Control the ancestors and create an immortal family starting from the Qin Dynasty

Chapter 173 The continuation of the bloodline, the Zhang family’s unicorn son

Chapter 173 The continuation of the bloodline, the Zhang family’s unicorn son

Hurry up and go slow along the way.

in front of the screen.

Zhang Wei was also very nervous.

Although, he has experienced the birth and death of countless generations of Zhang family.

It is also known that birth, old age, illness and death are normal.


in ancient times.

Medical conditions are still underdeveloped.

most of the time.

The reason why children have a high probability of dying in infancy is due to the issue of delivery.

Seeing that Zhang Wangchuan finally had an heir.

The Zhang family finally found a successor.

This huge family fortune includes my future happiness in life.

But they all fall on the continuation of this generation.

inside the house.

A noisy, busy sound.

Zhang Wangchuan was pacing anxiously in the small courtyard.

I just hope everything goes well.

At this time, he only had hope.

Time slipped quietly through the fingers.

The house was also as busy as before.

Until now.

A little silence.

However, Zhang Wei in front of the screen knew clearly.

This is the most thrilling part.

In other words, it is different from the rush at the beginning.

Now, when everything is ready.

When they are actually ready to deliver the baby.

This is the beginning of a real test.

Zhang Wei looked nervous in front of the screen.

Through Zhang Wangchuan’s perspective.

Staring intently into the room, staring at the candlelight that was constantly shining in the room.


The atmosphere on the screen suddenly froze.

It was as if the film had jammed.

Just when Zhang Wei wondered if the game console was lagging.

The whole picture became vivid again.

A loud baby cry.

Like the sound of nature, it came from the speaker beside me.

this moment.

Zhang Wei also breathed a long sigh of relief.

at this time.

A prompt came from the game screen at the right time.

[Congratulations to the player, the character you control, Zhang Wangchuan, has given birth to an heir. 】

[Your family members have grown to: 100 people (wives and concubines are only the head wives)]

[Please name the current child. 】

A prompt pops up along with the game.

Zhang Wei was stunned.


There was a burst of joy that could not be concealed on his face.


He thought that the talents of the Zhang family were as numerous as the stars.

Unexpectedly, the Zhang family has developed to such an extent.

Count all family members.

It has already reached three digits!

This is undoubtedly a new milestone!

It's just his Zhang family.

Even if you include your first wife.

However, it contains the blood of his Zhang family.

It was estimated that there were nearly dozens of people.

This is undoubtedly another expansion of the Zhang family!


The door to the room suddenly opened.

A midwife-looking figure poked her head out.

"Master, you can go in now, Master."

Zhang Wangchuan hurried forward.

On his face, there was joy that could not be suppressed.

Until today.

He finally had his own heir.

He was finally able to truly breathe a sigh of relief.

The Zhang family was not cut off by his hands!

In his hands, the Zhang family has once again been extended!

A moment's work.

Zhang Wangchuan had already entered the room.

Different from what I saw before.

In front of the screen, Zhang Wei frowned slightly.

All I saw was what appeared on the screen.

There are many mosaic parts.


In the corner of the bed.

The two small figures made his eyes light up.

These are rare twins!

"Master, good news, great news! It's two boys!"

The midwife's suppressed surprise came from the side.

"Okay, okay, I have a successor to the Zhang family! Okay, that's really good."

Looking at the scene in front of me.

Zhang Wei was also happy from the bottom of his heart.

Zhang Wangchuan in front of him was already dancing happily.

This cannot be said to be disrespectful.


A true reflection of his inner emotions.

The Zhang family once again grew and prospered from this.

From the original there were only three people.

Later, after several generations of hard work.

At this time, the Zhang family has already crossed the hundred-member mark.

of course.

For other branches of the Zhang family.

Zhang Wei gave them part of his livelihood.

Treat this group of people equally.

The Zhang family will try their best to nurture talented people and allow them to develop.

Helplessly confused.

The probability of someone with extraordinary talent appearing is really too small.



They are all descendants of his Zhang family.

They all represent possibility and hope.

"Master, master?"

Bursts of voices coming from the side pulled Zhang Wangchuan back from his thoughts.

"Grandpa, the child doesn't have a name yet."

"Oh, oh!"

Zhang Wangchuan suddenly realized.

I haven’t chosen a name yet!

of course.

He already had a certain idea in his mind.

