I seek economic hegemony in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 66 Cao Rui: This battle is the decisive battle!Li Heng: This battle opens the era of confron

Chapter 66 Cao Rui: This battle is the decisive battle!Li Heng: This battle opens the era of confrontation!

"Li Heng is secondary for the time being." Cao Rui said, "What I am most interested in now is who in the Shu army formulated this strategy and made the Wei Dynasty so passive. We must find this person, except Drop him!"

While talking, Cao Rui rode through the three armies on horseback.

The central army of the Wei army was already in formation, and it was so dark in the snow that it seemed to stretch to the end of the sky.

These are all Cao Wei's central troops, the best of the best.

They were originally Cao Cao's Tiger and Leopard Cavalry, Cao Cao's bodyguards. Later, as Cao Cao's power expanded, they continued to grow and became the forbidden army of Wei.

In general, after two or three generations of imperial guards, their martial arts skills will weaken, and the frontier troops will take the lead in attacking.

But Cao Wei was different. After the founding of Cao Wei, the world was not unified and wars were intensive. This forced the imperial army to often undertake the task of conquering enemy countries.

Therefore, Cao Wei's imperial army was very powerful.

The emperor, who had just turned 30, was proud of himself. During his reign, he had resisted Zhuge Liang's four expeditions to the north.

This time was the fifth time, and he was confident of driving Zhuge Liang back to Shu.

Surrounded by ministers and generals, Cao Rui arrived at the location of the commander-in-chief of the Chinese army.

Flags fluttered in the cold wind like flying clouds.

The mighty army began to flow on the plains.

Countless dense footsteps echoed between heaven and earth.

We brought 20 elites from Luoyang and recruited another [-] in Chang'an, for a total of [-], which was known to the outside world as [-].

Sima Yi's Guanzhong Army was basically defeated. Three days ago, more than 1 people died in the battle.

But Cao Rui didn't care, he didn't care if an army or a city died in battle.

He looks at the big picture.

It is to completely defeat this Shu army, even if his Chinese army pays some price, he will not hesitate!

At this time, the Han army camp had just finished handling the previous day's battlefield, and the army and civilians worked together to widen the trenches all night long. Even in the morning, the camp was very quiet.

The soldiers on duty had just finished eating and a batch was rotated. A soldier suddenly said: "Did you hear the sound?"

"what sound?"

As soon as the other soldier finished speaking, a soldier next to him shouted: "Look over there!"

Everyone turned their attention and saw an obvious black line at the end of the snow-stained land.

Immediately, a scout team galloped over on horseback.

"The enemy is coming! The enemy is coming!"

The garrison soldiers did not stop him, and the scout team rushed to Wei Yan's military camp.

Soon, the Han army camp blew the horn sound for the entire army to assemble.

The people gathered in Dongcheng also heard it.

They knew that this was the sound of the enemy coming.

The enemy has attacked for the sixth time in the past two months.

War makes everyone go from fear to panic, then to numbness, and even despair.

"Isn't there an end?" A farmer who had just spent the night digging a trench squatted on the ground, hugging his head and crying.

On the street, groups of Han soldiers lined up neatly and trotted forward quickly.

"Get out of the way, don't block Master Wang!" someone shouted loudly.

On the roadside, in front of a simple house, a haggard-looking child looked at the soldiers walking past one by one, and asked confusedly: "Aweng, can we win?"

Before her father could answer her words, a disheveled man next to him suddenly cried loudly: "It's useless! We are all going to be killed! We are all going to be killed..."

After a cup of tea, the information was sent to Zhuge Liang's desk.

"Cao Rui is here after all." Zhuge Liang said calmly.

Yang Yi said: "Prime Minister, many people in Dongcheng are pessimistic. This sentiment is still spreading and will have an impact on our army over time."

"The people are pessimistic during the war. It is inevitable. Just maintain law and order in the city."

"I'm just afraid..."

"After today, Cao Rui will change his mind." Li Heng on the side said, "No, it doesn't need to be after today, he will change his mind before dark today." At this time, everyone in the camp vaguely heard the sound coming from outside. voice.

Yang Yi's face darkened and she said, "It's Wei Jun!"

When everyone went out, the sound came from the east bank of Xianshui.

At this time, [-] Wei troops had arrived in front of the Han army camp.

Not long after the war drums started beating, the Wei army shouted loudly: "Long live my emperor! Long live the Wei Dynasty!"

The Wei army's military formation was like a sea, stretching for more than ten miles.

The sound first started from Cao Rui's middle army and spread quickly.

More and more, echoing in the open snowfield.

It was as if pieces of aura that could push clouds and seas were condensed, tilting towards the Han army's camp like mountains collapsing.

When the people in Dongcheng heard such sounds, they all knew that the Emperor of Wei was coming to conquer the country in person, and they became even more desperate.

Some people cried bitterly, and some people closed the broken wooden door and huddled in the corner.

Cao Rui was riding on the horse, looking calmly ahead.

After an unknown amount of time, Wei Jun's voice slowly stopped, but it still echoed in the horizon.

After a while, the Wei army's forward began to move forward.

There are two hundred square formations in total, each with fifty people.

There were only five people in depth, arrayed horizontally, stretching out six or seven miles.

This was to widen the attack range and make the Han army unable to defend itself.

This is only the center army, there are also left and right armies.

In addition, when necessary, civilians can also be sent to the front line to consume the Shu army's bows and arrows.

When the forward advanced to within a hundred meters of the Han army's defense line, the shield quickly stood up and made a friction sound.

But what is surprising is that the rain of arrows from the Han army was not waiting.

Wei Jun continued to advance forward, and the sound of footsteps echoed in the quiet world.

There was still no rain of arrows from the Han army.

Until they were pushed in front of the mound, there were no bows and arrows from the Han army.

When the Wei army pulled up the ladder and climbed up, the ladder suddenly fell down. Many Wei soldiers who had just climbed up fell down with the ladder.

At this time, Wei Jun realized that the ladder could no longer go up the trench!

The Han army actually dug a huge trench seven or eight meters wide behind the mound!
Because of the encirclement of the fields, the defense line was too long, so the task of widening the trenches was extremely arduous.

Almost every time the Wei army came, the trench was wider, but this was the center of the battlefield. The first five times, ladders were set up.

Wei Jun was not aware of this problem at all.

Until Cao Rui came this time, the width of the trench had exceeded the width of the ladder.

At this time, the Han army just formed a formation behind them, and even the archers did not move.

Since the attack line was too long, Wei Yan sent several cavalry groups to patrol along the trenches. If there was a problem somewhere, reinforcements would be sent immediately.

The current situation is that there can be no more problems for the time being.

The Wei army who fell into the trench screamed in agony.

The Wei troops behind realized something was wrong and stopped moving forward.

"Your Majesty, it only takes half a day today to defeat the Shu army's defense!" Xin Pi said confidently.

The ministers who came with Cao Rui also rushed to express their opinions.

Cao Rui said enthusiastically: "This battle is the decisive battle. After this battle, the Shu people will no longer be able to go north!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the messenger came back.

"Report! Your Majesty! Something bad happened. The width of the Shu army's trench exceeds the length of the ladder, and all our troops fell into the trench!"

(End of this chapter)

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