I can upgrade female zombies

Chapter 156 It must happen after the war

Chapter 156 There must be something after the war...

Things happened so fast that the survivors didn't even react.

But the situation of the battle has become obvious, and there is internal strife among the zombies in front of them.

The reason why the internal strife arose was because Lu Cheng aimed at a special zombie and shot it in the head.

However, Lu Cheng was very sure that the baron-level zombie he killed was not a special zombie from the south of the city.

Li Xiaoya came over excitedly and asked.

"Lu Cheng, the one you killed just now must be the special zombie in the south of the city."

"It's definitely not that zombie. It should be one of the subordinates of the special zombie in the south of the city, but his ability is also to control ordinary zombies."

Lu Cheng was not just speculating, but had real evidence.

Being able to command so many elite-level zombies and baron-level zombies at the same time, Lu Cheng didn't believe that the special zombie in the south of the city was only a baron-level zombie.

Definitely a viscount or even a higher earl.

Otherwise, there would be no such ability.

And Lu Cheng felt that the possibility of the earl was higher.

Those elite-level and baron-level zombies immediately began to retreat after losing the command of other ordinary zombies.

He did not continue to attack Xu Jingqiu's survivor stronghold.

Obviously they also knew that without the ordinary zombie army of 2000 to [-] people, their total zombie population was less than [-], and they would not be able to capture Xu Jingqiu's stronghold.

What's more, there is Lu Cheng, the ultimate weapon, who is stationed in the stronghold.

They all saw the scene where the baron-level zombie was shot in the head just now.

If there is no intelligence, the special zombies may be ignored, and the brainless charge will cause certain casualties to Lu Cheng's side.

But they themselves are definitely dead.

But with wisdom, after weighing the pros and cons and comparing them, it is impossible to make a mindless charge.

What Lu Cheng guessed was indeed correct.

They retreated while fighting, mainly letting the ordinary zombies take the damage.

The remaining elite-level and baron-level zombies quickly left the battlefield.

Lu Cheng seized this rare opportunity and immediately raised his Barrett sniper rifle. The shooting range of this gun was still very far.

And while the dozens of elite-level zombies were escaping, Lu Cheng could still use the Barrett sniper rifle to continue harvesting their lives.

There were so many special zombies, and Lu Cheng didn't want them to escape.

Here, Lu Cheng used a Barrett sniper rifle to shoot a special zombie while harvesting these zombies on the battlefield.

The other survivors also quickly took out their weapons and began to attack the ordinary zombies under the city, shooting at them.

The battle lasted for several hours, and it was not until dawn on the second day that it finally ended.

And the zombie wave that besieged the entire stronghold was completely eliminated.

At the scene, not a single zombie was still standing.

More than 2 corpses were thrown under the city wall, and everyone's face showed the joy of surviving the disaster.

Although Lu Cheng didn't find it that difficult, for ordinary people, facing a tide of 2 corpses.

And successfully holding the survivor stronghold, such a thing is incredible.

Even after the end of the world, a rare major victory that boosted morale gave them hope for the future.

After defeating this zombie attack, people on the Internet also learned about it.

None of them expected that a wave of [-] to [-] corpses would actually be repelled by Lu Cheng and the others, without many casualties? !

Regardless of the details of the battle and the specific number of casualties, they thought about themselves if they faced such a situation.

I'm afraid I can only squat in the house with my head in my hands and wait for death, or wait until the zombie wave has left.

But I don’t have the courage to face it at all.

And they killed all the zombies of [-] to [-] people outside the city?
In fact, it is not as much as [-], when we actually go to collect it.

I have only collected nearly 200 alienated orbs.

The number of alienated orbs is limited. Even if Zhang Xiaoyun desperately makes alienated orbs, he cannot collect them all in one go.

Lu Cheng could only refine the energy of 20 alienated orbs for every 20 he collected, and waited until all the alienated orbs were refined.

It didn't take long to obtain 13 baron-level alienated crystal nuclei.

And there are countless elite-level alienated crystal cores left.

But the most important thing is that Lu Cheng also killed two baron-level zombies before and collected their alienated crystal cores.

