Control the ancestors and create an immortal family starting from the Qin Dynasty

Chapter 159: Entering the siege, war 1 is about to break out

Chapter 159 Entering the siege, the war is about to break out

Everything seemed to have been pressed in slow motion.

From Zhang Wei’s perspective.

The Xiongnu army split in the middle.

Then, two light cavalry came fighting.

It's only ten miles away.

Estimated time required.

It doesn't even take half an hour.

And at this time.

The ambush of their big men was already ready.

As early as the moment the Huns appeared in sight.

Everyone is already ready to go.

Just waiting for the plan to begin.


Plans are worse than changes.

On the battlefield, things change rapidly.

This is what Zhang Wangcheng taught him.

At this time, Zhang Wei had a profound understanding of all this.

I thought that the Huns would be more vigilant.

Sending a team of vanguards to test is already a big deal.


Chanyu seemed to be a little too cautious.

This scene appeared before my eyes.

Not to mention Zhang Wei, even many generals who have been fighting for many years.

It's hard to believe.

"Your Majesty, I don't know what happened to the Huns today, so they sent two teams of scouts to come in parallel."

Liu Che was also in disbelief.

More of a reluctance.

He was not reconciled.

The big man worked so hard.

It took a lot of manpower.

He mobilized an army of 30 people, marched long distances, and set up an ambush in Mayi.

Unexpectedly, he died before leaving the army.

The ambush has not yet taken shape.

It was already stillborn.

A team of scouts.

They all still need prayer.

I pray that Yanshi can settle all this.

I pray that the Yan clan’s influence among the Xiongnu can help them, the Han Dynasty, add fuel to the flames.

These two teams of scouts...

There is no doubt that Shanyu is wary.

It's just too big.

He even suspected that there might be problems within the Huns.

Therefore, he not only dispatched his original military servants, but he must have also dispatched his cronies.

in front of the screen.

Zhang Wei also smiled bitterly.


All the developments in front of him were already out of his control.

All I can say is yes.

Do your best and know your destiny.

"Wangchuan, I'm afraid it will be difficult not to be seen through the ambush we are waiting for."

Liu Che's slightly frustrated tone came from beside him.

I simply collected myself.

Zhang Weiqiang cheered up.

"In any case, Your Majesty, our plan will stop here. However, Wangcheng once told me that the situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly. The Huns can send unexpected scouts to detect the signal. If they are not protected, something may happen. An unexpected surprise.”


Zhang Wei has begun to use "metaphysics" to comfort Liu Che.

This is enough to see.

They have long given up hope in all this.

"Perhaps, the trajectory of history is truly unstoppable. Any individual's power is insignificant in the face of the torrent of history. Or maybe, my Zhang family really shouldn't exist in the torrent of history... "

Zhang Wei became increasingly frustrated.

I even started to doubt in my heart.

Doubt everything in front of you.

Doubt whether your efforts will really yield results.

However, the development of things will not be deflected by his personal ambitions.

Like right now.

They big men have done everything they can.

Zhang Wei has given everything he has and tried his best.

In line with the idea of ​​not wanting to waste all the efforts.

Zhang Wei manipulated Zhang Wangchuan to speak again.

"Your Majesty, no matter what, our Han army cannot give up so easily. We are still waiting here quietly, maybe a miracle will happen."

This is what Zhang Wei said to himself in his heart.

But it can be seen.

There are two teams in the distance, from small to large.

The two sides kept about the same distance.

Pull them apart in sequence.


In the observation of Zhang Wei in front of the screen.

He noticed carefully.

These two teams really seem to have different origins.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be so clear-cut.


From his perspective, the two teams inadvertently connected for a moment at a certain moment.

Then, they separated again.

It seems like an illusion.

Zhang Wei didn't take it too seriously.


Things had already gone off the track he expected.

Let's take a step by step.


He still had a glimmer of hope.

Hope everything goes as expected.

Time passes slowly.

This minute and second.

Zhang Wei is really living like a year.

As he watched, the two scouts in front of him moved closer and closer.

The sound of horse hooves tapping.

From the original slight earthquake to now it is clearly audible.

This is Zhang Wei, Liu Che and others ambushing in Mayi City.

The other ambush troops are just outside the city.

Can be imagined.

At this time, these groups of scouts were very close to the Han's ambush army.

Zhang Wei's heart slowly twitched.


