Control the ancestors and create an immortal family starting from the Qin Dynasty

Chapter 171: Catch them all in one fell swoop? Yan's sinister intentions!

Chapter 171 Catch them all in one fell swoop? Yan's sinister intentions!

As Zhang Wei's faint words fell.

Liu Che nodded understandingly.

"Indeed, it is just as you said, Wangchuan. At this time, there is an internal problem in the Xiongnu, and the Chanyu also made a foolish move, but at least in the short term, according to what I think, there should not be too big a problem within the Xiongnu. The problem."

"That's right, Your Majesty. Although sending troops to suppress things like this seems to be a foolish move, it can at least be saved for a while. Not only can it greatly slow down the speed at which our Han Dynasty may send troops, but it also gives Shan Yu a certain degree of control. A breather.”


After this analysis by the two people.

Things are much clearer.

But at the same time.

Liu Che looked hesitant.

"If this is the case, wouldn't it be difficult to realize our wish to work hard in one go?"

"One surge of strength will lead to failure, and three times it will be exhausted. Shanyu acted like this, maybe he is worried that our big men will immediately send troops to the grassland, making them worse."

Faced with Liu Che's hesitation.

Zhang Wei, on the other hand, was unhurried.

"Your Majesty, in fact, to some extent, this is also beneficial to us big men. Not only is the disadvantage of Shan Yu acting in this way really obvious. But also because I, a big man, have never been afraid of fighting a protracted war. wait."


Liu Che, who was sitting on the throne, suddenly fell into thinking.


The war between the Han and the Huns.

What matters is never determined by one battle.


The fighting status of the Han Dynasty and the form of their farming civilization.

Innately, it is determined that Dahan will be more outstanding in terms of logistical support and protracted warfare.

And the development model of the Xiongnu nomads.

This is to allow it to focus on quick battles while ensuring mobility.

Mainly harassment warfare.

In the past, the Xiongnu harassed the Han's frontier many times, but the Han was helpless, which all confirmed this point.

At the beginning, during the period of Emperor Wen and Emperor Jing.

Although the marriage was guaranteed, the Xiongnu still harassed the Han people at the border.

In other words.

The Han Dynasty was good at positional warfare, while the Xiongnu was good at roaming.

Experienced the first battle before.

The Han took advantage of the terrain and used positional warfare to capture the main force of the Huns.


Although the main force was completely wiped out.

The Huns were never without resistance.

This is why the Han Dynasty has no intention of sending troops to the grassland immediately.

But on Zhang Wei's suggestion.

Some people put up a posture to counterattack the grassland.

In fact, the Han army began to cultivate their physical strength.

Only when you have enough energy can you carry out a larger war.

Only then can we fight a protracted war!

Regarding the Xiongnu, Zhang Wei never thought about a battle!

Such thoughts.

On the contrary, it is very different from the understanding of the Xiongnu leader Shanyu.

This also indirectly caused Shanyu's decision-making mistakes now!

"I admire Zhang Aiqing's strategy very much!"

Figure out where the joints are.

Liu Che sighed slightly.

Zhang Wei's idea has never been decided in one battle.

The so-called vigorous effort will lead to failure, and then exhaustion.

This refers to being in a war.

On the other hand, look at the Huns.

They have vast grasslands and greater mobility.

If they hadn't taken advantage of the terrain, there really wouldn't be anything the big man could do if they wanted to run away.


Well, the big man wants to fight with it.

I want to wipe them all out step by step.

It doesn’t just take your own strategy.

It is even more necessary to let the other party make mistakes!

Let the entire Xiongnu be in chaos.

It makes it impossible for them to work together as one and to use their own strengths.

Even, there is no wise leader!

Torn apart.

This is the most ideal state.

At the moment, Shan Yu had misunderstood Zhang Wei's wishes.

In a situation where the big man acted like he wanted to suppress the whole army.

Chanyu knows it well.

An unstable royal tent would bring disaster to the entire Xiongnu.

In addition, he also wants to further consolidate his rights.

At least it cannot have a fundamental impact on his power because of the previous annihilation of the entire army.


When unfavorable information about Chanyu began to spread in the grassland.

Chanyu made a decisive decision and sent troops to suppress it.

The reason for adoption is naturally grand.

at the moment.

The Han Dynasty is about to be invaded by soldiers.

As the people of the wolf god on the grassland.

As a brave and capable prairie man.

He does not allow and will not let anyone have any thoughts that are not conducive to the war.

Doesn’t the big man have a saying?

