Chapter 439 Death of Sima Yi

On May 20th, Hedong County, Jiexian County.

The Wei army formed a formation in front, with a flourishing military appearance, and began to scold the formation.

The scolding is as unpleasant as it sounds.

He also directly greeted Zhuge Liang himself and his ancestors.

This is a helpless thing.

In the first ten days of this month, after the disastrous defeat of Bingzhou's troops, Sima Yi was forced to go north to Hedong County to prepare for a head-on battle with Zhuge Liang.

He expected that Zhuge Liang was waiting for him in Jie County just for today, but when he arrived, Zhuge Liang did not go out to fight.

There was even a no-war sign hung in front of the camp.

This scene is so familiar.

Only then did he realize that Zhuge Liang was planning to seize the salt pond in Jie County. Over time, Luoyang would be short of salt, which would inevitably cause political problems.

If the imperial court wants to maintain the continued prosperity of business, it must abide by its operating rules and can no longer use power to control everything as it did in the past.

The business rules mentioned by Zhuge Liang are different from the narrow business rules of the 21st century. He has no concept of bourgeoisie, no concept of the invisible hand of the market, and no concept of spontaneous order.

Of course, the court can also use military force to destroy this force and return everything to the past, in which case the prosperous business will cease to exist.

But Zhuge Liang still did not go to war. Instead, he drank tea, read, and wrote letters to Li Heng in the camp all day long.

On the contrary, Taoism has a certain close connection with business.

What shocked Zhuge Liang even more was that when business developed to that extent, many Confucian ideas would no longer be practical.

Even if other places have to schedule to fill this vacancy, it will take a lot of time and energy.

It's not that there is no salt in other places in Cao Wei, but that suddenly the core of salt production is controlled, and there will inevitably be a huge vacancy within a few months.

This main body that can restrain the power of the court and government is business rules.

Now the main conflict of Cao Wei is war. It is extremely difficult to complete a salt dispatch.

Following Li Heng's ideas, Zhuge Liang made some comments and improvements of his own on the money bank system, and also made some elaborations on business and consumption concepts.

"Why be anxious, why be anxious, Wei Wenchang has entered Bingzhou now." Zhuge Liang shook the cattail leaf fan and said calmly, "The more Sima Yi is jumping up and down with anger, the more we must calm down."

In Zhuge Liang's view, when business reaches a certain level, the power from the imperial court to the local governments will inevitably be restricted.

This will inevitably trigger a new round of political turmoil.

Just when Zhuge Liang was still writing and thinking, Jiang Wei walked in: "Old thief Sima is barking outside again, why don't I go out and fight him!"

This was far beyond Sima Yi's expectation.

"Prime Minister."

The business rules he mentioned here refer to the fact that when business flourishes to a certain extent, it will form an invisible force.

Sima Yi was so angry that he almost fainted several times. He even sent people to send Zhuge Liang women's clothes.

For example, the Tao emphasized by Taoism is inexplicably consistent with some invisible rules of business.

"Have we been wasting our time like this?" Jiang Wei said, "I heard that Sima Yi summoned the governors of the counties in Hedong. Those people seemed to support us before, but now they may not."

"They may not support Sima Yi." Zhuge Liang understood clearly. "They are just sitting on the sidelines, waiting for the final winner. They will help whoever wins. At present, as long as we hold on, it is only a matter of time."

Sima Yi sent people to yell and curse for a long time, but there was still no movement in the Han army camp.

"Have women's clothes been delivered?"

"It's been delivered."

"What did Zhuge Villager say?"

"I didn't say anything. I just said that peace is the most important thing between the two countries."

"Peace is the most important thing?" Sima Yi cursed, "He invaded our territory, and he still said that peace is the most important thing?"

"He said this is Han soil."

"The Han Dynasty has long declined, and the Wei Dynasty conquered the world with virtue!" Sima Yi said angrily, "Go and attack with heavy artillery! Go! Go now!"

After noon, the Wei army began to attack with heavy artillery.

Both sides engaged in a duel with heavy artillery.

During this period, Sima Yi also mobilized a large number of Wei cavalry to attack Yanchi in the northeast of Jie County, intending to lift the Han army's blockade of Yanchi. They were blocked by the Han army's infantry and cavalry.

By evening, the Wei army's attack failed to achieve much success, and the battle situation remained in a state of confrontation.

The setting sun hung above the horizon, dyeing the earth red.

Sima Yi stood outside the camp. His body was thin and stooped, and his breath was weak.

"Taifu, you'd better go into the tent and rest." Gao Rou said.

"How is the situation in Luoyang?"

"Several ministers suggested welcoming King Yan to come out and take charge of the overall situation." Gao Rou said.

Sima Yi was silent, and so was Gao Rou.

After a moment of silence, Gao Rou said: "Taifu, I have something to say. I don't know whether to say it or not?"

"But it doesn't matter."

"The loss of Bingzhou has become a fact. The Shu army lives in Hedong, and Hedong cannot go to Luoyang. We only need to set up defenses in Hebei County, and we can stop the Shu army. The most important thing now is the situation in Luoyang. The salt in Jie County has been cut off for some time. At that time, many ministers were temporarily short of salt, and the officials were worried that they were instigated by some villains."

Sima Yi didn't speak. After being silent for a long time, he started coughing.

This time, I couldn't stop coughing and coughed up blood.


Sima Yi turned around and walked towards the camp.

"My physical condition must be kept confidential."

"I know, but now..."

Sima Yi asked: "What is the current situation on the southeastern battlefield?"

"Wang Ling has already reached the vicinity of Pengcheng."

"Where are the reinforcements?"

"Qingzhou reinforcements should be arriving soon." Gao Ju said.

"Can the Xuzhou battlefield be delayed until July?"


Sima Yi didn't say anything else. He lay down weakly and said, "You go down first, and I'll rest for a while."


After nightfall, both sides returned to normal order.

Gao Rou had just fallen asleep when someone suddenly came to him: "Mr. Gao, the master is calling you."

Gao Rou immediately got up and rushed to Sima Yi's camp.

After he entered, he was shocked when he saw Sima Yi.

Sima Yi's face was haggard and bloodless. If he hadn't blinked a few times, Gao Rou would have thought that Sima Yi was dead.

"Wen Hui, sit down."

Sima Yi's breath was weak.

"Master, you..."

"Sit first."

Gao Rou came over and sat down, and he said, "I'm afraid I won't survive tonight."


"Don't be sad. I wrote a letter to my youngest son, ordering him to return to Beijing immediately to take charge of the overall situation." Sima Yi said, "The situation today is very serious. I originally hoped that Ziyuan would return to Beijing to take charge, but the situation in the southeast is tense. Ziyuan He is a little younger, I hope you can remind him more."


"When the situation in the southeast stabilizes, Zishang will return power to Ziyuan. I know both of their brothers."

Gao Rou was silent and looked depressed.

(End of this chapter)

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