"After the generation with the character Wang, the next generation of our Zhang family will be named Xing. The eldest child is called Zhang Xingguo, which is in line with the trend of great victory for the big men like us at this time. The younger children also take this as their mainstay, so they are called Zhang Xingguo. His name is Zhang Xingmin, he serves the country and the people."

As Zhang Wangchuan's words fell.

The system sent prompts in a timely manner.

Just click on the pop-up message.

But it made Zhang Wei's expression stagnant.

【Family information】

[Name: Zhang Xingguo]

[Identity: A descendant of the Zhang family]

[Intelligence: 59 (after full growth)]

[Strength: 80 (after full growth)]

【Age: 0】

【Character,? ? 】

[Character potential: high level. 】

[Character evaluation: As the name suggests, rejuvenating the country will definitely bring great prosperity to the country! 】

? ?

in front of the screen.

Zhang Wei was stunned.

To say this name.

In fact, Zhang Wei did not interfere much from beginning to end.

He didn't want to interfere too much.

to be honest.

He can manipulate the ancestors of the Zhang family to do something for the continuation of the Zhang family.

Even if it is, to some extent against their wishes.


In some aspects, Zhang Wei fully followed their own subjective wishes.

Let them exert some subjective initiative.

For example, naming a child.

Despite Zhang Wei's name.

It was taken by my father.

Moreover, it has long been ruined.

There are not 1000 million, but there are 800 million.


Zhang Wei still hopes.

In a sense.

They can be named by their own father, and this name can carry their hopes.

As for Zhang Xingguo and Zhang Xingmin from Zhang Wangchuan.

These two names did not exceed Zhang Wei's expectations.

From beginning to end.

While Zhang Wangchuan was trying every means to develop the Zhang family.

Loyalty to the great man can be learned from the sun and the moon.

There is no doubt about this.

Zhang Wangchuan hoped from the bottom of his heart that Han Dynasty could develop gradually.

can prosper day by day.

In the context of the war between the Han Dynasty and the Huns.

Especially, under the influence of his Zhang family, the Han Dynasty won a great victory.

Rejuvenate the country and rejuvenate the country.

It really fits the context.

As for the other Xingmin.

A great chivalrous person serves the country and the people.

The Zhang family serves the country not only for the Han people, but also for the thousands of Han people! For the descendants of his Zhang family.

Zhang Wei was not surprised here.

That is.

this property.

It is really……

It's so eye-popping.

In front of the screen, Zhang Wei felt as if he had won a big prize by buying a lottery ticket.

Then again.

How long has it been?

How long has it been since I saw one with such outstanding attributes?

This property.

In terms of intelligence, it's a full 59.

Compared to Zhang Wangchuan in front of him.

Apparently, the intelligence is exactly the same.

This is enough to make a career.

At least, there is no problem in being the head of the Zhang family.


The surprise is yet to come.

A full 80 points of force value.

What is this concept?

This only existed in the third generation of the Zhang family.

Such force.

Being a founding general is more than enough!


At present, Zhang Jiagang plans to develop into the military.

In other words.

The Zhang family needs a strong leader.

Just like looking into it.

No, it has to surpass Zhang Wangcheng.

What Zhang Wei hopes is that such a leader can lead the Zhang family to carve out a world of their own in the military.

The Zhang family has put in so much effort and effort.

With step-by-step planning and step-by-step concessions, the Zhang family entered the army logically.

at the moment.

It's just a matter of time before it belongs.

The various descendants of the Zhang family are already dotted in the military center.

Progress upward step by step.

It's this speed of development and their talent that is really hard to compliment.

Zhang Wei had a headache.

Liu Che could allow him to develop the Zhang family in the military.

He even promised that the Zhang family could contact him if they had any matters.


Zhang Wei knows the same thing.

The Zhang family must not use its own power to feed back and support the descendants of the Zhang family.

The army of the Han Dynasty was never the army of his Zhang family.

Among them, the biggest one is Liu Che and the Liu family.

in this way.

He, Zhang Wei, could only allow the Zhang family to develop legitimately.

This way you won't fall into anyone's trap.

Compared with the previous situation where there was no intervention at all, the current situation is already much better.

Zhang Wei really has nothing else to ask for.

That is,

Zhang Wei certainly hopes to have a descendant who is good enough.

Let the Zhang family's power in the army expand.

A justifiable identity allowed the Zhang family to join the army and make enough achievements to silence everyone.

Zhang Xingguo is in front of him.

This seems to be such an opportunity!

Really, give me a pillow when you feel sleepy!

Zhang Wei in front of the screen was extremely happy.

