The Glory of Noxus

Chapter 274 Poro Snack Heimerdinger

Chapter 274 Poro Snack Heimerdinger
The next morning.

The cold autumn wind blows gently, with a bit of chill.

The morning sun is like a gentle painter, using his delicate brushstrokes to dye the sky into a soft golden color.

Huo Jixing was wearing dark casual clothes and walking steadily along the busy street.

His destination was the seat of the Piltover Parliament.

On both sides of the streets we passed, shop signs shone brightly in the morning light, and pedestrians flocked to start a new day.

Follow Huo Jixing's footsteps.

He went straight to the Piltover Parliament complex.

The buildings in front of you seem to stretch like mountains, standing dignified and elegant.

Their gray and white exterior walls are as smooth as mirrors and are carefully carved from marble, making them look noble and solemn.

They sat side by side, sticking out their tongues and devouring poro snacks, as happy as hairless Enuk begging for food in the cold winter!

The sunlight shines through the shiny glass windows, reflecting the colorful light, which complements the gold and silver textures on the building, as if the building complex is covered with a layer of colorful clouds.

As if in response to the snow-white Poro, a series of subtle screams came out, and a much larger Poro ran out.

In comparison, the snow-white Poro looked like a newborn child, much smaller next to the tall Poro.

Huo Jixing smiled and nodded, vaguely guessing the identity of the tall Poro.

One placed it in front of the snow-white poro, gesturing to it to try its poro snack.

The two are very similar, one big and one small.

Great inventor Heimerdinger!

Seeing Huo Jixing's arrival, the police guard team opened the heavy door with respectful expressions.

To tell the difference, the Poro who came out had a snow-white beard that took up less than half of his face.

Seeing such a scene, who can bear to say no?

At the end of the steps, a solemn and solemn parliament hall came into view.

Huo Jixing climbed up the stone steps step by step.

Looking at the snacks in front of him, Snow White Poro stuck out his tongue slightly, hesitation flashing in his eyes.

Huo Jixing looked up at the magnificent building in front of him and thought of his conversation with Jal last night.

Under the bright light of the crimson morning sun, Professor Heimerdinger's afro is particularly eye-catching.

It looked back at Huo Jixing, waved its plush little hand, and pointed to the snack in front of it.

When the two Poros met, it was like old friends meeting again for many years. They rubbed against each other and let out joyful cries.

Deep in the building, there are towers towering into the clouds, each with exquisite textures, like a sacred messenger guarding this land, quietly reaching into the sky.

There was a police guard team lined up neatly, standing in front of the heavy gate.

"Squeak! Squeak!"

The stone steps echoed slightly beneath his feet, echoing in the morning air.

"Squeak! Squeak!"

Huo Jixing looked up and saw a familiar yet unfamiliar figure appearing at the corner of the corridor.

In Huo Jixing's confused eyes, he saw the Snow White Poro running towards the corner of the corridor, where a sound similar to it came.

In Huo Jixing's arms, the snow-white Poro's head suddenly popped up, his cute and curious eyes moving around, as if he was looking for something.

Holding a poro snack in his hand, he stretched out his tongue and licked it, tasting the delicious taste of the solid snack.

Its voice was a little anxious, and it jumped down from its arms quickly and landed on the soft ground.

They wear blue uniforms and berets. On the uniforms, golden patterns resemble winding rivers engraved on the surface.

The tall Poro took out two snow-white snacks from his arms, with a little red heart in the middle, which looked particularly tempting.

After receiving Huo Jixing's permission, the Snow White Poro immediately stuck out his tongue and licked the Poro snack in front of him.

In front of the parliament gate.

The tall Poro saw this and laughed very happily.

Bronze grids are cleverly embedded between the walls, which not only adds to the layering of the building, but also reveals a simple and elegant atmosphere.

Jarl also expressed the concerns of the Council. They wanted to confirm whether the Noxus Empire would intervene in the affairs of Piltover and Zaun.

The two chatted for a long time about the meeting in Parliament.

Xu Shi has already received the news.

Looking closely, these patterns faintly outline the outline of the exoskeleton armor, telling the extraordinary strength of the police team.

The outline of the hall is looming in the morning light, like an ancient and sacred temple, standing quietly in the long river of time.

Subtle footsteps were heard.

Da da! Da da! Da da!

Professor Heimerdinger walked up with his hands behind his back, wearing a blue uniform with golden lines, and his plush ears flapped gently with the steps.

His white plush face has a gentle smile, giving people a kind and wise feeling.

Huo Jixing lowered his eyes and stared at the small yordle in front of him, with information about Professor Heimerdinger welling up in his heart.

Professor Cecil B. Heimerdinger is a brilliant but eccentric yordle scientist.

He is also one of the most innovative and respected inventors Piltover has ever seen.

He works endlessly, to the point of neurological obsession, assiduously trying to solve the most puzzling puzzles in the universe.

Although his theories can often seem obscure, he produced many great inventions, some of which are some of the most amazing in Piltover.

Especially under his leadership, the Yodel Academy of Science and Progress has the most cutting-edge Hextech knowledge, attracting countless inventors who want to join every year.

