Control the ancestors and create an immortal family starting from the Qin Dynasty

Chapter 190: Kill the chicken to scare the monkey, and come up with a plan logically!

Chapter 190: Kill the chicken to scare the monkey, and come up with a plan logically!

The sun is shining brightly.

The rising sun shines clearly into the Chinese military camp, seeming to inject a little warmth into the desolation outside the Great Wall.

However, inside the camp, there was silence.

In fact, General Wang, who was kneeling on the ground, had big beads of sweat on his face.

I was even more panicked inside.

The Zhang family's refusal to give in and Liu Che's anger had completely covered up the harshness beyond the wall.

It made him feel like he was in the hot summer.

It even made it difficult for him to breathe and think.

After a long silence, Liu Che slowly spoke.

"General Wang, do you know your guilt?"

In front of him, General Wang answered with great difficulty.

"Your Majesty, I am guilty. The Zhang family is really the humerus of my great man. I should not deceive the emperor, despise the court, and openly roar in the court. However, I ask your majesty to look at the merits of my late father and please show mercy. "

As he spoke, General Wang kowtowed repeatedly.

But he didn't realize that Liu Che's eyes were still extremely cold.

Even Zhang Wangchuan in front of him and Zhang Wei in front of the screen had no intention of stopping him.


General Wang knelt down and his head was bleeding.

Liu Che waved his hand impatiently.

"General Wang, this time, I will spare you for the time being based on your late father's merits. However, death penalty can be avoided, but living crime cannot be escaped! Zhang Aiqing, how do you think I should punish General Wang?"

Liu Che turned his attention to Zhang Wangchuan who was standing aside.


Liu Che put the right of choice in his hands.

At the same time, the signal Liu Che wanted to send was also obvious.

Not only did Liu Che still intend to support the Zhang family, he even wanted to restore the prestige of the Zhang family in front of the courtiers.

The Zhang family today is very different from the past.

He should be ruthless and decisive.

They never lack.

He will also show his fangs at the right time!

"Your Majesty, according to what I have seen, just as your Majesty said, death penalty can be avoided, but living crime cannot be escaped. Although I think General Wang is also worried about my big man, he is just too impatient. It is better to let General Wang go to the battlefield. Please follow the example of your father and make great achievements to avoid this sin."

Um? ?

Listen to Zhang Wei's words.

All the officials in the court were confused.


I even felt that Zhang Wei's speech had no substance.

Just now, the so-called General Wang also said that he had never actually been on the battlefield, but had gained some qualifications in the army based on the achievements of his ancestors.

As for the current war, anyone with a discerning eye knows that this matter is of great importance.

Even the courtiers knew that after the Xiongnu lost their main force, the grassland was an extremely tempting cake for the Han Dynasty.

But war is war.

In particular, the war against the Xiongnu was more similar to a war of genocide.

What the big men want to rob is their home.

It is conceivable how violent the Huns' counterattack would be even if they were short of troops.

Similarly, Liu Che naturally knew the situation on the Xiongnu side.

The grassland is a bitter and cold area. Since childhood, each herdsman has been proficient in riding and shooting.

It is not an exaggeration to use the phrase "all people are soldiers" to describe it.

In other words, once the war really starts, if there is no suitable strategy, if the two sides just go head-to-head, the losses on the Han side will probably be very terrible.

Again, war is war.

War kills people!

And Zhang Wei's words asked General Wang to perform meritorious service on the battlefield...

Isn't it the same as sending him to the battlefield to fend for himself?


The more he thought about it, the more the courtier felt a sense of fear.

They could clearly feel that the Zhang family had changed, and they were no longer the kind and friendly Zhang family they had been before.

The Zhang family has already shown their edge!

No shying away!

Some people even felt extremely afraid of the Zhang family.

However, why don't they think about what this group of people did when Zhang Wei was speaking before, and what did this so-called General Wang do?

He openly roared in the court and openly interrupted Zhang Wangchuan to tell his plan.

The atmosphere on Zhang Wei's side has been set.

However, after such a interruption, the Zhang family has not continued to express their plans even now!

Just the crime of delaying the opportunity of the army is enough for this so-called General Wang to drink a pot of wine.

Not to mention, the Zhang family, who were originally kind, could not give in at this time!

