I seek economic hegemony in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 6 I advise the Prime Minister to join forces and fight a stupid war

Chapter 6 I advise the Prime Minister to join forces and fight a stupid war

Li Heng noticed that Xue Liang's eyes were full of reverence when he mentioned the prime minister.

No wonder before the Prime Minister's Northern Expedition, some people took the initiative to provide intelligence about the Wei army to the Han army.

"It seems that you also respect the Prime Minister."

Xue Liang scratched his head shyly and said, "I am just a small field soldier. I can't do much for the Prime Minister."

"It's different now." Li Heng smiled mysteriously, "As long as you make this curved shaft plow, you will be doing the Prime Minister a great favor."

Hearing this, Xue Liang looked at Li Heng with some doubts.

"You'll find out later."

Xue Liang didn't ask any more questions.

The two brought the Quyuan plow to the papermaking factory. Li Heng had some wooden poles cut, while Xue Liang followed the drawings and tried to assemble them.

After assembly, Li Heng felt a little awkward. Maybe the details were not done well.

But it should work.

"Come on, let's go try it!"

On the wasteland, a cow was pulling Li Heng, and behind Li Heng was a crooked line.

"No way, this beast is rushing against me. I can't control it. Xue Liang, come and try." Li Heng shouted to Xue Liang, "Xue Liang, Xue Liang... what are you doing standing still? !”

Only then did Xue Liang react, got out of the field, and came to Li Heng.

The way he looked at Qu Yuuli was completely different.

"Mr. Lang, can one person and one ox move this plow?"

"Didn't you see it just now?"

"Yes! But... how on earth was this done?" Xue Liang couldn't believe it, "Could it be that Lang Jun is born with supernatural powers?"

"you try!"

Xue Liang took it over curiously and excitedly, and started farming like Li Heng did just now.

"Lang Jun! It's moving! It's really moving! Could it be that I am also born with divine power!"

Li Heng: This idiot!
Xue Liang's farming methods are obviously more familiar than Li Heng's.

Not only did Xue Liang look relaxed, even the cow felt relaxed.

From time to time he would shout excitedly.

After Xue Liang plowed back and forth twice, Li Heng asked him to stop and asked: "Xue Liang, how do you feel?"

"Lang Jun, this curved shaft plow is more flexible when plowing and turning the ground. It can indeed save a lot of effort." Xue Liang wiped his sweat and smiled honestly, showing a row of teeth, "Lang Jun is so awesome!"

"Okay, from now on you won't have to do the work in the paper mill. You will be responsible for the construction of the plow. This thing is very important."

"Does Mr. Lang plan to make more?"

"Since you think it's useful, naturally you want to make more."

“Where does that iron come from?”

"You can go find Mr. Tian."

"Uncle Tian doesn't have that much iron either."

"First gather the paper-making men. I will spend some money of my own money to borrow from Mr. Tian's iron shop and replace all their plowshares. This matter will spread quickly in a few days. Who doesn't want to use a good plow? Woolen cloth."

Li Heng said sternly.

"When everyone else wants to use it, go to Mr. Tian's place to make modifications. He has the manpower there."

"Who will pay for the renovation?"

"I'll pay. My family doesn't have much money, but we do have a little food. I usually eat less, and the rest can be given to Mr. Tian."

"Why did Mr. Lang do this?" Xue Liang was a little confused. "Isn't it better to eat your own food?"

"It's not good to eat too much. If you gain weight, you will get diabetes."

"What is diabetes?"

"Don't ask so many questions, just do as I say."

"it is good!"

Li Heng was in a good mood.

Unexpectedly, the trial of Quyuanli was so smooth.

Qu Yuuli can be said to be an epoch-making product for this era.

It can greatly increase the progress of the Han army's fielding and is of great help to logistics.

Nowadays, it is papermaking again, refined at the level of statistical management, and improved in farming tools.

Old thief Sima still wants to waste it?

Then consume it slowly!
On the evening of April [-], Li Heng finished his papermaking work and just returned to the camp when he saw Yang Yi.

