I can upgrade female zombies

Chapter 146 Get in the car!

Chapter 146 Get in the car!
Captain Wu in front of him trembled and stepped back. He couldn't believe his eyes. The man in front of him should be dead.

He could no longer remember this man's name, but he knew clearly that he was one of the moles who betrayed Light Sanctuary that night.

Captain Wu saw with his own eyes that he was chased into a group of corpses and was bitten on the arm by a zombie.

Why do you look like this now and can you still speak?

Have all alienated zombies evolved to the point where they can talk?
Captain Wu thought about those zombies with extremely high IQs in the south. Could it be that after he transformed into a corpse, he also became such a zombie?
Captain Wu didn't dare to make a sound, but he was still groggy after being hit on the head by Lu Cheng.

He couldn't think too much at all, so he stumbled back to the bedroom, still thinking about a chance.

The person outside would not notice him. He did not open the door, and the alienated zombie standing outside obviously had no intention of leaving.

Soon the sound of the door lock being pried was heard.

Captain Wu shivered and covered himself with the quilt. It seemed that as long as the quilt did not reveal any gaps, the other party would not notice him.

And he is also absolutely safe.

But the sound of the door being broken down still made Captain Wu tremble.

He immediately stood up and stood behind the bedroom door.

Behind the bedroom door, another huge force soon came, and only a bang was heard, and the fragile door panel was kicked open.

Captain Wu was also hit by the force and fell to the ground.

Before he could react, his collar was grabbed by a pair of pale hands.

The skin on the hand was ulcerated, and the man in black robe in front of him showed his rotten face.

His face was full of longing for flesh and blood, but he did not eat Captain Wu directly. Instead, he said in an unquestionable tone.

"Another deportee, do you want to take revenge?"


When the morning sun breaks the cold dawn from outside the tent.

Lu Cheng also woke up early, came over to wash up, and sat in front of the tent, whistling boredly.

The survivors nearby greeted Lu Cheng cautiously.

After what happened last night, they all knew that Lu Cheng was not easy to mess with.

Of course, we also know that Lu Cheng is now with Zhang Tingting. This once destitute widow with a child has finally found her supporter.

Zhang Tingting's beauty and figure are worthy of Lu Cheng's strength.

As for gossip, of course not a word could be heard.

If your strength is humble, but you have beauty that is not in line with your identity and strength, it will definitely break your spine.

But of course no one would dare to mess with someone like Lu Cheng who has good looks, strength and connections.

As for Zhang Tingting, she still hasn't adapted to being a Lu Cheng woman for a while.

When he walked out and saw the eyes of other survivors looking at him, he couldn't help but blush and lower his head.

My first reaction was that I still wanted to go out and help other survivors wash their clothes and earn points.

However, Lu Cheng directly pulled her wrist back and said softly.

"What else are you doing to wash clothes? I've already done the 30 minutes for you. Don't worry about it next month. I won't kick you away."

"But your points are not enough. I happen to have about 20 points left on hand. I will wash clothes for a few more days and I can get rid of yours."

Lu Cheng looked at Zhang Tingting's concern for him, smiled and said.

"I don't have to worry. I can go out later. Then I can search for some supplies and exchange them for points. There are a lot of points for searching for supplies outside."

"Why don't you talk to Sister Wang and see if you can stop searching for supplies outside? It's actually quite good to be a guard in the shelter. The most important thing is safety."

Lu Cheng naturally understood that Zhang Tingting was worried about him, so he said it very gently.

"Don't worry, it's alright."

Zhang Tingting was still a little worried and wanted to continue talking, but Sister Wang had already come over there.

Seeing Zhang Tingting with Lu Cheng, Sister Wang stretched out her hand and said hello.

Zhang Tingting hurriedly said hello, then lowered her head and walked into the tent.

It seems that he is still a little unaccustomed to it.

Lu Cheng laughed twice and said nothing. He walked up to meet Sister Wang, followed by two members of Team 7. Sister Wang said directly.

"Lu Cheng has another mission today, and the mission is quite special.

We need to protect two scientific researchers, go to the laboratory to get some things, pack up quickly, and follow me to get the weapons and equipment first, and we will set off in an hour. "

Lu Cheng's eyes lit up. He didn't expect that he would have the opportunity to contact scientific researchers so soon.

He couldn't say that he was really lucky, so he quickly nodded in agreement.

Then they called Zhang Xiaoyun to follow Sister Wang, and they went to the weapons warehouse to get weapons.

Then we waited at the gate for a while, and soon the other team members came to gather.

Unlike the last dispatch, there were not as many team members as there were last time.

But everyone looks very capable.

A total of 30 people, in addition to holding pistols or rifles in their hands, also wore body armor, anti-bite protective gear, etc.

Lu Cheng and Zhang Xiaoyun are also wearing the same thing now.

The leader of the team this time was obviously Sister Wang. She looked at the team members and said:

"Everyone is here. Let me introduce you. Most of them are members of Group 7.

There are several elite backbones from other groups, these two are from the scientific research group.

