I can upgrade female zombies

Chapter 110 Zhang Xiaoyun’s good idea

Chapter 110 Zhang Xiaoyun’s good idea

Guan Xiaoting is tall, even taller than Shen Xue.

He was only half a head shorter than Lu Cheng.

Her figure also belongs to the standard golden ratio. She is not thin, but looks a little fat.

But there was not a trace of fat on her face, and all the flesh seemed to have grown where it should.

The S-shaped arc could be clearly seen on the waist. Lu Cheng put his hand on it and felt it was extremely soft, as if there were no bones.

But there were still surveillance cameras ahead, and with the researchers, Lu Cheng didn't do anything too extreme.

He just felt good with his hand and took it back with a smile.

Guan Xiaoting couldn't help it, she felt like she was getting an electric shock. She turned her head and glared at Lu Cheng and said.

"You are a bad person who bullied me, and you are still asking me for payment."

"Conscience of heaven and earth, I did not bully you. This is just a normal communication between a man and a woman."

Lu Cheng had an innocent and pure expression on his face, while Guan Xiaoting was speechless.

In all my life, I have never seen such a pure and normal relationship between a man and a woman.

Over there, Jiang Lei had already led Liu Mengyang and his party to understand the specific layout of the central laboratory and the new locations of the experimental equipment.

Then we got down to business, mainly discussing the recent research results on alienated viruses.

Liu Mengyang did give some research results that interested Lu Cheng.

For example, there is a black mysterious liquid in the zombie's head, although it is full of alienated viruses.

But these viruses will not directly cause ordinary people to be infected with alienated viruses and become zombies.

On the contrary, it is similar to a stimulant, which can make ordinary people have strong strength in a short period of time.

However, this black liquid needs to be purified and processed before it can be used by normal people.

As for whether there are any risks after use, it is not clear yet. After all, there are very few samples used.

Currently, no one in Dawn Sanctuary has used this kind of thing.

He only did some experiments on animals.

There is also the question of whether a vaccine can be developed for the alienated virus. Liu Mengyang has also conducted a large number of experiments on living zombies.

Judging from the results of current experiments, it is not entirely impossible.

What can effectively alleviate the bloodthirsty symptoms of zombies are those mutant humans who were infected with the alienated virus. Not only did they not turn into zombies, but their strength was greatly enhanced.

Liu Mengyang called them alienated people.

Lu Cheng thought this was a good title.

Many substances extracted from their bodies have the ability to neutralize alienated viruses.

When these substances that can neutralize alienated viruses are injected into the bodies of ordinary zombies, they will become calm within a short period of time.

However, this discovery is still far from creating a vaccine and completely solving the disaster of alienated viruses.

But it is already a good progress for Jiang Lei.

Jiang Lei didn't need to use this new discovery. Because of Lu Cheng's existence, Jiang Shuyao's sanity was visibly recovering day by day by Lu Cheng's side.

Moreover, Jiang Lei also discovered that Jiang Shuyao would not attack humans as long as he was by Lu Cheng's side.

This was of course thanks to the alienation ability that Lu Cheng said. Jiang Lei didn't know that Lu Cheng was an alienated zombie, so he naturally trusted Lu Cheng 100%.

After visiting the laboratory, the researchers quickly began to look for spare rooms and classrooms to use as dormitories for them to rest.

Guan Xiaoting was afraid that Lu Cheng would pull her out of sight again and ask for her confession.

But if you leave with Liu Mengyang and the others to find a room to rest, you will inevitably be watched by that young man.

Guan Xiaoting felt a little embarrassed all of a sudden, but Lu Cheng didn't give her a chance to be embarrassed and said directly:
"Speaking of arranging dormitories, I do know that there is a place that is suitable for Mrs. Guan to live. If Mrs. Guan doesn't mind me taking you to see it."

Although Guan Xiaoting glanced at Lu Cheng fiercely, she still reached out and took Lu Cheng's arm and said elegantly.