Anyone who shakes the morale of the army will be killed without mercy!

Shan Yu was trying to find a way to arouse the last trace of blood in the Xiongnu's bones.

Unite the people of the grassland.

Unite them to face external enemies, and if there is any situation internally, they will suppress it with all their strength!

Only in this way, and only in the face of foreign enemies, can Shan Yu's own problems be downplayed.

Zhang Wei's actions directly or indirectly contributed to today's situation.

of course,

This is what he wants to see too.

"Your Majesty is ridiculous. This is the inspiration your Majesty gave me. To put it bluntly, my greater advantage over the Xiongnu is in strategy. Moreover, your Majesty is wise and powerful and adopted my plan. All of this is your Majesty's. Credit.”

Zhang Wei’s flattery.

Liu Che had a smile on his face when he took the photo.

The relationship between the two.

In fact, there is no need for such flattery to maintain it.

That is.

Zhang Wei in front of the screen knew clearly.

The sedan chair was carried by everyone.

These seem to be his own ideas.

In the eyes of everyone, Zhang Wei wants to do everything that is beneficial to the big man.

Not only Zhang Wangchuan, controlled by Zhang Wei, but also the entire Zhang family are loyal and dedicated to serving the country.


From beginning to end.

Zhang Wei knew what his purpose was.

Develop the Zhang family.

Opening up and expanding territory for the Han Dynasty also contributed to the development of his Zhang family.

Otherwise, he wouldn't do these thankless things.

Otherwise, the court's appearance will be strange.

He will not jump out and become the target of public criticism.

Become Liu Che's spokesperson.

After all.

Everything is for the development of the Zhang family.

It is also for the Zhang family.

He needs to cater to Liu Che and respect Liu Che from the outside to the inside.

"It's just that, Zhang Aiqing, the Shanyu used the power of the Han army to unite the hearts of the people again. In this way, if the Shanyu takes this opportunity..."

Liu Che in front of him seemed to have remembered something. He hesitated to speak.

This behavior of my own.

On the contrary, it promoted Shan Yu's second integration of the Huns.

Let him face such a decision-making mistake and miraculously come back to life.

In this case.

Relying on Chanyu's ability and hatred for the big man.

On the contrary, it is not good for them.

about this point.

Zhang Wei actually never doubted Shan Yu's ability.

Able to lead hundreds of thousands of troops, able to secure the throne of the Huns.

Shanyu's ability and courage are beyond doubt.

That is.

Pure ability and courage.

Is it really possible for Chanyu to still secure his throne before the hundreds of thousands of troops are wiped out?

not necessarily.

At least, it would be impossible for the Yan family to do anything.

There will also be people who don't want to see this.

That's right.

The Yan family is not only Shanyu's obstacle to stabilizing all this, but also another clever move by Zhang Wei.

During the previous war.

The Yan family had already expressed their eagerness to pull Shanyu down from the throne and replace him himself.

It was also the help of the Yan family.

Only after Zhang Wei and Dahan's plan can be implemented.

Directly or indirectly, it led to the annihilation of hundreds of thousands of Xiongnu troops.

at the moment.

Shan Yu fled back in embarrassment.

I thought I was facing a mess.

I thought that the Yan family could take over all this effortlessly.

Unexpectedly, Chanyu used the power of the Han Dynasty to further integrate the Huns.

Will the Yan family sit still and wait for death?


Yan's plan has been carried out to this day.

Seeing that there is only one step away from success.

Seeing the throne that he longed for.

When Shan Yu's entire army was wiped out, he already appeared in front of them.

just now.

Shanyu wanted to resist.

Want to rise again.

Will they sit back and watch this happen?

No, absolutely not!

"Zhang Aiqing, even so, what if the Yan family is attracted by Shan Yu again? What if the Chan Yu can offer a temptation that even the Yan family can't refuse?"

Zhang Wei shook his head.

"Impossible, Your Majesty, absolutely impossible! No one can resist the temptation of the throne. Seeing that there is only one step away from the throne, at this time, no price can make the Yan family let go!"

Zhang Wei’s words are full of profound meaning.

In front of him, Liu Che was startled.

Then, look at Zhang Wei.

His eyes showed a lot of kindness.

"In the face of this matter, there is a person sitting in front of me who is standing still."

Zhang Wei controlled Zhang Wangchuan to look stunned.

There was a brief silence on the field.


He manipulated Zhang Wangchuan and bowed solemnly to Liu Che.

His face was full of panic.

