I seek economic hegemony in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 443 Xuzhou Yangzhou Battlefield Exchange

Chapter 443 Xuzhou Yangzhou Battlefield Exchange
Among the light infantry in front, countless people took up arms, formed in groups of threes and twos, and hurriedly formed a defense to block the torrent of Wei army's cavalry.

One after another young people fell under the iron heel of the Wei army.

But more people did not retreat, but rushed forward, intending to block the Wei army's offensive with their flesh and blood.

These people quickly moved closer and formed a joint force.

The first group of cavalry were blocked by this wall of flesh and blood.

The war horse let out painful whines and its body collapsed.

The huge forward inertia impacted the crowd, pressing the nearest Han soldiers under them and crushing them for a long distance.

The Han soldier used one hand to hold on to the Wei soldier who fell from above, trying to use his strength to get out.

But blood and broken internal organs kept pouring out of the mouth.

By the time the war horses piled onto the pile of corpses, his body had been crushed into a long strip of minced meat, with the crushed bones inserted into the rotten flesh like thorns.

Not to mention that the Wei cavalry did not dare to attack this kind of military formation head-on. Even if they were replaced by Jin Wushu's Iron Buddha, they would not charge into the infantry square formation.

"Hurry up and make it up! Stop Wei Gou..."

The infantry armor's defense was built up at a speed visible to the naked eye. The thick iron armor and the strong and dense halberds formed an impenetrable defense line.

Some who were not afraid of death rushed forward, and the horses' belly was pierced, and they fell in front of the formation, and the cavalry's faces were stabbed.

The Sima Division has 10,000 cavalry, which is absolutely sufficient.

But it was precisely because they were not afraid of death that they bought valuable time for the formation of the infantry defense line.

It's just too hasty and the shooting effect is hard to describe.

At this time, a large number of crossbow and arrow corps on the flanks of the infantry armor were ready and began to fire back with crossbows and arrows at the Wei cavalry.

A shocking trail of blood was plowed out.

Facing the Han army's counterattack, Sima Division remained calm in the face of danger. He began to mobilize the second batch of cavalry to attack the Han army on the western front in a roundabout way.

After breaking through the first layer of defense of the Han army, the Wei army quickly rushed over.

Some of the Wei cavalry took roundabout ways and some took detours.

For tactics of this level, the average army would have been completely defeated.

When the Wei cavalry attacked two or three meters away, the horses were frightened by the sharp halberds and stopped in their tracks. They did not dare to move forward.

The soldier's remaining arm twitched several times and became part of the pile of corpses.

Not only did he arrange two groups on the western front, he also arranged for the main Han army on the southern front, and they were the most elite ones.

There were dozens of such stopped horses. They fell tragically, pierced by the weapons of the Han army, and crashed into the crowd.

After a while, the Wei army broke through this layer of defense.

Other soldiers risked their lives to fill in, while a steady stream of Wei cavalry from behind also filled in.

There were people shouting desperately from behind.

Even though the Han army was brave and unafraid of death, they could not completely block the impact.

However, this Han army was counterattacking. While a large number of legions were temporarily mobilized, they also set up defenses against the Wei army in Pengcheng City.

When the three thousand Wei cavalry attacking south arrived like a wave, part of Wang Ling's main defense stretched out.

After being defeated by the Wei army at several levels, the Han army stabilized its position, and both sides began a large-scale charge outside the city.

The battlefield spread to a radius of more than ten miles.

When Hu Zun in the city learned that the reinforcements had arrived and that a large number of cavalry had had a huge impact on the Han army, he quickly mobilized a group of soldiers and horses from the city to go out and kill Wang Ling's main force.

The Han army was attacked from both inside and outside, and the three parties fought until evening, but the Wei army still failed to completely defeat the Han army.

But the situation of the Han army was very serious, and Wang Ling had to order a retreat to Lu County in the southeast.

As night fell, the Wei army was unable to continue fighting.

At this point, Sima Division achieved a tactical victory on the Xu Yang battlefield. At least he lifted the Han army's siege of Pengcheng in a short time.

On the eighth day of June, news of the unfavorable war in Pengcheng reached Li Heng.

"Sima Division has arrived in Xuzhou." Li Heng looked at Ruxukou in front and said calmly, "Wang Yanyun was frustrated in Pengcheng, and our army retreated to Lu County."

As soon as he said this, everyone was shocked.

"When did Sima Division arrive in Xuzhou?" Zhu Zhi was shocked. "With so many soldiers and horses, how could our army's scouts not notice it?"

"Sima Division, like Sima Yi, is good at surprising troops. Hefei's troops were not mobilized. Shouchun's cavalry was mobilized, and only the cavalry, for surprise attacks."

Li Heng said.

"Before the surprise attack, Master Sima kept writing letters to Wang Yanyun to confuse him."

This is the usual trick of Sima father and son.

Sima Yi used this move to kill his opponents until they cried for their fathers and mothers.

In official history, Wang Ling was also caught off guard by Sima Yi's move.

Everyone looked solemn.

At this time, some people began to suggest that Li Heng remove Wang Ling's military power and replace him with someone else to go to Xuzhou.

This proposal was rejected by Li Heng.

Not to mention that it is taboo to change generals before the battle, in this matter, Li Heng did not think that Sima Shi had won.

Sima Shi is a master of politics and tactical operations.

But in the Battle of Pengcheng, his Sima Division was limited to victory at the tactical level.

There are still 30,000 Han troops gathered in Lu County. Sima Division cannot completely defeat Wang Ling in one go. Wang Ling rests for more than ten days and can make a comeback at any time.

Moreover, the separated Han troops were still rushing towards Lu County.

The greatest advantage of Sima Division's surprise attack is that it can catch the enemy by surprise.

But the biggest disadvantage is that it is difficult to reproduce.

Wang Ling was defeated the first time, so he would be careful the second time and not give Sima Shi any chance.

In this case, the Xuzhou battlefield is still in a stalemate. The cavalry that Sima Yi temporarily pulled over may not be able to win in the second frontal battlefield.

You know, the Han army also has a large number of cavalry.

In this way, Sima Division could only continue to mobilize troops from Yangzhou.

Otherwise, the troops will be dispersed and neither side will be pleased.

"Where is Zhuge Yuanxun?" Li Heng suddenly asked.

"The news just sent has arrived in Lu'an."

Li Heng said: "Tell him not to stop in Lu'an and go to Hefei!"

Du Yu said in surprise: "Are you going to kill Hefei now?"

"Master Sima doesn't think he can really defeat Wang Yanyun in a surprise attack. His surprise attack is a vanguard force, and the main force has probably already started to take action."

"Hefei's main force?"

"The main forces in Hefei and Shouchun should have been dispatched." Li Heng affirmed, "With the strength of the Wei army, now that Sima Division has arrived in Xuzhou, it is impossible for Hefei to deploy heavy troops. Sima Division wants to rely on Ruxuwu to block us and defend Hefei. "

Li Heng said: "So if Zhuge Yuanxun reaches Hefei quickly and cuts off Ruxuwu from Hefei south, the Wei army at Ruxuwu will collapse without a fight."

Only then did everyone realize.

It turns out that Sima Shi has decided to march eastward with the main force. It seems that he can't help it anymore.

Next, the battlefield patterns in Yangzhou and Xuzhou will change, and the main force of the Wei army will arrive in Xuzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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