"If Mr. Lu Cheng doesn't mind, then take me to see my new bedroom."

The young man next to him was stunned when he heard this and said quickly.

"Mrs. Guan, I'd better accompany you to find a room."

He looked at Lu Cheng nervously, as if he was worried that Lu Cheng and Guan Xiaoting would leave.

And Guan Xiaoting knew that he was the person sent by Councilor Wang to monitor him, so naturally she didn't look good on him:

"What are you worried about? Are you worried about what Mr. Lu Cheng will do to me?"

Now that she has decided not to go back, Guan Xiaoting becomes more courageous.

He followed Lu Cheng and left quickly. The young man also wanted to follow, but Du Zi stopped him at the edge and said to the young man with an unkind expression.

"Just find a place in the laboratory. Our boss didn't ask you to find a place to rest in the teaching building."

The young man was stunned for a moment, and just as he was about to speak, Liu Mengyang on the side quickly stopped him.

He could naturally tell that Du Zi was an alienated person. The human shield on his right hand was very obvious, which was the sign of an alienated person.

The various attributes of alienated people are simply not comparable to ordinary people.

What's more, he urgently needs to use the laboratory of the Central Medical College to conduct his research.

Jiang Lei's help is still needed, and there can't be any friction with Lu Cheng at this time.

Even if the cause of this friction is Guan Xiaoting.

Although the young man was still unwilling to give in, he was pulled by Liu Mengyang and saw that Du Zi was really not easy to mess with, so he could only swallow his anger.

On the other side, after Guan Xiaoting and Lu Cheng left the research room, they went to the teaching building area outside.

She finally breathed a sigh of relief, quickly let go of Lu Cheng's arm, kept a certain distance and said.

"Thanks, you just helped me."

Lu Cheng looked around to see if there was no one around, grabbed Guan Xiaoting's waist, and kissed her red lips deeply.

Guan Xiaoting struggled nervously at first, but gradually, her struggle became much less intense.

I can only grit my teeth and not relax the last line of defense.

Lu Cheng kissed her for a long time, but couldn't pry Guan Xiaoting's teeth open.

Instead, he found Guan Xiaoting's teeth and wanted to bite his tongue, so he immediately pulled away.

"You, please be gentle, it hurts me so much."

"You still know it hurts. Just now you wanted to bite my tongue with your teeth. If you bite my tongue, it will be much more painful than yours."

Lu Cheng said fiercely, but the movements of his hands were much lighter.

The feeling of friction through clothes made Guan Xiaoting feel a little subtle.

Guan Xiaoting panted and took two steps back. Lu Cheng followed closely and pressed her against the wall of the classroom.

"No one will bother us now."

Guan Xiaoting looked at Lu Cheng nervously, her face turned red from holding back, and she couldn't help asking in a trembling voice.

"You, you don't really want to..."

"Then it depends on whether you have any indication."

Lu Cheng stared at Guan Xiaoting, and then said.

"I'm so angry right now."

Guan Xiaoting said quickly:
"How about I help you lower the fire like I did last time."

What Lu Cheng was waiting for was Guan Xiaoting's words.

If Lu Cheng had not cared about Sanqi 21 last time in Dawn Shelter, he would have given Guan Xiaoting the chance.

But now after chatting with Guan Xiaoting twice, I still have a good feeling about her.

Lu Cheng stopped thinking about it and decided to observe again.

But Guan Xiaoting didn't know one thing. In Guan Xiaoting's opinion, Lu Cheng would do something excessive to her at any time, and now he crouched down tremblingly.

Lu Cheng was naturally happy to enjoy Guan Xiaoting's services.Guan Xiaoting is not very skilled, Lu Chengcheng discovered this last time.

Looking down from a high position, the stimulation and conflict in the field of vision made Lu Cheng more unable to extricate himself than his senses.

Especially Guan Xiaoting, she also has the attribute of a wife.

Men always like to seek excitement.

