Control the ancestors and create an immortal family starting from the Qin Dynasty

Chapter 105 It’s done, take control of the island country!

Chapter 105 It’s done, take control of the island country! (Ask for monthly ticket)

Zhang Wei in front of the screen was a little impatient.

What's more, there is concern about the uncertain future.

It seemed to be a flash of inspiration.

Zhang Wei quickly switched the camera to Zhang Wangchuan's perspective.

As expected, Zhang Wangchuan locked himself in his study and studied the "Lu Ban Jing" that Zhang Wei had copied before.

"No, we have to go see what's going on with Zhang Luoan."


Zhang Wei manipulated Zhang Wangchuan to quickly open the door.

But they saw the Zhang family in chaos.

Zhang Wei, who was in front of the screen, felt his heart skip a beat.

It’s over.

After all, Empress Lu was superior.

For a moment, his thoughts turned sharply.

Right now, I definitely can't stay in this house any longer.

If you plan to deal with such a big thing as Empress Lu, you will be benevolent if you don't succeed.

You must prepare for the worst!

He controlled Zhang Wangchuan and ran outside the house.

"Wangchuan, what are you doing? Stop running around! ... Right now, my Zhang family is extremely busy, so please stop causing trouble!"

There was a scolding sound in my ears.

Through the screen, Zhang Wei could see that this was one of Zhang Luoan's concubines.

He quickly ran forward.

"Auntie, run quickly, something big is going to happen to my Zhang family!"


It can be seen that the concubine's doubts are not fake.

"Luo An, your kid doesn't have a fever either? Why are you so fussy?"

As he spoke, the concubine hurriedly walked out.

"The master of the family had an accident on the school grounds. Fortunately, His Majesty has sent an imperial doctor to look after him. I have to go and take care of the master. Wangchuan, you stay at home and stay safe. Don't go crazy at such an old age!"

Zhang Wei in front of the screen looked happy.

It looks like things have turned around!


I don’t know what happened to Zhang Luoan.

"I hope nothing happens."

Zhang Wei murmured to himself in front of the screen.

Before, at the moment when the screen was dark, he had already noticed a soldier approaching him through his peripheral vision.

Zhang Luoan, who had no strength to restrain the chicken, added menacingly.

There seemed to be no chance.

But, fortunately.

This time the power grab appears to have been successful.

Although the Zhang family was in chaos, it was just the panic caused by something happening to the head of the family.

At the same time, Zhang Wei in front of the screen once again strengthened his determination.

The training of the next generation must be put on the agenda.

Otherwise, once something happens to the head of the family, the entire Zhang family will be leaderless, and the originally huge Zhang family will fall apart in an instant.

When the time comes, where can he go to cry?


The following days were dull and boring.

The main reason is that Zhang Luoan seems to have not woken up.

Zhang Wei's screen switches back and forth between the perspectives of the other two people.

After confirming that nothing happened to the Zhang family, Zhang Wangchuan immersed himself in his book again.

Compare and draw from time to time.

The small courtyard specially allocated to him has long been filled with various utensils.

It's not enough for outsiders.

As for Zhang Shouchun who is far away in the island country.

He lived a happy life that even Zhang Wei envied.

Exercise and exercise from time to time.

Expand and expand your harem.

Then there is the matter of spreading faith.

At present, Han Xin has included the entire island country into the territory of the Zhang family.

The grass on the grave of the former Emperor Reitaka was now several meters high.

It’s not like I haven’t tried to communicate.

The main thing is that Zhang Wei really doesn't have the slightest fondness for the islanders.

Let's just say that Emperor Reiko had a particularly tough attitude at the beginning, yelling and scolding him all the time.

When Han Xin really loosened his bones, his whole body was like a soft persimmon that could be crushed and rounded, and he even knelt down and begged.

Zhang Wei in front of the screen sneered.

The people of the island country are indeed soft-hearted, and bullying the weak and fearing the strong is their true portrayal.

Furthermore, Emperor Reitaka has little use value. The entire island country is now in the hands of the Zhang family. Is it possible to let Emperor Reitaka go out to cause trouble?

It clicked.

Taking advantage of this time period, Zhang Weite checked the information on Du Niang.

【Emperor Xiaorei】

[The seventh generation emperor of the island country is named Owa Genko Rito Futoe in the "Kojiki".As the sixth emperor among the eight generations whose history is unknown, his life is almost impossible to verify.It is rumored that he was captured by Zhang Shouchun, the third generation descendant of the Zhang family, but there was no news afterward. 】

【Zhang Shouchun】

[It is rumored that he is a descendant of the Zhang family in the Warring States Period. The specific details cannot be verified. During the period of Emperor Xiaorei, Tianzun was highly sought after by people everywhere.Later, he was supported by Han Xin, the military immortal of the Han Dynasty, and he was invincible in the island country.Emperor Xiaorei was defeated and once controlled the entire island country. 】

What the hell!

