Control the ancestors and create an immortal family starting from the Qin Dynasty

Chapter 124 Let’s discuss the title of Marquis again, I have made up my mind!

Chapter 124 Let’s discuss the title of Marquis again, I have made up my mind! (Ask for monthly ticket)

"Your Majesty, no, absolutely no!"

Just as Liu Heng looked at the veteran minister with admiration.

Among the crowd, Zhang Wangchuan's mood eased a little.

However, an untimely voice was heard.

Then, another person walked out of the queue.

He cleared his throat and spoke in a righteous tone.

"Your Majesty, it is absolutely forbidden to grant a title to a marquis! Even if the Zhang family has great achievements, the late emperor has a destiny. Unless the descendants of the Liu family become kings, the whole world will fight against them. Unless they have great achievements, they cannot be made a marquis."

"I would like to ask Your Majesty, how can Duke Zhang achieve great achievements? How does he compare to the heroes who founded the country?"

Listen to the courtiers' questions.

No, it should be said as a question.

Liu Heng frowned slightly.

The courtiers in front of him stiffened their necks and remonstrated.

He looks like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water.

Zhang Wei in front of the screen was also unhappy.

The most annoying thing is this group of courtiers who claim to be pure.

One by one, they kept talking about the so-called direct remonstrance.

Showing a desperate look.


In fact, he only dared to talk nonsense in the court, and only dared to contradict the emperor to gain the so-called reputation.

It’s nothing but sensationalism!


How can these people easily guess His Majesty's thoughts?

Apart from anything else, do they know how much Zhang Luoan has contributed?

Do they know what purpose Zhang Luoan had when he went on a mission to various vassal states, what risks he took, and what achievements he achieved?

No, they know nothing!

All they knew was that the Zhang family was in the limelight.

They only know that the Zhang family is rising step by step.

There is even the so-called Zhang family threat theory among the people.

Who is threatening?

What threatens them is their status.

He is the most favored Majesty of the Zhang family in their eyes!

In short, in the eyes of this group of so-called Qingliu.

Whether it is the contribution of the Zhang family or any invention that benefits the country and the people.

It's all just for the limelight and to win His Majesty's attention.

Even the appearance of the Zhang family gave them a feeling.

The Zhang family is trying to steal their limelight.

The development of the Zhang family has blocked their path!

In this way, many Qingliu naturally have a lot of hostility towards the Zhang family.

It is naturally self-evident where the so-called threat theory comes from.

The clear stream is actually filthy!

Seeing this scene.

Zhang Wei was not too surprised.

To put it bluntly, this is the virtue of this group of people.

In front of the screen, Zhang Wei looked at Liu Heng with the help of Zhang Wangchuan's peripheral vision.

But it can be seen.

Liu Heng's face was gloomy.

He seemed to be suppressing his anger.


What do these so-called Qingliu know?

Do they know the contribution of Zhang Luoan and Zhang Gongzhi?

Do they know how much Zhang Gong has dedicated to the Han Dynasty?

The more I think.

Liu Hengyue felt a burst of anger welling up in his heart.

"Your Majesty, I also think it is absolutely impossible."

"Your Majesty, the Zhang family's achievements should not be rewarded like this."

"His Majesty……"

Finally, Liu Heng couldn't bear it anymore.

"Shut up, everyone!"


The entire hall was silent.

The courtiers who had just spoken were all kneeling on the ground.


Liu Heng was obviously angry.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be such a harsh tone.

Maybe what I did was really wrong?

Many courtiers had such thoughts in their minds.


Soon, they thought of the Zhang family's limelight.

I also thought that I might have been suppressed.

Many so-called Qingliu gritted their teeth.

He seemed to have made up his mind.

"Your Majesty, I believe that the honor given to the Zhang family by Your Majesty is already a blessing from God. Duke Zhang has indeed contributed a lot, but it is far from being a prince. Your Majesty, please think again."

But it can be seen.

Liu Heng narrowed his eyes slightly.

There was even a slight chill in his eyes.

"Does anyone still think Mr. Zhang is not worthy of this? Why don't we all stand up?"

The crowd briefly stirred.

Then it seemed like he had made a big decision.

Several more courtiers walked out of the queue.

At this time, Zhang Wei had already manipulated Zhang Luoan to raise his head.

Keep the figures in front of you firmly in mind.


This opportunity, or the kindness shown by Liu Heng.

But the Zhang family fought hard to get it.

The passing of Zhang Luoan made Zhang Wei extremely sad.

I also cherish this hard-won opportunity.

Right now, it is the best opportunity for the Zhang family to take advantage of this opportunity to gradually expand.

It may even be the only chance.

After all, such a great achievement.

The thing about a feudal town is that it only exists at this stage.

In the future, I want to achieve such achievements.

