I can upgrade female zombies

Chapter 152 My rules are rules!

Chapter 152 My rules are rules!

Lu Cheng took Zhang Xiaoyun and the others to the entrance of Central Park quickly, and they didn't wait long before they saw Xu Jingqiu's motorcade.

A convoy of more than 200 people came over, which was quite spectacular.

It formed a long line, led by a modified pickup truck, with a row of thick spikes in front to open the way.

The front of the car was also stained with a lot of zombie flesh and blood, pieces of clothing, etc.

Obviously, in order to reduce the traveling time as soon as possible, he did not get out of the car to clean up the zombies, but directly ran them over with the car.

In fact, most survivor bases now have their own modified vehicles.

The most convenient, quickest and safest way to deal with zombies on the road is to hit them directly with a car.

After all, there are so many cars on the road, so just hit one and replace it with another.

Xu Jingqiu and the others quickly got out of the car and met with Lu Cheng to talk about the details.

"The leader of the survivors in the south this time is called Lezi.

Listening to this name, you know that he was not an easy guy to get along with before the end.

He is indeed a bit cruel, and the people under his command are quite afraid of him.

His largest survivor base has about 150 people, and the other two survivor bases have not many people.

However, these three survivor bases all have one characteristic in common, that is, most of the personnel they recruit are combat personnel. "

After Xu Jingqiu said this, Lu Cheng nodded.

"Then it seems that the materials they collected should not be less."

Xu Jingqiu laughed and pointed at the truck behind him.

"Don't worry, I brought a lot of cars this time."

Lu Cheng nodded and waved.

"Brothers, get in the car and go."

Xu Jingqiu had already inquired about the location of the survivor bases before, and Du Zi also knew the location.

He led the convoy all the way towards the south.

Lu Cheng had never been to the south of the city.

After all, most of the places Lu Cheng went to were for hunting high-level alienated zombies.

The population density in the south of the city is not very high.

Therefore, the number of alienated zombies there is naturally much smaller than in other places.

Lu Cheng had no chance to go there, but because of the smaller population density, the south side of the city was suitable for survivors.

But because of the low population density, commerce is not very developed.

Although there is one supermarket like that, the population is too dense, and I believe even the survivors cannot deal with it.

Although there are some items in the remaining small shops, there probably won't be much left that can be preserved to this day and still be eaten.

Lu Cheng estimated that it was because of the heavy pressure on survival supplies that the survivors in the south of the city took risks and made their own plans.

But they didn't expect that Lu Cheng would already know about it just in the stage of conspiracy.

After all, Lu Cheng's current intelligence network is quite large, and many survivor bases throughout the city are cooperating with him.

The convoy soon passed through the wide streets in the south of the city and arrived at the survivor base where Lezi was located.

Lezi's side had the largest number of people, with 150 people. The other two survivor bases had smaller numbers, and Lu Chengcheng did not personally take action.

Instead, Gu Ming took 100 people to deal with them one by one.

As for Lu Cheng, he led other troops to Lezi's survivor base.

The survivor base in front of us was also expanded using a factory as a prototype.

The advantage of this is that the usable space is relatively large, and the number of zombies is not particularly large.

The choice was similar to that of Xu Jingqiu. Wood and iron sheets were used as a fence around the perimeter.

It can be seen that they will regularly clean up the zombies around them.

Lu Chengcheng saw several zombie corpses lying on the roadside.

You can't see clearly from inside the base, but there are several guards standing on the gate in front of you.

Seeing the vast convoy approaching, Laizi and the others immediately became alert.

He immediately came out to ask what was going on, and Lu Cheng smiled, pointed at the motorcade behind him and said to the people in front of him:

"I'm Lu Cheng, you should have heard my name.

As for the title, there is no need to mention it. This time I am here to talk to your leader Lezi. I have something I want to discuss with him. "

Lu Cheng spoke very gently and politely.

Coupled with the fact that he looked very close to him, the guards on the wall breathed a sigh of relief.

I originally thought that some survivors had taken a fancy to their base and came to rob it.

As soon as they heard that Lu Cheng was coming, everyone didn't think much and immediately went down to call their leader.

As for the other people, standing on the wall and whispering, they all seemed to be discussing Lu Cheng's glorious deeds.

It didn't take long for them to find Leizi, and Leizi was a young man who looked very out of place with his tattoos.

People like this can live very well in the last days.

After all, being ruthless can allow them to accumulate the most primitive wealth and connections.

As long as there are enough people around you, the weapons are powerful enough, and the attacks are more ruthless, it can easily snowball in the apocalypse.

The leper belongs to this kind of person.

The Skeleton State that Lu Cheng met before was naturally the same kind of person.

But Lezi was in the south of the city and had no chance to go to the north. Otherwise, Lu Cheng estimated that Lezi would definitely join the Skeleton Gang.

He's so suitable.

After the leper came out, he was followed by several people, all wearing police body armor and protective gear, holding pistols in their hands.

Apparently they had searched the police station, and the equipment was quite good.

Compared with ordinary survivors, they are much more sophisticated.

