I seek economic hegemony in the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 97 Li Heng: I am narrow-minded and will retaliate for my anger.

Chapter 97 Li Heng: I am narrow-minded and will retaliate for my anger.
"But Shanggui has surrendered."

This means that the Han army has food.

Zhao Jun then said: "Brother, we cannot surrender if necessary, but if we surrender so easily, we will inevitably be despised by the Shu army. In addition, there was some gap between us and the Shu army before."

"As you wish..."

"If the Shu army suffers some losses in Ji County and loses some soldiers, when the time comes later, I will send people to negotiate again!"

Only then did Zhao Yu nodded, feeling that Zhao Jun's words were reasonable.

Zhao Yu asked again: "How long can Ji County be defended?"

"At least a few months!"

"Even Sima Zhongda's main force was defeated by the Shu army. I'm worried that Duke Lu will surrender!"

"No, Lu Gong understands justice and will never surrender! As long as Lu Gong holds the city and gives us some time, during which we train our soldiers and stabilize people's hearts, even if the Shu army comes to our fortress, we will not surrender. Able to stay calm in times of crisis! Unless..."

"Unless what?"

Zhao Jun laughed and said: "Unless the Shu army can capture Ji County within a few days, but that is absolutely impossible, brother can rest assured..."

As soon as Zhao Jun finished speaking, an emergency report came from outside: "Report! Report! Something bad has happened! Something bad has happened! Master, Ji County has been captured by the Shu army, and the prefect has been captured!"

Zhao Jun's smile froze on his face. In an instant, his eyes almost bulged out, and he uttered a sentence in his throat: "This is impossible!"

There is a reason why Zhao Jun has this confidence.

From the end of the Han Dynasty to the Sui and Tang Dynasties, in the past few hundred years, the basic form of folk customs was very special.

First of all, the Zhao family has its own Wubao.

Secondly, the powerful Wubao of the aristocratic family is definitely not inside the city, but outside the city.

The Wubao area is huge, rolling, and surrounded by a large number of fields.

Its essence is what Li Heng said about surrounding the fields and guarding them.

Wubao mainly emerged in the late Western Han Dynasty and flourished during the Wang Mang era.

Because Wang Mang carried out various reforms and made the world a mess, especially Wang Mang's currency reform, the consequences were extremely serious.

As a result, people everywhere are in dire straits and refugees are everywhere.

In order to protect themselves, various places began to build defensive houses.

Some of them were built spontaneously by the villagers.

But quite a few were built by powerful families.

The owner of Wubao is called the suzerain, and the people inside are actually the suzerain's personal armed forces, that is, the tribe.

Its essence is to corral and raise the population, with financial power, public opinion power, judicial power, personnel power, military power, etc. all in the hands of aristocratic families.

The family says that daytime is black, then daytime is black.

If you are different from what everyone said, then you are the workman sent by Ji Han!
In the Southern and Northern Dynasties, it was even more exaggerated. The imperial court awarded official positions based on the size of Wubao, and Wubao was called the seat of local officials.

Therefore, during the period from the Eastern Han Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty, the local armed forces were extremely powerful.

If the imperial court wants to mobilize the army, it must cooperate with aristocratic families and powerful people.

When Cao Cao was young, he was an angry young man who hated evil. Later, in order to conquer the world, he also formed an alliance with powerful families and founded Cao Wei.

Otherwise, the most he can do is lead the Cao family's music team.

There is a difference between a powerful and aristocratic family.

The powerful are considered to be the nouveau riche type, mainly supported by force.

The aristocratic family not only has military power, but also has great influence among scholars. When the world is in chaos, celebrities come here one after another.

For example, Yuan Shao of the Fourth Generation and Three Dukes.

The Zhao family originated from the Western Han Dynasty and developed for hundreds of years. It is a well-established family.

They even have their own arsenal.

From Zhao Jun's point of view, Cao Wei was powerful, had sufficient troops, and was at home, and Ji Han was repulsed all four times before he went north.

Zhao Jun is the second child of the Tianshui Zhao family, which is more powerful than the big boss who has hundreds of billions in later generations.