Only the founding of the country and so on.

As for the Zhang family, it is best not to participate in these conquests until it is fully developed.

Otherwise, if one thing is not handled well, it is very likely that the Zhang family will be in ruins.

Big problems may even occur.


At such an important node, someone jumped out to stop it.

Zhang Wei naturally had to write it down in a small notebook.

"Your Majesty, I have other opinions."

Another person walked out of the queue.

But it was Xiao He who had always been on good terms with the Zhang family.

"Oh? What does Mr. Xiao Guo suggest?"

Liu Heng took the initiative to speak.

There is encouragement in the words.

"Your Majesty, according to my opinion, the Zhang family has shouldered such a big responsibility, so they should not only be rewarded, but also be given a large reward to show your majesty's favor. Regarding the Zhang family's ennoblement, I feel that the Zhang family can afford it! I am also willing to do it for Zhang. Guaranteed!"

As Xiao He's words fell.

The entire court fell into silence.

Xiao He, the founding hero.

A veteran of three dynasties.

His status and influence in the court are much higher than Zhang Luoan.

Of course, this was before the Zhang family issued the order.

Of course, Xiao He had heard about the favor order.

This is a big adventure.

But at the same time, once it succeeds, it can be said to permanently solve all the serious problems of the Han Dynasty.

Even without spending a single soldier.

Such a feat.

Coupled with the relationship between Liu Heng and the Zhang family.

The passing of Zhang Luoan brought this relationship to a new level.

Think simply.

Xiao He decided not only to follow His Majesty's wishes, but also to give the Zhang family face.

As for the resistance from the DPRK and China.

Xiao He knew very well what these courtiers were.

Nothing to worry about.

But I can see it,

Hearing Xiao He's support, Liu Heng's expression relaxed a little.

"If the rest of the people don't speak out, are they also supporting the Zhang family's ennoblement?"

"Zhang Aiqing, do you have any ideas?" Hearing Liu Heng take the initiative to ask him.

at this time.

Zhang Luoan in the queue slightly arched his hands.

"Your Majesty, according to what I see, even if my Zhang family has sufficient merits, we should not be granted the title of marquis."

A slightly surprised look appeared on Liu Heng's face.

To be honest, he had thought about the resistance in the court for the Zhang family's ennoblement.

But he never thought that this resistance actually came from the Zhang family.

Logically speaking, he, Zhang Wangchuan, should be the most supportive of Zhang Luoan being granted the title of Marquis.

After all, it is just as Liu Heng said.

Zhang Luoan's title of marquis was not only a recognition of his own achievements.

It will also be of great benefit to the Zhang family's future development in the court.

Furthermore, who doesn’t want his family to be granted the title of marquis?

Just fame.

It was enough to straighten the backs of his descendants in the court.

Hear what Zhang Wangchuan said.

Everyone else in the court looked shocked.

Even Xiao He looked at Zhang Wangchuan with surprise.

But it was Zhang Wei who controlled Zhang Wangchuan to speak calmly.

"Your Majesty, as other courtiers have said, my Zhang family's achievements are not enough. Even if they are enough, in this era, my Zhang family's achievements in founding the country are far inferior to the title of marquis."

"Furthermore, my Zhang family has never had any intention of becoming a lord, there is no doubt about this."

To be honest, everything in front of Zhang Wei is actually foreshadowing.

Only the last sentence was what he really thought.

The Zhang family definitely has no intention of tearing apart the soil and ennobling the princes.

Even if it exists, it must be suppressed and must not be revealed.

If the Zhang family wants to develop, they must follow the ancestral precepts of the Zhang family.

He could only hug the emperor's thigh tightly, and with a loyal attitude, devote himself to the emperor until death.

The Zhang family has hope for long-term development.

Only Zhang Jie has hope of existence.

Otherwise, as the Zhang family grows bigger and bigger.

No emperor would sit idly by and watch as a family like this appeared that could threaten him.

Zhang Wei has seen all history, even a clan only flourished for a while.

The fundamental reason for its failure is that it was proud and complacent when it was at its peak.

To the point of being arrogant.

Then he became a thorn in the emperor's side.

Even if it is a temporary dictatorial power, it will not be able to withstand the grand trend.


The Zhang family even has a chance.

Zhang Wei will not sit back and let the Zhang family seize this opportunity.

In other words, the Zhang family must not have any disobedient thoughts.

Even if it is successful.

The world will be divided as long as it is divided.

The Zhang family is bound to prosper and then decline.


At most, the Zhang family can develop in reputation.

Reputation is a thing, whether it is the reputation among the people or the reputation in the court.

It is only good for the Zhang family.

The Zhang family, in particular, was always loyal to the emperor.

This is fundamental and the foundation for the development of the Zhang family.


