I seek economic hegemony in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 91 The confrontation between a strong army and a strong army

Chapter 91 The confrontation between a strong army and a strong army
The Wei army, which stretched for nearly ten miles, was majestic. The general of the left cavalry was Sima Zhao. After receiving the order, he began to take action. In the dust, the neighing of war horses could be heard one after another.

The cavalry wore light armor and skillfully controlled their horses.

Like the heavy cavalry wearing Mingguang armor in the later Tang Dynasty, there were also some in this era, but very few. The main ones were the tiger and leopard cavalry of Cao Wei, which were made of fish scale armor.

Of course, there are almost no fully armored cavalry like the Jingsai Army, Tielin Army, Tieyaozi and Tiefutu in the Song, Liao and Jin Dynasties.

The cost of raising one cavalryman is roughly equivalent to the cost of raising sixteen infantrymen.

Cavalry is very expensive.

Cao Rui deployed [-] cavalry in Guanzhong at one go, which is enough to show that he attaches great importance to the situation in Guanzhong.

The cavalry on the left wing moved forward and approached the right wing of the Han army.

Subsequently, the cavalry on the right wing of the Wei army also moved forward and approached the left wing of the Han army.

The cavalry followed the large troops and pushed forward closely, not fast but with a strong sense of rhythm.

The clattering iron hooves stirred up clouds of dust.

Like long dragons moving forward on the plain, they carry huge power.

The right wing of the Han army was led by Wei Chang, the son of Wei Yan, and was located on the bank of the Wei River. This was to reduce the cavalry's detour space and strive for favorable conditions.

They had seen the outline of the Wei army's cavalry.

Even the wind is mixed with the smell of horse body odor and the smell of iron blades.

The sound of horse hooves like the tide is getting closer and closer, and the outlines gradually become clearer.

At the front are the crossbowmen. There are three rows in total. The first row is squatting on the ground, the second row is half squatting, and the third row is standing.

They all had their crossbows ready.

Sima Zhao rode a horse and led his guards, and began to shuttle between the armies. He drew his sword, the red tassel on his helmet fluttering in the wind, and shouted loudly: "Generals of the Wei Dynasty, the enemy is in front, they They want to kill us, then invade our homes, kill our parents, and turn our wives and children into slaves!”

"We are the bravest warriors in the Wei Dynasty, to defend our homeland and to protect our children!"

The left-wing cavalry of the Wei army was divided into two groups, each with [-] riders.

After Sima Zhao finished shouting, the messenger waved the flag, and the first batch of cavalry began to accelerate forward.

The so-called acceleration does not mean running wildly immediately, but walking quickly, and the speed is obviously accelerated.

The sound of hoofbeats became more intense.

At the same time, they shouted: "Long live Wei!"

The momentum of the first batch of attacks from the left wing suddenly increased.

Then the war horse changed from a fast walk to a trot.

When the distance between the two sides was about two meters, the [-] cavalry began to charge.

The speed of the war horse suddenly increased, and the sound of iron hooves immediately rolled like thunder.

Like a roaring torrent, the Wei army began to charge forward crazily.

The Han soldiers could even feel the ground beneath their feet beginning to shake.

The distance was quickly extended to [-] meters, and the ground seemed to be sinking.

But the Han army's formation remained motionless, and the soldiers stood still. At this time, the first row of crossbowmen began to fire.

In an instant, a dense rain of arrows slanted out, shining with an icy sheen in the sun, and rushed towards the Wei cavalry like a storm of iron rain.

Those sharp arrows rubbed against the armor of the Wei cavalry, making a sharp sound.

Some of the arrows hit the cavalry's chest and hit the armor.

Some were nailed to people's faces, screaming and then falling off their horses.

There are more impacts on the war horses.

The war horses whined loudly.

Have the persistence to keep running.

More of them slowed down and fell to the ground. The cavalry above were thrown away by the inertia and fell to the ground. They were either dead or seriously injured.

The first batch of arrows struck about dozens of Wei cavalry, but did not affect the cavalry charge.But the Han army gave the Wei cavalry little chance to breathe, and the second and third batches of arrow rain followed.

more intensive!

Blood flew from the impact.

More horses fell to the ground and slid, and some cavalry were even crushed under the horses for a distance, leaving bloody traces.

At this time, the Wei cavalry closed the distance to 70 meters.

Immediately between the gaps between the Han army's crossbowmen, two rows of infantrymen holding halberds stepped forward. Shields quickly stood on the ground, making a bang-bang-bang sound.

The soldiers shouted loudly.

The switch from long-range attack arms to infantry defense arms was completed in a short period of time.

The crossbowman skillfully took five steps back.

At this time, the Wei army's cavalry had reached a distance of 30 meters.

Their momentum dropped a lot from the impact of the few waves of crossbow arrows just now.

But after all, a war horse weighs a thousand kilograms, and more than 100 war horses are rushing towards each other, which still gives people a sense of oppression that the sky is falling and the earth is falling.

It's suffocating, as if it's about to be swallowed up by a huge wave at any time.

But at this time, three rows of infantry were added later, forming a five-row deep square formation.

Then, in just a few breaths, the Wei army's cavalry was already in front of them.

They held long spears and charged at the Han army at full speed.

Although the war horses timidly slowed down at this time because they saw the Han army's halberds, the impact was still terrifying.

In an instant, the sharp spear heads impacted the shield intensively, making countless "boom boom boom" sounds.

The first row of Han soldiers who were hit were pushed out directly.

At the same time, the Han army's halberd also stabbed the war horse, cutting open the horse's belly, and blood spurted out.

Due to the huge inertia, the war horses continued to charge forward and rushed into the Han army's formation.

Dozens of Han soldiers were pressed to the ground by seriously injured horses. All the bones in their bodies were crushed and they were dragged on the ground for a short distance.

Flesh and armor were twisted together, and bones were crushed into a blur of flesh and blood.

The fate of the Wei soldiers who fell off their horses was the same.

The scene was like an old farmer plowing up a piece of soil with an iron plow.

After attacking one row of Han troops and affecting the second row of Han troops, they were contained.

This was the case when the war horses temporarily slowed down twice. If the war horses did not slow down, they would probably have pushed down at least three rows of Han troops.

The Wei cavalry horses behind were much slower than those in front. They jumped over the fallen horses and soldiers in front and continued to attack.

But when he was stabbed by the Han army's dense halberds, he let out a sad cry and fell to the ground.

The Han infantry at the back continued to increase, and the formation was dense, interacting with each other like a whole.

Two waves of Wei army's horse charges were restrained. The third wave of horses almost raised their front hooves, stopped, and let out a cry of fear and anxiety.

Obviously, the Wei army failed to break through the Han army's formation.

The rest of the cavalry quickly retreated in a roundabout way. If it was full and the cavalry were crowded together and still so close to the enemy infantry, they would be a living target that could not move.

Looking at Li Heng on the stage, he was frightened.

Historical materials always briefly mention the war. Due to limited space, they never describe the specific details of the war.

Only after seeing this horrific scene did I feel the cruelty of war firsthand.

What theoretical bullshit does the cavalry not charge the infantry phalanx?
Are you worried about this?

Sima Yi plans to use human life to fill the gap this time!

(End of this chapter)

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