I can upgrade female zombies

Chapter 105 Why is it her again?

Chapter 105 Why is it her again?
Guan Xiaoting in front of her seemed to be still sleeping soundly, and she was hugged by Lu Cheng, who seemed a little unresponsive.

After looking up and seeing it was Lu Cheng, he immediately said in a panic.

"Ah, why is it you? Mr. Lu Cheng, where is my husband?"

"Hey, am I not your kissing husband?"

Lu Chengyuan opened his eyes and admired her body wantonly.

He teased her slightly raised shoulder blades and slid his fingers along the curve of her spine.

Guan Xiaoting couldn't help but tense up.

A thin quilt was placed around her waist, covering the most critical part.

A pair of slender thighs were exposed from the end of the quilt and overlapped, and they couldn't help but rub against each other.

I experienced the gameplay last night, but I didn’t expect to be able to experience it again this morning.

It seemed that Zhang Xiaoyun had woken up a long time ago and deliberately turned into Guan Xiaoting, lying next to her.

Then how could Lu Cheng not meet her needs?

Lu Cheng held Guan Xiaoting in his arms, and then pressed on her again.

While the two were doing double sports, Jiang Shuyao walked in wearing a white shirt, showing her slender legs, and carrying breakfast.

That was the steak Zhao Mingming fried early in the morning.

Seeing Lu Cheng playing with Guan Xiaoting again, Jiang Shuyao was confused for a moment, then tilted her head.

She obviously couldn't understand how Guan Xiaoting, a stranger, could appear next to Lu Cheng again.

However, the master didn't say anything, so Jiang Shuyao, as a servant zombie, naturally had no doubts.

After another two hours of fighting, Lu Chengcai finally got up, got dressed and walked out to discuss changing the car with Lao Zhao.

Jiang Shuyao entered the room again, only to see Zhang Xiaoyun covered with quilt, lying on the bed, eating steak. Seeing Jiang Shuyao come in, Zhang Xiaoyun tilted his head and sighed.

Although Jiang Shuyao has not recovered his sanity, he can still recognize everyone's face. When he saw that it was not Guan Xiaoting, but Zhang Xiaoyun, he was surprised again.

Why did he become Zhang Xiaoyun again?


When Jiang Shuyao was wondering where the strange woman was.

Lu Cheng had already walked out of the villa and came to Lao Zhao's workshop.

The accelerator of his Land Rover was pushed to the bottom yesterday and he hit a lot of zombies on the road, so he had to change the front end of the car again.

Fortunately, a lot of vehicle modification parts and raw materials have been collected in the shelter recently.

It's not too difficult.

It's just that the building materials are piled up in the villa area and they need to be used quickly.

Otherwise, it will quickly become rusty and wasted due to exposure to wind and sun.

As for the matter of building the wall, Lu Cheng was not an expert in this field, so he could only leave it to Lao Zhao.

But we are not in a hurry to build the wall in the villa area. We will build the wall in the nursing home first.

That's the real big project over there.

In the villa area, there are only three or four houses in use, but in the nursing home, there are more than a dozen NO.20 people living there.

After discussing with Lao Zhao about building a fence, Lu Cheng came to the nursing home.

Du Zi's two little boys had already arrived at the nursing home. Du Zi drove there to pick them up early in the morning.

At this time, two honest young people saw Lu Cheng coming and hurriedly greeted Lu Cheng under the leadership of Du Zi.

"Hi Brother Cheng!"

After the two of them finished talking, Lu Cheng was also approachable and waved his hand.

"Brothers before and after me, just call me by my name."

Du Zi said quickly.

"Don't yell randomly. You two, Brother Cheng is being polite to you guys. If you two really yell, I will break your legs."

Du Zi looked fierce, and after speaking, the two people also expressed their opinions quickly.

"How can this be possible? Du Zili and I have been fighting each other since we were little. Don't you know what our tempers are like?
Brother Cheng is willing to take us in, which is already a blessing we have earned in our eight lifetimes. How dare we exceed even half a point? "

"Yes, yes, Brother Cheng, please don't offend us. I will still call you Brother Cheng from now on. Brother Cheng, what are your orders for coming so early?"

