I can upgrade female zombies

Chapter 122 Arrangements for Sister-in-law

Chapter 122 Arrangements for Sister-in-law
It would take some time to modify the ambulance, so taking advantage of this time, Lu Cheng decided to directly help Congressman Wang hold a funeral.

Of course, the person who presided over the funeral was not himself, but the widow Guan Xiaoting, who was the widow of Congressman Wang.

The momentum before Dawn Sanctuary was still huge.

There is a feeling of being the leader in the whole city.

Congressman Wang also had a very good reputation, so the survivors on the Internet were very disappointed when they heard the news that Congressman Wang had turned into an alienated zombie and had died.

Later, I heard that Lu Cheng had temporarily kept the supplies at Liming Shelter.

He said that he would wait to return these supplies to Dawn Sanctuary after meeting Councilor Wang. This was such a big news that everyone understood it immediately.

Some people can't help but make comments online.

[Dao Mingde: How can you save it? It’s just swallowing it, right? 】

[Sanda Buliu: I suspect that Mr. Wang was killed directly by Lu Cheng]

[Akers, Zoro: Sure, if it were me, I would just kill Councilor Wang and monopolize Dawn Sanctuary’s supplies]

[Ye Luohua Wushang: The supplies at Dawn Shelter should be at least a hundred tons, right?How many trucks will it take to transport it? I’m so envious]

Such remarks abounded on the Internet. Lu Cheng paid no attention to such remarks and quickly released a new message for Guan Xiaoting.

News was released that Guan Xiaoting planned to hold a funeral for Councilor Wang at Dawn Sanctuary.

Lu Cheng's account was basically followed by survivors in the entire city, so when the news about Lu Cheng came out, it immediately attracted widespread attention.

Not only that, Lu Cheng also invited the leaders of other survivor bases to attend the funeral.

After seeing this news on the Internet, I immediately went crazy. It has been 4 months since the end of the world. Those who can survive at this time are naturally capable.

In addition, the size and location of each survivor stronghold have been basically fixed.

Those survivors who are alone can also find organizations to seek refuge with, so many people still have time to go online to check out the latest news.

When Lu Cheng posted the news, the survivors immediately responded.

【Upright. : I am Cao?real or fake?Congressman Wang’s widow is going to have a funeral? 】

[Lang Chengjun: I don’t know, anyway, I will attend when the time comes]

[Yu Yu: I can’t hold myself any longer. Could it be that Congressman Wang’s widow is already Lu Cheng’s son? 】

Lu Cheng thought for a while and quickly deleted the message.

[Huru: This is interesting. I wonder if I can get the materials from Dawn Shelter back]

[Super-class gentleman: Haha, watch the show and enjoy it! 】

Obviously, these survivors were looking forward to Congressman Wang's funeral.

What they were looking forward to more was to see how the survivors of Dawn Sanctuary would take back the supplies of Dawn Sanctuary from Lu Cheng.

As for those stronger survivor bases, of course they want to take advantage of the opportunity to get a piece of the pie.

Although Dawn Sanctuary is no longer a popular place, there are still about fifty people gathered there.

Lu Cheng was not worried about letting Guan Xiaoting go back alone to prepare for Councilor Wang's funeral.

But if you want to attract people to support the scene, there are actually not many survivors on Lu Cheng's side.

After all, Lu Cheng is taking the elite route, raising so many survivors, purely eating his own food.

And if there are a lot of people, Xu Jingqiu can actually help.

Lu Cheng quickly called Xu Jingqiu and asked Xu Jingqiu to borrow some people.

Take yourself and Guan Xiaoting back to Dawn Sanctuary to make arrangements for Councilor Wang's funeral.

I believe that after seeing the size of the survivors behind Lu Cheng, the fifty or so people will not do anything wrong and can only work obediently.

After Xu Jingqiu listened to Lu Cheng's explanation of the causes and consequences, as well as the detailed preparation arrangements, he readily agreed.

Immediately, Gu Ming was asked to lead a hundred people in a car and drive toward the Dawn Sanctuary.

Xu Jingqiu was busy with other important things, so he wouldn't go over there.

