The Glory of Noxus

Chapter 272 The invitation of the Piltover Council to the new Qinglong Constellation

Chapter 272 The invitation of the Piltover Council to the new Qinglong Constellation
Jess Tallis.

A native lady of Piltover.

With his extraordinary talents and unremitting efforts, he became one of Piltover's most dazzling inventors.

His talent in mechanical engineering is unparalleled, and he seems to be born to innovate and change the world.

And Jace's talent made him favored by the Gilpara family during his unknown apprenticeship.

They generously funded Jace to attend the Yodel Academy of Science and Progress and learn more about Hextech.

But Jace's talents didn't stop there.

His achievements attracted the attention of the Myrdalda family, who once again granted him funding for his potential, helping him continue his in-depth research into Hex technology.

With the support of the Myrdalda family, Jace's Hex technology research has made breakthrough progress.

He successfully developed the Hex Gem. This invention not only opened the Hex technology era, but also changed the fate of Piltover.

Huo Jixing's action had already attracted attention, but Mel's identity made her understand.

Their wealth and influence are deeply embedded in the city's prosperity.

This sudden inquiry about Sheriff Caitlin was made by the Myrdalda family and the Philos family jointly submitted an application to the parliament.

Mel looked into those firm eyes, pondered for a moment, and then slowly spoke.

This is what worries Jace.

When Jace heard this, he seemed to look calm, but his heart was filled with ripples.

After the battle in the Zodiac vault.

On the scroll, red and black lines intertwined to outline a majestic city standing on the plain.

"I need to report to the head of the family and listen to his opinions."

"You should understand that Piltover and Zaun are in their current status not only because of Hex Technology."

With the current power and status of the Myrdalda family, it is undoubtedly the most prominent among the many merchant families in Piltover.

"The Myrdalda family's choices have always been based on careful consideration of Piltover's interests."

Jace followed Mel's gaze and saw the city shown on the scroll.

The people behind the Eye of Zaun also had this consideration and plan in choosing the Myrdalda family.

Smart and perceptive people will not easily fall into superficial prosperity.

Jace took a deep breath.

Piltover has already been tightened on the outside and tight on the inside, and most of the nearby guards have settled in the city.

And Jace's success.

Mel turned around and looked at the giant scroll hanging on the wall.

"Stability and development are the most important factors for both cities."

The application of Hex Technology has expanded rapidly. From military to civilian, from industry to life, it is everywhere and has become an important force in promoting social progress.

Mel's words were a bit reserved, but they conveyed the Myrdalda family's concern and vigilance about the current situation.

It was the Noxian Empire, and its capital, the Immortal Fortress.

The Noxus Empire behind it is also one of the most important factors in its rise.

"The Myrdalda family believes that there should be no unstable forces in Piltover and Zaun."

Eventually he became the youngest member of the Piltover Parliament.

After learning the news, Jess made a special request to join the inquiry team, considering Caitlin's identity.

"So, what do the Myrdalda family think of the current situation?" Jace asked.

heard Jace ask.

"The council wants to meet Huo Jixing."

No matter how powerful the Noxian Empire is, the Piltover Council is still the master of the city.

Concerned about the influence of the two families on Piltover, the Parliament finally agreed to their application.

Jace's expression darkened, and he understood the meaning behind Mel's words. The iron hooves of the Noxus Empire had set foot on the Piltover area many times.

Although the matter was over, he could vaguely feel the undercurrent surging beneath Piltover.

Anything related to Huo Jixing must be handled with caution.

Mel chuckled, eyeing Jace appreciatively.

Hearing Huo Jixing's name, Mel's eyes flickered and she stared at Jace in front of her.

Complex politics and power games are areas he has never been particularly fond of.

But the rise of House Myrdalda did not rely on the power of Piltover.

With the power of the Midarda family, he is so respectful to Huo Jixing, so what is his identity?
The Piltover Council only knows that the other party is from the Noxus Empire, but its specific identity is not yet known.

Looking at Mel with his hands on his chest in front of him, he fell into deep thought.

"Huh?" Jace's heart moved.

He realized that Huo Jixing, who could be treated so carefully by the Myrdalda family, must have an extraordinary status in the Noxus Empire.

The Noxus Empire is a country known for its force and conquest, and is full of internal intrigues and struggles.

There are even more powerful extraordinary beings emerging one after another.

To be able to stand out in such an environment, one can imagine Huo Jixing's strength and status.

Jace sighed softly, feeling a little weak after the simple exchange with Mel.

Even with the opening of the Hextech Era, the influence of Piltover's powerful oligarchs in the Parliament cannot be eliminated.

and the significant impact they may have on future decision-making in the city.

“I long for more power to progress.”

Myrdalda Castle.

Gentle and comfortable room.

Huo Jixing sat upright on the bed and exited the state of inner meditation. A touch of depth and calm appeared in his dark eyes.

Beside him was a lazy snow-white Poro, lying straight upright with food residues at the corners of his mouth.

For Snow White Poro, the period of entering Zaun was indeed a difficult time.

In an unfamiliar environment, the air quality is very poor, and the food is not as rich and delicious as the Myrdalda family.

Fortunately, it is back now, and it needs to eat well to make up for its missing nutrients.


