I seek economic hegemony in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 44 An extremely excited Kong Ming

Chapter 44 An extremely excited Kong Ming

"Prime Minister, your body has not fully recovered yet and you still need more rest."

"This is a serious matter. Wen Wei sent someone to tell me that Li Heng has developed a new spinning wheel that can operate on its own. One person can weave five pieces of cloth a day!"

Zhuge Liang said as he walked towards the carriage, his pace uncontrollably accelerated.

"A spinning wheel that operates on its own?" Yang Yi's heart skipped a beat after hearing this.

Sure enough, it's this guy Li Heng!

"Prime Minister, where is the spinning wheel that operates by itself? We just finished discussing the lack of cloth, and now Li Heng has made a spinning wheel that operates by itself. Isn't this suspicious!"

Zhuge Liang was already on the carriage, and Yang Yi quickly followed.

"Li Heng must be speculating. He made paper before, and I thought he was a talent. But then I thought about it carefully and realized that it might just be luck."

The carriage started to leave.

Yang Yi continued: "As for the later Quyuanli, I went to inquire and found that it was not made by Li Heng at all. It was made by a farmer. Li Heng deceived the world and stole his reputation!"

"If you don't have any evidence, be careful what you say." Zhuge Liang glanced at Yang Yi and said, "With great authority, when governing a country and handling government affairs, you must have an overall vision."

Hearing Zhuge Liang's reproach, Yang Yi shut her mouth.

But he was still dissatisfied.

We happened to be in urgent need of cloth, so he Li Heng made a spinning wheel that operates on its own?
Could it be that he predicted in advance that we would need a lot of cloth at this time?
This is impossible!
If he has such a talent, why don't I, Yang Yi, know about it?
Zhuge Liang did not continue to blame Yang Yi.

Zhuge Liang is very flexible in employing people.

Yang Yi has Yang Yi's advantages. His ability in official administration is higher than Fei Yi's.

But Yang Yi is narrow-minded and likes to complain when she encounters something she doesn't like.

Fei Yi and others were gentle and would not directly conflict with Yang Yi, but Wei Yan was different. He and Yang Yi were mortal enemies.

Each other wished that the other would be cut into pieces immediately.

Surrounded by a group of soldiers, the carriage arrived at Chencang County. Fei Yi was already waiting at the gate of Chencang County.

Li Heng stood nearby, and Dong Hong, Xue Liang and others were present.

Even Tian Meng was present.

Tian Meng was so excited that he trembled after seeing the prime minister.

"See you, Prime Minister." Everyone saluted.

"No need to be polite, let's go see Ji'an's spinning wheel." Zhuge Liang's eyes fell on Li Heng and he showed a gentle smile.

"This way please, Prime Minister."

The group walked through the streets of Chencang County, and the surrounding area was already strictly guarded by soldiers.

Along the way, Zhuge Liang could vaguely see by the light of the fire that there were many houses on both sides of the road. The streets seemed to have been treated and looked very smooth and tidy.

The surrounding paddy fields were illuminated by starlight and filled with the sound of frogs croaking.

When passing by a place, Zhuge Liang suddenly stopped. He pointed to a house on the roadside and asked, "Ji'an, why is this place different from other places?"

"Reporting to the Prime Minister, this is the xiang (xiang) of Chencang's staff (in ancient times, it refers to rural studies)."

"Xianxu?" Yang Yi asked, "How many people do you have in Chencang County, and you have Xiangxu?"

"Yes, Yang Changshi."

Yang Yi continued to ask: "Are they literate?"

"I'm illiterate. I won't be taught how to read and write for the next few months."

"Then teach what?"

"Teaching how to make farm tools, spinning wheels and iron smelting."

Everyone was slightly startled, not expecting to receive such an answer.

Teaching how to make farm tools, can you become a mentor?
"Li Jian, if you have nothing to do, focus more on farming and produce more food!" Yang Yi said in a critical tone.

Zhuge Liang laughed: "Okay, thank you for thinking about it."

