Chapter 447 Get Hefei
By mid-August, after two months of brutal fighting, the Han army in Xuzhou was extremely exhausted.

After many wars, more than half of the people have been killed.

Wang Ling retreated from Lu County to Xiapi, and Sima Shi pursued him to Xiapi.

Wang Ling pushed him from Xiapi to Xiaxiang, and Sima Shi chased him to Xiaxiang.

Wang Ling retreated from Xiangxiang to Ling County again, and the next step was to prepare to retreat to Huaiyin, Guangling County.

The Wei army was also seriously injured, but Sima Shi's will was like a piece of steel, holding on, and he marched all night to chase and beat Wang Ling.

On August 20th, Wang Ling finally retreated to Huaiyin, then retreated further south, then exited Guangling and returned to Danyang County.

This is really a war in which the winner goes crazy and the loser turns to tactics.

Finally, on August 22, Sima Division decided to leave 20,000 troops and horses in Guangling County. The remaining 50,000 were divided into 10,000 and returned to Pengcheng, and the remaining 40,000 were immediately withdrawn to Yangzhou.

Huaiyin is 500 miles away from Hefei in a straight line, but unfortunately, the Wei army may have to walk more than 700 miles.

This is a thousand miles journey.

If we include the time for replenishment, this round of reinforcements might be in October.

But the situation has been stretched to this point, and Sima Division can only bite the bullet and split it up, and redeploy the army that was finally mobilized.

Even Chen Qian came to greet him personally.

By late August, there was an emergency food shortage in Ruxuwu.

The first words Chen Qian said were: "General, we know that you are extremely resourceful, but can you give us a bite of food first?"

Therefore, the Wei army still needs to vigorously replenish food and grass in Huaiyin.

They patiently listened to every word Lu Kang said and carefully responded to every sentence he said.

However, Huaiyin experienced war in May and the local order was chaotic. This summer's wheat was taken away by powerful local people.

Because Huaiyin goes southwest and is blocked by several large lakes.

The problem facing Sima Division was not to bypass the lake in front of him, but that he had to go north to Pengcheng for supplies and then go south to Hefei.

The two sides had a friendly conversation that lasted for an hour. During the conversation, the Wei personnel always maintained respect for the friendly personnel.

They disarmed.

It was early September, and when Lu Kang arrived at Ruxuwu again, everyone was waiting for him outside.

Even if Sima Division swept across Xuzhou, from a strategic level, he had already lost.

Moreover, the entrance of the Huaihe River is also in front of them, and the Wei army has to build a pontoon bridge in this area.

At this point, this strategic balance between the East and the West has gradually reflected its essence.

Chengzi Lake is already big enough.
Hongze Lake, which still exists in this era, has several counties.

What's even more terrible is that when the Wei army entered Yangzhou, they faced hundreds of miles of uninhabited territory. This was all Cao Cao's masterpiece.

Unlike last time, everyone looked at Lu Kang with kindness in their eyes and their tone of voice became respectful.

On the first day of September, Chen Qian took everyone in Ruxuwu down Ruxu Mountain and sailed to Li Heng's main ship.

As a close confidant of Master Sima, and deeply supported by Master Sima, Chen Qian originally planned to die to clarify his ambition, but after thinking that he could have a bite of food by surrendering, he planned to have a full meal first, and then die to clarify his ambition.

After listening, Li Heng waved his hand and said with a smile: "You will make the arrangements, Xiaojie, and arrange food for everyone until they are full!"


Everyone immediately said, "Thank you, General."

On the first day of September, Li Heng took charge of Ruxuwu.

When the Wei army returned to Pengcheng and was making supplies, the situation had changed drastically.

On the second day of September, Li Heng ordered Du Yu to lead 20,000 troops north to Hefei to join forces with Zhuge Ke. Later, Li Heng ordered Zhu Ju to mobilize 30,000 people from Danyang County to go northward as a civilian base to fill the Hefei front.

On the fourth day of September, Du Yu's troops arrived in Hefei.

The Han army began to change its tactics, starting from cutting off the ferry and launching a siege on Hefei City.

In just one day, the city of Hefei was captured by the Han army.

After these news reached Shouchun, they caused great shock.

The development of the situation far exceeded the expectations of the Shouchun authorities.

Especially Yangdan, the governor of Yangzhou, wrote a letter asking for help to Master Sima in pain, and wrote a letter asking for help in Luoyang in pain.

Finally, he painfully wrote a threatening letter to Li Heng.

But the situation cannot be changed just because of Yang Dan's painful letter.

On the tenth day of September, soldiers and horses returning from the Sima Division began to supply supplies in Pengcheng one after another.

On September 11, Li Heng assembled an army of 100,000 troops in Hefei. For a time, half of Yangzhou fell into panic due to the Han army's attack.

Lu Kang walked in and said: "General, we have detected it. The Wei cavalry has moved south from Pengcheng and will arrive in Shouchun in a few days."

"Master Sima is quite ruthless in this battle." Li Heng said with emotion.

"With Guanqiu Jian, Guanqiu Jian's army is extremely powerful." Zhuge Ke said.

"Should we use troops against Shouchun?"

"It's not necessary." Li Heng said, "We have achieved our goal by getting Hefei this time. We have to go step by step."

In fact, Yang Hu's analysis at the beginning could be said to be profound. Li Heng was indeed playing Tian Ji's horse racing tactics.

The elite Han army gathered in Wang Ling's tribe. The Han army in the direction of Hefei was sufficient in number but insufficient in combat strength.

Because Hefei is a large open space, after it is taken down, a lot of manpower will be needed to mobilize resources.

Xuzhou is hundreds of miles deep. Since we are attacking in the east and attacking in the west, we must arrange for elite troops to attack Sima Shi.

Wang Ling's troops suffered heavy losses.

So now Li Heng wants to go north to fight Shouchun, which is a very risky move.

Now that we have taken the strategic initiative, why should we take this risk?

Fighting is not a game. If you lose, you can still throw in coins and try again?
After saying this, Li Heng suddenly looked at Zhuge Ke and said: "We will not use troops against Shouchun, but we can use troops against Lujiang County."

"General, are you talking about Lu'an?"

"Yes, I heard that Wen Qin, the governor of Lujiang County, used to be Cao Shuang's friend?"

"He is indeed Cao Shuang's friend."

"I used to have some friendship with Cao Shuang." Li Heng said, "We did business together. Since he is Cao Shuang's friend, he is our friend. Yuan Xun, you take 20,000 troops to Lu'an to talk to Wen Qin. If If he wants to, he can come to my place, have a cup of tea and talk about revenge for Cao Shuang."

Zhuge Ke was stunned by Li Heng's rhetoric.


General, how do you keep your eyes open and tell lies without changing your face and your heart not beating?
"The enemies of the Sima family are all our friends. We must unite friends from all parties to deal with the Sima family."

On September 15th, Sima Shi had rushed back to Shouchun in advance.

Yangdan cried in front of him for a long time, expressing his guilt, which led to the fall of Hefei.

Others suggested that it was Chen Qian's surrender to the enemy that led to the fall of Ruxuwu, which further led to the fall of Hefei.

(End of this chapter)

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