Looking at the sleeping baby in Zhang Wangchuan's arms.

The love in my heart cannot be concealed.

His abilities, including his attributes.

In addition, the Zhang family has made many arrangements before.

The roc rises in the wind one day and soars up to ninety thousand miles.

This is probably the Dapeng of his Zhang family!

Turn your eyes to the other side.

[Name: Zhang Xingmin]

[Identity: A descendant of the Zhang family]

[Intelligence: 79 (after full growth)]

[Strength: 45 (after full growth)]

【Age: 0】

【Character,? ? 】

[Character potential: high level. 】

[Character evaluation: Outstanding resourcefulness and frequent clever ideas. 】

? ?

Looking at Zhang Xingmin's attributes.

Let’s look at his comments again.

A feeling of naturalness emerged in Zhang Wei's mind.

That's the attribute.

That's intelligence.

This outstanding resourcefulness is also a sure thing.

These two descendants of the Zhang family.

Zhang Xingguo, Zhang Xingmin.

The names and their attributes are simply tailor-made!

All of a sudden.

Zhang Wei even couldn't help being happy.

This is simple.

When drowsiness comes, give me a pillow.

It is God who wants his Zhang family to develop!

To know.

Right now, the Zhang family has entered a new stage.

It is different from the previous Dahan Chuding.

The Zhang family needs a moderate leader to maintain the stability of the Zhang family and steadily enable the Zhang family to develop.

But now it's different.

The Zhang family is like a big man after recuperation.

There is an urgent need to expand the Zhang family to a higher level.

This is when the Zhang family is in a period of qualitative change.


The Zhang family urgently needs one or more wise leaders.

It's not like Zhang Wangchuan, a mediocre person.

On the contrary.

Need to excel.

What the Zhang family needs now is no longer being kind to others.


The Zhang family needs to show their talents at the right time.

Since Zhang Wei has chosen to embark on the path of pursuing military power.

Even the pursuit of military power is done secretly.

Zhang Wei never thought of taking this opportunity to do anything.


Military power is military power.

Compared to the past.

The Zhang family is walking on thin ice.

We need outstanding talents from generation to generation.

Just like the so-called aristocratic families in ancient times, why can they last for hundreds of generations?

In fact, it is because of the support of generations of outstanding people.

The Zhang family, despite the existence of Zhang Wangchuan.

In terms of ability, the continuation of the family.

No need to worry too much.

That is.

You can't always be a mediocre person.

Especially the family is in a new stage.

What’s more, we need the guidance of outstanding people!

"Okay, okay, it's really good!"

Zhang Wei in front of the screen praised him repeatedly.

This time, the quality of the next generation of the Zhang family clearly exceeded his imagination!

Especially, it is still the main line of the Zhang family!

With the continuation of the Zhang family.

It’s no longer just three or two big cats and kittens.

From the beginning there were only three people to now more than 100 people.

Naturally, we need to prioritize.

The main line is now dominated by the three brothers Zhang Wangjing, Zhang Wangchuan and Zhang Wangcheng.

Clearly distinguish priorities.

Mainly for the better cultivation of the Zhang family and the tilting of resources.

Although Zhang Wei has always treated talented people equally.

That is.

The closer to the main vein.

Naturally, it will be easier to get into Zhang Wei's sight.

It is also easier to get corresponding training.

in front of the screen.

Zhang Wei was a little emotional.

Time and life.

A second ago, I was worried about whether the Zhang family could continue.

The next second, he had already begun to think about the Zhang family's main veins and branch veins.

This is also true.

Everyone has selfish motives.

Zhang Wei naturally hopes.

The main line of the Zhang family is the people he directly or indirectly controls.

Have more outstanding people.

of course.

From now on, the leaves will scatter with the Zhang family's expenses.

Even if it's like buying a lottery ticket.

There are not that many outstanding members of the Zhang family.

However, it will definitely be much better than now.

in this way.

The Zhang family focuses on the cultivation of children and various resources, including the talent assessment system.

It should also be put on the agenda.

Zhang Wei is not a god after all.

His energy is also limited, and he cannot do everything in detail.

The Zhang family has a great cause.

It is impossible for him to understand all the new generations.


Maybe, he can understand something!

The more I think about it.

Zhang Weiyue felt that the feasibility of the matter was great.


Zhang Wei manipulated Zhang Wangchuan to call the attendants.

"From today on, our Zhang family will open our own school. All new generations will be sent to the school. As the head of the Zhang family, I will also go to the school to teach when necessary."


(End of this chapter)

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