After this battle, the biggest gain is these 15 baron-level alienated crystal nuclei.

But there is no way to collect Viscount-level alienated crystal cores, otherwise they can be upgraded to Zhang Xiaoyun and others.

After obtaining the Baron-level alienated crystal core, the first thing to do when selected is to upgrade yourself.

【Lu Cheng】

[Level: LV19]

[Upgrade material: 1 earl-level alienated crystal core]

[Attributes: Strength 24, Agility 23, Endurance 23, Willpower 23, Resistance 23]

Lu Cheng thought it would take a long time for him to reach LV19.

After all, baron-level alienated crystal cores are not easy to obtain, but they didn't expect a huge wave of corpses to come directly this time.

Let him collect those 2 ordinary zombies into alienated orbs, and directly refine 200 alienated orbs.

It was actually enough for him to upgrade the baron-level alienated crystal core.

After reaching LV19, his attributes reached an astonishing average of 30 points.

This is a full 6 times higher than at the beginning.

And these 6 times the attributes do not mean that one person has the power of 6 people.

This is an exponential increase. With Lu Cheng's current strength, it is no problem to kill an elephant with one fist.

In addition to the enhancement of strength, agility, etc. are also enhanced in all aspects.

Lu Cheng now feels that only the Barrett sniper rifle can break his defense.

Viscount-level zombies are already so powerful.

Lu Cheng couldn't imagine how powerful he would be if he turned into a count-level zombie.

Maybe he could really be like Superman, invulnerable.

Lu Cheng's fantasy is to be as invulnerable as Superman, so he must upgrade!

Out of the desire to do nothing, Lu Cheng suddenly felt the urgency to upgrade.

However, if you want to upgrade, you need to find earl-level zombies. At present, the zombie in the south of the city is most likely to be earl-level.

But now we have to wait a while before we can go there. At least we have to find the escaped elite-level zombies and determine their location.

Otherwise, Lu Cheng would be worried that Xu Jingqiu's shelter would be breached just after he left the shelter and headed to the south of the city.

That was really embarrassing.

Although Lu Cheng didn't care about the lives of these survivors whether they could survive.

But after all, they were able to help Lu Cheng collect alienated orbs, just like this time more than 2 zombies were lying under the wall.

If Lu Cheng collected it alone, he might not be able to finish it in several days and nights.

But among the hundreds and thousands of survivors, one person walked out with the Alienation Orb, and it didn't take long for the energy of the Alienation Orb to be fully collected.

Moreover, there are so many zombies piled here. If the corpses are not processed, it will easily cause the spread of disease.

The survivors piled up the corpses as usual, and then burned them all on fire.

Such a fire burned for a whole day before finally calming down.

And Lu Cheng also asked the rangers to go out to look for traces of elite-level zombies.

They quickly found their movements and returned to the direction of City A.

It seems that this failure let them know that Lu Cheng is not so easy to attack.

Now that he has returned to City A, Lu Cheng can tidy up and go to City A to attack the special zombies in the south of the city with peace of mind.

After Xu Jingqiu's side took a break, they could send 200 people to follow Lu Cheng.

But this time since he was going to City A to attack the special zombies there, Lu Cheng felt that the number of 200 people was still a little small.

If there were no walls, it would be a head-on confrontation with nearly a hundred elite-level zombies like yesterday.

Lu Cheng estimated that the survivors' probability of survival was really not very high.

How to obtain more combat effectiveness has become a difficult problem.

To be honest, Lu Cheng didn't really want to waste Xu Jingqiu's fighting power.

Besides, it was too conspicuous to travel a long distance with hundreds of people.

Li Xiaoya was willing to go with Lu Cheng to City A to hunt the special zombies in the south of the city.

After all, Lu Cheng can create alienated orbs, and alienated orbs can fill his stomach.

The most important thing is that Lu Cheng gave Li Xiaoya a wonderful feeling, as if she felt happy when she was around Lu Cheng.

After two days of busy work, Lu Cheng finally had the opportunity to stop and rest completely.I basically spent the past two days crawling around among the piles of corpses without even being able to change my clothes.

That stink is everywhere.

