Control the ancestors and create an immortal family starting from the Qin Dynasty

Chapter 116: Visiting the Zhang family at night, for the sake of the great Han people, I also ask Du

Chapter 116: Visiting the Zhang family at night, for the sake of the great Han people, I also ask Duke Zhang to be my teacher! (Ask for monthly ticket)
Dark night enveloped the entire land.

Just as Zhang Luoan finished speaking.

A knock on the door suddenly came from outside the door.

The sound was not loud, but it seemed very abrupt in the silent night sky.

"Excuse me, is Mr. Zhang at home?"

In the darkness, the door of the Zhang family was slowly pushed open.

Several figures appeared in Zhang Luoan's sight.

Through a little light.

Zhang Wei could clearly see that the leader was actually an old acquaintance.

He is also the current Saint.

Liu Heng.

"Excuse me, is Mr. Zhang at home?"

The visitor asked again.

Zhang Wei quickly manipulated Zhang Luoan to greet him.

"Your Majesty, civilian Zhang Luoan comes to pay homage to Your Majesty."

But he saw the figure in front of him take the initiative to reach out and support Zhang Luoan who was about to kneel down.

"Mr. Zhang, what are you talking about? Let's not talk about your kindness to me, just talk about everything you have done for my old Liu family. This does not require you to have any more etiquette."

He arched his hands slightly.

Zhang Wei still insisted on completing the etiquette.

As the saying goes, etiquette cannot be discarded.

No matter how many privileges his Zhang family has.

Friendship belongs to friendship, and etiquette between monarch and minister belongs to etiquette.

The next second, Zhang Wei took the initiative to introduce Liu Heng into the backyard.

The moment I saw Zhang Wei.

Liu Heng also slightly cupped his hands.

Zhang Wei quickly stepped forward to greet him.

"Your Majesty, what kind of behavior is this? Your Majesty behaves like this to a minister. This is to undermine him."

Liu Heng remained determined.

"Mr. Zhang, this is the courtesy I show to Mr. Zhang on behalf of my old Liu family. Mr. Zhang is not swayed by power, and he is a true gentleman."

Zhang Wei was a little indifferent.

To be honest, he doesn't really have much enthusiasm for power or anything like that.

Can't say the same.

The main thing is that since ancient times, no one will end up well as long as they stick to the side of power.

Some prime ministers who have overwhelming power over the world and even dominate them for a while are awesome, right?

There are not a few people who were executed by the whole family after their death.

Zhang Wei wants to develop the Zhang family.

There must be something to take and something not to take.

Power can be taken, but it should be what the descendants of the Zhang family deserve and what they can obtain based on their own abilities.

He arched his hands slightly.

Zhang Wei manipulated Zhang Luoan, looking like he was crying with gratitude.

"Your Majesty, you have truly defeated your ministers. Everything you have done for your Majesty is what a minister should do. Now that your Majesty is in charge of the power, our great man can recuperate and usher in great development. It is truly a blessing to the world and all people!"

able to see.

After being praised by Zhang Wei, Liu Heng seemed like a child who did something right.

Visible joy.


Although Liu Ying and Liu Heng are of the same generation.

But, more.

Liu Heng did not experience too much intrigue.

It's not that he doesn't have enough city.

It can only be said that he will not be too wary in front of sincere people like Zhang Luoan.

This is the end of such an episode that I couldn’t stand if you thanked me.

Liu Heng was successfully comforted by Zhang Wei and sat down.

"Your Majesty, the house is humble and simple, and this is all we have to eat at night."

While talking, Zhang Wei personally brought some food.

These are commonplace meals.

But it was Zhang Wei who discovered Liu Heng's troubled life.

At first glance, it seems that when I arrived, I didn’t have much time to eat.


Having just taken over the power, everything in the palace was in trouble.

The court is not peaceful either.

Even with Lu Pheasant's help.

Liu Heng's life was probably not very easy during this period.

"Gong Zhang is still attentive. Gong Zhang, for some reason, I came to Zhang's house. Although it is not as magnificent as the palace, I can feel an inexplicable peace of mind. It's like I am at home in the fiefdom of King Dai... …”

Looking at Liu Heng who was hesitant to speak in front of him.

Zhang Wei showed a faint smile.

"Your Majesty, our Zhang family is supposed to be His Majesty's second home. The late Emperor was so, and so is Your Majesty. Coming to our Zhang family is like coming to your home. Of course, this home is a bit simple."

Speaking of this, Zhang Wei smiled mockingly.

But it can be seen.

Liu Heng looked very serious.

"Mr. Zhang, this home is very important to me, and it is not shabby at all. I like it very much."

Wei Wei was stunned.

Zhang Wei's mood is quite complicated.

He can understand Liu Heng's psychology.

Not popular as a young person.