Lu Cheng also took Zhang Xiaoyun, Shen Xue, Jiang Shuyao and Guan Xiaoting into the Land Rover and headed towards Dawn Shelter.

Lu Cheng's place was closer to Dawn Sanctuary, so they waited around for a while and saw Gu Ming and others driving over in a car.

In a team of one hundred people, there were about a dozen vehicles, and several of them were trucks with quite a few people standing on them.

After seeing Lu Cheng, Gu Ming immediately walked up, hugged Lu Cheng, and then said.

"I haven't seen Lu Cheng for several days, and you feel much better."

Gu Ming also followed Xu Jingqiu to Dawn Sanctuary at that time, so he naturally knew Guan Xiaoting.

Seeing Guan Xiaoting standing behind Lu Cheng, wearing black clothes, Gu Ming immediately put on a sad expression, walked to Guan Xiaoting's side and said.

"Don't be sad, Mrs. Guan. Councilor Wang's death was purely an accident. Alas, God is so jealous of the talent."

Gu Ming is the core member of Xu Jingqiu's team, so he naturally knows what happened that day.

When Xu Jingqiu took them to grab things from other shelters, he was the fastest runner.

It was hypocritical to say these words at this time. Of course, I was talking to the people behind me who didn’t know what was going on.

The crowd also showed expressions of silence.

Guan Xiaoting also pretended to wipe the corners of her eyes and said as if she was about to squeeze out two tears.

"Thank you Mr. Gu, but today is not the day for the funeral. We just want to go back to Dawn Shelter to make arrangements.

The real funeral will not be held until three days later, so Mr. Gu Ming must be there then. "

"As Mrs. Guan said, I will definitely be there."

Gu Ming said this with a sad face, but actually he knew it well in his heart.

It was Congressman Wang's funeral that day, and it was Lu Cheng's show. I was there to support Lu Cheng.

After a few people finished speaking, they quickly walked towards the Dawn Shelter in front of them.

The people in Dawn Sanctuary had already discovered Lu Cheng and others who had come over.

Seeing more than 100 people coming in large numbers, panic expressions appeared on their faces.

But after seeing that the leaders were Lu Cheng and Guan Xiaoting, those people breathed a sigh of relief.

The door that had been knocked crookedly was soon opened. The first thing those people thought about repairing was the door that had been damaged by Councilor Wang before.

Lu Cheng and Guan Xiaoting walked into Dawn Sanctuary again.

This was the first time Gu Ming and the others came here after the war. They only saw ruins everywhere behind the gate, looking as if they had been swept away by a demolition team.

In fact, it did go through a major demolition, but Uncle Da's group of survivors did not enter the walls of Dawn Sanctuary, and all the damage inside the walls was caused by Councilor Wang himself.

Compared with the last time I came here, at this moment, Dawn Sanctuary no longer looked so lively and full of energy. Instead, it looked lifeless.

Everyone's face was full of confusion and hesitation. Some combatants, although they still had firearms in their hands, had their heads drooped and couldn't lift up any energy.

When many people saw Guan Xiaoting, the fire of hope reappeared in their eyes.

After all, everyone regards Congressman Wang as their spiritual pillar, spiritual leader, and hope for the future.

Now that Representative Wang is dead, Dawn Sanctuary, as Representative Wang's legacy, will naturally be inherited by his widow, Guan Xiaoting.

At this moment, Guan Xiaoting was wearing a black hip-hugging skirt, her face was full of sadness, and she even squeezed a few tears from the corners of her eyes.

He wiped it with a white handkerchief, and then said to the people who gathered around Dawn Sanctuary.

"This time our Dawn Sanctuary was able to preserve the fire, thanks to Lu Cheng. Without Lu Cheng, there would be no way for us to return here."

After Guan Xiaoting said this, some of the survivors in the Dawn Sanctuary in front of her looked confused.

Some people nodded seriously. Many people knew that Lu Cheng brought someone over to help.

And they also killed Uncle Da's men who took the lead in attacking Dawn Sanctuary.

So they all had a good impression of Lu Chengran, but one of the leading captains stood up and pointed at Lu Cheng.