Lu Cheng was not in a hurry and pointed to the open space next to the nursing home.

"Go back, Du Zi, you guys shovel all the cement floor here and see if you can use the land below to grow something.

By the way, we brought back a lot of building materials last time and all the tools were complete. Later, I asked Lao Zhao to come over and build the wall for the nursing home first. "

Du Zi also looked happy when he heard that the wall could be built.

Although there are very few zombies around here anymore, there are occasionally one or two who get lost while walking.

Without a wall, they would have to arrange for someone to guard the area every night.

And if there is a wall, many things will be much more convenient.

"Brother Lu Cheng, don't worry. We will arrange the right manpower soon. Did Zhao say how big the wall should be?"

"You should discuss this with Lao Zhao. How big you want to build depends on your own wishes. I don't care about this. By the way, Uncle Jiang is here."

"Uncle Jiang entered the laboratory early in the morning."

"Okay, you guys go ahead and get busy. I have something to do with Uncle Jiang."

After Lu Cheng finished speaking, he quickly headed towards the second floor of the nursing home, and sure enough, he saw Jiang Lei busy in the laboratory.

Seeing Lu Cheng coming over, Jiang Lei looked up and asked without stopping what he was doing.

"How was the situation when you went to Councilor Wang's shelter yesterday? You came back too late, so I didn't ask you."

It seemed that Jiang Lei was also very concerned about the situation at Councilor Wang's shelter. Lu Cheng walked over and said:
"No special information, just like what I said before, Councilor Wang invited the leaders of ten surrounding survivor strongholds.

He wanted them to form a survivor alliance, but they couldn't reach an agreement. Most people didn't agree with his plan to divide the forces.

So we all came back after watching some performances and arguing a bit, and we didn’t stay there for dinner at night. "

"There's nothing to gain from saying that."

Jiang Lei frowned.

In fact, there are rewards, such as asking Councilor Wang's wife Guan Xiaoting to calm down the fire.

But of course Lu Cheng wouldn't say this. He just took out a bag of things from his arms and said:
“There is still a harvest, but I suspect something is wrong with their food source there.

Every household can eat meat, so forget it, and there are no zombies nearby.

And I didn’t see Liu Mengyang. It stands to reason that he would call everyone together to form a survivor alliance.

The research on zombie viruses should be brought out and the results shared with everyone to boost everyone's morale and give everyone some hope.

Only in this way can we better promote the formation of the alliance, but Liu Mengyang did not show up at all, and the research results on the virus were not mentioned to us. "

After Lu Cheng finished speaking in one breath, Jiang Lei frowned and thought of what Lu Cheng wanted to express, and asked in confusion.

"Lu Cheng, do you suspect they are eating that kind of food?"

"Well, it looks a bit like it to me. After all, even I can't find that much meat. How can he feed hundreds of people there if they don't eat this stuff?"

Lu Cheng said, pointing to the pieces of meat wrapped in paper in front of him and said:
"This is the food they provided at the meeting yesterday. I packed a few pieces and brought them back while no one was looking. Can you test it to see if it's zombie meat?"

Jiang Lei put away the pieces of meat and nodded.

"Yes, the results will be available the day after tomorrow at the earliest."

He thought for a while and said:

"But actually, even if the results are available, it's of no use. How about exposing them online?"

"I'm not that bored. I just want to confirm what they are doing to catch these zombies."

After Lu Cheng finished speaking, Jiang Lei nodded.

Lu Cheng was about to ask Jiang Lei if he had any new research results recently, but his cell phone rang.

Lu Cheng turned on his phone and saw a message from Xu Jingqiu.

[Xu Jingqiu: Lu Cheng, I heard that you were looking for special zombies. Several appeared near our survivor base.