The Zhang family’s prestige starts from now on!

"What do you think of Zhang Aiqing's speech?"

Liu Che turned his gaze to the others again, his expression still uncertain.

At this point, other courtiers became even more undecided.

In other words, what Liu Che expressed in the court this time was very simple.

Very clear.

In fact, it is to protect the Zhang family, or even to establish prestige for the Zhang family.

However, the Zhang family's speech was indeed a bit too serious, or it could be said that it was used to make excuses.

If the Zhang family does this, it remains to be seen whether Liu Che will agree.

Many people speculated that Liu Che just wanted to ask for their opinions, but felt that the Zhang family's suggestion was unreasonable.

I hope they can stand up and say no.

However, this group of people did not dare. They were afraid that they would guess wrong. They were afraid that if they said something inappropriate, it would easily lead to the hostility of Liu Che and the Zhang family.

Today, they are no longer the Zhang family in nothing.

In other words, while being afraid of the Zhang family, they are more afraid of them.

The Zhang family has already shown its fangs!

Of course, General Wang is never alone. There are naturally some close friends around him.

It cannot be said that it is a clique for personal gain. It can only be said that the relationship is always complicated.

A man who looked like a civil servant took the initiative to stand out.

"Your Majesty, I think this is not appropriate at this time. According to what I have seen, General Wang was just in a moment of urgency. After all, what Zhang Shangshu said was related to the fate of our country, the matter is related to our country, and some of his words The impulse is completely normal.”

"It's very true, Your Majesty, I think the punishment mentioned by Zhang Shangshu is also inappropriate. The war is about to begin. General Wang should mobilize his troops in the court instead of sending them to the military camp for training. This is a waste of time." Awesome..." It was okay not to say this, but the more he said it, the more furious Liu Che felt.

On weekdays, everyone is in the court, pretending to be loyal ministers. Now, it's on his head.

Zhang Wei's punishment actually won Liu Che's heart.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty naturally focused on martial arts.

It was at the moment when the Han Dynasty and the Xiongnu were about to go to war.

This so-called General Wang has no intention of serving the country with his army.

However, now he actually dares to target the Zhang family like this in the court.

Facing such a person, it would be unjustifiable not to teach him a lesson!

Furthermore, from Zhang Wei's punishment, it can be seen that he did not want to punish him more. Even if General Wang is really talented, not only can he return to the court, but the Zhang family will also be equal to Let him earn merit for no reason.

And what about these courtiers?

Not only was it obstructed in every possible way, but he even felt that this was handled inappropriately!

If the general does not go to the army, will he stay in the court and talk nonsense?

"His Majesty……"

Some people wanted to persuade them, but Liu Che rebuked them again.

"I have always thought that you are all important ministers in the court. I have always had hope for you! However, I did not expect that the court of my Han Dynasty would be so corrupt! The generals of the court have never experienced military affairs? This Is that true?"

"Right now, the war is about to begin. Wangchuan just hopes that General Wang can take the opportunity to join the army, make achievements, and make a difference. Wangchuan obviously has no intention of resenting General Wang. Such great achievements have been given up. I didn't expect that you guys would actually Act like this?"

"Get out, get out of here!"

Liu Che's anger caused everyone to kneel on the ground again.

This time, Liu Che had no idea of ​​giving them another chance or forgiving them.

He just waved his hand and asked the guards at the entrance of the camp to drag a few people out.

"Your Majesty is wronged, wronged..."

Some people still want to argue.

"Drag me out and reflect on it!"

As the shouts faded away, the entire court became a little quieter.

Zhang Wei looked at the reactions of the courtiers with the help of the light from the corner of Zhang Wangchuan's eyes. They seemed to heave a long sigh of relief.

Inadvertently, he looked at the Zhang family and turned his head away hastily, as if he had seen some wild beast.

Zhang Wei in front of the screen was secretly amused.

"Before, it was the Zhang family that gave you people a lot of good looks. They thought that the Zhang family was weak and could be bullied. Anyone could ride on the Zhang family's head and shit? In fact, it was just that I didn't want to cause trouble. It was just that I wanted to Curb your edge.”

"What now? Once the Zhang family really starts to show its fangs, Liu Che will also be on the side of the Zhang family. Who is more important and who is more important can be seen at a glance."