Huo Jixing looked at Professor Heimerdinger who came up to him and said hello.

"Professor Heimerdinger, nice to meet you."

Professor Heimerdinger nodded, turned to the two Poros next to him, and smiled gently.

"It seems your little friend likes it here very much."

The snow-white Poro sensed Professor Heimerdinger's friendliness and approached him, looking at him curiously.

Professor Heimerdinger bent down, stroked it gently, and said to Huo Jixing. "Okay, it's time for us to enter the parliament hall."

After sharing his poro snack, the tall poro paced behind Professor Heimerdinger.

The snow-white Poro also jumped on Huo Jixing's body and hid in his arms, revealing its plush head.


The door to the council chamber slowly opened.

Professor Heimerdinger walked in front, his steps steady and powerful.

After Huo Jixing tidied up his appearance, he walked in.

After all, he was now meeting with the members of the Piltover Council on behalf of the Noxus Empire.

In the gorgeous hall.

The atmosphere was solemn and solemn.

A complicated and exquisite chandelier hangs above the dome, the light is soft and warm, illuminating every corner.

On the semicircular conference table, the members of the Piltover Council were already seated.

They wore gorgeous uniforms representing their respective forces and had serious faces.

Professor Heimerdinger came to his own middle seat and sat on it.

When Huo Jixing entered the conference hall, everyone's eyes fell on Huo Jixing, curiously looking at this high-ranking officer from the Noxus Empire.

Huo Jixing walked to the conference table and nodded to the congressmen present with a smile.

In addition to Professor Heimerdinger who he just met, he also saw familiar people from his past life memories.

Future Guardian Jace.

The youngest member of the Council, sitting on the left hand side of Professor Heimerdinger.

Qinggangying Camille.

She, who was attending in place of the member of the Philos family, was nodding to Huo Jixing.

And under the council seats, Caitlin is wearing a police sergeant uniform and has the qualification to observe.

"Tsk, I didn't expect to see so many heroes in this parliament." Huo Jixing sighed inwardly.

Of course, there are other MPs on the floor representing Piltover's powerful oligarchs.

For example, the white-haired noblewoman of the Gila Mann family, and the majestic middle-aged man of the Gilpara family.

Facing Huo Jixing's gesture, the councilors responded with smiles and nods, expressing their respect and friendliness to this guest from afar.


Professor Heimerdinger smiled at Huo Jixing, his voice warm and full of harmony.

“How did you feel about the city during your time in Piltover?”

He looked straight into Huo Jixing's eyes, seeming to be very interested in the next answer.

Huo Jixing looked around at the many congressmen, and when he saw their eyes focused on him, he replied in a humble tone.

“Progress and prosperity!”

"It can be said to be the most prosperous city I have ever seen. It is worthy of being the cultural and trade center of Valoran."

Huo Jixing's words were full of praise for Piltover.

This is not a hypocritical statement.

But thoughts that come from the heart.

The councilors nodded after hearing this, feeling very satisfied that the city they created could receive such evaluation.

The talks began.

Huo Jixing and the senators had in-depth discussions on cooperation, trade, security and other issues between the Noxus Empire and Piltover.

Since the Ionian War, Piltover has been responsible for about half of the Noxian Empire's trade.

The military supplies needed for the war not only promoted the close ties between the two sides, but also earned Piltover rich war wealth.

The wealth brought by this part of Pi City is the history of blood and tears in other areas.

During the conversation, Huo Jixing implicitly expressed Swain's views on the Noxus Empire.

A prosperous and stable Piltover and Zaun are in the long-term interests of the empire.

Because through the east-west channels of the Sea of ​​Conquerors and the Sea of ​​Watchers, the Noxus Empire secretly gained massive wealth.

This is also the source of wealth that Swain can use to appease the interests within the empire.

Members of Parliament also expressed their opinions and opinions one after another, and the atmosphere became more and more lively.

They benefited from the wars of the Noxus Empire and indeed accumulated a large amount of capital.

Professor Heimerdinger looked at the smiling members of Congress without leaving any trace, and sighed secretly.

The original intention of Piltover was to become a beacon of enlightenment, independent of the troubled times of supremacy of power and pursuit of fame and fortune.

It's just that with the emergence of Sun Gate and Hex Flying Gate.

Many inventors and chamber of commerce families are greedy for pleasure and comfort, and have lost their ultimate original intention.

They were once united as one, but now they have become scattered under the secret instigation of many forces.

Even if a new era of Hex Technology opens, it cannot save the increasingly chaotic internal environment.

The Piltover Parliament became the center of power in the dispute.

"Mr. Huo Jixing, will the Noxus Empire interfere in Piltover's internal affairs?"

While the congressmen were having a heated conversation, a cold voice sounded, instantly causing silence in the hall.

Huo Jixing followed the sound and saw Jace with his hands on the conference table.

The youngest congressman was looking at Huo Jixing solemnly, with a solemn look in his eyes.

"According to the information I received, you ignored Piltover's guarding force and attacked the city several times."

"Is this a signal sent by the Noxus Empire in advance?"

(End of this chapter)

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