He was named Dai Wang by Liu Bang since he was a child, and his fiefdom was in an extremely remote area.

Dependent on each other with mother.

Home is naturally where mother is.


The court needs him.

The big man also needs him.

Therefore, the moment he received the message, Liu Heng embarked on the journey to Luoyang without hesitation.

Here, the place is unfamiliar.

Here, everything is full of intrigues.

The strange situation in the court made even Zhang Wei, a "veteran" who had experienced many dynasties, unwilling to pay attention to those troublesome things.

But, as Your Majesty.

Liu Heng had to pay attention.

He even needs more attention than ordinary people.

After all, this is his world.

But, is this world what he wants?
In other words, in fact, in Liu Heng's heart, he has always longed for that unrestrained place.

In the past, when I was acting king, although I didn't have many rights, I felt like I was at home.

Thinking room.

Zhang Wei patted Liu Heng's shoulder gently.

Facing Liu Heng's slightly confused eyes.

His face was full of solemnity.

"Your Majesty, if you really like it, our Zhang family is His Majesty's second home. Your Majesty can come to my Zhang family at any time. I don't dare to say anything else. There will definitely be a hot meal."

"Mr. Zhang, thank you."

can feel it.

Liu Heng shrugged his shoulders slightly.

The relationship at the dinner table seems to be more harmonious.

Simple potluck.

While Liu Heng was eating, he was telling Zhang Luoan some trivial things.

Some of the officials in the court who claimed to be in line with the Qing Dynasty jumped out to act like monsters again.

Some corrupt officials, on the other hand, assess the situation more carefully than the so-called Qingliu.

There was some trouble somewhere in the big man.

He needs to personally intervene.

He missed his fiefdom very much.

I don’t know how my mother’s health is.

bits and pieces.

Zhang Luoan, however, sat patiently aside.

Make an effort to listen.

can feel it.

Liu Heng was under great pressure.

Zhang Wei could only try his best to comfort him.

"Mr. Zhang, do you think there is something wrong with the way I govern the Han Dynasty? My second brother used to focus on recuperation when he was governing, and I still take this as the guide. During this time, there has been a lot of criticism in the court." But it was Liu. Heng took the initiative to raise his own issues in governing the country.


After all, the big man is different from his fief.

Apart from anything else, among the officials in the court who pride themselves on being clean and honest, there are also some people who are "full of knowledge" and point fingers.

This group of people is a huge headache.

Liu Heng, after all, is just a child.

Zhang Wei was a little emotional.

"Your Majesty, there is nothing wrong with the established strategy you have formulated. Right now, we, the Han people, need to recuperate. After years of war, the people need rapid development."

"Also, Your Majesty, I think many times you should not pay attention to the comments of some officials who claim to be clean. To be honest, in my opinion, they are not even as close to the people as Your Majesty. I think Your Majesty should go and see more. , let’s see what the people say.”

"Furthermore, Your Majesty, you are right to listen to their suggestions, but you must not change your judgment because of their suggestions. A king can make mistakes, and there is no need to be too strict with yourself."


Liu Heng's expression was obviously much more relaxed.


Many of Zhang Wei's insights were derived from later generations.

When communicating with him, there are obviously not too many restrictions.

This is freedom engraved in your bones.

On the contrary, it is some officials who claim to be clean and honest.

Every one of them came forward to remonstrate.

As everyone knows, the emperor hates this kind of people the most.

at last.

After a moment.

Liu Heng no longer hesitated and gave his intention.

"Mr. Zhang, this time I come to the Zhang family. On the one hand, I want to pay homage to the ancestors of the Zhang family. After all, I have a great debt to our Liu family. On the other hand, Gong Zhang, I want to worship you as my teacher."



Zhang Luoan was stunned for a moment.

To be honest, even though he was mentally prepared.

But, really say it.

He was still quite hesitant.

Become His Majesty’s teacher.

If you were to be an emperor's master in troubled times, you might be executed by everyone in your family at any time.

But now, everything has settled down, and Liu Heng's status in the court is getting higher and higher.

For the current Zhang family, it is indeed a hundred benefits without any harm.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Luoan shook his head.

"Your Majesty, what virtues and abilities do I have, how can I be His Majesty's master? Furthermore, I, the Zhang family, are helping Your Majesty, just doing the duty that a minister should do. If His Majesty wants to worship me as his master because of this, it is really This is making a fuss out of a molehill. Please, Your Majesty, take back your order."

But Zhang Wei rejected Liu Heng's proposal without hesitation.

"Furthermore, Your Majesty, I don't want to be seen in your eyes as the Zhang family who repays kindness. Your Majesty, what I hope is that our Zhang family can become His Majesty's most trustworthy ministers, not the benefactors of the Liu family." .”

Zhang Luoan's words were a bit rude.

But it is.

What Zhang Luan expressed was very simple.

