Control the ancestors and create an immortal family starting from the Qin Dynasty

Chapter 304 Arriving in the North, the royal family goes crazy!

Tian Qianqiu looked at Zhang Xingmin's back.

He shook his head helplessly.

Then he got into the carriage.

Re-enter the imperial city and report to Liu Fuling.


at the same time.

Northern tribes.

In the royal court.

The new Khan of the Xiongnu was now sitting in the royal tent.

All around were the new generals of the Huns.

These people are all warriors trained by the Chanyu himself.

Looking at the people sitting here, Shan Yu smiled, then raised the wine glass in his hand and said to the people present: "Our chance has finally come."

"The Loulan Kingdom was not a powerful country, but it also showed us the strength of the Han Dynasty."

"The generals of the Han Dynasty have now been divided into two groups."

"Some are guarding the Western Region, and some are coming towards us."

"My warriors, what do you think?"

The Xiongnu Khan looked at the people in front of him.

A different color appeared in his eyes.

He was the Great Khan of the Xiongnu.

He was also the king of the Huns.

It was he who led those people out of the place of extreme suffering.

Their only purpose in coming out was to take back the grassland they had lost.

Then drive the big man's men back.

The Han Dynasty is no longer ruled by Emperor Wu.

Liu Che has now turned into a lump of earth.

There is absolutely no need for them to be afraid of the big man anymore.

And the head of the Zhang family has changed.

Their chance has come.

As long as the Zhang family and Liu Che are not around, they don't have to fear anyone.

There is no need to be humble to anyone.

Anyway, they now have the strength to compete with the Han people.

They have already pushed the big man to this extent, but the other side has not allowed anyone from the Zhang family to show up, which shows that the Zhang family has long been insignificant.

As long as they keep the situation stable.

They can get everything they want.

"My king, how about we go and meet the Han army?"

"We can't let the imperial court's reinforcements arrive."

"We have to defeat their front line before their reinforcements arrive."

"If we can defeat their front line, all the grassland tribes we lost will be in our hands. Then, we can set up a royal tent and confront the Han Dynasty!"

Someone stood up from his seat.

He spoke to the Huns' Great Khan.

They came here for revenge.

Now most of the grassland areas have been taken.

If you continue to go south.

They will be able to regain the grasslands they have lost.

It can also allow all the tribes on the grassland to join them.

I believe they are all looking forward to seeing them return.

Of course, before that, they have to eliminate the traitor.

Everyone in the royal court turned to look at the person who spoke.

They all nodded involuntarily.

They thought so too.

Before the Han reinforcements arrived.

They could just go south.

To take back everything they lost.

Only by taking these things into their own hands first will they have a say.

"Set out immediately and continue south!"

"If you encounter the Han army, give them a good fight on my behalf."

The Great Chanyu said.


Others stood up from their seats.

They placed their right hands in front of their left chests and bowed to the Great Chanyu.

Then he left the royal court.

Just when the Huns were preparing to launch a large-scale attack on the Han Dynasty.

Zhang Wei has arrived in the north with his army.

Da Sima had already learned the news that Zhang Wei was about to arrive in the north.

Upon learning that Zhang Wei was about to arrive, Grand Marshal Huo Guang immediately put down what he was doing and led his soldiers out of the city to welcome him.

When everyone appeared outside the city gate, they did not see any trace of Zhang Wei's army.

They were blown by the wind here for more than an hour.

Many people were shivering with cold.

I do not know how long it has been.

Only then did they see a marching team vaguely appearing before them.

When seeing this marching team, everyone present couldn't help but gasp.

Then he couldn't help but mutter: "What's going on?"

"Why are there so few reinforcements?"

"I don't think they're escorting any supplies. Didn't they prepare military supplies for us?"

"Our supplies are almost used up, and our weapons are broken. If we don't have supplies, how can we fight the Xiongnu?"

"Yes, the court shouldn't ignore our lives, right?"

Everyone looked at each other.

Their voices aren't particularly loud.

But all of it fell into the ears of Grand Marshal Huo Guang.

Grand Marshal Huo Guang turned his head and looked at the people behind him, asking them to shut up.

After these people shut up, Da Sima directly fixed his gaze on the marching troops.

This time it really took him by surprise.

He didn't expect things to turn out this way.

What was even more unexpected was that the imperial court did not send them any supplies.

There are no supplies.

They will indeed be in trouble.

Grand Marshal Huo Guang looked at the marching troops not far away with burning eyes.

