I can upgrade female zombies

Chapter 115 MVP Mr. Wang

Chapter 115 MVP Mr. Wang

On the street blocked by cars, Uncle Da was squatting behind the car, holding a pistol in his hand and looking at the towering wall in front of him.

The firepower on the original wall made it impossible for them to get any closer.

You can only throw Molotov cocktails from a distance, trying to cause some damage to the wall.

But I don’t know what happened in the villa area. In a short period of time, dozens of people evacuated from the wall.

Even their firepower was weakened a lot, and then more and more people left the wall with frightened expressions on their faces.

If Xu Jingqiu was commanding the battle at this time, he would definitely make a very correct decision, which is to shout for the people inside to surrender.

It is guaranteed to reduce a lot of unnecessary casualties, but unfortunately it is not Xu Jingqiu who is commanding the battle.

Uncle Da and his group have no fighting qualities in this area at all.

I couldn't even imagine this.

They just watched the number of enemies on the wall dwindle, and many of them showed frightened expressions. They thought it was their heroic gestures that scared these Dawn Sanctuary combatants.

Uncle Da couldn't help but laugh.

“These people are well-equipped and have better weapons than us, but their combat awareness is really not that good.

Sure enough, those of us who wander outside every day are more capable of fighting.

Brothers, work harder and blast them down directly. As long as we break through this gate, all the good things inside belong to us! "

Everyone had excited expressions on their faces.

When they saw people raising their hands and running out of the gate to surrender, those people had no intention of ceasefire at all.

In an instant, those who surrendered were beaten into sieves.

The remaining people who wanted to escape through the gate saw this scene and how dare they go out.

One by one, they continued to guard the wall, or fled into the villa area.

As for those who wanted to run out and escape from the wall, they naturally wanted to escape from the other side of the wall where the fighting was not very fierce.

But if you want to escape, you have to go through the streets in the middle of the villa area, and the five-meter-tall monsters are killing them wantonly.

Fortunately, he did not continue to devour the survivors and absorb their flesh and blood to increase his size.

It seems that the current five-meter-tall body is the limit he can bear.

Even if he met the survivors, he would only punch one by one, or pull him to the side of his covered head, and let the heads eat the flesh and blood of the survivors wantonly.

In this body that seems to be assembled from the bodies of more than a dozen people.

There are more than a dozen heads appearing in various directions, and each head seems to be conscious, showing a violent, bloodthirsty and painful expression.

When those combatants who escaped saw the five-meter-tall monster killing everyone in the villa area, they would naturally raise their weapons instinctively and pour bullets into the monster.

The bullets from rifles and pistols hit the monster, but they were of no great use.

Even if his head is blown off in the chaotic crossfire, he will not die.

All he saw was that the blown head would fall off in an instant and fall off from his body, and then the monster would grab the nearest person around him.

Eat his head off and merge it into your body again.

As for the core member, Councilor Wang's head, it was wrapped in various proliferating flesh and blood, as if forming a huge meat ball.

Even if those survivors aimed specifically, they couldn't hurt Councilor Wang at all, and his big eye on the right didn't have much flesh and blood to protect it.

However, although the target of the big eyeball is very large, its repair ability is also very strong.

Even if the survivors concentrated fire with firearms, but their eyes were smashed to pieces, they could still recover in a very short time.

The firepower of a dozen people couldn't do anything to this huge and terrifying special zombie in front of them.

It's not that this special zombie's abilities are finally strong enough to crush human thermal weapons.

It's about its own strong recovery ability and the fact that there are corpses everywhere around it, so its health bar can be replenished at any time.

The firepower of these dozen or so survivors would not be able to cause absolute damage.

You can't clear the opponent's health bar in one breath, and the opponent keeps returning blood. The result of such a battle is self-evident.

The nearest survivor shot back quickly.

But the five-meter-tall monster was already red. When he saw a human being approaching, he immediately rushed over.

Councilor Wang, who had turned into an alienated zombie, was like a rampaging tank. The bullets hitting his body were like drizzle, and the damage was really limited.