This kind of person will definitely not give in. He will bite as many pieces of meat as he can, and finally use his own strength to negotiate a compromise with the other party.

Zhao Jun, who did not have a God's perspective, did not expect that Sima Yi's main force would be defeated so quickly, let alone Ji County...

It only took one fucking day and it fell!
Now all the bargaining chips are almost gone.

March 24, the morning of the second day after Ji County was captured.Li Heng was brushing his teeth with salt water and willow branches. He was already familiar with this awkward way of brushing his teeth.

What seems clumsy to him is luxury to others.

Salt is a strategic material. The Three Kingdoms era was originally a chaotic time, and the largest salt-producing area was still in Jiezhou of Wei State.

Only wealthy people living a luxurious life would use salt to clean their teeth.

But Li Heng thought it was torture. The salt was too bitter.

The amount of magnesium chloride contained is too heavy, and you will be poisoned if you eat too much.

Li Heng thought to himself that after the situation in Guanzhong was settled, he would have to improve the salt after returning to Chengdu.

At that time, it will not only be Shujin that will be bound to Zhibaiqian.

Of course, Li Heng doesn't want to think too much about economic and financial strategies now. He has to take the road step by step and lay out the situation bit by bit.

Otherwise, he will become Wang Mang.

"Military advisor, General Wei asked me to invite you to come over and say that Zhao's envoy is here."

"Oh?" After Li Heng spat, a kind smile appeared on his face, "The Zhao family deserves to have been based in Tianshui for hundreds of years and knows how to control the situation."

After sorting things out, Li Heng went to the prefect's mansion.

Wei Yan was sitting in the middle, having breakfast. The breakfast was mutton stew, and the fragrance of mutton floated in the air.

Wei Chang came over and said with a smile: "Military advisor, look at this."

Li Heng took a closer look and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

What the hell!

This is pepper!

"It's said to be sprinkled on the mutton. It's very fragrant." Wei Chang changed his previous arrogance towards Li Heng and smiled, not to mention how kind he was. "I left some for you."

"Thank you, thank you." Li Heng finally realized that this is Tianshui.

Tianshui can also be regarded as a stronghold of the Silk Road.

Pepper was introduced in the Han Dynasty and was said to be produced in Tianzhu, but it would be introduced in large quantities in the Tang Dynasty.

It is not accurate to say that it was introduced in large quantities, because in the Tang Dynasty, pepper was a hard currency.

Eight hundred stones of pepper were taken from Yuan Zai's house, which made everyone in the Tang Dynasty go numb.

Li Heng turned around and asked, "Where is Zhao's envoy?"

"Wait outside." Wei Chang said.

"Call in." Li Heng said.

After saying this, Li Heng glanced at Wei Yan who was eating, but Wei Yan didn't say anything.

This shows that Wei Yan has recognized Li Heng and intends to hand over this matter to Li Heng.

The person was called in. He was a half-acquaintance, Zhao Xiang.

"I'll see you, Marquis Nanzheng, and Duke Li."

Li Heng smiled and said, "Why are you here alone today?"

"On behalf of the Zhao family, I came here specially..."

"Let me ask you, why are you here alone today?" Li Heng interrupted him, "The last time we negotiated the price, we were not alone."

"My brother-in-law is not feeling well today and cannot come. Please forgive me."

Li Heng said: "What if I don't forgive you?"

"I've heard for a long time that Mr. Li is upright and he is an outstanding person..."

"No, I'm not." Li Heng interrupted him again, "I am narrow-minded and will retaliate for my anger."

Zhao Xiang was stunned for a moment and looked at Li Heng with some surprise. This was the first time he heard someone talk about him like this.

During the Three Kingdoms period, the reputation of scholars was very important and could almost determine a person's future.

"Mr. Li is joking like this. If others take it seriously, it will be detrimental to Mr. Li. Please be careful what you say."

Li Heng smiled and said: "Let me ask you, what is the reason for your coming here this time?"

After listening to Li Heng's questions, Zhao Xiang thought that the moral kidnapping just now worked.

(End of this chapter)

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