Look for people who are different from usual ones, not that they are different, more beautiful or in better shape than the people around you.

It's just a fresh feeling that I haven't experienced before, which is a great plus.

There is no doubt about Lu Cheng's durability, and it didn't look like it was going to end for 15 minutes.

Guan Xiaoting really couldn't hold on any longer. Just the posture of kneeling on the ground made her knees unbearable.

Not to mention that his mouth was numb, as if it didn't belong to him.

She finally couldn't help but stood up, rubbed her mouth, and said with a cry:

"How can you bully others?"

Lu Cheng was a little dumbfounded, but he still said threateningly:
"Oh, you can't blame me now."

As he spoke, he hugged Guan Xiaoting in front of him, and his hands had already reached up to her skirt.

When Guan Xiaoting thought Lu Cheng was going to take a step further, she saw Lu Cheng raise his hand and then slap her hard on the butt:
"Good performance, I don't have enough time today, so I'll just take it as your thanks for now.

Remember that this is the correct posture for feeling. Next time I will help you, take the initiative yourself and don’t always ask me to remind you. "

After Lu Cheng finished speaking, he waved to Guan Xiaoting.

Behind her, Guan Xiaoting was wondering when she saw Zhang Xiaoyun walking in from the door, followed by Jiang Lei.

"Lu Cheng, do you have something to do with me?"

Jiang Lei walked into the house and was a little surprised to see Guan Xiaoting here.

Guan Xiaoting was also a little surprised to see Jiang Lei. She didn't even know when Lu Cheng notified Jiang Lei to come.

"There's a video I want to show you."

As soon as Lu Cheng finished speaking, Guan Xiaoting reacted, but she frowned and looked at Lu Cheng and asked:

"Do you trust this person? It will be very troublesome if he posts it online."

Lu Cheng smiled and said:
"I can't vouch for others, but Uncle Jiang is absolutely trustworthy. Just show the video to Uncle Jiang."

After Guan Xiaoting heard what Lu Cheng said, she no longer hesitated and quickly took the video on her phone and handed it to Jiang Lei.

After Jiang Lei watched the video, he immediately frowned and said:

"Has Liu Mengyang actually started doing human experiments? When I asked him just now, he clearly said that it was only in the theoretical stage and animal experiments were relatively few.

I think the reason for coming to us for cooperation this time is probably related to what happened in the video. "

After Jiang Lei said this, Lu Cheng was not in a hurry to ask questions, but waited for Jiang Lei to think about it before listening to Jiang Lei continue:
"The experimental project that Liu Mengyang asked me to cooperate with this time is a method for alienated viruses to guide ordinary humans to evolve into alienated bodies.

There are also projects such as how to reduce the symptoms of alienation after being infected with the alienation virus.

Looking at it now, I'm afraid it's Councilman Wang who wants to turn himself into an alienated person.

But there should be a problem now, as the characteristics of alienated zombies appear on his body.

I'm afraid Liu Mengyang didn't have any good ideas, so he came to me to experiment together. I hope I can think of some ideas. "

After Jiang Lei analyzed it like this, Lu Cheng felt that what he said made sense, but he didn't expect that the other party had already conducted human experiments. He couldn't help but ask:

"Are you a little too impatient? Is Congressman Wang so reckless? He actually dares to inject the virus into his own body."

Jiang Lei nodded and said:

“I think it’s because Liu Mengyang’s research has yielded some results, and he thinks there’s no problem anymore.

I just chatted with him for a while, and I found that his understanding of alienated viruses was definitely not something that could be researched in just three months.

This makes sense. Last time Liu Mengyang was in a hurry to go to the secret research institute to copy information. Maybe it was because his project to study alienated viruses and guide mutants failed, so he wanted to add some other information as soon as possible. "

Jiang Lei talked about his guess, but Lu Cheng felt something was a little different.

If it was purely for this reason, Liu Mengyang's reaction in the secret research institute was indeed too great.

