They all call me master.

Chapter 667: Stop at Xilongde!

Chapter 667: Stop at Xilongde!
As long as you are a human being, you are useful.

Even if he looks like garbage.

And Freeman is no trash.

Freeman is a guy who is obsessed with the mysterious side... no, to be precise, he is obsessed with power and youth to the point of being almost crazy.

You can use all your wealth and risk everything to get what you need.

Arthur greatly appreciated this decision.

Because Arthur knew that such a guy would be useful sometimes.

And this moment is when Freeman really appears - if the 'Vostok' is protected by Freeman, it will definitely conflict with the 'Church of Pain'!

There is no doubt about this.

With Freeman's sharpness and decisiveness, he would definitely take action without hesitation when facing the sinister "Church of Pain".

As for his collaboration with the 'Church of Pain'?

Of course it exists.

But who says that you can't use probing before cooperating?

People are always greedy.

That is human nature.

Arthur is like this.

The same is true of the 'Church of Suffering'.

Do not!
Even, it's a bit more excessive.

Because they are acting in the name of God, they can make their subordinates more obedient to their orders. God is taking care of everything, and that feeling is really great.

and so……

They will definitely go too far.

And this is what Arthur wants.

"Please don't let me down!"

Arthur touched the top of Pendragon's head, the corner of his mouth curled up slightly.


The outskirts of West Berlin.

A secret team of fifty people was gathering quickly.

They were all cavalrymen riding two horses, each wearing a black cloak that covered their faces. They stood quietly by the side without saying a word, and the horses under their crotches were even quieter, like statues.

Even ordinary people can sense the difference of this cavalry.

Not to mention some mysterious people.

However, no one noticed the appearance of this cavalry.

An extremely special force enveloped this cavalry unit, making them seem invisible.

Catherine looked at her "Cavalry of Disaster" with satisfaction.

She firmly believed that her cavalry could bring disaster to any enemy.

"Sister, leave it to me!"

Catherine looked at her sister, the high priest of the Church of Pain.

“Outside, you shall call me High Priest.”

Jacqueline said this.

Catherine curled her lips, but still answered obediently.

"Yes, Your Excellency the High Priest."

As she spoke, the girl, who had just turned sixteen and had tied her long golden hair into two ponytails and had a playful twinkle in her emerald green eyes, performed a knight's salute on horseback in a proper manner. The shoulder armor and half-body armor rubbed against each other, making a unique metallic crisp sound, and the golden ponytails danced along with it, making her look even more energetic.

"Remember, our most important mission is to expel the 'Inner River Cult'!"

Jacqueline instructed her sister.

As twin sisters, Jacqueline and Catherine look 80% similar, with the same hair and eye color. The only difference is their hairstyle.

Jacqueline tied her hair up behind her head, looking more mature.

"Okay, Your Excellency the High Priest!
I know what I should do!
I need to quietly test the Nanlos 'medium'. If he is just a show-off, we can use his name to break into Nanlos and preach.

If the other party is genuine, we will cooperate with them to expel the "Inland River Cult" and then work with them again to find a way to invade South Los."

Katherine said.

"Yes, in-depth cooperation, not intrusion."

Jacqueline stressed.

"Yeah." Catherine nodded repeatedly.

Looking at her sister like this, Jacqueline couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

If it wasn't for dealing with her father, she would definitely go there in person this time.

She was always a little worried about her sister being alone.

Catherine could see her sister's worry.

"Don't forget the blessing His Majesty just gave you!"

The saint of the Church of Pain said with a smile.

Such words immediately put Jacqueline, the high priest of the Church of Pain, at ease.

With the blessing of His Majesty, there will definitely be no problem.

"Go early and come back early!"

The High Priest gave his final instructions.


Catherine laughed, then pulled up her hood, and the entire "Cavalry of Disaster" disappeared.

This cavalry unit headed for its intended destination at a speed far exceeding that of horses - the port where the 'Orient' would be docked tonight: West Ronde.

West Lund was also part of West Berlin.

But it is different from the port of Dordot.

Sirond is a shallow-water port.

Therefore, no large ships are destined to stay here, only some small fishing boats.

Of course, there are not exceptions.

Some passenger ships will stop in West Long to carry more passengers.

However, small boats are needed to transport passengers.

Of course, the 'Orient' did not need to do this - when the 'Orient' was launched and left the port, there was a rule of 'selling tickets only in South Los'.

Therefore, there were no passengers who could board the 'Orient' in West Longde, but the 'Orient' needed to replenish clean and fresh drinks and food here.

Therefore, the 'Orient' will be anchored here tonight.

"We can go to Westrond and buy some food!"

Amur suggested in response to the dry food handed to him by Freeman.

"We can give up one of Pluto's collectible dolls."

Freeman responded.

"Are you a devil?"

The staff lady immediately asked back.

"Do not!

Of course I am not!
Before I gave my whole soul to my father, people would rather call me the devil - I would not only squeeze the last penny out of their pockets, I would squeeze the blood out of their bodies! "

Freeman, crouching against a tree, shook his head.

This was the position he chose that was best for observation.

The tree is tall enough.

He could see the 'Orient' on the river and the surrounding riverbanks.

"So, faced with the temptation of the 'Blood Clan', you simply fell into depravity?"

The staff lady squatted aside with her cheeks puffed up, obviously fighting back against Freeman's threat of using his beloved doll.


Maybe, in the eyes of a talented person like you, Amur, what I did might be considered decadence, but in the eyes of a guy like me who has no talent, this is...

Miracle! "

As Freeman spoke, his pupils suddenly turned scarlet.

The unique vision of the blood clan allowed him to discover something different.

People and horses!
There are quite a few!
Then Freeman's nose twitched again.

He smelled a faint smell of kerosene.

Immediately, the new blood fighter opened his mouth and two bloody teeth slowly protruded.

Then, the new blood fighter disappeared silently into the tree canopy.

(End of this chapter)

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