Our main task today is to protect them and go to the laboratory to get some data and needed items.

Then it's okay to return safely, it's not that difficult.

The laboratory is about ten kilometers away from our shelter, close to the east of the city. Everyone must be alert when the time comes. Do you understand? "

One of the two people in the scientific research team seemed a little reserved and nervous.

Obviously he hadn't gone out often, but he smiled twice and said hello to everyone.

The other person is older and appears to be very calm and steady.

When everyone got into the car and prepared to set off, Lu Cheng walked up to Sister Wang and asked in a low voice.

"Sister Wang, who are these two scientific researchers? They look familiar to me. Have you seen them on TV? Are they awesome?"

In fact, Lu Cheng didn't look familiar at all. He just asked casually to get some information.

Sister Wang heard Lu Cheng ask this and said with a smile.

"The person you are familiar with should be Professor Liang. He is very powerful. He was originally a professor at the Central Medical College and an expert in virology.

He is also one of the heads of our scientific research office, responsible for researching the vaccine project. I heard that there has been considerable progress.

Perhaps it won't be long before this alienated virus can be cured. "

When she said this, a light appeared in Sister Wang's eyes.

Every survivor hopes that a vaccine will appear as soon as possible to cure the alienated virus.

But in fact, in Lu Cheng's view, even if a vaccine is developed, the entire world will not change significantly.

It's not that those zombies can't evolve, they've always been the shambling zombies.

Instead, they will continue to evolve. Even ordinary zombies will move faster and faster.

Not to mention, among these ordinary zombies, elite-level zombies and even higher-level zombies will evolve.

Although there are mutants among humans, compared to the number of mutants among humans, there are more alienated zombies among zombies.

Lu Cheng felt that instead of counting on mutants to help humans, it would be better to count on mutated zombies like Lu Cheng and Li Xiaoya who remained sane.

Considering the identity of human beings in the past, it can help those human beings to be more real.

After all, the number of mutant zombies is much greater than the number of mutant humans.

But no matter how the situation develops, it makes no difference to Lu Cheng.

In special situations like Lu Cheng, whether he is a survivor or an alienated zombie, he can flexibly change his identity.

Therefore, Lu Cheng never worries about the future situation. As long as he upgrades quickly, everything will be fine.

Lu Cheng probably understood that Dr. Liang was also a professor at the Central Medical College.

Moreover, he is also an expert in virology. Isn't this exactly the talent Lu Cheng is looking for?

I just don’t know what the relationship between Dr. Liang and Jiang Lei is like, and whether he is a former employee of Federal Company.

Lu Cheng deliberately sat in the back of the pickup truck, took out his cell phone, and sent a message to Jiang Lei when others were not paying attention.

[Lu Cheng: Uncle Jiang, do you know Dr. Liang? 】

[Jiang Lei: Which Dr. Liang? 】

Lu Cheng, he didn't expect Jiang Lei to reply to him so quickly, which is a good thing. He came back soon.

[Lu Cheng: I don’t know my full name. I am a professor at the Central Medical College and an expert in virology. 】【Jiang Lei: What?It's him!wait a moment. 】

[Jiang Lei: Lu Cheng, I asked Professor Liu just now. This Dr. Liang is a scientific advisor to Federal Corporation, but I don’t know if he has participated in research related to alienated viruses.

If you find an opportunity, you can get to know him privately. My personal relationship with him is quite good. If necessary, you can let me have a phone call with him. 】

After Lu Cheng got this information, he thought about it and returned quickly.

[Lu Cheng: Okay, let me find out more and contact you if necessary. 】

Lu Cheng quickly hung up on Jiang Lei.

This is good news for him.

Jiang Lei and Liu Mengyang both know this Dr. Liang. If there is a chance in the future, they can give Jiang Lei's contact information.

Let him communicate with Dr. Liang, and maybe he can be lured to his base.

However, the time is not yet ripe. Lu Cheng does not plan to communicate directly with Dr. Liang. He still needs to know more about some basic situations.

The car quickly reached its destination and didn't encounter many zombies along the way.

However, Lu Cheng originally thought it was because the area had been cleaned up fairly well, but the people next to him couldn't help but frown and muttered to themselves.

"Why can't you see any zombies around here?"

The other person also nodded strangely.

"Yes, we really can't see any zombies. What's going on? I remember I haven't been here for half a month."

The other people also looked at each other with strange expressions on their faces.

After Lu Cheng heard this, he was a little dumbfounded, and then became nervous.

If you haven't been here for half a month but there are no zombies nearby.

Then it's a bit dangerous.

Either other people had cleaned it up, or there were high-level zombies nearby that scared away the ordinary zombies.

But either way, it's not good news for them.

The car quickly drove in front of the research room, and Lu Cheng was stunned when he saw the research room in front of him.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the research center of the Federal Corporation.

In his heart, he wondered whether Dr. Liang was also a former employee of Federal Company.

Otherwise, why would you think of going to this company to copy data and instruments?
But after thinking about it, I felt strange. If they were really employees of the Federal Company, they would have thought of copying the data a long time ago.