Again at a certain moment.

Being put down suddenly.

Such a sense of gap made Zhang Wei in front of the screen cough uncontrollably.

Different from his actions.

On the contrary, Zhang Wei could not suppress the joy on his face.

Or rather surprised.

The two scouts were already slowly walking through the woods where the big man was lying in wait.


In front of everyone's attention, they beat the horses and formed a circle at a very close distance around Mayi.

Then, he left without hesitation.

The action is fast.

It was as if he had discovered something.


It seems like...


Such words even appeared in Zhang Wei's heart.


Yes, it's routine.

It's like a bored office worker in reality punching in and clocking in every day.

The process still has to go through.

As for the results.

Just have it.

As a modern person.

Zhang Wei was able to understand the meaning more clearly.


There was a secret joy in his heart.

Perhaps, these two scouts really did not uncover any doubts.

Or maybe, these two scouts were bribed by the Yan family?

In fact, to be fair, Zhang Wei still believes in the former more.


The Han army's ambush was not discovered immediately.

This means that there is still hope.

They still have hope of succeeding in their ambush!

Liu Che beside him also understood the truth at this moment.

Just a few simple gestures.

The general beside him took the order and left.


Zhang Wei can feel it.

The sergeants of the big men lying in ambush around them became quieter and quieter.

It's like a tiger that chooses people.

Just waiting for the Huns to arrive, they opened their bloody mouths!

Zhang Wei in front of the screen.

You can even feel the coldness revealed in it.

Once again, he turned his attention to the Huns in the distance.

The two scouts have all returned to the team.

The vacancy in the Xiongnu camp was slowly closed.

It was as if everything that had just happened was like a dream.



Zhang Wei knows.

It is this dream that is related to the victory or defeat of the big man.

It was even related to the life and death of his Zhang family.


Countless people held their breath in concentration.

Observing every move of the Huns in the distance.

I hope I can analyze something from it.


The Hun camp responded.

Keep moving forward!

When this step appears in Zhang Wei's shot.

in front of the screen.

Zhang Wei punched the wall excitedly.

It was as if he wanted to let out all the tension.


Zhang Wei couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. He didn't want to pay attention to his red and swollen arms.

Zhang Wei focused all his attention on the screen.

The Huns advanced.

The entire army slowly moved forward.

Compared to the Han army.

The Huns' army was obviously more scattered.


Even from a distance.

Zhang Wei could feel a strong breath coming towards his face.

A seemingly scattered figure.

Movements like a pack of wolves.

Zhang Wei felt awe-inspiring in his heart.

The wolf in front pretends to be asleep and uses the cover to lure the enemy.

This is Zhang Wei’s first impression.

It seemed that everything the Xiongnu showed was just a disguise.

In the next moment, they will turn into ferocious beasts that choose and devour anyone at any time.

This is Zhang Wei's most intuitive experience.

A short distance of ten miles.

Almost in a blink of an eye.

Perhaps, he wanted to end the fight as soon as possible.

Or perhaps, the situation just discovered made Shan Yu's vigilance drop greatly.

The Xiongnu army started very quickly.

Between several roars.

The Xiongnu army is already close at hand.

of course.

Shan Yu still had a hand in reserve.

You can see it.

Even if they sent two pairs of scouts to test.

Shanyu still has lingering fears about the terrain in Mayi.


He led the entire royal tent to stay in the rear army.

They did not gallop on horseback surrounded by the Huns army as usual.

Just coordinating everything from the rear.

Zhang Wei turned his attention to Liu Che.

can see.

Liu Che was also very excited.


For now, their plans.

It already seems to be true.

Everything is ready, even the east wind is blowing!

Various reactions of the Huns.

Various behaviors of their scouts.

It seems to confirm Zhang Wei's previous flattery.

Inherit the destiny of Tianjing.

God's will!

Forced to suppress the excitement in his heart.

Zhang Wei spoke in a low voice.

"Your Majesty, the Huns are currently within a stone's throw of our encirclement. However, the Chanyu is still outside the rear. Should we wait a little longer, or..."

Liu Che in front of him didn't hesitate at all.

Just wave his hand violently.

"Wangchuan, the situation on the battlefield is unpredictable. We don't have to wait. The best opportunity may or may not be available. Therefore, as long as there is an opportunity, we must seize it! This is what you gave me just now. Let’s do it!”

As Liu Che's words fell.