They were probably the largest group in the south. Lu Cheng looked them up and down, while Laizi was also looking at Lu Cheng.

Although there is a lot of news about Lu Cheng on the Internet, and there are also photos, this is the first time Laizi has seen Lu Cheng.

He and Du Zi were quite familiar. Du Zi had been here before and negotiated with their survivor base.

I hope they can collect alienated orbs and trade them with Lu Cheng, and Laizi naturally agrees, but he has never seriously collected alienated orbs.

Instead, he came up with the idea of ​​building a survivor base in Lu.

But this time, Lu Cheng came over, which also made Leizi feel a little worried.

Could it be that his plot was exposed?

It shouldn't be possible. Not many people knew what he was planning. He couldn't betray him and tell Lu Cheng about his intentions and plans.

Lezi thought a lot in his mind, but he couldn't make up his mind, but he still looked at Lu Cheng, straightened his back, and asked with his head held high.

"Lu Cheng, I've heard of you, the great heroic mediator of our city.

You seem to have done a lot of good things. Du Zi came to my place before and gave us alienation orbs for us to collect.

But I'm sorry, we haven't collected them all yet, and there aren't many zombies nearby these two days. After we collect them, we will provide you with the alienation orbs. "

Leizi specially emphasized the word "offer". Naturally, this sentence was not meant for Lu Cheng, but for the people next to him.

Lezi has not yet announced his plan to his team members, so he has been trying to slander Lu Cheng's image for a while.

Although Lu Cheng didn't pay much attention to his image, he still felt a little unhappy when he saw Laizi talking like this.

If you take 100 kilograms of supplies and exchange them with others for alienation orbs, who wouldn't think that you are doing charity?

On the contrary, this leper looked a little dissatisfied. Lu Cheng laughed and looked at Xu Jingqiu beside him.

Xu Jingqiu also read what he wanted to ask from Lu Cheng's eyes, then nodded and whispered.

"Yes, he is a leper. People here know him."

Lu Cheng nodded, and then without answering, he pulled out the pistol with his right hand.

Just shoot the leper in the knee.

Just listen to a huge sound, echoing in the sky.

As for Leizi's right knee, he was beaten to a bloody pulp by Lu Cheng.

The leper wailed and knelt on the ground. The others were also stunned when they saw this.

The people at Xu Jingqiu's shelter after Lu Cheng's death were mentally prepared and knew Lu Cheng's style of doing things, so there was nothing surprising about it.

The few people next to Leizi had shocked expressions on their faces. Some people immediately took out their pistols and pointed them at Lu Cheng, but Lu Cheng was much faster than them.

Lu Cheng had already pulled out his pistol with his left hand and fired three shots in succession, each shot hitting the head.

The three men who drew their guns fell to the ground instantly.

Seeing Lu Cheng moving so fast, the survivors behind Lezi were all blinded.Have no idea what's going on.

Lu Cheng pointed the pistol in his left hand at the survivors behind him, and pointed the pistol in his other right hand at Lezi's head, asking Lezi who had tears on his face.

"I heard that you are uniting with other shelters to take action against me."

Lezi was almost fainting from the pain. Hearing Lu Cheng's words, his face turned red and he shouted.

"No, no, how could I do such a thing?"

But just as he finished shouting hurriedly, Lu Cheng shot him and the knee of his other intact leg again.

The knee was also bruised and bloody, and the survivors standing behind were shaking in fear.

I don’t know why Lu Cheng fired again after a disagreement. After Lu Cheng finished firing, he asked Lezi again.

"Besides those two survivor bases, have you contacted other survivor bases?"

Lezi knew that he couldn't lie anymore. Lu Cheng's pistol was not polite to him at all.

He immediately shook his head wildly, tears and snot flying everywhere.

Lu Cheng nodded reassuringly, and then snapped his fingers behind him. Zhang Xiaoyun naturally knew what Lu Cheng wanted to do.

He quickly handed over the baseball bat and stick in his hand.

This is not an ordinary baseball bat, it is covered with various sharp wires.

Greatly enhances the baseball bat's attack power and durability.

Lu Cheng took the baseball bat, weighed it in his hand, and said to himself.

“What I hate most is that some people can’t see their own position clearly and don’t know how to survive in this apocalypse.

Maybe I haven’t met any ruthless characters, so I feel like I’m the No. 1 King of Heaven.

But I am not actually a ruthless person, I am still very caring.

If I can give others a way to survive, I don't want to block their way.

After all, your being alive is also a benefit to me.

By the way, having said all that, I just want to tell you that you have messed with the wrong person. "

After Lu Cheng said this, he picked up the baseball bat and hit the man in front of him on the face.

His hand speed is very fast and his strength is also great, but Lu Cheng really doesn't use much strength.

With his current attributes, if he hits it with all his strength, the leper's head will fly out directly.

So he just used a little more force than ordinary people.

But with such power, combined with the lethality of the baseball bat, one side of the leper's head had already collapsed.

But he was still alive at this time and did not die directly. His body looked like he would fall down soon, but he was quickly helped up again.