I took a good bath and changed my clothes in Xu Jingqiu’s shelter.

The smell of burnt corpses in the air can still be smelled faintly.

However, Xu Jingqiu's place was also in the wild. After a strong wind and light rain, the smell was basically eliminated.

What's more, the fires that burned yesterday burned all the corpses completely.

And Xu Jingqiu also had a tired expression on his face. He basically didn't sleep for two days and two nights.

On the one hand, they are fighting against the zombie tide, and on the other hand, they are commanding everyone to deal with those corpses as quickly as possible. No one can rest.

After all, so many corpses were placed under the wall, which not only hindered them, but also prevented them from getting out.

It can also cause disease infection.

Fortunately, they all worked together and no one had any complaints.

There have been a lot of rumors about this war on the Internet.

The survivors who were still waiting to see Lu Cheng's joke now slapped their foreheads. The only thing they regretted was not joining the war.

I heard that after the whole battle, very few people were injured.

At the beginning, a few elite-level zombies threw cars and killed four or five people.

No one behind was injured.

After all, the wall is still in good condition and has not been breached by those ordinary zombies.

Of course, this was also due to the carelessness of the baron-level zombie opposite, who even called Lu Cheng and asked Lu Cheng to locate his location.

Killed the opponent with a single shot from the Barrett sniper rifle.

I just don’t know if there are any baron-level zombies like this on the opposite side.

Lu Cheng estimated that there were no more. After all, the skills of each baron-level zombie were random.

There is no way to cultivate it in a targeted manner, and it is not a alienated virus that has been studied for a long time like the federal company. You can use medicine to create targeted alienated zombies like the Death Tyrant.

Wait a minute, what if you can?
Lu Cheng was not sure, but Lu Cheng estimated that the opponent's strength would be greatly reduced after losing this baron-level zombie.

Maybe there is no way to control the zombie tide.

Lu Cheng could still deal with thousands of ordinary zombies at most.

But even so, 200 people are indeed too few.

Lu Cheng considered whether to gather more survivors from other places.

But Lu Cheng really couldn't trust the other survivors in the central city.

What if other survivors knew that they were short of manpower and started recruiting people to go to City A together.

Maybe the survivors in the central city will unite together and attack them.

Thinking of this, even Lu Cheng, the 200 people on Xu Jingqiu's side, didn't want to take them out.

But there was really no one under his command. Lu Cheng was worried when there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Lu Cheng, it's me."

Lu Cheng heard Xu Jingqiu's voice coming from outside the door.

At this time, in Lu Cheng's room, Zhang Xiaoyun was sitting on the bed in a very cool outfit, wearing hot pants and a T-shirt.

Seeing Xu Jingqiu coming outside the door, Zhang Xiaoyun stuck out his tongue, then put on his coat and trousers and walked out.

Xu Jingqiu, who was outside the door, heard the sound of getting dressed and thought it was Lu Cheng who was getting dressed.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Zhang Xiaoyun walking out in neat clothes.

Xu Jingqiu then realized that he seemed to have ruined the good thing between the two of them, and couldn't help but embarrassedly said to Lu Cheng in the room.

"I'm sorry, I must be disturbing you, right?"

Zhang Xiaoyun showed a kind smile, tilted his head and said.

"No, I just came here to chat with brother Lu Cheng, so I won't disturb you anymore."

Zhang Xiaoyun waved his hand and quickly exited the room.

The reason why Zhang Xiaoyun left so quickly was naturally to create opportunities for Lu Cheng and Xu Jingqiu.

Lu Cheng and Xu Jingqiu have known each other for such a long time, and their relationship is actually in place.

Xu Jingqiu didn't really care that there were so many girls around Lu Cheng.

After all, it's the end of the world, and it's normal for a capable man to have more girls.

However, there has never been such an incident of entering the home plate between the two.

The main reason is because Lu Cheng has no chance, or he is too busy. He is busy with this and that every day, and there are so many girls around him. Just feeding the girls leaves him no time to do other things. .

At this time, after Zhang Xiaoyun left, it gave Xu Jingqiu and Lu some time to be alone.

