Father, today I received a document from Yang Dan, and I agree with his opinion."

"Sheep Dan?"

Master Sima presented Yang Dan's document. After reading it, Sima Yi remained silent for a long time.

"We want to learn from Jiangling and Xiangyang, but we can't let people know that we are learning from Jiangling and Xiangyang." Sima Yi said meaningfully.

"The son knows his father's will."

Now the political correctness in Luoyang is to block Ji Han. Sima Yi used this to attack many political enemies.

But Sima Yi had to admit that Ji Han's current model was very good.

This separation between politics and reality made Sima Yi very painful.

Finally, he said this to Master Sima.

The meaning behind this sentence is: We must not only copy Li Heng's model, but also publicize the anti-thief attributes of Liu Chan, Zhuge Liang, Li Heng and others in the Central Plains.

Gao Rou said from outside: "Master."

"come in."

Gao Rou walked in and said, "Master, there is news from Guanqiu Jian that we have obtained Ruxuwu."

"Did you get Ruxuwu?"


Sima Yi finally showed a hint of joy on his face.

"How many troops are currently stationed?"

"Three thousand."

"Immediately increase the number of troops to 20,000!"

Obtaining Ruxuwu means that Yangzhou's defense strategy can be adjusted.

Now with Shouchun as the center, Hefei is in a weakened state, in order to increase the depth of Wu's offensive.

But if Ruxuwu is obtained, it will be almost difficult for Jianye's troops to attack Hefei.

Then Hefei is no longer a front line, so a large number of people can be relocated to develop Hefei again, move the military center southward, and seek strategic points along the Yangtze River.

Sima Yi immediately became energetic!
(End of this chapter)

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