"Sister-in-law, please don't be deceived by Lu Cheng.

After he killed Congressman Wang, he also took away all our supplies.

He asked Councilor Wang to come and claim it, but Councilor Wang turned into an alienated zombie and was killed by him. How can he claim it?

Lu Cheng never thought of returning the supplies to us from the beginning. "

As soon as the leader finished speaking, Gu Ming immediately pointed at him angrily and shouted loudly.

"You ungrateful thing, if Lu Cheng hadn't come over to temporarily protect your supplies. Believe it or not, you can't even return to the shelter now. How many people are staring at this place?

If Lu Cheng hadn't shown up, those wanderers and the survivors led by Uncle Da would have taken over all of your houses.

You can come back, you think nothing of it.

Now you dare to scold Lu Cheng. Damn it, I can't bear it. I'll shoot you bastard. "

After Gu Ming finished speaking fiercely, he raised his pistol, and the captain in front of him also raised his gun, pointed it at Gu Ming, and said loudly.

"What do you mean by this? Am I blind?"

As soon as the captain finished speaking, Guan Xiaoting pointed at him and cursed loudly.

"You ungrateful thing, do you think I don't know?

It was you and Uncle Da who conspired to become traitors, otherwise how could our survivor base be captured so easily.

I even suspect that my husband is infected with the alienated virus because of you, the mole. "

After hearing this, the captain had a look of fear on his face.

Among the members of Dawn Sanctuary, Guan Xiaoting's prestige is obviously much higher than that of the captain.

After hearing what Guan Xiaoting said, many people glared at the captain, but before they could speak, they heard a gunshot.

Lu Cheng raised his pistol, ate a peanut on top of the captain's head, and then said angrily.

“Good guy, I’ve been looking for who the mole is, and it turns out it’s you, the bastard.

Congressman Wang and I are brothers and sisters. How could I kill Congressman Wang?

When I found out that Congressman Wang had turned into an alienated zombie, do you know how painful it was in my heart?

As soon as possible, she found her sister-in-law and escorted her back to give Congressman Wang a decent funeral.

Alas, it is pitiful that my brother Wang, such a brave and charismatic person, died at the hands of the mole.

Brother Wang, you are a spirit in heaven, you can see clearly, I have helped you kill the evil spirit!"

After Lu Cheng said this, Guan Xiaoting beside her let out a cry, then started crying and fell into Lu Cheng's arms.

"Brother Lu Cheng, how should I live my life in the future? If the damn Congressman Wang dies like this, what should I do if I am left as a widow? Woohoo!"

Lu Cheng also raised his arms and put his arms around Guan Xiaoting's shoulders, with a sad expression on his face.

"Sister-in-law, don't cry. Brother is gone. I will take good care of you on behalf of him from now on. No one can bully sister-in-law.

No one can bully Dawn Sanctuary. "

After Lu Cheng said this, the people in Dawn Sanctuary also showed miserable expressions, and many of them were moved and shed a few tears.

Needless to say what happened next, the leading captain was killed with one shot, and the remaining people following that captain were also frightened at this time.

He didn't dare to say a word, not to mention that Lu Cheng brought about a hundred people.

There were more people than them, and Lu Cheng's strength was obvious to all.

Now that Lu Cheng has returned to Dawn Sanctuary, he feels as relaxed as returning home.

Walking on the street, he pointed to Councilor Wang's former house and said to the people around him.

"Well, Brother Wang and I were drinking and chatting in the house, and my sister-in-law poured wine for us. This day is still vivid in my mind.

It's like it happened yesterday, but now it's time to say goodbye. "

Guan Xiaoting blushed and said:

"Isn't it milk?"

Lu Cheng chuckled.

"Sister-in-law is talking about my poor memory and drinking milk."

The people behind were all dumbfounded. They always felt that there was some strange feeling between the two people, but they did not dare to say anything more.

Everyone walked to the chapel again. The chapel was luckily not damaged.

You must know that Congressman Wang's huge body, which was 5 meters tall at that time, was rampaging inside the Dawn Shelter like a tank.

