I seek economic hegemony in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 88 Zhongda’s main force marches westward, and Kong Ming makes a big gamble!

Chapter 88 Zhongda’s main force marches westward, and Kong Ming makes a big gamble!
Sima Yi's eyes were filled with luster, and he showed a long-lost smile: "Have you finally set off?"

"Grand Governor, do you really want to do this?" Simpi said worriedly.

Sima Yi said: "If not, Chang'an may be in danger!"

"If you fail, you will have a bright future..."

"Your Majesty has given me full authority to handle it!" Sima Yi stood up suddenly, changing his previous decadence, and his whole body was like an unsheathed sword.

"The Shu army took the opportunity to advance westward. There is no place to defend. The overall situation in Guanzhong depends on the western encirclement!" Sima Yi suddenly shouted like a bell, "Give me the order to assemble another [-] elite troops and [-] foreign troops. I will fight the Shu army in the west to the death." Surround!"

"Grand Governor! You must not!" Xinpi also stood up, his cloudy eyes also revealed light, and he said in a firm tone, "You are almost risking all the troops in Guanzhong. If you lose, Guanzhong will give up. Give it to Zhuge Villager!"

"What if we lose?" Sima Yi smiled silently, looked at Xin Pi and said, "I am already prepared for defeat!"


"Does Mr. Xin still not know how serious the situation is now?" Sima Yi walked to the map in three steps and his tone became excited, "If the Shu army breaks through the Guo-Huai defense line and advances westward to Tianshui, all five counties in Longyou will fall to the Shu army. By then, Zhuge Liang will reorganize Longyou, contact the Western Qiang, and infiltrate Hexi. Hundreds of thousands of troops will be eyeing Chang'an, and Chang'an will be in danger! The entire Guanzhong will definitely fall into Zhuge Liang's hands!"

"If the public is defeated, Chang'an..."

"If I lose the battle, the Shu army will be severely damaged. Even if Zhuge Liang gets Longyou, he will not be able to launch another offensive against Chang'an within five years!"

Xinpi stood stunned, he understood!

Sima Yi still wanted to use his life to delay the overall situation and buy time for Wei's rear.

The biggest advantage of the Wei Dynasty was its population, which was Zhuge Liang's biggest disadvantage.

Even if Zhuge Liang obtained Longyou, the population of the five counties of Longyou was only negligible compared to that of the Wei Dynasty.

If both sides stop fighting on the Western Front for five years, within five years, with the strength of the Wei Dynasty, they can mobilize hundreds of thousands more elite divisions.

"Last year and this year's Battle of Chencang, the Shu army was on the defensive. Now the Shu army has finally advanced westward." Sima Zhao, who had been silent on the side, said, "If we pursue the Shu army now, it will be an encounter and a frontal battle. I am afraid Wei cavalry has an advantage!"

"How to ensure that the morale of the sergeants is strong and not timid to fight?" Xin Pi asked.

"Anyone who retreats will be killed without mercy, and anyone who dies in battle will be compensated five times as much!"

Xinpi looked startled, took two steps back and said, "Does the Governor know how much money this is?"

"Does Duke Xin know that if the Shu army captures Longyou without any losses, how many soldiers will we, the Wei Dynasty, have to sacrifice to balance the situation?"

If you look at it in the long run, the cost of five times the pension will be even lower.

Xinpi was silent for a moment. He glanced at Sima Zhao next to him, and then at the letter on Sima Yi's table.

There were several letters on Sima Yi's desk, one of which was from Cao Rui.

There was another letter, which he knew was from Sima Yi's eldest son, Sima Shi.

This strategy must have been proposed by Master Sima.

Master Sima knows men too well.

Most men, especially men in Confucian society, have a strong sense of responsibility.

If his death in battle would bring a large amount of income to his family, then this man would be willing to die in battle.

Just like an old father, for the sake of his children, he can carry things heavier than himself even in his 60s.

There is probably no country in the world that is more responsible than China.

Xinpi was silent for a while, then sighed and said, "Are you ready to be impeached by the princes in the court?"

