I seek economic hegemony in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 74 Dimensionality Reduction Strike

Chapter 74 Dimensionality Reduction Strike
When he left Wuzhangyuan, it was almost evening, and the lingering chill of early spring had not left. Li Heng wrapped himself in his clothes, thinking that his father had cooked broth for him at home, and he became excited.

At this time, a group of people came from the front.

"Mr. Li!"


The person who came was none other than Huo Yi, who returned with a team of dozens of people.

"Mr. Li, I just returned from Tianshui."

"What's Zhao's attitude?"

"The paper is collected and the food is given."

Li Heng took a look at the grain.

There is not much food, and Huo Yi's purpose here is not food.

But food is Zhao's attitude.

"But Zhao Jun did not express his position."

Li Heng said: "It doesn't matter, they are watching the fire from the other side, and they will soon know what choice to make."

"Mr. Li, I want to go back and recover, so I won't say more to you."

"Shao, please go slowly and say goodbye."


Huo Yi walked all the way to Wuzhangyuan, but couldn't help but look back at Li Heng's back.

He felt that Li Heng was extraordinary.

This magnanimity does not come from appearance, but from wisdom and mind. There is a calmness in speaking and doing things.

It seems that from now on, this Li Jian will have a place among my big men.

Li Heng returned all the way to his home in Chencang New City, where Dong Hong and Xue Liang were already waiting.

Li Ruji stewed several pots of broth and said with a smile: "You will eat more today after taking over the throne. It's enough."

"Thank you, Imperial Doctor Li." Dong Hong saluted.

"That's so polite, that's so polite." Li Ruji looked at Dong Hong with a kind smile, "Ziling, you are the county magistrate, in charge of the household registration. As mentioned last time, I asked you to see the woman in Ji'an. , how’s it going?”

While eating the meat, Dong Hong said, "Doctor Li, there is no one of equal caliber in our county."

Li Ruji quickly said: "It doesn't matter, I'll take a concubine first, as long as I can sow the seeds first!"

"Father, we still have something important to discuss."

"Nothing is more important than having children in my Li family!" Li Ruji's face immediately dropped, and his eyes when he looked at Li Heng were full of resentment.

"Father, we will discuss this later."

"I'm telling you!" Li Ruji's expression changed immediately, "If you can't decide within seven days, I will find some women to bring them back to your room! You have to obey even if you don't want to!"

After speaking, he left directly.

"At your age, it's really time to have a child." Dong Hong said seriously while eating meat.

"Mind your own business."

Dong Hong frowned, as if he suddenly realized a very serious question, and asked: "There are not many people at your age who have not yet married and had children. Isn't it impossible for you?"

"Do you not want to come to my house to eat meat in the future?"

Dong Hong looked at Xue Liang, who was concentrating on eating meat, and quickly ate meat himself.

After the three of them finished eating, it was already dark outside.

"How's the fever?" Li Heng stood up and asked Xue Liang while walking outside.

Xue Liang followed up and said: "The burning was good. After two months of burning, thousands of pieces have been burned, but more than 200 pieces are still damaged."

"No problem, let's speed up the firing first." Not long after, the three of them arrived at the Chencang Manufacturing Factory.

Jiang Binsi was sitting on the steps eating a big meal. When he saw Li Heng coming, he stood up quickly: "Mr. Li!"

Li Heng handed the box over and said with a smile, "I brought it for you."

Jiang Binsi was stunned for a moment, already smelling the aroma of meat.

"Go, go in and talk!"

Several people walked in, closed the doors and windows, and took their seats.

Everyone's eyes fell on Li Heng, but Li Heng said to Jiang Binsi: "Eat the meat while it's hot."


"Eat it, it doesn't matter!"

After Jiang Binsi opened it, he laughed and started eating meat and soup.

Jiang Binsi is very similar to his father in character, resolute and calm. In the past few months, everything in Chencang New City has been safe and sound because Jiang Binsi and his people have maintained it with dedication and dedication.

Dong Hong asked: "Mr. Li, why has this matter never been reported?"

"I have already mentioned to the Prime Minister that people from the manufacturing facility cannot enter or leave for several months. This matter is related to the outcome of the next war!"

"Why are you so cautious this time?"

"Beware of Sima Yi's craftsmanship. Sima Yi already knows that we have paper and plows, and probably also knows that we have new textile looms. He will definitely send craftsmen to sneak in."

"Do we have Sima Yi's detailed work here?" Dong Hong was shocked.

"I didn't say yes, I was just in case."

"I've never seen you be so cautious before, and you said it doesn't matter even if Cao Wei learns the art of papermaking, because when they started making paper, our production capacity had already been built, and our paper was cheaper than theirs."

"The impact of paper, plows and textile looms on the battlefield takes time and is invisible. But the impact of bricks on the battlefield is the most intuitive. If Sima Yi knew that we were burning bricks in large quantities, he would definitely do whatever it takes. Immediately send a large number of civilians to start building the city in the severe cold."

"I see." Dong Hong came back to his senses, "So Lang Jun plans to catch the Wei army by surprise after crossing the Wei River north?"

"Yes, the ice and snow have begun to melt. In half a month, the war will begin, this time on the north bank of the Weihe River." Li Heng said, "Sima Yi expected that we would build a city near Chencang. His way of counterattacking us, except By sending troops, we will also build a city nearby to form a containment force. If we complete the city building first, we will seize the initiative on the Chencang battlefield. With a stable stronghold, we can store grain, and the troops from the south bank can be continuously transported to form a stretch. The power of attack."

After Jiang Binsi heard this, he couldn't help but take a deep breath: "Gong Li's thoughtfulness is far inferior to that of a lower official!"

After Jiang Binsi finished eating, the few people came to the brick kiln.

The workers at the brick kiln have been working here for more than two months. The brick-making process was not smooth at first, with a lot of waste products. But as the skills gradually became more proficient, the production capacity began to increase.

"How many bricks can be fired every day now?"

"At least 1000 yuan a day." Xue Liang said, "Nowadays, most of the places have been set aside for brick kilns. Lang Jun's improved method makes bricks faster!"

Seeing so many bricks, Li Heng felt at ease.

It's not that the rammed earth ones were easily defeated by Sima Yi, but that the rammed earth ones were relatively slow.

The core competitiveness of the brick wall in this battle is that the bricks can be made in advance and shipped to them for use directly, which is definitely faster than the Wei army.

“After the construction of the city on the north bank is completed, burning bricks will no longer be a big secret.”

On the 23rd of the first lunar month, the cold wind in Guanzhong had receded a lot, and all living things began to wake up.

There were also many sounds and figures of training in the Wei army camp.

"It has been confirmed without a doubt that the Shu army has a new textile machine, so it can weave more cloth in a short period of time." Sima Zhao hurried over and said.

"New textile machine?" Sima Yi became confused, "Is the news reliable?"

"It's reliable. I found it in Zhuge Liang's Chencang New City. I heard it's related to Li Heng, but just like papermaking, we can't get the relevant drawings."

"Li Heng?" Xin Pi was stunned for a moment, his face a little ugly, "Why is it him again! Who is this person?"

"Ignore him for now, the most important thing right now is the construction of the city on the north bank of the Weihe River." Sima Yi said, "The ice and snow have melted. We must build another walled city before the Shu army, hoard military supplies, and prepare for Chen Cang at any time to stop the Shu army. This battle is extremely important. The essential!"

(End of this chapter)

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