I seek economic hegemony in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 42 The game of strengthening the walls and clearing the country between the Han and Wei dyna

Chapter 42 The game of strengthening the walls and clearing the country between the Han and Wei dynasties

Zhao Yu smiled kindly and said, "I also ask Du Jun to stay at the house for two days."

"Then I won't bother Mr. Zhao."

When Du Yu came out and got on the carriage, Zhao Yu arranged for someone to take him to his residence.

Along the way, Du Yu also took a few secret glances.

He couldn't help feeling that the manor of the Zhao family in Tianshui was much larger than that of the Du family in Jingzhao.

Moreover, Zhao's manor has also built a tall wall. Even if the Shu army comes, they cannot just take it down.

It is even more impossible for the tenants inside to escape, even for the rest of their lives.

After cleaning up, Du Ling asked: "Lang Jun, will Mr. Zhao agree?"

"Already promised."

Du Ling didn't seem too surprised. After all, for powerful people like them, there was only so much food.

Because we need to prevent unexpected situations, such as natural disasters, wars, etc., food storage is the most basic thing.

But accidents don't happen all the time, so it's normal to have leftover food.

Even rotten food is normal.

As for giving it to tenants?

That is absolutely impossible.

If they have extra food today, won't they have extra land tomorrow?

To sum up, food is just a series of numbers to the powerful.

In addition to having a surplus of food, Zhao indeed had more demand for paper.

This demand is divided into rigid demand and soft demand.

The so-called rigid needs are to use paper to write books or articles, and to manage many affairs of the manor and fort.

Soft needs refer to painting, freshness, and a sense of identity.

Articles can also be written on wooden slips, and articles can also be written on cloth.

For example, the price of cloth may be about the same as that of paper, so writing on cloth is no problem.

But, do rich people only have one luxury car at home?

On the tenth day of July, Cao Rui's imperial edict was sent from Luoyang to the Guanzhong front line.

After receiving the punishment, Sima Yi did not dare to complain at all, and was even glad that he was not replaced.

As for Xinpi, he was also fined one year's salary.

Sima Yi sat in the coach's position, looking at the sand table with a calm expression.

"Tell me, how do we make this strong wall clear the wilderness?"

The generals were silent.

After a while, Sima Yi said: "You guys have nothing to say?"

Zhang Hu said: "If you ask me, force all these people to Chang'an!"

At first glance, Zhang Hu's words seemed to make sense.

But no one answered him.

Because Jianbi Qingye only has four words in the history books, but considering that era and the actual environment, the operation is not easy.

Moreover, there is a difference between a strong wall and a clear field and a strong wall and a clear field.

After the Battle of Chibi, Cao Cao insisted on clearing the country and relocating the population in the Jianghuai River. He refused to listen to advice. As a result, more than 10,000 people fled to Jiangdong.

Of course, Cao Cao must know that this operation is very difficult, and there is no problem for him to stick to this grand strategy.

But the specific operation under the grand strategy is not to play a game, where people will reach the designated place with a click of the mouse.

As for the current war situation, it is more complicated than when Cao Cao moved his people to the Yangtze River and Huaihe River.

After a moment of silence, Xinpi said: "The Shu army is stationed in Wuzhangyuan. The east can threaten our army, and the west can leave south of Chencang at any time. We can cross the river at any time. It is extremely difficult for us to move the people in this area, and we may be attacked by Shu at any time. Military interception."

Xiahou Ba said: "Then let each county issue an order to forcibly move the population of each county into the city!"

It fell into silence again.

After a while, Sima Zhao said: "The north of the Wei River is under our control. We can take the lead in relocating the people north of the Wei River to avoid changes in the future. As for the south of the Wei River, we ordered the counties to move in and ordered the people to move in. If they don't comply, Whoever kills."

Still silent.After a while, Xin Pi said: "There is no need to rush this matter, but you can do it slowly, otherwise you will miss the mark if you use too much force."

Xin Pi almost didn't mention that when Emperor Wu of Wei was in Huainan to clear the country, he sent 10,000+ people to Sun Quan.

In the 14th year of Jian'an, it took Cao Cao a whole year to complete the task of strengthening the walls and clearing the country.

Even so, he still fed Sun Quan 10,000+.

But it has to be said that if Cao Cao had not done that, the situation on the Eastern Front might have completely changed. With Jiangdong's momentum back then, it was not impossible to gain a foothold in Jianghuai.

There are at least tens of thousands of people in the Guanzhong area now. If they all go to Zhuge Liang, the rate of Han army's farming will definitely increase dramatically in the coming year.