A dozen combatants who besieged it were all killed on the spot by the terrifying monster in front of them in less than 3 minutes.

As for the escaping survivors, as soon as they ran towards the door, they were attacked by survivors with guns from outside.

It was also a one-sided massacre.

Standing at a high place, Lu Cheng could naturally clearly see what was happening inside the villa area.

The originally powerful Dawn Shelter unexpectedly collapsed in an instant.

Lu Cheng also thought that if the people from Dawn Sanctuary could fight back and forth with Uncle Da and the others, it would be best to cripple both sides.

As a result, Uncle Da's side has not lost much combat power, but Dawn Sanctuary has reached the end of its strength.

Lu Cheng is now even considering whether to join the Dawn Sanctuary camp and lead them to deal with more of Uncle Da's people first.

Then deal with the special zombies rampaging through Dawn Sanctuary.

But before Lu Cheng took action, the situation immediately improved.

That Congressman Wang turned into a special zombie. He had obviously lost his mind and lost the judgment ability of a normal person.

After scaring away most of the survivors in the Dawn Sanctuary, there were very few humans around him that he could kill.

The sound of fighting at the gate naturally attracted his attention.

The five-meter-tall body, which was like a mountain of flesh, quickly rushed towards the door where the battle sounded, regardless of whether it could beat it or not.

There were more than 200 survivors on Uncle Da's side, and most of them had firearms in their hands.

But compared to the weapons of Dawn Sanctuary, many of the weapons in their hands are very backward.

Most of them were confiscated from police stations, and there were even confiscated privately-made firearms.

The current results were all due to Councilor Wang, who turned into an alienated zombie at a critical moment.

The reason why the entire Dawn Sanctuary is leaderless.

Just when Uncle Da saw that the resistance on the wall was getting weaker and weaker.

But suddenly a roar was heard, and the huge roar made everyone tremble.

Just when I was wondering what the sound was about, a five-meter-tall monster rushed out from the main entrance of the wall.

The gate made of thick steel plates was violently knocked away and hit an abandoned car not far away.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Uncle Da barely reacted. They had been storming the door for a long time without breaking it.

As a result, a huge monster rushed out and knocked the door away.

You must know that the door is made of steel plate.

In addition to the huge steel door being knocked away, the most shocking thing was that the five-meter-tall monster appeared in front of everyone.

The image of this monster is too terrifying, beyond what ordinary people can accept.

If every zombie looked like this, they would have no intention of resisting.

The survivors of the Dawn Sanctuary on the wall also saw the monster rushing out from the gate, and they all ran away in fear.

After all, there were more than 200 survivors on Uncle Da's side, and he quickly started shooting at the monster in front of him.

The firepower this time was much more intense than when a dozen combatants besieged him before.

The monsters obviously couldn't bear it. There were so many firearms. The quality was not very good, but the quantity was huge.

It was a sudden rush for him.

However, there were abandoned car wrecks everywhere, which gave the monster some room to operate.

He quickly grabbed a nearby car wreckage and used it as a shield to block it.

The other hand grabbed a car wreckage and waved it on the battlefield like a weapon.

The firearms in the hands of those people and the bullets hitting the car wreckage all bounced away, unable to cause effective damage to the monster.

The weapons and car wreckage in the monster's hands were waving in front of them like toys.

If it hits a person, his head will be bruised and his skin will be torn apart. There is no possibility of survival.

The survivors who were praised by Uncle Da a second ago and had a strong sense of fighting suddenly turned into a mob.

They were originally an alliance formed by three or four survivor bases, and they came together to attack Dawn Sanctuary.

They are not very familiar with each other at all. If the casualties caused by being hit by firearms are not very scary intuitively.

The corpses killed by cars in front of them were completely different things.

What's more, there is a monster like a five-meter-high meat mountain.The arms, legs and head on his body looked like flesh balls assembled by some kind of horror art.

This kind of mental pressure and fear is not something ordinary people can bear.

They collapsed much faster than the combatants in Dawn Sanctuary.