When Liu Heng proposed that the Zhang family's achievements were enough to make him a marquis.

Zhang Wangchuan jumped out to show his loyalty.

In Zhang Wei's eyes, whether he can be granted a title or not is not that important. What matters is just the friendship and whether the Zhang family can further develop through it.

It seems that he never thought that Zhang Wangchuan would think so.

Speaking of which, no matter who sees a great opportunity to become a prince, put it in front of him.

There is even a large fiefdom right in front of you.

Not everyone can refuse without hesitation like Zhang Wangchuan.


With the relationship between Liu Heng and the Zhang family, there is no doubt that as long as Zhang Wangchuan nods, the Zhang family will not only be granted a title, but also have a sufficient fiefdom for the Zhang family to thrive.

Needless to say.

The Zhang family can afford the merits.


Zhang Wei had different ideas.

In front of the screen, Zhang Wei smiled slightly.

When everyone felt that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

On the contrary, the Zhang family needs to retreat bravely.

To put it more appropriately, retreat is the way to advance.

There is no doubt that the Zhang family just wants to take this opportunity to show their loyalty.

Absolutely loyal to the emperor.

It seems like giving up easy gains.

In fact, people know whether it is a blessing or a curse.

"Since Zhang Aiqing has said this, I will take a step back. I still intend to make Zhang Gong a marquis, but don't refuse it yet. Such marquises cannot be inherited and have no fiefdom. It is just a title. Dear friends, What do you think?"

After saying that, Liu Heng glanced around the court with an extremely majestic look.

The ministers he glanced at all lowered their heads with guilty conscience.

Speaking of Potian, it was very clear what the purpose of these courtiers was.

It almost jumped out.

The Zhang family is powerful.

If the development of the Zhang family was not in the court, these people could still tolerate the friendship between Liu Heng and the Zhang family.

So now, it is obvious that the Zhang family wants to develop in the court.

With this friendship, the Zhang family is bound to reach a height that is difficult for everyone to reach.

This can be seen from Liu Heng's attitude towards the Zhang family and Liu Heng's behavior after Zhang Luoan passed away.

In this way, the Zhang family's conspiracy theories began to spread.

No matter it is the so-called Qingliu who really thinks that the Zhang family has a conspiracy.

Officials who still feel that the Zhang family is blocking the way.

At this moment, when Zhang Luoan passed away, when Liu Heng wanted to pursue the Zhang family as a marquis.

They all jumped out to stop it.

At this moment, the Optimus Prime of the Zhang family fell.

It was when the Zhang family was weak.

In addition, the Zhang Jiaying conspiracy theory was constantly mentioned in the court.

This is Zhang Wangchuan still in the court.

It is conceivable that if Zhang Wangchuan is not in the court.

It is estimated that at this time, someone will start to advise outright.

"Your Majesty, the Zhang family..."

Some courtiers wanted to speak out and remonstrate.

"I have made up my mind!"

Liu Heng is very determined

"Your Majesty, I have something to say. Zhang is now very powerful. If he continues to enfeoff himself as a lord, I am afraid that the development of the Zhang family will no longer be contained! Today, the influence of the Zhang family in the government and the public is unprecedented, and we have to Be on guard, Your Majesty! I am willing to remonstrate to Your Majesty to the death, but the Zhang family will not be able to grant you a title of waiting!"

Someone else jumped out to object.

He even did not hesitate to put on a posture of looking down upon death.

A brief silence.

Then, Liu Heng in the court became furious.

He has retreated again and again. He was granted the title of Marquis from the Zhang family, and now Zhang Luoan of the Zhang family is only pursuing the title of Marquis, without the actual status of a Marquis.

From real power to only one name.

He has backed down a lot.

Yes, you don’t know the achievements of the Zhang family, but I, Liu Heng, know.

Yes, you regard the Zhang family as a thorn in your side, but the Zhang family’s contribution to me, Liu Heng, and even Dahan is real.

I, Liu Heng, am not stupid. I know the goodness of the Zhang family and also know the Zhang family’s intentions.

The Zhang family has always been loyal to themselves.

They have voluntarily given up their fiefdom, the title they could inherit, and all their interests.

And now, as an emperor, I can’t give the Zhang family even a false name?

Liu Heng was angry.

Roaring directly in the court.

"I have given up my will. If you insist on remonstrating to death, you will die!"

"Also, Li Zhong and others will be relieved of their positions immediately! Since you insist on blocking it, there is no need to stay in the court."

"Finally, I would like to emphasize that the contribution of the Zhang family to me and to my great nation is far beyond your imagination. It is not something that you and others can easily achieve. There is no need to discuss the Zhang family's ennoblement!"

After that, Liu Heng walked away.

Only a group of people were left looking at each other.


(End of this chapter)

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