I seek economic hegemony in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 80 Sima Yi: I am in pain, so why not let Your Majesty suffer together?

Chapter 80 Sima Yi: I am in pain, so why not let Your Majesty suffer with you?

Sima Yi walked back and forth.

The core point of contention in the current war is Chencang, which is crucial.

If Zhuge Liang really increases his troops, this means that Zhuge Liang will continue to increase his troops to the north bank.

I want to take advantage of the victory to expand the front!
"The Commander-in-Chief must not fall into Zhuge Liang's trick of doubting his troops." Xin Pi said.

"What is the purpose of Zhuge Liang's plan of declaring suspicion?" Sima Zhao asked.


Xinpi was stunned and speechless for a moment.

yes!What's the purpose?
In ancient times, false reporting of military strength was generally done to build momentum, to make the opponent's peace faction raise its head and reduce resistance.

How could people like Sima Yi, Sima Zhao, and Xin Pi not know the principle behind this?
Sima Zhao continued to ask: "If Zhuge Liang is really suspicious of his military strategy, it means that Zhuge Liang did not increase his troops. Then does he deliberately do this because he expects me, the Wei Dynasty, to be afraid of him?"

There was a painful expression on Xin Pi's face. He could not understand the current battle situation more and more, so he could only say: "Zhuge Liang would not think of doing this. Wei Wei is afraid of him."

Sima Zhao continued to ask: "Since he doesn't expect to make me, the Wei Dynasty, have any scruples through the strategy of suspecting soldiers, what is his real purpose?"

Xin Pi looked at Sima Zhao again, but there was some change in his eyes.

When he went to the Guanzhong front line last year, Sima Zhao was still a little impatient and immature on some issues.

But at this time, he could feel Sima Zhao's growth.

Sima Yi remained silent, not knowing what he was thinking.

Sima Zhao continued: "If I were Zhuge Liang, the matter of increasing troops would be top secret and would not be leaked, because Zhuge Liang is now confronting us in Guanzhong and would not want us to continue to increase troops."

Xinpi couldn't help but nodded: "Zi Shang continues."

"Now there may be two situations. One is that the Shu army accidentally leaked the news of the increase in troops. The people rumored that the increase may only be 50 troops, but the people rumored that the increase was [-]. Since ancient times, the people have been the best at spreading rumors; the other is that Zhuge Liang deliberately That’s why. I think the second possibility is extremely high.”

"Why did Zhuge Liang do this on purpose?"

Sima Zhao said: "Let us increase our troops."

"Let us increase our troops?" Xinpi took a deep breath, and for a while his mind was a little hard to turn around.

He looked at Sima Zhao blankly, as if to say: Do you know what you are talking about?
The enemy coach is so full that he wants his opponent to call more people over to play with him?

There may be such a stupid coach, but Zhuge Liang is definitely not!

"Why do you want us to increase our troops?" Sima Yi suddenly stood up and looked at his son.

"Because Zhuge Liang will inevitably join forces with Sun Quan, if we, the Wei Dynasty, increase our troops on the western front this year, we will have to deploy troops from the Jingzhou and Yangzhou defense lines. Sun Quan can take the opportunity to go north."

Sima Zhao became excited and his eyes brightened: "Once Sun Quan goes north, our three fronts in the Wei Dynasty will be in emergency, and the internal situation will be chaotic. The situation will change drastically!"

"Zhuge Liang is so difficult to deal with!" After hearing this, Xin Pi's face darkened, "Then we must not increase our troops!"

Sima Zhao glanced at Xin Pi, you are bullshit!
Anyway, it’s not you old guy who is the head coach of the Western Front!
Sima Yi sat down again and said to Sima Zhao: "Practice ink!"

Sima Zhao immediately went over to help his father study ink.

Sima Zhao knew that his father would not make any independent decisions on this matter, let alone ask Luoyang for reinforcements, but would report the truth to Luoyang.

Because a lot of current intelligence on the Western Front shows that it is not just a problem on the Western Front, but a problem on the three fronts, which Sima Yi has no right to make decisions.