Don't know how to respond.

Among the marching troops not far away.

The one walking in the front is naturally Zhang Wei, who stands out from the crowd.

Zhang Wei rode on a tall horse and slowly headed towards the north city gate.

This was also one of the frontier towns of the Xiongnu.

After the Huns were defeated, the city belonged to the Han Dynasty.

The territory of the Han Dynasty is now very vast.

Under the development of Emperor Wu, the country had already expanded to a vast territory.

Under his suggestion, Liu Che established the Western Regions Protectorate in the west to deepen the ties between the Han Dynasty and the western countries.

In recent years, the Protectorate of the Western Regions has been working hard to maintain relations between the Western countries and the Han Dynasty.

Until the Huns appeared again.

The reappearance of the Huns gave them hope of rebellion.

In their eyes, the Huns' rebellion meant that the Han Dynasty would fall into chaos.

If the Han people fall into chaos, they can take direct action.

You can even take advantage of the opportunity.

The Han people have too much wealth.

Moreover, the land is vast and the resources are abundant.

If they could control the Han Dynasty, it would be like having an extra piece of rich and prosperous land.

This was a temptation they could not refuse.

Under the lobbying of the Huns, they have assembled an alliance army.

Although there are only 50,000 of them.

But it is enough.

Anyway, the Han Dynasty's guarding of the Western Regions was not particularly strict. Moreover, the other side had set up a Protectorate here.

As long as nothing goes wrong, there won't be any crisis.

All they need to do now is launch an attack on the Protectorate when the Huns attack the Han Dynasty.

Extremely simple!
Just when everyone was ready.

Zhang Wei has appeared outside the city gate.

When Zhang Wei appeared outside the city gate, many eyes looked over.

When they saw Zhang Wei, there was a hint of curiosity in their eyes.

Especially those from the Han clan.

When they saw Zhang Wei appear, everyone was very excited.

Because in their eyes, Zhang Wei was sent by Liu Fuling.

As long as they were sent by Liu Fuling, they would naturally have to form a united front with them.

Although they had certain power in the north, most people still had to obey the orders of Grand Marshal Huo Guang, who did not take them seriously at all.

Especially when dealing with the Kingdom of Loulan and the Huns.

They have had many quarrels with Da Sima.

But I always failed.

The Grand Marshal held a very high position in the court.

He also holds a high position in the military.

Even though he led his troops to the north, the Grand Marshal still had a lot of control over the court and the army.

In short, Da Sima is much more powerful than they imagined.

Now see Zhang Wei suddenly appear in front of them.

The royal family members were naturally very excited.

They looked at the Grand Marshal Huo Guang next to them, then rode their horses forward, ready to greet Zhang Wei in person.

The people behind were looking at the people from the Han clan.

There was a hint of disdain in his eyes.

Then they whispered, "Aren't these clan members a little too flattering?"

"Although Zhang Wei came here on the emperor's orders, he still has to obey the orders of the Grand Marshal. What do they want to do by trying to curry favor with Zhang Wei?"

"That's right, just doing these useless things."

"If they really have some ability, they should lead the troops to deal with the Xiongnu."

"Now they are showing off their power and bossing us around. I don't know who gave them the courage."

Everyone looked at each other.

It was not until the Grand Marshal stopped them that they stopped talking.

After stopping, everyone present looked at each other.

Zhang Wei and the others knew about it.

Zhang Wei and Da Sima were almost equally respected.

Because Zhang Wei was indeed brave and invincible, among the generals who came to the north, there were also those who had fought with Zhang Wei in many battles, and they knew Zhang Wei's fighting ability.

He also knew Zhang Wei's command ability in the army.

Perhaps it was because of Zhang Wei's deterrent power in the army. Now seeing them ignoring Zhang Wei so much, everyone looked at each other and then kept silent.

Grand Marshal Huo Guang sent the letter personally to ask His Majesty to transfer Zhang Wei out.

Although they didn't know the reason for this trip, they had been with Zhang Wei for some time and knew Da Sima's combat strategy.

The Grand Marshal clearly had a chance to defeat the Huns.

But the other side had no intention of taking action against the Huns.

Instead, he signed an agreement with the Huns.

The rules for marriage alliances were re-established.

He also wanted to return the Huns' original territory.

In the eyes of these generals, this was undoubtedly a slap in the face of the Han Dynasty.

The Zhang family spent a lot of effort to recover the northern grasslands. They finally drove these people out of the grasslands and made them live in a bitter and cold place.