Yang Yi sat there with a serious look on his face, as if Li Heng owed him several boxes of money and hadn't paid back.Li Ruji stood by and smiled.

Seeing Li Heng come in, Li Ruji quickly scolded: "Why don't you come and salute?"

Li Heng walked over and said, "See Yang Changshi."

"The Prime Minister asked me to come to you to check your pulse."


Yang Yi stood up and walked out.

Li Ruji had cold sweat on his forehead and asked Li Heng in a low voice: "Is there something wrong again?"

"No, don't worry."

Li Heng followed Yang Yi towards the Chinese army camp.

"The prime minister's health has improved, and your medicine is working." Yang Yi rode on the horse and said to Li Heng in a light tone, condescendingly.

"It's good to be useful."

"After checking your pulse this time, how long will it take for the Prime Minister to recover?"

"It can be cured in half a year to a year."

"Does it take that long?"


Yang Yi suddenly stopped, turned to look at Li Heng and said, "When I see the Prime Minister later, don't mention your papermaking again. The Prime Minister is busy with official duties. He will leave after taking his pulse. Do you understand?"


"Military affairs are complicated, so don't make any more trouble."

"I understand, Yang Changshi, I am the most obedient person."

After entering Zhuge Liang's camp, Li Heng saluted: "See you, Prime Minister."

"You are here, come and sit next to me." Zhuge Liang put down the pen in his hand and said kindly.

After Li Heng walked over, he looked at Zhuge Liang carefully.

The prime minister has a high nose and straight eyebrows. When he was young, he was also a first-class handsome man.

He is also open-minded, talented, and ambitious. Even though he is sick, he still gives people a calm demeanor.

Li Heng also noticed a man standing next to him. This man was only in his early thirties, with sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, a majestic weapon, and a calm and determined temperament.

The one who can stand in Zhuge Liang's camp at this age must be Jiang Wei and Jiang Boyue.

"I took your medicine and my health improved a lot." Zhuge Liang said with a smile on his face, "I should thank you very much this time. I usually live a simple life and don't have much money. I borrowed some from the army to reward you. This is not a military reward. , is my own gratitude to you."

"The Prime Minister's words are serious. It is my duty to treat the Prime Minister's illness. I cannot accept these things."

"Prime Minister, rewards and punishments are clear." Jiang Wei said, "I have to thank you for my kindness and repay my hatred. Just accept it."

"Thank you, Prime Minister!" For this reason, Li Heng did not shirk. He only felt that Zhuge Liang did distinguish between public and private matters.

High position but not arrogance, power but not extravagance.

A person's character is not something you talk about when you are drinking and bragging, nor is it something you can impress yourself with a pen.

But when you are strong, your attitude towards the weak.

"Prime Minister, I will take your pulse again."

"It's your job."

Li Heng started pretending again.

After pretending for a while, he continued: "The Prime Minister's pulse is stable, but he is still weak and needs more training."

Zhuge Liang just nodded, but did not answer Li Heng directly.

"How long do I have to take the medicine?" Jiang Wei asked.

"One year."

"One year?"

"Yes, I happen to have a year's supply of medicine here. As long as the Prime Minister takes it on time and has a good rest on weekdays, he will be fine."

Jiang Wei took a deep breath and looked at Zhuge Liang, who said nothing.

Yang Yi said: "Li Heng, if you have nothing else to do, please step aside first."

Li Heng said: "I have one more thing to tell the Prime Minister."

"What's the matter? It's okay to say it." Zhuge Liang said.

"The Prime Minister still needs to have a good rest. Military affairs cannot be rushed. I think that old Sima thief is unwilling to start a war now and wants to drag us down. We will use the tactics of forming a camp and fighting a dull war, and we will advance one step at a time. Farm well, sooner or later. Plant the fields right in front of Sima Yi’s house!”

Yang Yi said angrily: "Li Heng, you talk too much. This is military affairs, and you, the son of a royal doctor, are not something you can participate in. It's nothing, so go out first!"

(End of this chapter)

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