"Is the Governor going to write a memorial to Luoyang?" Xin Pi asked.

Sima Yi said to Xin Pi while writing: "Your Majesty and all the princes in the court know what is right and wrong, and they must make their own judgments."

Xinpi had other thoughts in his mind. Isn't the Governor causing trouble to His Majesty?

Even if the Shu army increases its troops, it won't do anything to you if you resist for a while!

But Xinpi would not say this.Xinpi is standing on Cao Rui's side, and Xinpi is Cao Rui's confidant.

But Sima Yi obviously wanted to kick the ball.

Regardless of whether the news of the Han army's reinforcements is true or false, Sima Yi will report it truthfully according to what the scouts discovered.

If he did not report it and the Han army retreated on the Western Front battlefield, even if Cao Rui later knew that Zhuge Liang had sent more troops, he would not blame Sima Yi for not reporting it, and would even praise him.

But if something went wrong on the western front, concealing it would be a reasonable reason to move Sima Yi.

At noon on February [-]th, Luoyang.

Cao Rui's back garden is full of spring, gurgling water, and shouts of joy and laughter.

The chamberlain suddenly came over in small steps and said from a short distance: "Your Majesty, Sun Shangshu is asking for an audience outside the palace.

"No, didn't you see that I'm busy?"

"Sun Shangshu said there is something important."

Cao Rui moved a few times, finished angrily, cleaned up, and went to the front hall.

Sun Zi walked in, saw Cao Rui's face, and said quickly: "I am guilty, but there is urgent news."

After saying that, he handed over the information.

Cao Rui didn't blame Sun Zi. He opened it and looked at Sun Zi after reading it. He asked angrily: "Zhuge Liang sent someone to deliver a message to Sun Quan. Is this a big deal?"

Sun Zi, do you know that you are disturbing my good business?
You have been doing secretarial work in the center for three years. Don’t you know how to prioritize intelligence?

Last year, this would have been a big deal.

But this year?
Sun Quan was scared off once. If you tell me that Zhuge Liang invited him to send troops, will he do it again?
Sun Quan is old, how can he afford it?

Sun Zi said: "Your Majesty, Zhuge Liang is making a lot of noise on the Western Front. Sun Quan must have gotten some wind. I am worried that Sun Quan will really go north again."

"So what if Sun Quan goes north again? He retreated in embarrassment last year, but will he gain something this year?"

"I am worried..."

"Okay, okay, I know your worries well. The spring is so beautiful today. Wouldn't it be wonderful for you to take your family on a trip?"

Cao Rui was obviously planning to beat the old guy Sun Zi, and then continued to the back garden.

But at this time, the chamberlain came in again and said, "Your Majesty, Attendant Liu Chang is asking for an audience outside the palace!"

Cao Rui was stunned for a moment, haha, what day is it today? You won't let me live in it, right?
"Let him come back another time!"

"He said he had urgent matters and asked to see him!"

Cao Rui walked back and forth a few times and said, "Xuan!"

Sun Zi was also a little confused. He had previously discussed with Liu Fang about Zhuge Liang sending an envoy to see Sun Quan. The two agreed that Sun Zi would come to the palace to report.

Why is Liu Fang here too?
To be precise, it was indeed Sun Zi who reported on some important matters.

Sun Zi was Zhongshu Ling. In the Cao and Wei Dynasties, Zhongshu Ling was not the prime minister like in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. Zhongshu Ling was more like an office director.

That is to say, he helped the emperor sort out complicated official documents and reported them to the emperor, without any decision-making power.

Liu Fang is a regular attendant of Sanqi, equivalent to an advisor.

These two people are close ministers, but when it comes to reporting confidential matters, it is Sun Zi's business.

At this time, Liu Fangjin hurried in and said: "Your Majesty! Sima Zhongda sent an urgent report. Zhuge Liang has increased his troops on the western front, claiming to be 50!"

(End of this chapter)

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