But Lu Cheng couldn't directly ask questions now, so he could only follow them out of the car and continue to observe.

When the car arrived at its destination and everyone got out of the car, Sister Wang frowned and walked to Dr. Liang's side and whispered.

"Is Professor Yang's information accurate? There seems to be something strange around here.

We just cleaned up the zombies here half a month ago, but now we don’t see any zombies, which is contrary to common sense. "

After Sister Wang said this, Dr. Liang nodded and then said.

"There should be no problem. I just received the news recently that there is detailed experimental data in this company."

When he said this, Sister Wang hesitated for a moment, then nodded and gave instructions.

"If there are any problems, please get in the car as soon as possible. We will escape from here and protecting your safety is our first priority."

"Thank you for your hard work."

After Dr. Liang finished speaking, he quickly took out his mobile phone and started tinkering with it, as if he was contacting someone.

"No response, but it should be in the laboratory. Let's just go in and copy the data. They may have cleaned up those zombies."

Sister Wang was stunned when she heard Dr. Liang's words, and then said:

"But I didn't see any cars nearby."

Dr. Liang said with a smile.

"They probably didn't bring the car over. Don't worry, they are all my former students. I still trust them."

After Dr. Liang said this, they had nothing to say, and then they held their rifles and followed Dr. Liang towards the laboratory.

This federal company's laboratory is not a secret underground research institute.

Therefore, the appearance of the entire laboratory is quite beautiful.

There is also an exhibition hall, which seems to allow many other people to come in and visit.

There are also group photos of elementary school students, middle school students and high school students who came to visit and so on.

As for the reason why this laboratory was originally opened, Lu Cheng was not very clear.

Most likely it is for popular science.

Will research on alienated viruses also be conducted in this laboratory?

Lu Cheng couldn't help but raise a question mark in his heart, but as long as it was the property of the federal company, it might use this laboratory as a cover to open a new underground research laboratory.

Zhao Ran walked into the laboratory. Dr. Liang seemed to be quite familiar with the path of this laboratory.

Not long after, I walked through the exhibition hall and entered the interior room.

But Dr. Liang looked strangely at the rooms in the laboratory, which were all extremely dark. He couldn't help but mutter under his breath with the lights turned off.

"Something's wrong, why don't you even turn on the light?"

Dr. Liang looked around strangely, and Sister Wang also frowned.

Now it is no longer a matter of copying data. She quickly pulled Dr. Liang back and said:
"Let's go first, something's wrong here, I feel like it's a trap!"

Dr. Liang looked anxious.

"Wait a minute, this data is very important. He uploaded some data to me online before, which is very critical.

If these data can be obtained, the probability of vaccine success will be greatly increased.

However, he said that the data is in this laboratory, so he could not lie to me. That data is not even accessible to experts in this field. "

Dr. Liang said this eagerly, and Sister Wang wanted to say something else, but Lu Cheng felt something was wrong.

Something unusual soon started to feel nearby, and it got stronger and stronger.

Lu Cheng was sure that there were elite-level alienated zombies nearby.

Sure enough, it felt like when he first appeared, a low roar came from deep in the laboratory in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, I saw figures one after another, with scarlet eyes emerging from the dark laboratory, like wolves staring at their prey in the dark.

They are alienated zombies, and there is not just one of them, but a group of them.

When Lu Cheng confirmed the identities of those figures, he also laughed disdainfully.

These zombies are all above the elite level.

There are a full 10 of them, elite-level alienated zombies.

Behind those zombies, there were about a hundred ordinary zombies.

They did not attack Sister Wang directly, but instead surrounded them from three sides.

And when Sister Wang realized something was wrong and wanted to take Dr. Liang out of the laboratory, the people behind her realized that something was wrong. The place where they came in was also full of zombies.

"Sister Wang, we are surrounded."

"What's going on? Isn't there someone on guard outside? Why haven't you received any news?"

"There must be too many zombies, at least dozens of them."

"There are also several listings that seem to be of high quality."

The survivors who were surrounded immediately panicked.

As for the survivors standing guard outside, Lu Cheng could clearly see that they had lost their breath.

It was obviously a surprise attack by the zombies outside.

And several of them are also elite-level zombies.

Lu Cheng took a quick look and found that there were already 12 elite-level zombies inside and outside the laboratory alone.

Good guy, I didn’t expect so many elite-level zombies to gather together.

Chase Lu's heart felt a little itchy. If it wasn't for hiding his strength, he really wanted to take action and kill all 12 elite-level zombies.

Absorbing their alienated crystal nuclei, but Lu Cheng knew that the situation was definitely not as simple as he thought.

Sure enough, just when Sister Wang and the others were at a loss, a large truck suddenly hit them from outside.

With a bang, dozens of zombies were knocked away.

In the truck, there was a man in research clothes, holding the steering wheel with a panic look on his face and shouting at Professor Liang in the laboratory.

"Teacher! Get in the car quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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