Councilor Wang can't be his son, he doesn't look too young.

But no matter what, Congressman Wang injected himself with the virus, and it seems to have failed so far.

Lu Cheng is not sure what kind of development there will be in the future.

Looking at Councilor Wang's current appearance, Lu Cheng didn't know how long he could hold on. Maybe after a while, there would be chaos in the Dawn Sanctuary.

Imagine that there are survivor strongholds and Dawn Asylum opposing each other on the outside, and there is a ticking time bomb of Councilor Wang on the inside.

I don't know when it will explode.

Lu Cheng felt excited just thinking about it. It seemed that the matter of taking over the Dawn Sanctuary warehouse had to be arranged in advance and put on the agenda.

Lu Cheng thought happily, and couldn't help but smile on his face.

If you take over so many supplies at once, you will have to open several villas to store supplies.

Liu Mengyang and the others quickly arranged their place to live. As for Guan Xiaoting, Lu Cheng certainly would not let her sleep on the floor alone in the classroom.

It’s the end of the world, but things like beds and quilts are still very easy to get.

There were quite a few in the nearby residential area, so Lu Cheng didn't go out of his way to prepare any big-brand four-piece bed set for Guan Xiaoting.

As long as it works, that's pretty much it.

As for Guan Xiaoting, whether it would be dangerous to sleep here alone is actually not a big problem.

For nearly a month, not only Liu Mengyang, but also scientific researchers like them will stay here.

In order to facilitate communication and recording of experimental data at any time, Jiang Lei will also live in the laboratory.

In order to protect Jiang Lei's safety, Du Zi and the others will naturally stay here.

There are also ten security fighters from Dawn Sanctuary here, so Lu Cheng is not worried about Guan Xiaoting's safety.

What surprised Lu Cheng was that Councilor Wang didn't respond much to Guan Xiaoting's stay in the laboratory. He must have been too worried about the alienation infection.

After all the busy work here to settle the scientific researchers, Lu Cheng left the Central Medical College. Guan Xiaoting breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Lu Cheng leave.

Lu Cheng actually didn't really want to leave, but those researchers were there, and he didn't have the nerve to stay.

It would be a bit unnecessary if the news was sent to Councilor Wang and the other party became angry and brought people over to fight with him.

Zhang Xiaoyun seemed to see Lu Cheng's little thoughts, and then took the initiative to say:

"Master is really weird today, he didn't just take down Guan Xiaoting.

If the master had this intention, she would definitely not be able to resist. Does the master want to fall in love with Guan Xiaoting? "

"What's the point of falling in love? Falling in love is so tiring. It's just not the right time yet. There are so many things on hand now, so there's no need to get into trouble."

After Lu Cheng finished speaking, Zhang Xiaoyun asked thoughtfully:

"Then master, do you want to go see Guan Xiaoting again tonight?"

Looking at Zhang Xiaoyun's appearance, Lu Chengcheng knew that this custard bun must have an idea, and he immediately laughed and asked:
"If you have any good ideas, tell me quickly."

"Then what good do I do?"

When Lu Cheng heard this, he immediately held Zhang Xiaoyun in his arms, raised his hand and spanked her, and then said viciously:

"Isn't it what you should do to help the master with advice? You actually take the initiative to ask for benefits."

Looking at Zhang Xiaoyun's pitiful appearance, Lu Cheng waved his hand and said:
"Okay, okay, as long as you give me a good idea, I'll give you an injection if you have nothing to do in the past two days. I'm sure it will make you feel comfortable."

"This is what the master said. I didn't ask for it myself. Don't say that I bullied Jiang Shuyao, Shen Xue and the others again."

"Don't worry, it won't happen."

Hearing what Lu Cheng said, Zhang Xiaoyun immediately laughed, then lay down next to Lu Cheng's ear and started whispering.

After hearing Zhang Xiaoyun's plan, Lu Cheng also darkened and laughed.

Still have to look at the custard buns!

(End of this chapter)

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