I seek economic hegemony in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 68 Wei State: Immoral Tactics!

Chapter 68 Wei State: Immoral Tactics!

It seems now that Guo Huai's strategy of occupying Beiyuan first was so important.

Without Guo Huai's step, the Shu army would have cut off the Long Road long ago, and the main force would have left Longyou westward.

"Grand Governor, I saw in your report that Zhuge Liang had sent troops to attack Beiyuan before?"

Sima Yi replied: "Yes, Your Majesty, not long after Zhuge Liang arrived in Weinan, he attacked Beiyuan once, but was repulsed by Guo Boji."

"So, the Shu army cannot take Beiyuan?"

Xin Pize took over and said: "If the Shu army can capture Beiyuan, they will not just gather their troops on both sides of the Xishui River in the past six months."

Cao Rui asked again: "What do you think, Zhuge Liang is still plotting Chang'an?"

"That's all." Xin replied.

Liu Shao, Liu Fang and others all nodded in agreement.

Liu Fang said: "Zhuge Liang plans to build Chang'an. The governor just said that he would build the city wall from Mei County to Chang'an."

"According to my investigation, Zhuge Liang himself was in Wuzhangyuan, and the Shu army built a walled city east of Xieshui, and set up a large amount of fertile farmland around the walled city. They also established a county seat west of Xieshui, west of Wuzhangyuan, which the people called Chencang New City. ." Sima Yi said, "According to this strategy, Zhuge Liang wants to take Wuzhangyuan as the center and gradually build strongholds in all directions. The distance between each stronghold is only dozens of miles, which not only ensures that the area is large enough, but also can support each other in war, and also After you can train your troops, you can set up a stronghold at any time."

After hearing this, everyone looked at each other in shock.

Who came up with such a shameless tactic?
Sima Yi continued: "Our response strategy is indeed to build a walled city from Chang'an to Mei County, which is roughly the same as the Shu army. Each walled city is dozens of miles apart. If the Shu army comes to attack, the walled city will be attacked. For defense, the rest of the walled city can go to multiple routes for reinforcements. In this way, the reinforcements do not need to worry about being cut off by the Shu army if the front is too long, nor do they need to worry about insufficient military rations if the front is too long, and it is also convenient to support each other."

Cao Rui sighed inwardly, feeling a little annoyed when faced with this brand new tactic.

"However, it cannot be easily judged whether Zhuge Liang is plotting Chang'an or heading west to Longyou." Sima Yi said, "My intention is that the two strategies should be used in parallel to completely block Zhuge Liang's path."

Cao Rui asked: "What does the governor mean by building a walled city from Mei County to Chang'an, and also building a city on the north bank of the Weihe River?"

"That's exactly what I mean."

Liu Shao said again: "Does the Governor know that if we want them all, how many people need to be mobilized?"

Sima Yi said: "We must be able to mobilize more people than the Shu army."

"Your Majesty, if this is the case, I'm afraid..."

Liu Shao wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Cao Rui. Cao Rui said, "The Governor has submitted a strategy."


Not long after, the messenger sent information.

"The Guo Huai tribe also encountered the same problem in Chencang New City." Cao Rui sounded somewhat relieved, "Apart from the strategy just mentioned by the Governor, what I am most interested in now is who among the Shu army formulated this strategy. It was Zhuge Liang. Me, or someone else?"

No one could answer this question, so Cao Rui continued: "Grand Governor, you need to carefully investigate the enemy's intelligence."


It was already evening, the sky was dark blue, and the entire Guanzhong Plain was covered with snow, making it deserted.

The fire in the snow was burning brightly, and Li Heng felt warm.

He crossed over at the end of January this year. When he first crossed over, he was in Chengdu. It was early spring. Although Chengdu was cold, it was far less cold than Guanzhong.

"Report!" The messenger came, "The main force of the Wei army in Dongcheng has retreated towards Mei County."

Knowing that the Wei army would withdraw, everyone was still nervous. It was only now that they heard it with their own ears that they relaxed a little.

Not long after, news of the withdrawal of Wei troops outside Chencang New City also came.

"Prime Minister, we won this round," Fei Yi said.

Zhuge Liang said: "Mighty Duke."

"The subordinate is here."

"We will double the amount of bacon from Hanzhong to reward the three armies."

Yang Yi said: "Prime Minister, do you need to postpone the meat for next year?"

"The army has experienced two months of hard fighting. The soldiers need to be comforted. Please arrange for someone to pick it up."

"Here." In ancient wars, the supply of meat was not large, so maybe it was good to have a good meal before the war.

Or after a big war, they would give meat as a reward to the three armies.

Normally, they are supplied according to grade.

The grain and grassland of the Han army could only last until autumn. This year, they started to cultivate fields in Xieshui, which relieved a considerable part of the pressure.

If you take meat from Hanzhong again, you can still afford it.

Before dark, the news of the Wei army's retreat spread throughout Dongcheng and Chencang New City.

The originally nervous people breathed a sigh of relief once again.

When Li Heng returned to Chencang New City, he saw people still busy.

The child was lying under the simple hut that had just been built. The hut didn't even have a door yet. There was a fire inside, and the child slept more soundly beside the fire.

The man was still chopping wood, while his wife was sewing and mending clothes. Fish was grilled on the fire and rice was cooked in a small pot.

Li Heng stopped.

This scene is actually in the ice and snow, and the night wind is very cold.

But the newly built house can also block some cold wind.

The fire in the house looked warm, especially because the child was sleeping quietly next to his parents.

My mother made clothes, my father chopped firewood, and there was hot food.

Although it was very crude, Li Heng felt a power.

A force to live.

He took a deep breath and continued toward his home before the family noticed him.

He actually had a lot of thoughts in his mind.

It has been almost half a year since I traveled back in time at the end of January this year.

When he learned that he had traveled to Jihan and was about to embark on the fifth Northern Expedition, he was pessimistic.

Zhuge Liang's Northern Expedition failed and the star fell in Wuzhangyuan. He, an ordinary person, would not be able to do anything, and Ji Han still had decades to go.

But being in this big environment, it is inevitable to be affected by some emotions.

It took him more than ten days to adjust his mood. At first, he was prepared to give up. After all, the son of an imperial doctor would not only make a great career, but at least he would have enough food and clothing.

But later, I still couldn't sit still and started to do some things. I analyzed some situations myself and started to make some preparations.

Knowing history, he still maintains a pessimistic attitude towards Ji Han's comeback.

Ji Han, who had lost Jingzhou, had to cross the Qinling Mountains to conquer Guanzhong.

Long-term operations are already a taboo for military strategists, not to mention that logistics are blocked by mountains and mountains.

Fate is sometimes so magical. If Li Ruji hadn't been unlucky enough to meet Zhuge Liang when he was ill, he might not have had the courage to stand up.

Because he knows that once he gets involved, the pressure and difficulties he will face in the future are unimaginable.

And any strategy is easy to formulate, and even the person who makes it will fall into a kind of self-absorption.

Only when it is actually implemented will we realize the cruelty of reality.

The cold wind is blowing, and there are still many difficulties ahead.

But the reason why humans can develop civilization is precisely because humans can survive in the most difficult times.

Even if you survive like an animal, as long as you can survive, there is hope.

Li Heng got up early the next morning and was having breakfast when Dong Hong hurried over: "Mr. Li, Du Yu is here."

(End of this chapter)

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