"Your Majesty is aware of this. I have never had such an idea, and the same is true for my Zhang family. Your Majesty, your Majesty..."

Liu Che took a step forward.

He personally helped Zhang Wangchuan up.

"Wangchuan, what are you talking about? I have felt Wangchuan's thoughts and the Zhang family's thoughts countless times. What I just meant was that I don't know whether the Xiongnu family can resist the temptation, but I am a big man. The Zhang family can indeed endure all this."

"It can be seen that the Zhang family's loyalty to me can be seen day by day. At the same time, my trust in the Zhang family is also the same! Zhang Aiqing, don't worry, as long as my big man is around, the status of the Zhang family will not change. Any wavering!"

Zhang Wangchuan in front of him breathed a long sigh of relief.

The expression on his face gradually relaxed.

In this regard.

Liu Che is more trusting.

no doubt.

Zhang Wei’s words just now were full of profound meaning.

Liu Che, so why not?

Zhang Wei expressed the loyalty of the Zhang family.

He also expressed his trust smoothly.

The king and his ministers.

It never exists in isolation.

At least.

In Zhang Wei's eyes and Liu Che's heart.

The Zhang family and his Liu family have always made each other successful.

In saying this, there may be some suspicion of tyranny.

However, it is what it is.

This loyalty is emphasized time and time again.

It will always be engraved in the hearts of both of them!

Closer to home.

Zhang Wangchuan cleared his throat.

"Your Majesty, in fact, our worries have never been a problem. This piece of hemp paper in our hands is actually the sincerity shown to us by the Yan family, and it is also the signal they want to send out!"

Oh? ?

"Appreciate further details."

Liu Che spoke.

Zhang Wei took over the conversation.

"Your Majesty, you also know that at present, except for some special channels, the Huns have implemented an all-round blockade on us Han people. It can be said that we cannot get any information from the Huns at all, and the Yan family is willing to take such risks, Just passing on this information reveals more than what we just thought."

Liu Che nodded.

Signaling Zhang Wei to continue.

"The reason why the Yan family passed this news to us is actually to make us men wary and even take action! This is in their best interest."

"Take action? Zhang Aiqing, are you saying that he wants us big men to eradicate the Xiongnu?"

"That's right, Your Majesty. The reason why the Yan family went to convey the message that the Xiongnu's Chanyu was so courageous was because he wanted us to be afraid and wanted us to take action again before they could be integrated. It would be best to completely defeat the Chanyu for them. eradicate!"

Zhang Wei continued to speak.

"The Yan family has sinister intentions from the beginning to the end. They just want to use my big man to build bridges and roads for them. It is best to stage a drama where the snipe and the clam fight and the fisherman gets the benefit!"

"I would like to ask Your Majesty, after the war between our Han Dynasty and the Xiongnu ended, the Yan family took the initiative to downplay the relationship between us. But now, they are bringing up the old things again and conveying the message to us again. Let me see, the Yan family's heart It’s damnable!”

Just four words.

But it was like thunder, echoing in the palace.

Liu Che also showed a look of understanding.

"This Yan family, I still underestimate them. They have repeatedly tried to take advantage of us, not only did they extract a lot of benefits from us, but now, they don't even think of a single benefit!"

Zhang Wei nodded.

"Since the Yan family chose to deliver the news at this point where the Chanyu is suppressing everyone with violence, they just want to arouse our fear and let us Han people send troops while the Chanyu has not yet integrated everything. It is best to be able to fight with the Xiongnu. The fish is dead and the net is broken!”

"We can think of this, and it is probably not what the Yan family expected. What they have laid out is this kind of plan! If we send troops, it will play into their hands. While spending our Han national strength to severely damage the grassland, we will also do something for Yan. The rise of the clan cleared the last obstacle. Even if they took over a dilapidated Xiongnu."

"I would rather have a chicken head than a phoenix tail. This is probably Yan's idea."

Liu Che took over the conversation.

"But if we don't send troops, what can the Yan family do?"

Zhang Wei shook his head.

"Your Majesty, this is actually the brilliance of the Yan family. From the beginning to the end, he conveyed the idea that Shanyu has great courage and is the biggest threat to our Han Dynasty. In fact, he did not leave us the option of not sending troops at all. ."

"Anyone who sees such a huge temptation and sees that Zhang can catch all the Xiongnu in the grassland, even if the Huns are not fully prepared, this is almost a victory that comes to their doorstep!"

"In my opinion, no one can refuse such a huge temptation."


(End of this chapter)

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