I seek economic hegemony in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 450: Complete siege of Cao Wei?

Chapter 450: Complete siege of Cao Wei?
The reason why ancient China was an agricultural society was that when productivity was insufficient, the productivity of fields was the fastest and could be scaled up.

The focus is on scale.

The reason why business cannot become a major player in this era is precisely because it cannot meet the needs of scale.

A real business is a complete industrial system, including upstream, midstream, downstream, consumer side, financial system and productivity iteration system.

The productivity iteration system relies on theoretical scientific knowledge.

All of this must survive under a loose system.

In this era, no matter how Li Heng reformed, he could not reach the point where business could completely dominate.

People must be driven by profit, and they must rely on immediate benefits. Wherever the benefits are, people will be there.

When profits are on the ship, business flourishes. In order to make more money, people will find ways to modify the hull and ship-related weapons.

If the interests are in the fields, people will merge the fields crazily.

A group of cavalry quickly entered the city.

"You have to think about it. Without the Wei Dynasty, if the Shu thieves come, will they treat you well?"

"General." Wang Hun rode toward a group of people on the street.

"The imperial court is now recruiting new soldiers. Please sign up enthusiastically." An officer said loudly.

"When the Shu thieves come, most of them will be killed!"

The crowd began to chatter.

At first not many people were willing to sign up, but later a group of scholars came.

In the blink of an eye, it was December of the sixth year of Yanxi. There was a heavy snowfall in Luoyang, and the crowd at the city gate was watching the Di newspaper that had just been posted.

The crime of being killed has also been announced: liaison with Shu thieves!
At this time, the crowd became lively at the newspaper posting area at the gate of the city.

A row of human heads hung on the city gate, and those heads still stared with big cloudy eyes.

"It is an honor for a lower official to serve the general." Wang Hun said quickly, "Now the people are very willing to join the army and are willing to serve the Wei Dynasty."

It is said that these people are Chen Qian's family members, as well as some of Guan Qiu Jian's family members.

"Xuan Chong, thank you for your hard work during this time." Master Sima said.

"Protecting Wei means protecting ourselves and our families!"

This problem has persisted for thousands of years, and there must be an irreversible reason.

The snow was still falling, and Cao Wei's new round of mobilization began.

Finally, we have reached this point in time.

How big is the North China Great Plain?
How can we profit quickly from this piece of fat?
Obviously, it’s the land!

"You must remember that without Da Wei, you are nothing!"

Another scholar said.

"Everyone! You martyrs! The front line is tight now, the Shu thieves are rampant, and the Wei Dynasty needs you!" A gorgeously dressed scholar shouted loudly.

After speaking, Wang Hun turned around and looked.

At the gate of the city, there was a dense crowd, all ready to report.

"Can we mobilize another 10,000 people this month?" Sima Shi asked, "I just received a letter from General Chariot and Cavalry today. The Shu army is intensifying its troops in Taiyuan."

"It will be difficult to mobilize another 10,000 horses this month, but it is not impossible." Wang Hun said, "At present, the states and counties have raised their will to resist Shu, but these people have never been on the battlefield after all."

"First mobilize the people there and hand over the training to the local generals."


Master Sima pondered for a moment and asked, "I recently heard that many people from Yuzhou fled south to Jingzhou?"

"Some, but not many, states and counties in Yuzhou have implemented full martial law, and royal charity has been carried out in every county. The people are grateful for the kindness of the Wei Dynasty and will no longer be deceived by Li Jian." Looking at those who signed up to join the army in the distance, Master Sima said calmly: "We must make everyone willing to sacrifice their lives for the Wei Dynasty."

The sixth year of Yanxi's reign was about to end in a heavy snowfall. Li Heng got off the boat along the old road, stepped on the white snow, and got into a carriage.

After passing through the Qinling Mountains, we reach the Guanzhong Plain with a wide view.

When he came out of Xiegukou, Li Heng saw a city that was more prosperous than before. Even in winter, the wide cement roads were lined with carriages.

Li Heng unexpectedly saw many barbarians from the Western Regions. They spoke with poor Guanzhong accents and were introducing their products.

"The free trade town at Xiegukou is more prosperous than the last time I came here." Li Heng smiled happily.

"All this is thanks to Lang Jun." Xue Liang said.

"This has nothing to do with me. It is mainly due to the support of the prime minister and the hard work of the people that we are today." Li Heng closed the curtains, "Only the people are the creators of wealth. Any official who tries to take the credit for himself , it’s all about stealing merit.”

"But if there were no officials in office, it would be difficult to be where we are now, right?" Dong Hong, sitting opposite, said.

"Officials in office implement court policies and perform their obligations. If they do well, they should be punished. If they do not, they should be punished." Li Heng said, "Power and responsibility go hand in hand."

Dong Hong was shocked. This was the first time he heard this concept.

But when I think about it carefully, I can't refute it.

It is reasonable that you should bear as much responsibility as the court gives you power.

But often in reality, many officials do not shoulder their responsibilities, power must be snatched, and the blame must be thrown to the sky.

Dong Hong suddenly said: "I heard that Cao Wei is recruiting troops recently. Is he telling the people that when we go north, we will kill innocent people everywhere?"

"No one will believe Cao Wei if he does this!" Xue Liang yelled angrily.

Dong Hong said: "But many people believe it. Cao Wei's rhetoric about conscription is a typical example of making the people bear obligations but not power. On the contrary, Cao Wei's people have power but do not have to bear obligations."

"In this case, why do people still support Cao Wei?" Xue Liang was puzzled.

"Because Cao Wei made a blur here, Master Sima made the people think that he was with him."

"How did Master Sima do it?"

"It's easy to cheat."

Everyone fell silent, and the snow continued outside.

Several carriages quickly passed through the crowd. After arriving at the pass, it was Fei Yi who came to greet Li Heng this time.

"Is Mr. Fei okay here?"

"Excuse me, General, but everything is fine." Fei Yi said, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"How is your health, Prime Minister?"

"The prime minister's health is not very good. After returning to Chang'an from Hedong County last time, he cannot walk more than three miles a day, but he eats and drinks normally."

Li Heng nodded, and he sighed: "I have come a long way, and the prosperity of Guanzhong has exceeded my imagination."

"This is all thanks to the general's strategy of governing the country." A sincere smile appeared on Fei Yi's face, and his eyes narrowed as he smiled.

"Mr. Fei still manages things well."

"General, let me tell you, since we opened up Bingzhou and a large number of people from Bingzhou have gone to Guanzhong, in just a few months, Guanzhong has gained another million people."

"What about Bingzhou now?"

"Wei Chang is resting and reorganizing 30,000 troops in Taiyuan."

"Could it be..."

“I’m going to go to Jingxingkou next year.”

(End of this chapter)

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