Would you like to come over and take a look? They look like they are coming from the direction of the secret laboratory. 】

[Lu Cheng: I'll be there soon! ] After Lu Cheng replied to the message, he greeted Jiang Lei and immediately went back to call Zhang Xiaoyun and Shen Xue.

He drove his Land Rover straight to Xu Jingqiu's side.

On the way, I called again to learn more about the specific situation.

It turned out that after Xu Jingqiu returned to the base with his men yesterday, the base was attacked by several special zombies that night.

And the direction they came from was the direction of the secret research institute.

However, after repelling their attack, Xu Jingqiu did not rush to pursue them.

Because it was getting very late, those special zombies were still quite strong.

Lu Cheng has secretly distributed as many alienated orbs as possible to the leaders of other survivor bases.

In the next few days, I believe he will be able to harvest alienated orbs soon, but Lu Cheng is still in short supply of elite-level alienated crystal cores.

Not long after, Lu Chengcheng arrived at Xu Jingqiu's stronghold in a Land Rover.

I saw that a section of the wooden fence was seriously damaged, but it did not collapse. It was obviously attacked by those special zombies last night.

Xu Jingqiu was already waiting for Lu Cheng outside the base. When he saw Lu Cheng getting off the car, he immediately went to greet him.

The people following Xu Jingqiu also shouted.

"Brother Lu Cheng is here."

"Great, Brother Lu Cheng, hurry up and help us get rid of those special zombies, they're so abominable."

"Yes, yes, they actually attacked us at night. Fortunately, our sentry has sharp eyes."

Seeing the cheering survivors, Lu Cheng waved his hand and didn't say anything. When he saw Xu Jingqiu asked.

"how is the situation?"

The situation Lu Cheng asked was actually the situation of those special zombies. Where did they go?What is the specific number?

But Xu Jingqiu obviously misunderstood Lu Cheng's meaning and hurriedly reported it.

"It's not bad. We didn't lose any troops, but the wall was destroyed. Fortunately, our sentries were better last night. Otherwise, if the special zombies broke through the wall, we would have lost a lot of people."

Lu Cheng was stunned when he heard Xu Jingqiu's words, and then realized that Xu Jingqiu must have misunderstood his question.

But forget it, he quickly asked again.

"What about those special zombies? How many of them are powerful? Which direction did they go to?"

“It’s too late and I can’t see the number clearly, but it won’t be less than three.

They look quite similar to the lickers I saw last time.

I don’t know why, but they kept attacking our base one after another. They didn’t leave until midnight and ran towards the secret research institute. "

Xu Jingqiu continued.

"Two of them suffered serious gunshot wounds. They shouldn't be able to run too far. If we chase them along the blood trail, we should be able to find them soon."

Lu Cheng felt very happy when he heard this.

What you need to hear is this useful information. Follow the blood trail to catch two elite-level zombies. After harvesting them, you can upgrade yourself to another level.

"Then what are you waiting for? Hurry and prepare the vehicle. Let's chase them out and kill those two special zombies."

Lu Cheng looked anxious.

From the perspective of the survivors, it was as if they were filled with righteous indignation at what they had experienced last night.

Many people also raised their hands to support Lu Cheng's decision. Everyone angrily grabbed their weapons, drove their cars, and chased him along the bloodstains on the road.

Along the way, you can see the blood stains of those two special zombies.

The amount of bleeding can be said to be quite large, although the special zombies are a bit ugly and have much higher attributes than ordinary humans.

But after all, they are still alienated humans. Since they are humans, they are carbon-based organisms.

It is impossible to be immune to damage from hot weapons.

Even for the special zombies wearing fur coats that Lu Cheng encountered in the research institute, thermal weapons could still cause damage, let alone these ordinary special zombies.

However, after escaping for two kilometers, the blood stains quickly moved to the nearest forest.

It seems that these special zombies also know how to use trees to hide their figures.

It's a pity that they have a little sense, but not much. At least they don't know how to cover up their blood.

Under the leadership of Gu Ming, they quickly chased in the direction of the blood stains.