I heard Lu Cheng continue.

“I am not like Dawn Sanctuary, and I will invite you to a meeting to discuss things.

I have never thought about enslaving you or using you as tools.

I just hope that you can fight the zombies well. After fighting the zombies, take my alienation orb to collect their energy.

After the collection is full, you can exchange it for 100 kilograms of supplies at my place.

Make sure you can survive. After all, surviving in this world is more important than anything else.

If you want to get something for nothing and come to rob me directly, then I'm sorry, I will come directly to ask.

Little brother, what's going on? "

This sentence is not so much meant for the leper as it is for the survivors behind him.

After Lu Chengliang dropped the baseball bat, the leper was already as angry as a thread.

It was basically the same as death, but Lu Cheng quickly picked up the baseball bat again and hit the leper two more times in front of everyone.

After the two sticks were removed, the leper's whole head turned into a meat pie, and there was no possibility of living anymore.

Lu Cheng picked up the baseball bat in his hand and handed it to Zhang Xiaoyun who was walking up next to him.

After Lu Cheng's operation, not to mention the survivors behind Lezi, even the survivors on Xu Jingqiu's side became in awe.

No one would think that Lu Cheng would be cruel in this situation.

Because it was Lezi and the others, they first tried their best to deal with Lu Cheng.

Each of them knew what was going on before they came over.

If Lu Cheng didn't take action in advance, they would be the ones who died.

This has happened too many times, and there is no mercy or compassion at the end of the world.

Some are just fighting for survival.

On the contrary, I feel that with people like Lu Cheng as their leader, they will have a brighter future.

After Lu Cheng took a baseball bat and beat the leper to death.

Looking behind Raiko again, the stunned survivors clapped their hands and said.

"I know that most of you don't know what Lezi is planning to do.

Then let me tell you here. What he did is similar to what happened at Dawn Sanctuary before.

They want to destroy my shelter, take away my warehouses, and kill all my people.

In this way, they can be their kings in this city, but as you can see, even if Dawn Sanctuary disappears, even if I disappear, is this true for you?
Is that a good thing?

I don't want to talk too much nonsense, I just want to tell you one thing. From now on, I will set the rules in the south of the city.

Again, one alienated orb can be exchanged for 100 kilograms of food or supplies.

If anyone has any other ideas, sorry, that's what you'll end up with. "

After Lu Cheng finished speaking, he looked at Xu Jingqiu behind him. Xu Jingqiu immediately nodded and stood up, shouting loudly.

"Everyone put down their weapons and stand aside!"

After Lu Cheng's previous display of strength, no one dared to resist now. The leper didn't even say a word before he was beaten to death.

They didn't dare to resist anymore, they all put down their weapons one by one.

According to what Xu Jingqiu said, he stood on the edge, and Lu Cheng was not in a hurry.

He folded his arms and watched as Xu Jingqiu led people in to ransack the house. Of course, the so-called ransacking of the house meant taking away all their supplies.

In addition to those supplies, Xu Jingqiu also wanted to take away the survivors in the base.

Of course, Xu Jingqiu does not intend to take them all away, but to select suitable candidates.

The highest standard is new people joining within a month.

Xu Jingqiu will definitely be taken away.

The rest are those who are strong and capable of fighting, or who have the hope of becoming mutants.

And Lu Cheng could clearly see this.

Two of them are mutants. During this time, the probability of finding mutants among the survivors has also increased.

It seems that as long as we can persist in living, humans will slowly evolve.

It's just that this evolution speed is much slower than that of zombies.

After selecting all the people and materials, Xu Jingqiu let everyone get in the car.

Then swaggered away.

As for Gu Ming, the house raid went very smoothly. Although there was some resistance, it was not very intense.

According to Lu Cheng's instructions, the leaders of the two survivor bases have also been killed.

At this time, Gu Ming brought their heads over, but Lu Cheng just confirmed it, waved his hand and asked Gu Ming and the others to pick out their trophies.

Lu Cheng was very generous this time. The three survivor bases exceeded 6 tons of supplies in total, which was not a lot. It was just enough to make ends meet.

Lu Cheng never thought of giving all the 6 tons of supplies to Xu Jingqiu and the others. After all, most of the 6 tons of supplies were rice flour and oil that Lu Cheng could not use.

The reason why Lu Cheng wanted to attack with thunder this time was that he beat the leper to death with a baseball bat in front of so many people.

The leaders of the other two survivors also directly bowed their heads in public.

The main reason is to shock those who have other ideas in their hearts.

Now that he has been pushed up by everyone, whether Lu Cheng wants it or not, the fact is before his eyes.

Then the rules have to be set.

At least this city must have the final say.

Otherwise, would Lu Cheng have to live his apocalyptic life happily if he had to deal with the thoughtful survivors in the city every day?
And just when Lu Cheng led everyone back in triumph, he received a message from Li Xiaoya.

[Li Xiaoya: Lu Cheng, something is wrong with the zombies in City A!They left the city and headed toward the city to the east! 】

Lu Cheng was stunned. Isn't it his side?

(End of this chapter)

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