Zhang Hu added: "Then send out an order and tell them that the Shu army is acting rebelliously and disobeying Wang De. The people of Fufeng County should immediately cooperate with the court and move to Chang'an. This is for the sake of my country, the Great Wei Dynasty."

"They won't listen to what you say." Sima Zhao said lightly.

Zhang Hu cursed: "These people don't understand the difficulties of the court! Just kill them!"

Sima Yi sat there and pondered for a long time, and then said: "We must strengthen the wall and clear the country as soon as possible. It is normal to have population loss, but it will not be too much. This time comes, and when necessary, some means are needed!"

Simpi wanted to say something, but didn't say it.

From the overall situation, it must be the most correct decision to quickly strengthen the walls and clear the country, leaving some military strongholds and leaving the surroundings desolate. Even if Zhuge Liang had three heads and six arms, he would not be able to continue planting the fields.

As for transferring people from Hanzhong to farm, that is really impossible.

If they were to be transferred from Hanzhong, it would be at least tens of thousands.

Tens of thousands of people will be transferred from Hanzhong. First of all, the important town of Hanzhong will be greatly affected. Secondly, if tens of thousands of troops are transferred, it is okay. If tens of thousands of civilians are transferred, there will be almost no strict formations along the way. , and may be attacked by Wei cavalry.

In reality, relocating a large population is an extremely difficult task.

Therefore, as long as Sima Yi is ruthless and quick to strengthen the wall and clear the country, from a long-term strategic perspective, it will definitely have a great impact on Ji Han's victory in Guanzhong.

It was almost impossible for the Han army to continue to encircle the fields and stay in Guanzhong. Withdrawal was the final and helpless result.

On July [-], Sima Yi issued an order to all counties in Fufeng County to strengthen the walls and clear the country.

Fufeng County covers almost most of the western part of Guanzhong.

On July [-], Jiang Wei hurriedly arrived at the coaching camp.

"Prime Minister, Sima Yi has indeed issued an order to strengthen the walls and clear the country."

Wei Yan stepped out and said, "Prime Minister, I have a plan to resolve this crisis!"


"While the people are migrating, lead troops to stop them. Anyone who dares to disobey will be killed without mercy!"

"Wei Yan! You are so bold!" Yang Yi scolded angrily, "The late emperor restored the Han Dynasty with benevolence and righteousness, but you actually want to do such a heinous act!"

"Extraordinary timing, extraordinary move." Wei Yan glanced at Yang Yi coldly, "How could a nerd like you know that if the Wei army evacuated all the people, what would we do? For the sake of the overall situation, we must be tough!"

"We are tough now, but what about in the future?" Yang Yi said disdainfully, "Who among the common people will welcome us? Haven't you heard that there is little help for the unjust?"

"If you can't even take this step now, how can we talk about the future!" Wei Yan was also angry. He pointed at Yang Yi's nose and cursed, "You nerd, don't let me ruin the great cause of the Han Dynasty's Northern Expedition!"

"You..." Yang Yi was so angry that he almost jumped up, "Prime Minister, Wei Yan is blatantly violating the site of the late emperor. If the massacre of the people is reported back to Chengdu, how will we explain it to the people of Yizhou? By then the people will lose all support!"

"Prime Minister, the last general..."

Wei Yan wanted to say more, but was interrupted by Zhuge Liang: "Okay."

Only then did Wei Yan and Yang Yi calm down.

Zhuge Liang asked: "Boyo, what do you think of this matter?"

Jiang Wei said: "The general feels that it depends on how the Wei army will strengthen the walls and clear the country this time. It makes a difference whether they want to plunder all the counties in Fufeng County or just move the people to the city."

Zhuge Liang nodded and said: "Sima Yi cannot evacuate the counties. He can only move some people to the city and others to Chang'an. We have to intercept these people and use them for our own use."

Fei Yi said: "If we issue a benevolent policy now, as long as they are willing to join us, they can get fertile land. Will the people bring their families and families over immediately?"

"The sowing season has passed." Zhuge Liang shook his head, "They can also have fields in Chang'an, but this will not attract them immediately."

The most important thing is that many people are actually under the control of powerful people.

There was an important reason why Cao Cao strengthened the walls and cleared the country, which led to a large loss of population. After the Battle of Chibi, Cao Cao declined, and some powerful men in Huainan were ready to defect to Sun Quan.

Ji Han could not immediately shake the powerful people in Fufeng County, so it was naturally impossible to include them in the population on a large scale.

Zhuge Liang said: "Autumn is coming soon, and it will take at least several months to move the population. If we can provide a large amount of clothing, many people will defect to us."

Yang Yi sighed and said bitterly: "But where can we find a large amount of clothes?"

(End of this chapter)

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