A retired reincarnation of a certain American film.

Chapter 74 A man’s responsibility!

Chapter 74 A man’s responsibility!

Luke was thinking about his 500 million plan in the car.

He originally had 50.

But it’s all given the yin and yang.

However, using a deposit of 50 yuan to change an identity, and it is also the identity of the FBI, is worth the money from any point of view.

So Luke has no regrets about the money.

But he needed to start saving money from scratch.

Don ran away and the truck robbery was definitely not going to happen.

Los Angeles underground racing also blocked him because of his strong driving skills, just like casinos don't welcome experts who are sure to win every time they gamble.

His current level is A4, and his annual salary is about 15 US dollars. If converted into a monthly salary, his monthly salary is about 1.25 US dollars.

The salary is high, but if he wants to rely on his salary and save up to 500 million, it is estimated that when Thanos snaps his fingers, he has not yet restarted the gene lock.

and so……

If you want to make big money, you still have to rely on extra money.

such as banks.

But one person is definitely not good at banking tasks. Even if he is good at it, he won't gain much in one go.

Lu Ke is thinking about suitable candidates for forming a group.

at this time.

His car window was knocked.

Lying in the driver's seat, Luke opened his eyes and looked sideways to see who was tapping on his car window.

into the eye.

A gray-haired Carl Johnson, who looked very similar to the one Debbie ran out of using software, was looking at Luke nervously and apprehensively.

Just now, when they saw a man with a Dongguo face on the street, their first reaction was that they had been exposed.

Carl and Jiaying decided to run away again.

no way.

They didn't dare to bet whether Luke was really from the FBI, the Ten Rings Gang, or someone from that secret organization.


They must gamble now.

Because Lu Ke said that he knew their daughter who had been separated since childhood.

Luke looked at Carl Johnson outside the car, smiled, reached out, and unlocked the door.

Karl opened the car door with a swipe, sat directly in, raised his hand, and pointed a gun at Luke who was about to get up.

"do not move!"


Luke glanced at the pistol pointed at him and shook his head speechlessly: "If you are worried that I am your enemy, you don't have to come out."

Karl ignored Luke and said in a deep voice: "Where is my daughter, Daisy?"

Lu Ke asked back: "Jiaying and You should be together."

Carl pointed his gun directly at Luke: "Where is Daisy!"

Luke closed his eyes directly and ignored Karl.


You asked me to say it, so I said it?

That's not how games are played.

"My news will only be revealed after I see Jiaying. As for you, if it's just you, I'm sorry."

"...You are not afraid that I will kill you."


Luke opened his eyes, without any fear or fear in his expression, and glanced at Karl who was gritting his teeth.

"I bet you don't have bullets in your gun!"


10 minute later.

Under the hostage of Karl, Luke quickly walked into the house located less than 50 meters in front of the right side of his vehicle.


Lu Ke got his wish and saw Jiaying with obvious stitching marks on her exposed face, which looked like a puppet sewn together with needlework.Carl, standing behind Luke, pressed his gun against Luke's waist.

"You have met Jiaying. Now you can tell me where my daughter is."

"That's not how deals are made."


Lu Ke looked at Jiaying who was silent in front of him: "As I told you, I would only tell Jiaying about Daisy's whereabouts. I didn't say that I would tell you Daisy's whereabouts when I saw Jiaying. What I want to see is not you Karl, but Jiaying."

Carl, who has been taking certain drugs for many years, was furious.

"You lied to me."

"You didn't hear clearly..."

The words did not fall.

Luke instantly dodged and snatched the pistol from Carl's hand. Then, before Jiaying began to show a scared expression on her face, he threw the pistol aside: "This kind of toy is useless to me."

As he spoke, Lu Ke looked at Jiaying with a smile on his face: "I have long admired your name, Ms. Jiaying, and I finally met her today."

Jiaying did not speak, but looked at Karl, who after being robbed, took out a tube of green potion from his arms and was about to drink it, and quickly said: "Karl, no!"

Luke turned to look and landed on the green potion in Karl's hand.

Jiaying is a strange person, and her husband Carl Johnson seems to be no ordinary person either.

After all, how could an ordinary person rescue his wife twice in a row from Hydra and the Ten Rings Gang?

Carl Johnson seems to have his own nickname.

Just like her daughter Daisy is called Shock Girl, Carl Johnson's title seems to be Mr. Somebody.

Carl is a talented medical and drug research scientist.

Luke didn't notice anything about his despicable personality.

For now, what he sees is a man who plays the role of a perfect husband.

Jiaying walked to Karl's side, held Karl who was trying to use the madness potion, and then looked at Luke: "He is not from the Ten Rings Gang."

Luke spread his hands.

after awhile.

Jiaying took a glass of water from the kitchen and handed it to Lu Ke who was sitting on the sofa.


"Thank you."

Luke took the water, said thank you, and put it on the table in front of him.

Jiaying sat down holding her skirt.


"Luke, my name."

"……All right."

Jiaying put one hand on her husband who was sitting next to her and forced a smile: "Lu Ke, do you really know where our daughter is?"

Luke nodded: "I won't use this matter to hurt my friends."

Karl, who was sitting next to Jiaying, frowned and said, "We are not friends."

Luke didn't even look at Karl, but looked at Jiaying with a smile: "The enemy of my enemy is my friend, Jiaying, you must have heard this."

Luke said this sentence in Dongguo dialect.

Jiaying, as a Dongguo native and a more pure Dongguo native than Lucy, of course knew the meaning of this sentence.

"Your enemy, the Ten Rings Gang?"


Lu Ke nodded: "To be precise, my enemy is called Chen Huaxing, that is, the guy who is looking for you in Los Angeles. I promise him that when I find him, I will let him experience what it means to be real." Cruel, but this guy is very good at hiding."

The bombing happened a month ago.

During this month, the Los Angeles Police Department deployed almost all its police forces to find this guy.

But this guy seemed to have disappeared from the world.

Jiaying instantly understood what Lu Ke meant.

"You want to use me to find him."

"That's right!"


(End of this chapter)

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