The snow-white Poro met Huo Jixing's eyes, and immediately his heart trembled, he raised his plush little hands and made a cute sound.

"Zhizhi! Zhizhi!" Huo Jixing ignored the cute expression of the snow-white Poro, picked up the little guy who had gained a lot of weight, and then threw it outside the bedroom door.

The snow-white Poro got up and moved his body, looking a little confused.

"Don't let anyone in."

Huo Jixing pointed to the door and said to Snow White Poro.

Ever since he followed him, this little guy has done nothing but eat, sleep, wake up and eat every day.

Huo Jixing decided to let Snow White Poro take on some simple tasks, such as guarding the door.

The snow-white Poro understood Huo Jixing's meaning, shook his soft body, and lay at the door, his eyes full of determination and loyalty.

Seeing the little guy's hard work, Huo Jixing turned back to the room and sat on the floor.

A dark green stream of light appeared in his eyes, like a paintbrush, outlining the data panel on his pupils.

Huo Jixing fell into it and saw all his data.

[Name: Huo Jixing]

【Quality: 980】

【Strength: 21.28】

[Physique: 21.28]

[Agility: 21.28]

【Spirit: 21.28】

[Skills: Conquer the master, look inside yourself, and have photographic memory]

[Talent: Star Spirit·Nanli Suzaku, Star Spirit·Qinglong]

The four basic attributes are different from before the legend, and will change slightly every day.

But thanks to the fire of Nanli, it is slowly improving over time.

In terms of essence, thanks to Singed's many years of collection and the transaction with Lenata, a lot of essence was decomposed.

"You can light up the next Azure Dragon Constellation." Huo Jixing whispered in his heart.

Immediately, he suddenly realized that he came to Qinglong Star Constellation and saw the boundless starry sky.

The turquoise glow reflects the vastness and mystery of the Qinglong constellation.

Looking up, I saw the Azure Dragon constellation hanging high in the sky, the huge dragon head raised, and his eyes revealed endless majesty.

Most of the winding dragon body is swaying with bright starlight, dazzling, as if it has majestic vitality and vitality.

However, Huo Jixing's gaze fell on the tail of Qinglong Constellation.

Compared with the brilliance of other parts, only the tail position is slightly eclipsed.

Ojuku Star!

Huo Jixing immediately chose to light up.

Wow! Wow!
Above the boundless starry sky, waves of turquoise appeared, rushing into the Osu star, awakening the vitality of the stars.

The blue dragon raised its head and swung its tail, and endless starlight covered the starry sky like clouds and mist.

Osu is the sixth place among the seven places of Qinglong.

Osu is located at the tail of the dragon. The meeting of the sun and the moon is called Chen. The sun is at the tail, so the tail star cannot be seen.

Huo Jixing had a clear inner understanding and understood the innate abilities brought by the Osu Star.

The star of Ojuku is dominated by auspicious clouds and mist.

If he had previously relied on Qinglong Xingxiu's own ability to master the flying clouds and the mist.

So, now that Ojuku is lit up, the auspicious clouds and mist can be summoned at any time, hiding their figures, and ascending to heaven and earth.

Huo Jixing left Qinglong Constellation and as soon as he returned to the real world, he felt that the energy of Donghua Yimu in his body was much stronger.

"Hey, this is it?"

Huo Jixing looked in front of him attentively. At some point, a sky-blue bird appeared at the window edge of the room.

It seems that he has been observing himself for a long time, and the blue bird's jewel-like pupils are full of curiosity.

Seeing Huo Jixing noticing him, the sky-blue blue bird was slightly surprised, its wings waved, and a light breeze blew by.

The next moment!

It was within Huo Jixing's field of vision and disappeared, as if it had never existed.

Huo Jixing's heart moved, and he didn't think that the sky-blue bird that appeared in front of him was an illusion.

Eye of the Storm Janna.

Only this existence can appear beside him silently.

Perhaps when he appeared in Piltover, he had attracted Janna's attention and secretly observed him.


Huo Jixing's eyes twinkled like stars, with red gold and turquoise lights appearing alternately.

When he was in Zaun, he tried to understand this great being, but in the end he found nothing.

"The power is still not strong enough!"

Huo Jixing thought of the gods that existed in many myths and legends on the Valoran continent and let out a sigh of relief.

Then he got up and left the bedroom.

As soon as he went out, he saw the snow-white Poro lying lazily on the ground, his eyes firm.

In front of it, Jarl was teasing the Poro with a wink, as if trying to establish friendship between the two.

But what greeted Jarl was a cute yet ferocious cry, which made people laugh.

Hearing the footsteps, Jarl stood up quickly and spoke with a little respect.

"Lord Huo Jixing, the Piltover Council wants to invite you to meet. My father asked me to come over and ask for your opinion."

"The Piltover Council?"

Huo Jixing was stunned when he heard this, and looked at Jial with a questioning look.

"Professor Heimerdinger and Councilor Tallis proposed it," Jaar said.

"They gained insight into some things through the battle in the Zodiac Vault."

Huo Jixing nodded slightly, not surprised that the Piltover Council knew of his existence.

"Okay, let them set a time to meet."

(End of this chapter)

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