But when Da Sima arrived, the balance between the two places was destroyed.

They gave in before even fighting the Huns.

You also need to sign an agreement with the other party.

Unfortunately, they have little influence and cannot say anything, so they can only worry silently.

After seeing Zhang Wei appear on the northern grassland, the people present breathed a sigh of relief silently.

Zhang Wei and Da Sima have different positions. Whenever Zhang Wei appears on the battlefield, he will definitely enhance the prestige of the Han Dynasty.

They only need to follow Zhang Wei and they will surely be able to defeat the Huns again and make them lose their way.

This time.

They were determined to wipe out the Huns completely.

They must never be given another chance to recover.

Everyone has different thoughts.

When Grand Marshal Huo Guang saw Zhang Wei arrive, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Then he rode forward.

"Ha ha ha ha."

"General Zhang, we have finally got you here."

"I wonder if your majesty has any instructions for this trip?"

When the people from the Han royal family saw Zhang Wei, they spoke to him very politely.

Zhang Wei looked at the members of the Han royal family, then looked at Grand Marshal Huo Guang who was walking towards him, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Then he asked, "Are you all free?"

"Didn't they say that the situation in the north is tense and the Huns have moved south again?"

Zhang Wei's words silenced the people of the Great Han Grandmaster.

They looked at Zhang Wei with suspicion.

What does Zhang Wei mean by this?
Isn't it His Majesty's order that we help them seize power?

They had clearly already written a letter to His Majesty, describing the situation here to Liu Fuling in detail.

As long as Liu Fuling was not a foolish monarch, he would understand their painstaking efforts. They were members of the Han royal family, so naturally they had to consider the Han Dynasty.

Grand Marshal Huo Guang had absolute power in the north and could command the army at his will.

The Han Dynasty clearly had an army of lions, but the Grand Marshal never thought of using this army to deal with the Huns. Instead, he turned his spearhead to deal with a small country like Loulan. What was his intention?

Isn't this nonsense?
They came with hope for Zhang Wei.

But now seeing Zhang Wei's attitude, they became a little suspicious.

Why does Zhang Wei look so similar to Grand Marshal Huo Guang?
It's just too much oil and salt.

Da Sima could refute whatever they said.

They can also be stripped of all their military positions.

Originally they came to serve as military supervisors, but their positions as military supervisors were in name only. Not only did they fail to perform their duties, but they were detained by the Grand Marshal and are now like a useless person.

If Zhang Wei hadn't arrived suddenly.

It is impossible for Da Sima to let them go.

It is even more impossible to allow them to appear in such an occasion.

I thought I saw hope.

Now it seems that this is not hope at all, it is clearly the same as Huo Guang.

"What does General Zhang mean?"

One of the clan members looked at Zhang Wei dimly and asked, "General, did you come to the north to follow orders?"

"The Xiongnu have moved south again. They are very powerful and have united with the surrounding tribes."

"However, the situation is still under our control. Under such favorable circumstances, the Han Dynasty has a chance to wipe out the Xiongnu in one fell swoop, but the Grand Marshal..."

"What are you talking about?"

Just as the royal family was about to tell Zhang Wei the secret of the north, Grand Marshal Huo Guang had already arrived on horseback.

Huo Guang stopped in front of the crowd. He glanced at the people of the Han royal family indifferently, then fixed his gaze on Zhang Wei and smiled at him.

"General Zhang, you must be tired after all this traveling, right?"

"As for the accompanying soldiers, you must be very tired after the long raid. Don't wait here. I have prepared a place for General Zhang to stay. Please come and have a meeting with me!"

When the members of the Han royal family saw Huo Guang coming, a hint of unpleasantness appeared in their eyes.

Come again?

It gave them a familiar feeling again.

Every time someone comes from the capital.

Grand Marshal Huo Guang said this.

After they came out of the place where they collapsed, they all belonged to Da Sima, and there was no one to make decisions for them.

Think about what happened before.

There was an ugly look on these people's faces.

Then, before the Grand Marshal, he stepped forward and grabbed Zhang Wei's arm, saying quickly, "General Zhang, you've been traveling a long way. We've already prepared a place for you to stay, so we won't bother you!"

As they said this, these people wanted to drag Zhang Wei away.

Zhang Wei didn't stop it either.

Instead, he looked at the members of the royal family with a smile.

He looked at Da Sima standing next to him and smiled silently.

Then he followed the others into the border town. (End of this chapter)

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