He didn't want Liu Heng to become a disciple because he wanted to repay the Zhang family's kindness.

The Zhang family never thought about using this favor to gain anything from the beginning to the end.

The good relationship between the Zhang family and the Liu family is just a simple friendship.

It was never for anything.

Seeing Zhang Luoan, he was even a little "angry".

A slight smile appeared on Liu Heng's face.

This is the Zhang family in his impression, and this is the Zhang Gong in his impression, isn't it?
Helping the Liu family has never been for any reason.

It was always just a friendship, without any interests involved.

"Mr. Zhang, please calm down. I don't mean to repay my kindness, but I really feel a lot of pressure in this court. As I said just now, the Zhang family gives me the warmth of home that I have not seen for a long time. , I hope to keep this."

Hearing this, Zhang Luoan's complexion improved a lot.

In front of the screen, Zhang Wei took the initiative to manipulate Zhang Luoan to salute solemnly.

"Your Majesty, I lost my temper just now. I was really too emotional. Please forgive me!"

Liu Heng waved his hand nonchalantly.

"Mr. Zhang, I can understand your thoughts, and it is true that I went too far."

"However, Mr. Zhang, I still hope that you can serve as my master, even if it means helping me."

Visible to the naked eye.

Zhang Wei in front of the screen could feel Zhang Luoan's hesitation.

To be honest, Zhang Luoan's performance just now was completely from the heart.

Zhang Wei did not interfere at all.

To be honest, he personally hopes that Zhang Luoan can become Liu Heng's master.

On the one hand, it is what I just said.

Becoming the emperor's master in the peaceful and prosperous times will be of great benefit to the Zhang family without any harm.

On the other hand it is.

Zhang Luoan was really lonely.

Since Liu Ying's death.

Especially when Zhang Luoan fulfilled Liu Ying's wish and successfully promoted Liu Heng to his position.

Zhang Wei could feel that Zhang Luoan relaxed.

It was as if there was no pursuit at all.

This is extremely scary.

Although the younger generations of the Zhang family have gradually developed, their respective development is not bad.


To be fair, Zhang Wei definitely hopes that Zhang Luoan will be as healthy as possible.

As the old friends around him passed away, Zhang Luoan obviously became more and more lonely.

Gradually it became the Zhang family’s magic needle.

Apart from some exchanges with Zhang Wangchuan every day, there was nothing that could cheer him up.

This is not good.

Zhang Wei thought if he could become Liu Heng's teacher.

At least Zhang Luoan had something to do.

However, in the final analysis it still depends on what he thinks.

Zhang Wei manipulates Zhang Luoan, and to a certain extent, his choice must be respected.

"Your Majesty, how can I, Zhang Luoan, be so virtuous..."

can feel it.

Liu Heng's persuasion obviously made Zhang Luoan feel a little relieved.

"Mr. Zhang, I still hope to ask you to come out and help me as an adviser. I have benefited a lot from your insights on the Han Dynasty. I hope that, even if it is not for me, but for the sake of my Han people, I hope Duke Zhang will teach me."

Liu Heng took the initiative to salute.

It looks like I won't get up if you don't agree.

It was obvious that he was determined to get Zhang Luoan to come out.

"Your Majesty, this..."

Zhang Luoan still wanted to speak.


Zhang Wei manipulated Zhang Luoan and took the initiative to accept this gift.

In front of him, Liu Heng was obviously very excited.

"Mr. Zhang, are you willing?"

But Zhang Luoan sighed slightly.

"Your Majesty, why are you doing this? Old man, I'm afraid I don't have much time left."

"No, Mr. Zhang, no matter what, I still hope that Mr. Zhang can become my teacher, not for any other reason, but for the people of the Han Dynasty! Mr. Zhang, I have benefited a lot from your speech today. This apprenticeship is definitely a blessing. It’s not a repayment of friendship, but I sincerely hope that Mr. Zhang can teach me!”

That's all there is to say.

Zhang Luoan did not refuse.

Immediately, he took the initiative to help Liu Heng up.

"Your Majesty, the common man has the courage to accept it. However, on weekdays, I just treat it as a friend. For me, a big man, I will teach you everything I have. Of course, I will ask your Majesty to select some insights yourself."

"Mr. Zhang, I understand. Please accept my courtesy."

Say it, Liu Heng bowed solemnly.

Zhang Luoan accepted it calmly.

As the saying goes, etiquette cannot be discarded.

Now that Liu Heng has made up his mind to become a disciple.

Zhang Luoan was naturally willing to accept it.

Just like what Liu Heng said, even if it's not for him, he will do his part for this big man's world.

For this great man and all the people!

Zhang Luoan seems to have found a new direction.

In front of the screen, Zhang Wei was very pleased. …

ps: I beg for recommendation votes and monthly votes!
(End of this chapter)

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