I seek economic hegemony in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 429 Wei Yan goes berserk

Chapter 429 Wei Yan goes berserk
On April 15, Wei Yan's troops arrived at Pingyang County.

On April 16, Bingzhou Governor Liu Jing's 30,000-strong army had just arrived in Yangyi, Taiyuan County.

Starting from the evening of April 17, it started to rain heavily from Pingyang County in the south to Taiyuan County in the north.

The dark clouds were very low, and the towering Taihang Mountains in the distance revealed their ferocious outlines under the lightning.

Like a giant dragon crawling between heaven and earth.

Groups of scouts flew past in the rain, and countless latest military reports shuttled between Luliang Mountain and Taihang Mountain.

This information is related to the new round of confrontation between Han and Wei in Sizhou and Bingzhou, and to the control of the overall situation by the two top commanders.

It is more about the future trend of the world.

That night, Sima Yi endured the pain and got up, and began to quickly check the military reports that were sent to him.

He coughed for a while and then said excitedly: "Zhuge Liang has divided his forces!"

"Are you going north?" Gao Rou asked.

"Yes, we are going north. This is the purpose of me mobilizing the state troops and horses to divide Zhuge Liang's troops." Sima Yi stood up and walked to the map.

It was raining heavily outside, and the candlelight was flickering inside the tent.

Sima Yi stared at the map in trance: "How is the situation in Chang'an?"

"There are not many troops left in Chang'an. Some people say that they saw Zhuge Liang bringing a large number of main forces when he marched eastward."

Sima Yi frowned in thought.

"Grand Tutor, according to my official's opinion, our soldiers and horses in Tongguan can enter the pass. We have more troops than Xiahou Ba. We can divide one group to contain Xiahou Ba, and the other group takes advantage of Chang'an's emptiness to go directly to Chang'an!"

"No, no." Sima Yi showed a faint smile, "You don't know Kong Ming. When you know his whereabouts, it means that he deliberately let you know. When fighting Kong Ming, don't just trust your eyes, but look at the overall situation. analyze."

Gao Rou didn't understand much, but was shocked.

"Let Wang Jun hold his ground first. Zhuge Liang knows that we have deployed heavy troops at Tongguan, and he does not dare to send too many troops to Bingzhou."

"Then do nothing now?"

"Waiting for Liu Jing." Sima Yi closed his eyes and spoke in a gentle tone, "Waiting for Liu Jing to defeat the Shu army from the north and arrive at Linfen. My main force will then go north to Hedong County and attack Zhuge Liang from the north and south, forcing Zhuge Liang to line up in the field. At that time, my scouts can be more Clear exploration of the main force of the Shu army."

"If the Shu army has a large number of troops, Chang'an will be empty, and Wang Jun can pour his troops into the pass."

"If the Shu army is not strong enough, our north and south forces will be established, and Zhuge Liang will be defeated."

Hearing Sima Yi's words, Gao Rou couldn't help but sigh: "No matter what, the advantage is mine!"

But the situation was completely beyond Sima Yi's expectation.

On April 18, as soon as the heavy rain stopped, a group of people appeared outside Pingyang City in Pingyang County.

Although the Pingyang defenders were well prepared and confident of holding on, under the intensive heavy artillery fire from the Han army, they still only held on for less than half an hour before the city wall collapsed.

After the city wall collapsed, the Wei army in the city immediately organized street fighting, intending to hold the Han army's offensive here.

A large number of Wei soldiers marched forward, ready to die in battle at any time.

At noon, the elite vanguards of the Han army, wearing heavy iron armor, entered Pingyang City one after another.

Not long after, screams came from inside.

A large number of sharp arrows struck the armor, making sharp sounds, as well as the sound of iron tools colliding.

Wei Jun's roar came from the distance: "Charge forward and kill!"

One after another, Wei troops poured in along the narrow alley, filling every inch of the street.

After killing the first batch, the Han army entered the narrow alley.

At this time, it started to rain heavily again.

The rain hit the helmet, causing dense splashes.

A large number of bows and arrows from the opposite side cut through the rain curtain and fell to the ground. After the two sides quickly approached, it became a case of meeting on a narrow road and the brave one wins.

Wei Jun had no way out because their families were supporting them behind.

Under the management of this "soft underbelly technique", they can only choose to die in battle, and they will be killed if they escape in battle.

Therefore, when Sima Zhao was charging in the northwest, he shouted the phrase "defend the homeland". From the perspective of a propagandist like Sima Zhao, it was so damn reasonable!

To be precise, they were actually defending their homeland.

Use your own life to protect your family in the rear.

At least the lives of my family can be saved.

Human flesh and blood was wrapped in iron armor, and countless people formed a dense impact, and then clashed with each other.

In just a moment, countless people were rushed to the ground.

Although the head of the sharp halberd only cut through the iron armor and did not hurt any flesh and blood, the person was already knocked down and had no time to get up. He stepped up from behind, trampled the fallen person on the ground, and was knocked down himself. .

Because the Han army was in infantry armor, their physique was obviously several levels stronger than that of the Wei army, and they were protected by the most sophisticated iron armor. They held halberds in their hands, formed a dense forest of halberds, and stabbed forward crazily.

The terrifying impact force caused the injured Wei Jun to fall to the ground, but he was still able to push forward.

It looked like a group of lumberjacks quickly cutting weak saplings in the woods.

Every time you advance a certain distance, a piece of your head will fall off.

Wei Jun's armor was deformed by the impact and the joints were broken.

Exciting shouts of death and desperate wails intertwined among the narrow streets, and the people who closed the city gates shivered.

The rain is getting heavier.

Not long after, the narrow street was filled with more than half a meter of water.

Countless heads and corpses floated up.

After the advance guard of Bu Renjia had almost reduced the morale of the Wei army, Wei Yan sent subsequent troops into the city to expand the victory.

He did not persuade him to surrender, nor did he have the intention to persuade him to surrender.

When Wei Yan went to war, he always encouraged his soldiers to kill more people to vent the squeezing fear in their hearts before the war.

By the time it was approaching evening, most of Pingyang City was already covered in blood.

However, Wei Yan privately encouraged his soldiers to rob them.

This robbery lasted for two days and two nights. After the soldiers had eaten and drank enough, Wei Yan allowed the soldiers to rest in Pingyang City.

At this time, in addition to reporting the victory to Zhuge Liang, Wei Yan had already begun to continue heading north.

On April 20, the news that Pingyang City was captured by the Han army reached Sima Yi. Sima Yi was not shocked and did not have much emotional fluctuations.

In his opinion, this war and the destruction of several cities were inevitable.

He said to Gao Rou: "Both the people and the soldiers must obey the overall situation."

On April 21, Liu Jing, the governor of Bingzhou, arrived in Jingling County. Liu Jing was furious when he learned that Pingyang City had been destroyed.

On the same day, Liu Jing accelerated his march.

On April 22, after the rain stopped, clouds and mist shrouded the mountains in the distance.

The main force of the Han army quickly moved northward along the Fen River.

The main force of the Wei army also quickly moved south along the Fen River.

At noon, the Han army had arrived about twenty miles south of Yong'an.

The Wei army arrived about ten miles north of Yong'an.

(End of this chapter)

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