Zhang Wei murmured to himself in front of the screen.

"Of course, the Zhang family cannot go too far. At least, there must be no mistakes in the general direction and in matters of meritorious service."

Right now, it is a critical period for the development of the Zhang family.

It can be said that whether the Zhang family can take a further step, whether they can establish prestige in the court, and naturally intervene in the military affairs of the army, everything is already close at hand.

There is absolutely no room for carelessness!

After a pause, Zhang Wei manipulated Zhang Wangchuan to take a step forward and spoke proactively.

"Your Majesty, let's get down to business. In fact, I have already made a certain decision on how to lure out the Xiongnu. However, the matter is so important that I dare not make a hasty decision."

Oh? ?

Compared to the episode that just occurred, the ministers were obviously more curious about Zhang Wei's words.

Even those here who have not experienced previous wars have heard about the difficulties of the Huns.

In addition, the grassland is their home field. After experiencing previous failures, if the Huns really want to escape, the Han Dynasty will really have nothing to do.

"It's just that, Your Majesty, I don't dare to speak too wildly. This matter requires your Majesty's permission, and it is quite treasonous."

Liu Che is naturally a fool and knows what Zhang Wangchuan should say.

He nodded slightly in agreement.

"Wangchuan, I just said something. Please feel free to speak out boldly. I guarantee that no one will dare to speak easily again."

After saying that, Liu Che glanced around the court.

But I found that no one dared to say a word.

This is a warning to the monkey, and the lesson is right before our eyes!

Who dares to say more? Who dares to be presumptuous?

Zhang Wei didn't hesitate any more and just pondered slightly.

"Your Majesty, in fact, my plan is very simple. It is still a lure. However, if you want to seduce the Huns, your Majesty may need to act as a inducement."

Oh? ?

Zhang Wei's words made everyone's hearts tremble.

Everyone, including Liu Che, looked surprised.

Although, he already knew the whole plan in advance, and the plan even came from Liu Che's mouth.

However, he should still show this uninformed expression.

After all, he needed to convince the courtiers, and the Zhang family needed to convince the courtiers. If he, Liu Che, had taken the initiative to speak, the matter would have gone wrong.

"Wangchuan, go on, for my big plan, even if I pay more, what's the harm?"

Liu Che put on a righteous and awe-inspiring posture.

"I didn't expect that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty's acting skills were quite good."

Zhang Wei murmured to himself in front of the screen.

Of course, having said that, he did not hesitate and slowly told his plan.

"My plan actually lies in this word of temptation. At present, there is a huge disparity in strength between our Han Dynasty and the Huns. It can be said that if I, the Han Dynasty, send troops, the Huns will definitely flee. And we want to prevent the Huns from running away, or let them For the Huns to take the initiative, they need a large enough benefit, and this benefit is Your Majesty!"

"My plan is to use Your Majesty to lure the Xiongnu to sacrifice themselves. To do this, I need Your Majesty to bring only a small number of personal guards, and let the Xiongnu know about this, so that they will have the idea of ​​​​avoiding my great man in one battle. As for me, we are laying a heavy ambush around you!"

"Of course, the Huns are naturally cunning. If Your Majesty tries to seduce them, you will definitely take a lot of risks. And I, the Zhang family, are willing to follow Your Majesty to the death!"

Zhang Wei spoke sincerely and looked like he was dedicated to his country until his death.

This time, no blind officials came out to stop it.

However, anyone with a discerning eye can see that they don't look good.

In other words, the Zhang family's plan really offended some people's taboos.

This is why Liu Che came up with it himself, but he couldn't take the initiative to propose it, and he didn't speak on his own in the court.

The main thing is that this is really disrespectful to the world.

If there had not been some foreshadowing before, if he had spoken out, there would have been a scene where the courtiers would remonstrate to death.

But it was the Zhang family who spoke about this matter, or in other words, they had gone through such a situation before to scare the monkeys.

Zhang Wei's suggestion seemed somewhat logical.

Of course, Zhang Wei himself knew that this matter could not be solved so easily.

This matter, without going through some twists and turns, would definitely not be that easy.

Sure enough, some courtiers walked out of the queue.

"Your Majesty, according to what I have seen, this matter must not be like this!"


(End of this chapter)

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