In fact, the chase didn't take long. After walking in the woods for less than 10 minutes, Lu Cheng found the location of the two special injured zombies.

He originally thought there were only two injured special zombies, but what Lu Cheng didn't expect was that beside those two special zombies, there were actually two special zombies who seemed to be in good condition.

Those four special zombies all looked like lickers. Lu Cheng looked at their levels. All four zombies were LV5.

The level has reached the elite level, and he has four elite-level alienated crystal cores in one go. This is naturally a great thing for Lu Cheng.

But there is another discovery, that is, special zombies can actually take care of each other.

Speaking of which, before the baron-level zombies, there were also special-level elite-level zombies beside them.

But Lu Cheng originally thought it was a baron-level zombie. He relied on his aura to suppress it and controlled the special elite-level zombies.

But now it seems a little different. Maybe there really is a communication mechanism to communicate between alienated zombies.

After thinking about it, aren't I and Zeng Xiaoman's sister in the same situation?
The two of them were alienated zombies, and both were baron-level, but they didn't start fighting without meeting each other. On the contrary, they got into a heated fight.

At this moment when a charging battle was about to begin, Lu Cheng thought of Zeng Xiaoman's sister again.

Speaking of which, I still don’t know the name of that stunning female zombie.

And when he thought of that beautiful female zombie, Lu Cheng couldn't help but feel excited again.

The blood all over his body felt as hot as boiling, and there was a flush on his face, and even his eyes were a little blood red.

Of course, this is not a sign of alienated zombies. To outsiders, it looks like a hero who hates evil and sees evil thieves who kill good people.

The same kind of behavior that can't wait to go up and eliminate harm for the people.

The people next to me saw it in their eyes and were secretly amazed in their hearts.

He is indeed a great hero. Look at his hatred of evil. Who can be more powerful than our brother Lu Cheng? This chivalrous heart is the best in the world.

After all, the perception ability of special zombies is much stronger than that of humans.

Although Lu Cheng had deliberately asked everyone to stay farther away and crawl down.

But he was still discovered by a special zombie with sharp eyes.

Soon that particular zombie made a shrill chirp in the woods.

The other three special zombies suddenly became alert, but there were two seriously injured people, so they couldn't run away even if they wanted to.

The other two healthy ones ran a few steps, then thought about it, and came back to help their two companions and wanted to leave together.

But how could Lu Cheng let the four elite-level alienated crystal cores in front of him leave so easily?
With a wave of his hand, everyone immediately rushed forward. Everyone had firearms and even rifles in their hands.

It can be said that the firepower is already at full capacity, and they will not get close to the four special zombies, but shoot at them from a distance.

After this period of training and manpower replenishment, Xu Jingqiu's shelter has reached fifty people who can fight.

This time, we went out with Lu Cheng to search for special zombies. It could be said that they were all dispatched.

Only fifty fully armed humans were seen, facing four special zombies in a burst of crossfire, shooting without hesitation.

To be honest, although I had expectations in advance.

But seeing the crackling scene around him, which was like setting off firecrackers to celebrate the New Year, Lu Cheng was still startled.

I have seen many scenes of dozens of people traveling with weapons before, but this is the first time I have seen such a scene of dozens of people firing volleys at targets.

Not to mention these four elite-level zombies, I'm afraid even four baron-level zombies could be killed by these dozens of rifles, grenades, and pistols.

After all, the power of human thermal weapons can still greatly shorten the attribute gap between zombies and humans.

Lu Cheng felt more and more that his upgrade task was important, and it seemed that he had to continue to improve his level.

When are you no longer afraid of hot weapons like firearms, will you really be able to do whatever you want? Until then, you should just survive and develop.

Who knows if the human survivors have any RPGs?
When the time comes when an RPG hits, it will be bad.

Under the human fire, the battle in front of them was quickly resolved.

Seeing the four elite zombies fall to the ground, Lu Cheng couldn't calm down for a long time.

Upgrade quickly, upgrade quickly!
(End of this chapter)

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