"Now that the country is in danger, all the princes should take the world as their own responsibility, how can they be selfish!"

After saying this, Sima Yi ordered to summon the generals and announced the assembly of the main force.Early in the morning on the sixth day of March, the first batch of elites from the Wei army camp began to cross the river with great momentum.

The news was delivered to Zhuge Liang's desk at noon.

"It seems that Sima Yi is going to have a decisive battle!" Zhuge Liang said, putting down the information.

Yang Yi said: "Prime Minister, you can order Wen Chang to speed up the march and lead Sima Yi into Tianshui to increase his supply line. If our army cuts off his food route, Sima Yi's troops will collapse without attacking."

"Sima Yi transferred Guo Huai to Xiwei a few days ago, with the purpose of blocking our army's westward advance. He has already made preparations for today."

"In this way, we can increase our troops!" Huo Yi said, "General Wei's forward army must not be withdrawn and can only move forward. Sima Yi used Xiahou Ba to contain the elite of our army in Chen Cang, while he led the main force to attack west to attack our forward. Now we The army can only send more troops to the new city to support Marquis Nanzheng at any time!"

Fei Yi said: "No! Jiang Wei has already led [-] troops and horses, Wei Yan has [-] troops and horses, Chencang New City must station [-] elites, there are still [-] elites to the west of Chencang New City, and there are only [-] elites left in the east city. Our army suffered a lot of damage last year, and the rest of the troops are incapable of fighting in the field. If we increase our troops again, we will use all our best troops. If something goes wrong, wouldn't it be impossible to recover?"

Huo Yi said: "But if we don't increase our troops, Marquis Nanzheng may not be able to stop Sima Yi's main force! What's more, there is Guo Huai in front!"

The former military governor Zhang Yi came out and said: "Prime Minister, I am willing to lead [-] soldiers to fight to the death!"

"Prime Minister, no! Absolutely no!" Fei Yi hurriedly advised.

At this time, Yang Yi also realized the seriousness of the problem. He said: "Prime Minister, the risk of adding more troops is really high."

Zhuge Liang stood up, walked to the map, and looked at it intently.

He knew the reason why Cao Rui left a large number of elites in Guanzhong for Sima Yi last year.

Once there are more soldiers, they can be divided at any time to open the battle line.

If the smaller party does not follow, it will be easily outflanked.

If the smaller party follows, it will be easy for the weak point to be found.

"In addition to fighting for Chencang, Sima Yi has been waiting for our army to send troops to march westward." Zhuge Liang said with a faint smile on his face, "Now that our army has built a city north of the Wei River, it is inevitable to march westward! The arrow is already on the string. superior!"

Fei Yi, who was emotionally stable, suddenly became excited: "Prime Minister!"

Zhuge Liang looked up to the sky and laughed: "Every time we talk about the Northern Expedition, we always say that we must return to the old capital. This is the lifelong wish of the late emperor. I have received the kindness of the late emperor and will never forget it. Now that the situation has been achieved, there is no need for the troops to worry!" "

Fei Yi was startled and looked at Zhuge Liang again. At this moment, he felt the long-lost pride from Zhuge Liang.

This man was also a hero who gave guidance and talked and laughed happily!
It's just that in these years, the big man's important responsibilities have all been tied to him.

At some point, his smile gradually disappeared.

Countless setbacks, countless self-resolutions, and countless internal and external conflicts resolved.

"Bo Gong!"

Zhang Yi said: "The general is here!"

"You lead ten thousand elites across the river. If Sima Yi takes a detour to pursue Wen Chang, you can kill the enemy from behind!"

"The last will obey!"

On the seventh day of March, Sima Yi's first main force all arrived on the north bank and began a rapid march.

The mighty Wei army advanced rapidly to the west along the north bank of the Wei River.

The day before, Xiahou Ba had received an order to cover the main force.

The Battle of Guanzhong in the Fifth Northern Expedition finally ushered in its decisive moment!

(End of this chapter)

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