Looking at the various information on the computer screen, Zhang Wei was stunned.

He immediately fell into ecstasy.

This really changed history!
According to the original historical development, Xu Fu actually went to the island country.

What it brings to the island country is development and progress.

But it was different when I went there.

The 7th emperor of the island country was killed.

Of course, history must be a bit euphemistic, and people from the island country will naturally not admit that this happened.

Cover your ears and steal the bell, write a check and find no news.


Zhang Wei was in a happy mood in front of the screen.

Immediately, he thought of another possibility.


"If my Zhang family has been operating in the island country and our Han soldiers continue to live in the island country, will these island people still be the grandsons of my Zhang family? Aren't the bloodlines of this island country my grandsons from China?"

This question seems worth pondering.

However, it is still a good idea.

What if, I really want to be able to manage the island country until modern times.

There won't be any such thing as a downfall.

The island country must be a loyal younger brother who firmly follows China.

Besides, the Zhang family has now occupied the island country.

I keep an eye on this island nation. If you have any bad ideas, just give them to me.

Thinking of this, Zhang Wei in front of the screen became vaguely excited.

It seems that this game is a bit broken?

Play bad with good.

I like!
Taking a deep breath, Zhang Wei controlled Zhang Shouchun and walked out of the room.

"General, why don't we and the Han people settle here and operate based on the island country? Once we are well-trained and repaired, we will immediately expand to the surrounding areas. My Zhang family once collected a incomplete map, which seems to be marked Another piece of land in the sea!"

Hearing this, Han Xin's eyes revealed a hint of excitement.

Expansion and all that, he likes it best.

What's more, Zhang Shouchun had discussed with him how much land he and Han Xin would lay down, not just for the Zhang family!

Compared with the previous internal fighting in the country, Han Xin seems to have found the true value of his life.

What's the point of beating people to death?
It is better to expand and let the barbarians and barbarians have a taste of the military front of my Han Dynasty and the fist of my descendants of Yan and Huang!
"It's just that, Luo An, the soldiers under his command don't seem to have such thoughts. All they want is to be rich and safe. Before, it was because of the will of the gods that they fought against Emperor Reitaka. Now, they want to get them out of here. It would be very difficult for us to fight for a land that gave birth to them.”

Han Xin expressed his hesitation.


A group of uncivilized natives probably only have enough food in their minds.It is precisely because of this that they believe in Zhang Luoan's divine weapons descending from heaven.The more ignorant you are, the more you will naturally believe in some mythical things.

Zhang Luoan also took advantage of this ignorance by controlling them through faith.

To a certain extent, ignorance means stubbornness.

Next, if they want to expand outward, they will inevitably need to build ships and go to sea on ships.

The Han Dynasty has a long cultural history and is also exploring overseas.

This group of natives is different.

If they are not fully protected, something will happen if they are forced to go to sea.

Han Xin showed his worries.

At present, the only ones who can really be considered as our own are the more than a thousand soldiers brought from the Han Dynasty, and this includes family members.

What if the people of this archipelago go crazy?

I'm afraid it's really difficult to handle!
Zhang Wei's expression in front of the screen remained unchanged.

It seems to have been expected.

"General, don't worry too much, I'm already confident!"

Han Xin seemed to have something to say, but looked at Zhang Shouchun's confident look.

Still swallowed.


Zhang Wei controlled Zhang Shouchun and walked out.

Look at the indigenous people who are guarding the door and constantly paying homage.

It seems that seeing Tianzun, the natives became more pious.

There is no doubt that Zhang Shoucheng's brainwashing skills have improved to a higher level during this period.

He manipulated Zhang Shouchun and waved his hand directly, waiting until everyone calmed down.

Only then did Zhang Wei speak with a high voice.

"This Heavenly Lord is in compliance with God's will. God is very satisfied with you for conquering this land. God specially gave you holy water. This is the nectar and jade dew from the sky. I hope that you and other soldiers will come forward, and we urgently need to expand the territory for God!"

With that said, Zhang Shouchun waved his hand.

The generals who had already arranged it moved out the wooden barrels one by one from the Dao Palace.

"This is the nectar and jade dew given by the gods. In consideration of everyone's merits, each person has a bowl. Drinking it can strengthen everyone's body and make the whole body feel hot. This is the effect of cleansing the muscles and cutting the marrow."

"Even those who are favored by the gods will fall into a short-term addiction. Don't worry, this is the dream of the gods. As for how much you can remember, it depends on your own opportunities."