Most of the houses were destroyed by him, Lu Cheng looked at the chapel and said with emotion.

“This funeral must be a glorious one for my eldest brother.

You should clean up this chapel properly. When the leaders of other survivor strongholds come over, you cannot lose your status, do you understand? "

After Lu Cheng finished speaking, the remaining survivors nodded quickly.

Of course, these fifty or so people have to complete this assigned task.

We can't let Lu Cheng stay here to decorate the funeral hall. That's not what the boss is doing.

After giving instructions, Lu Cheng pointed to another one, the honest-looking man who had been following closely behind him and said:

"I see that you are very talented. Starting today, you will temporarily take charge of Dawn Sanctuary. If anything happens, just call me.

I’ll leave the funeral venue decoration to you. You must complete it well for me. Do you understand? "

The honest man was stunned for a moment, and before he could speak, Lu Cheng picked up a pistol and handed it to the man's hand, then patted the man on the shoulder without waiting for him to speak.

He took his sister-in-law Guan Xiaoting all the way outside.

Only the survivors were left standing in the wind, confused, not knowing what happened.

After a group of people had left, the fifty or so people looked at the dead captain lying on the ground. It turned out that this captain had brought them together and returned to Dawn Sanctuary.

But since the captain is dead, there's no point in saying anything.

After everyone hesitated for a moment, they all looked at the person who had just been appointed as the agent.

The agent was stunned, looked at the pistol in his hand, then looked around and said:

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's start getting busy.

Hurry up and arrange the funeral. They will all be attending the funeral in three days. We can't let Mr. Lu Cheng, ah no, it's Congressman Wang, lose face. "

After he finished speaking, everyone started to get busy.

Although Gu Ming and the others just made a trip to help out.

Of course, Lu Cheng would not let them run away in vain.

Soon, Du Zi and the others were asked to arrange a hundred kilograms of various supplies for them to take back. Each person could get one kilogram of supplies when they showed up. This good thing was a waste, and Lu Cheng was even more grateful.

Lu Cheng was driving a Land Rover, and his sister-in-law Guan Xiaoting, who was wearing black clothes, was sitting in the passenger seat.

She was still holding a white handkerchief and crying.

Lu Cheng looked at me with pity and couldn't help but say.

"Sister-in-law, we are all out now, so please stop crying."

Although Lu Cheng said this, Guan Xiaoting still held the white handkerchief and shook her head.

"Brother Wang left early, and I feel miserable. What should I do if I don't cry? Should I laugh?"

Lu Cheng was shocked and sighed when he knew that Guan Xiaoting was playing a game with him.

"The eldest brother is gone, so I can only comfort my sister-in-law. Come, sister-in-law, let's find a place."

"What's the comfort? You bastard knows how to bully me. If Brother Wang is still alive, I won't shoot you."

Lu Cheng chuckled, and as soon as the car stopped, he didn't care about Shen Xue, Zhang Xiaoyun and the others who were still sitting behind him, and jumped directly into the passenger seat.

After putting down the chair, he pressed Guan Xiaoting on the chair and said.

"That's not possible. What is my relationship with Brother Wang? He is reluctant to shoot me, so let me shoot my sister-in-law first."

Guan Xiaoting was wearing black clothes and looked like a widow. At this time, she looked up at Lu Cheng with a white handkerchief and grabbed it...

Lu Cheng laughed, and then started an in-depth exchange with Guan Xiaoting in the passenger seat.

The three girls behind, Shen Xue, Zhang Xiaoyun, and Jiang Shuyao, also acted as spectators and helped Lu Cheng cheer up.

Lu Cheng was also very energetic, not just once or twice with Guan Xiaoting, but this time the mood was really full.

It used to take half an hour, but this time the battle was quickly resolved in about ten minutes. After all, it was still outside, and it wouldn't be good if someone was peeping in broad daylight.

After Lu Cheng finished the battle, Guan Xiaoting had an unfinished expression on her face. Lu Cheng stepped on the accelerator and headed straight for the villa area.

Not to mention, I must make arrangements for my sister-in-law today.

(End of this chapter)

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