Immediately, some people turned around and wanted to escape. Although Uncle Da also wanted to run away, the dawn shelter right in front of him was too tempting.

Those combatants have given up resistance and fled to various parts of the city. As long as he defeats the mountain of meat blocking the road in front of him, he can enter the Dawn Sanctuary and enjoy the many supplies stored in their warehouse.

When he thought of this, his eyes turned red, and he immediately raised his pistol, pointed it at the person who was about to escape, and pulled the trigger.

With one shot, the man was directly shot in the head and fell to the ground without breathing.

The people next to him were also startled by Uncle Da's actions and stood there. Uncle Da raised his pistol and fired two shots into the sky, followed by shouting:
"Why are you running? There are so many of us who are afraid of a special zombie. Come back and fight."

It seemed that it was because of Uncle Da's encouragement, or perhaps because of the fear of being shot by him.

Those who escaped could only bite the bullet, turn around and shoot at the five-meter-tall meat mountain monster.

But Uncle Da did not rush forward to fight the monster in front of him like he said.

Instead, he retreated to the back of the crowd and spotted the nearest car.

If something goes wrong, he will drive away from here as soon as possible.

And Uncle Da's actions were also very prescient, because the monster held a car as a shield in one hand and a car as a weapon in the other, really killing everyone.

Even if his head was shot off, there were more than a dozen heads on his body, and he continued to kill as if nothing was wrong.

And there are corpses all around, and those corpses can be used for recovery and replenishment at any time.

After persisting for less than three or four minutes, I saw several more people one after another, who were crushed to death by the monster with the car wreckage, or were stabbed to death by the huge claw on its right hand.

Those survivors finally lost the will to fight.

Even if he had just shot and killed a person who retreated, it would not be able to intimidate them.

After all, they don't want to face and kill the monster in front of them more than headshots with pistols.

In fact, Uncle Da is also afraid now. In Uncle Da's opinion, it seems that firearms are useless against the monster in front of him.

No matter how many people there are, what's the use of firearms if they can't break through defenses?
Seeing everyone starting to run away unimpeded, he no longer had the will to fight. He immediately jumped onto a car and took the lead in escaping.

After other people saw Uncle Da driving away, they naturally followed suit. If they had a car, they would drive, and if they didn't have a car, they would head into the nearest residential building.

Anyway, they were unwilling to face this terrifying monster. In an instant, the 200 people ran away like birds and beasts fanning themselves.

Councilor Wang, who turned into a special zombie, did not stop killing just because the survivors escaped.

He quickly chased after the nearest survivors. Even though they were already in the car, Representative Wang still hit the car like a cannonball.

He smashed the survivor and the car all over, then picked up the frame of the car next to him and smashed it towards the fleeing car in the farthest place.

After accurately smashing them under the car, he rushed up and grabbed the survivors who were not dead, one by one.

After killing a dozen more survivors, Councilor Wang ran towards the survivors who were escaping in the distance.

However, most of the other survivors were driving cars. Congressman Wang, no matter how fast he went, couldn't catch up with the car that had the accelerator pressed to the bottom.

There was no longer a living person standing around him, and Councilor Wang, who had completely lost his human form, finally stopped his killing spree.

After standing there for a few seconds, he slowly turned around and walked towards the villa area.

He was mumbling to himself, but couldn't hear clearly what he said.

From time to time, the body's arms would grab some mutilated corpses lying on the ground and stuff them to the mouth of the nearest head.

Then the head would start to eat hungrily. There were more than a dozen heads on the body, and each head would roar like a bird waiting for food, looking at the bloody corpses on the ground.

However, Councilor Wang did not take the initiative to satisfy the thirsty needs of those heads in his body.

On the contrary, those thin arms were grabbing at the ground casually, eating whatever they could catch.

As Congressman Wang lowered his head and walked towards the villa area, a stone hit him from behind.

The stone hit Congressman Wang on the back of the head accurately, making a slight sound, and then bounced to the ground.

Councilor Wang stopped and turned around slowly with his huge body.