In a few words, Zhang Shouchun explained the various reactions of liquor in a miraculous way.

In other words, to these uncivilized island people, liquor is indeed no different from fine wine.

Not to mention whether there is such a thing as wine in the island country.

Even if there is, it is probably a turbid liquid formed by some fruits by chance.

Compared with liquor, it is indeed as good as heaven and earth.


Having been here for a while, Zhang Shouchun has a clear understanding of the various behaviors and food customs of the people in this archipelago.

I must have never touched such a thing as wine.

So, when you drink for the first time, you will definitely feel hot all over.

If you drink too much, you will probably fall unconscious.

In order to avoid their suspicion, Zhang Wei said that the incident was a chance.

This group of ignorant people in the island country have long believed in this thing.

In addition, when you are drunk, you will indeed forget everything.

Behind him, Han Xin was so impressed that he fell to the ground.

How could he not see that what Zhang Shouchun brought out were barrels of liquor?

As for the raw materials for brewing liquor.

Long before the Zhang family came to the island country, they brought various seeds with them.

When Han Xin was training troops, Zhang Shouchun naturally ordered people to turn on the farming mode.

To say that the island country is a place where birds don’t poop, the food of these indigenous people may not be as good as the pigs of Han Dynasty.

Zhang Wei was not used to eating for a long time.

As for the food he ate, it can be easily explained that it was the delicacies given by the gods.

You uncivilized barbarians are naturally not qualified to enjoy it.

As for the brewed liquor, it is derived from grown food!
In this way, everything is interconnected!
Seeing his mind gradually wandering, Zhang Wei in front of the screen calmed down his mind briefly.

But I saw countless indigenous people singing and dancing around the barrel.

It seemed like some mysterious ceremony was being held.

Under the distribution of soldiers.

Each native was given a bowl of so-called fine wine.

It has to be said that barbarians are barbarians.

After getting it, they drank it down in one gulp, and many people's faces instantly turned red.

Then came the stumbling.

Zhang Wei sneered casually and stopped paying attention. .

There is no doubt that with such an operation, the faith of Tianzun and God will become even stronger!


After a brief glance, Zhang Wei stopped paying attention.

The focus was on Zhang Luoan.

At some point, Zhang Luoan's perspective became brighter.

It seemed like he was recovering from a serious illness.

Somehow, such words came to Zhang Wei's mind.

Then he manipulated Zhang Luoan to try to get up and see the surrounding environment clearly.

But he never thought that there was a sharp pain behind him, and then the whole person fell down weakly again.

"It seems that Zhang Luoan was seriously injured when he was encircling Lu Pheasant."

With a slight sigh, Zhang Wei looked around.

The whole bed is antique.

It was completely different from the simplicity of his Zhang family.

As if he noticed some movement, a slightly caring voice came from the door.

"Sir, are you awake? Hurry, go and call the doctor."

Zhang Wei in front of the screen did not dare to move, but just observed his surroundings.

There was some vague speculation.

At this moment, Liu Ying's victory was inevitable, otherwise, he would not be able to rest quietly here.

Looking at the environment, he should be in a palace. No matter how bad the situation is, he should be placed in a wealthy family nearby.

Combining the existing information, Zhang Wei in front of the screen breathed a long sigh of relief.

Fortunately, fortunately, this incident was successful. Fortunately, the Zhang family no longer has to worry about all this!

If you think about it carefully, Lu Pheasant seems to have brought the blame on himself for all this.

Originally, the Zhang family was unwilling to get involved in these temple matters.

However, Lu Pheasant was aggressive, and the Zhang family had indeed promised Liu Bang, so he had to do it.

In desperation, he faced Lu Pheasant.

Zhang Wei was a little emotional.

The Zhang family was an innocent disaster, and Lu Fei was also an unreasonable disaster.

We could have been in peace...

Just brush the thoughts out of your mind.

There was already some noise coming from the door.

Pulling himself together, Zhang Wei looked towards the door.

But he saw a man who looked like a royal doctor walking in carrying a medicine box.

"Head of the Zhang family, how do you feel?"

Not long after, another familiar figure appeared at the door.

Zhang Wei quickly manipulated Zhang Luoan to force his body to stand up, but he never thought that there was severe pain in his back.

It's black in front of you.

The visitor walked up quickly and quickly helped Zhang Luoan, who was lying on the bed.

"My dear brother, there is no need to be polite. I will allow you not to kneel down when you see me. What's more, my dear brother is injured..."

But I heard Liu Ying's caring voice.

Different from before, Liu Ying was obviously more energetic and full of energy.

However, the concern for Zhang Luoan cannot be faked.

Zhang Wei breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, everything is on the normal track.


(End of this chapter)

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