Several loud arrows were already shooting into the sky.

but it is.

Seeing that the main force of the Huns had stepped into the ambush circle.

Liu Che didn't hesitate at all.

Not even a little hesitation.

Than want a better chance.

He chose to seize the moment.

no doubt.

This is the safest and the best way to maximize all the benefits.

This is the best opportunity!

What appeared in front of Zhang Wei was.

The whole screen froze.


It was like the earth was shaking and the mountains were shaking.

The Han army numbered nearly 300,000.

After several months of long journey, I was ambushed in this valley in Mayi.

The sheer number of people.

Even this small area cannot bear it.

Although Zhang Wei didn't know it clearly.

Why did the Xiongnu scouts turn a blind eye to this group of people?


It's obvious.

My previous layout has already achieved results.


What I worried about before did not happen.


Although there is still no change in the general direction.

Everything will follow the trajectory.

Everything at the moment made Zhang Wei clear.

Some things can indeed be changed.

The fluttering wings of a tiny butterfly.

At some point, there will be huge waves.

The picture seems to be frozen at this moment.

For a moment, Zhang Wei thought a lot.

The Zhang family is like that little butterfly.

It carries more than just Zhang Wei’s expectations.

Perhaps, this is an unprecedented change.

And his Zhang family is the first to bear the brunt!

Accompanied by the sound of the sounding arrow.

Visible to the naked eye.

The Xiongnu army was stunned.

In front of me, the overwhelming Huns are as smooth as the tide.

It seemed as if it was blocked by a rock.

This collision.

It seemed to make them confused.

In their eyes, fat is easily available.

That is what Nie Yi calls the undefended Mayi.

At this time, it was like a giant beast waking up.

moments before they approach.

The original disguise on his body was torn off.

He opened his bloody mouth at them.

For an instant.

The arrogant expression on the face of the former Xiongnu army was still stagnant.

The open mouth seemed to be silently mocking.

They laughed at the cowardly big men and the big Han border residents who were like cattle and sheep waiting to be slaughtered in their eyes.

There is also the undefended city in front of us.


The words of persuasion to surrender were still echoing in his mouth.

Those who surrender to the Huns can retain it.

If there is resistance, the whole city will be slaughtered, leaving no one alive.

This is the strategy pursued by the Huns.

in their eyes.

Cattle and sheep naturally do not have any rights.

The wails of pain were just a glorification of their achievements in their eyes.

have to say.

The Xiongnu in front of him really had a way to kill himself.

As early as the moment when the Xiongnu set foot on the land of the Han Dynasty.

At the moment when the envoy respectfully presented all the evil deeds committed by the Huns.

It’s not just Liu Che.

Zhang Wei also felt filled with indignation.

even though,

He never considered himself to be from this dynasty.


As a Chinese citizen.

He was also extremely angry at such a cruel act.


I don’t know when.

The frozen scene suddenly came alive.

Presented in front of Zhang Wei.

It's a thrilling one that actually happened.


Although he and Liu Che were at the top of the highest city in Mayi.

Although Zhang Wei knew that a gentleman should not stand behind a dangerous wall.


Liu Che is the nominal commander-in-chief this time.

Facing the Huns, he naturally refused to retreat even a step.

Even though there is a lot of panic in my heart.

Zhang Wei also needs to be accompanied.

The afterglow of the setting sun filled the entire land.

Orange sunshine.

In Zhang Wei's eyes.

It even turned into bright red blood.

Cruel, yet blooming with a different kind of brilliance.

in the speaker beside you.

The neighing of war horses, the shouts of the enemy, and the uniform march of the Han army.

Including the roaring back and forth of the various messengers, as well as the shouts between the generals.

It was as if a symphony was playing.

To the Huns.

It's like the last song before death.

Calculation of intention and lack of intention.

Occupy favorable terrain and surround your opponents from a high position.

The entire Han army was surrounded from three sides, like a huge pocket or a huge hand.

Hold the entire main force of the Huns firmly in their hands.

pay close attention.

Just like a ferocious beast that chooses people to devour.

Open your bloody mouth.

Swallow the main force of the Xiongnu into his belly.

The main force of the Han army was also mobilized.

The moment you hear the sound of the arrow.

Under the reflection of the setting sun.

The cold light of the sword turned into the sickle of death.

Harvesting one life after another ruthlessly.


(End of this chapter)

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