He saw a very thin figure compared to him standing on the broken battlefield.

Lu Cheng stood less than 20 meters behind Councilor Wang, looking at the huge creature in front of him without any panic in his heart.

[Baron-level alienated zombie·LV11]

Lu Cheng clearly remembered that when he met Councilor Wang a few days ago, he was still an ordinary person.

The level of the alienated virus was not displayed at all, but now it has directly evolved to a baron-level zombie.

This made Lu Cheng not only feel no panic, but also felt happy.

If you can produce baron-level zombies in batches like Councilor Wang, you won't have any worries about upgrading in the future.

You must know that what worries him the most is finding these special zombies.

Although it has been four months since the end of the world, the ordinary zombies are constantly upgrading.

The number of special zombies is not as large as I thought.

However, asking Liu Mengyang about the secret of creating zombies in the male ending had to be postponed for a while.

Now we have to deal with the terrifying five-meter-tall meat mountain monster in front of us.

If a normal human being dared to hit him with stones, Councilor Wang would definitely rush over and tear him to pieces right now.

However, when he saw Lu Cheng in front of him, Councilor Wang was confused for a while. His little head seemed to realize that Lu Cheng was his kind.

But the vague memory brought a violent expression to his face, and soon Councilor Wang roared.

"Lu Cheng! Die!"

I don't know if it awakened some painful memories in his mind or something, but the huge body rushed towards Lu Cheng with a thump.

Lu Cheng held two pistols in his hand, raised them up calmly, and then started shooting at Wang Yiyuan's head.

Councilor Wang may have thought that Lu Cheng's shooting skills were not much different from those of the previous survivors.

But when Lu Cheng fired several shots in succession, each shot hit exactly the right spot on his head.

Only then did Congressman Wang realize that something was wrong.

He moved his body quickly and put his huge arms in front of him, trying to protect the rest of his head.

Lu Cheng has been observing from the side for a long time, although the strength and speed of Councilor Wang in front of him are very good.

The recovery ability is also very strong, but in terms of physical strength, it is still much weaker than the fur coat monster I saw last time at the Central Medical College.

The flesh of the zombie baron in the fur coat couldn't even be cut through with his own machete.

Even if a bullet hits the head, it will be blocked by the bone.

But the Baron-level zombie in front of him, Congressman Wang, didn't have such strong bones, and his pistol could basically hit the head with one shot.

And every headshot can cause substantial damage.

The only difference is that Mr. Wang has a lot of heads on his body, and the corpses next to him can quickly replenish them.

But as long as there is a weakness, it is not a big problem for Lu Cheng.

When he saw Councilor Wang's body rushing forward, his huge right hand with sharp claws waved towards him.

Lu Cheng turned over and almost narrowly avoided the claw attack.

Then he did a backflip and jumped several times in succession. After pulling away, he pulled out a new pistol again.

He continued to shoot at Congressman Wang.

The bullet hit the flesh of the body, embedded deeply in it, and blood dripped all over the floor.

Councilor Wang's speed did not slow down at all, and he crashed into Lu Cheng.

But this time Lu Cheng didn't just dodge, he immediately pulled out two machetes in his hand.

Seeing Councilor Wang's body getting closer and closer, he jumped to the side to dodge the frontal impact, and then slashed at the countless tentacle-like arms and legs very quickly.

Those fragile limbs were cut off by Lu Cheng from the huge body.

Councilor Wang seemed extremely angry. He turned around, clenched his huge left hand wrapped in flesh and blood tissue, and smashed it towards Lu Cheng.

Lu Cheng's machete faced his fist.

The flesh and blood was cut open by Lu Cheng's machete, and more and more flesh was embedded in it. Then only blood spurted out, and then Congressman Wang's entire left arm was removed by Lu Cheng.

Councilor Wang, who had lost his arm, suddenly lost his center of gravity and fell to the ground with a roar.

Lu Cheng made a cool move to put away the knife, but when he saw that the edge of the knife had curled up, he couldn't help but sigh.

There is no such thing as a cold weapon.

(End of this chapter)

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