"Prime Minister..."

"Let's go to the Textile Institute."

Soon, a group of people arrived at the Textile Institute, and the door was opened.

This place is huge, with ten spinning wheels inside.

The manufacturing structure of each spinning wheel is very exquisite. Zhuge Liang was stunned when he saw it for the first time.

Others can't see the famous figure at a glance, but Zhuge Liang still can't see it?He walked over excitedly and carefully looked at the structure of the spinning wheel. The more he looked at it, the more shocked he became.


"Prime Minister, I'm here." Li Heng walked to Zhuge Liang.

"How did you make this thing?" Zhuge Liang turned around and looked at Li Heng with shocked eyes.

"Prime Minister, this was not created by the lower official alone."


"Xue Liang." Li Heng turned around and called.

Xue Liang was stunned. Call me?
"Xue Liang, come here."

Xue Liang walked over nervously.

Xue Liang had met Zhuge Liang before, and Zhuge Liang had also met Xue Liang.

"Prime Minister, I just put forward some ideas, mainly inspired by Shuidi's paper pulping. I told Xue Liang about this idea, and Xue Liang started to try it. He was the one who made it."

"Oh, that's it. This young gentleman is so skillful in his craftsmanship!" Zhuge Liang laughed.

"Without Li Langjun's drawings, I wouldn't be able to do it at all." Xue Liang said with some embarrassment.

"Xue Liang, go put those ramie threads on the spinning wheel and let the Prime Minister and Yang Changshi take a look."


Xue Liang immediately started operating as usual.

Yang Yi on the other side still didn't believe that this thing could weave cloth.

Not only Yang Yi didn't believe it, but Fei Yi wouldn't believe it either if he hadn't seen the weaving with his own eyes.

Just like people in the 20th century did not believe that 100 years later, humans would be able to know many things in the world while sitting at home.

Following Xue Liang's operation, soon, driven by the water flow, the spinning wheel began to operate slowly.

Seeing the twine on the spinning wheel moving, Yang Yi couldn't help but exclaimed: "It's really spinning!"

Zhuge Liang became more and more excited as he watched.

"Ji'an, can you really spin five pieces in one day?"

"Xiaguan has been testing it for more than half a month, and it can weave at least three pieces."

"Okay, okay!" Zhuge Liang's mood suddenly rose, "Can this thing be improved further?"

"It can't be done in a short time. It needs constant debugging." Li Heng knew what Zhuge Liang meant by this sentence.

Shu Brocade!
Shu brocade is linked to Zhibai coins and sold as far away as Cao Wei and Soochow. It is one of Ji Han's important financial sources.

But the biggest pain point of Shu Brocade is that supply exceeds demand.

"Okay! There is no need to rush anything, as long as you can improve yourself, it will be used for weaving now!" Zhuge Liang couldn't help but praise Li Heng anymore, "Is Xiang Xu also preparing for the manufacturing of this spinning wheel?"


"Okay! You have less than 1000 people in this county, but you can do so many things, which is beyond my expectation!"

"If Dong Ziling hadn't assisted Xia Guan, I'm afraid Xia Guan would have been overwhelmed."

"Zi Ling has outstanding talent, and he is also a talented man like me." Zhuge Liang praised.

"The Prime Minister's words are serious. I am just doing my job." Dong Hong was so excited that his face turned red.

Zhuge Liang is his idol, why does he work so hard to carry out those things?

Because he always wanted to be like the Prime Minister.

Now that I am being praised by my idol, I almost burst into tears.

"Prime Minister, the drawings and annotations have been written by the subordinate officials." Li Heng took out pieces of paper and presented them to Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang took it and read it carefully and quickly. After reading it, he was overwhelmed with emotion.

"Mighty Lord!"

"The subordinate is here!"

"You quickly arrange for people to start work. Make as much as you can. And those ramie threads. Send people to collect them early tomorrow morning. Be quick!"

"We have collected a lot of ramie before." Yang Yi said.

"Not enough, far from enough!"

(End of this chapter)

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