Chapter 453 Egalitarianism?

"This is indeed the case." Jiang Wan said, "The iron smelting workshop in Chengdu also adopted blast furnaces half a year ago. However, because the mining and transportation of iron ore in Yizhou is more difficult than in Jingzhou, the production of agricultural tools has been relatively slow. Much slower.”

"So, as long as there are enough agricultural tools, one family can cultivate fifty acres of land?"

At this time, Zhuge Liang spoke.

This is what he cares about most.

In fact, this situation also exists in Juntian, Guanzhong, and Zhuge Liang is also very clear about the cause of this problem. He has visited it many times.

It’s just that the issue of folk farm tools has existed since ancient times.

What's more, it is still a war period, and the war is getting more and more intense. The imperial court will naturally tilt some copper and iron towards the military.

"As long as there are enough farm tools, it can be completed." Li Heng said.

"If we farm together, can we accomplish more?" Fan Jian said, "After a household has cultivated fifty acres, it is completely possible to cultivate new fields."

"Farming is different from fighting. Farming does not require risking one's life." Fan Jian continued, "You only need to choose a village chief among the twenty-five households to supervise."

"Then why did everything go wrong?" Li Heng continued to ask.

Li Heng said: "If Yili cooperates in farming, not only will we not accomplish more, but we will also reduce production."

Before Fan Jian could continue, Li Heng suddenly asked Jiang Wei: "Bo Yue, we all lead troops to fight. Is it possible to lead troops to fight and share the military merits equally?"

Isn't this basic common sense?

Fan Jian said: "Twenty-five households will be divided equally."

Jiang Wei was stunned for a moment and said seriously: "How can military merit be equally divided? Military merit must be determined according to the number of enemy kills of each soldier. If they were all equally divided, on the battlefield, soldiers would all expect others to kill the enemy. How could we fight? Win the battle! Equal division is a taboo!”

Everyone was surprised when they heard what Li Heng said.

"Then why would anyone propose to farm together and share the food equally?"

"Who is being lazy in supervision?"

All the generals present responded to Jiang Wei's words, and even Wei Yan snorted: "No matter how stupid a general is, he will not think about sharing the military merits equally."

"Since everyone knows that the harvest will be equally distributed, why do they still work hard?" Li Heng said.

Du Qiong said: "General, the men of our army farm and fight, and the women weave and craftsman make, so that we can have a rich country and a strong army. If everyone works together, we will definitely do more faster and more."

"Taichang is right. The imperial court asked twenty-five families to work together to cultivate a large field. How do the twenty-five families divide the labor?" Li Heng asked, "Who cultivates how many fields, and which family gets how much in the end?" food?"

Li Heng said: "Then is Du Taichang willing to help the household department handle official affairs?"

"What did the general say?" Fan Jiandao said, "People work together and complete those things together. How can production be reduced?"

"The rights and responsibilities are unclear, and the merits and demerits are unclear."

"Equally divided?"

"Yes, equal division, equal division and equalization of land complement each other." Fan Jian added.

Du Qiong fell silent immediately.

Du Qiong was stunned for a moment and said: "Everyone in the imperial court performs their own duties. I am too chang. If I interfere at will with the household department, wouldn't it be chaos?"

"Yes, it can definitely be done."

"How does the imperial court confirm that under the supervision of this li chief, the output of this li reaches the standard?"

Anything involving supervision involves setting task indicators. Otherwise, what should be used as a regulatory standard to measure whether supervision is qualified?

And once it involves issuing targets, it involves a disconnect between the actual situation below and the fantasies above.

This will inevitably lead to serious information asymmetry.

There are even a large number of officials who exaggerate in order to flatter their superiors, which ultimately causes serious distortions in the hierarchy.

Fan Jian bit the bullet and said: "Each county supervises the district chief, who reports tasks."

"Then how does the court confirm that the tasks reported by the district chief can be achieved?"

"Based on the yield per acre in previous years."

"Then if a hundred village chiefs report that their villages will open up a thousand acres of land this year and hope to be promoted through this matter, how will the court confirm whether this is true or not?"

"Send someone to investigate." Fan Jian continued.

"If you send someone to investigate, how can you confirm that what they reported is completely true?"

"This...can the people sent by the imperial court still cheat?"

"Why don't the people sent by the imperial court cheat?" Li Heng said calmly, "And if there are 100,000 li in the world, and 10,000 of them report the opening of new fields, how many people will the imperial court send to investigate? Are you sure that most of what you find is accurate?”

Fan Jian stopped talking now.

Not only Fan Jian stopped talking, Chen Zhi also stopped talking, Du Qiong also stopped talking, and the officials who had just responded fell silent.

But Li Heng continued: "If the imperial court wants to control something, it must arrange officials to take care of it. To take care of something, it must set a standard. If a standard is set, there must be more official documents for assessment standards. Official documents that set assessment standards must be added." , supervision must be established, and supervision must involve up-and-down inspections of multiple administrative and supervisory matters.”

"If it were just one state, it would be okay. But now that the imperial court has taken back Guanzhong, Bingzhou, Jingzhou, and Yangzhou, and the imperial court will take back Yuzhou, Yanzhou, Qingzhou, Xuzhou, and Jizhou in the future, how can this strategy be implemented?"

There was silence in the hall.

In the past, when the general was still serving as minister in the Ministry of Industry, he made a high profile for Qiao Zhou and others. People only thought that the general had a sharp tongue.

Later, everyone saw the general's talent in fighting.

Today, I also saw the general's ability to understand government affairs.

One thing is not just a matter of sending someone to take care of it.

Many times, not only is it not possible, it will have the opposite effect.

"Businessmen are willing to sell goods from Yizhou to Yangzhou because the merchants can make money themselves, and farmers are willing to cultivate more fields because they know that the more they plant, the more they will harvest."

Li Heng was a capitalist in his previous life, and he had managed businesses himself.

The essence of management is to specify goals and then reduce management processes as much as possible.

"Then the general wants every household to farm on their own?"

Li Heng said: "Yes."

At this time, Zhuge Liang spoke. He said: "I think Ji'an is right. You can just farm by yourself. If there are enough farm tools, most people are willing to work harder because they can get more. There is no need for the court to interfere. "

Now that Zhuge Liang has spoken, Fan Jian and others naturally cannot say more on this issue.

But Chen Zhi said: "What the general said is reasonable, and the prime minister is wise. However, the lower official feels that this matter is not that simple. Juntian is indeed better than Juntian. We all accept Juntian, but the Central Plains cannot accept it. If the Central Plains cannot accept it, those people will resist us to the death.”

"Yes!" Fan Jian immediately became energetic again, "This is not good for the revival of the Han Dynasty!"

(End of this chapter)

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