Naturally, Zhang Xiaoyun also went to find Shen Xue and the others. At this time, even Shen Xue and the others were coming to find Lu Cheng.

He will also be stopped by Zhang Xiaoyun.

For Lu Sheng, this is a rare opportunity, not to mention that Xu Jingqiu also dressed up well this time.

I saw Xu Jingqiu wearing black clothes, which was not as featureless as she usually wore.

This outfit actually has a bit of femininity to it. It's not a hip-hugging skirt like Guan Xiaoting's, nor is it a dress suitable for girls.

Instead, the tight-fitting clothes highlighted Xu Jingqiu's proud figure.

Xu Jingqiu usually wears a variety of smart clothes, which makes people ignore her very good figure.

And this dress perfectly brought out her advantages.

At this time, Xu Jingqiu's hair was disheveled, and he smelled of good shampoo. Apparently, like Lu Cheng, he had just taken a shower.

Xu Jingqiu flipped his hair and his face turned slightly red.

After seeing that Lu Cheng and himself were the only two people left in the room, they realized that this was a rare opportunity, walked to Lu Cheng's side, and whispered.

"Thank you, Qin Lucheng. Without you to help me this time, I don't know how I would have gotten through this difficulty."

When Lu Cheng heard Xu Jingqiu say this, he naturally would not explain in a straight-forward manner that those alienated zombies were coming for him.

Instead, he stood up with a smile on his face and walked in front of Xu Jingqiu and said.

"Then how are Officer Xu going to thank me? It seems that I rarely have the opportunity to be alone with Officer Xu."

Xu Jingqiu's face turned red, then he raised his head, and before Lu Cheng could react, he kissed Lu Cheng gently on the lips.

Then Xu Jingqiu immediately let go of Lu Cheng's lips, flipping up his hair with a shy expression on his face.

Just when Xu Jingqiu was about to continue talking, Lu Cheng put his arm around Xu Jingqiu's waist. He and Xu Jingqiu had known each other for so long, and they had never had a chance to enter the home plate.

Obviously this time the opportunity is ripe.

Ordinary boys will definitely think about kissing and wait until next time to develop further.

But how could Lu Cheng be an ordinary boy?
He put his arm around Xu Jingqiu's waist and pulled her in front of him.

After the two looked at each other for a while, they understood each other's feelings, and Lu Cheng quickly kissed Xu Jingqiu's lips again.

The two had a deep French kiss.

The survivors outside are still busy, but the leaders inside have begun to rejoice, which is consistent with common sense.

After being kissed deeply by Lu Cheng, Xu Jingqiu in front of him fell completely.

His eyes were blurred and red as he looked at Lu Cheng.

And her skin not only felt very tender and smooth, but also a little hot.

Lu Cheng could feel Xu Jingqiu's body trembling slightly.

He pulled it up to Xu Jingqiu's belt, and then slowly looked down. He saw that Xu Jingqiu had an excellent figure. Just one look at it gave Lu Cheng a big reaction.

And Xu Jingqiu whispered something in Lu Cheng's ear.

"Today you are my big hero, you can do whatever you want."

Since Xu Jingqiu has already said this, of course Lu Cheng is welcome.

A gentle smile appeared on his face, and he stroked Xu Jingqiu's cheek with one hand.

The other hand took off Xu Jingqiu's clothes, and Xu Jingqiu did not stop him in any way.

Keeping looking at Lu Cheng so affectionately, the two of them quickly rolled onto the bed sheets.

Lu Cheng began to stroke Xu Jingqiu's body, feeling Xu Jingqiu's softness.

It has to be said that no matter who she is, a creature like a woman gives Lu Cheng a completely different experience.

And having sex with different women gives you different feelings. For example, having sex with Xu Jingqiu gives you an inexplicable sense of conquest.

You must know that Xu Jingqiu controls the largest survivor stronghold in the central city.

Moreover, they already have a level of LV14, which is all the result of Xu Jingqiu's own efforts.

Although there is some help from Lu Cheng, Lu Cheng believes that such a woman can reach such heights and achievements sooner or later even without his own help.

And to conquer such a woman, there is only one word - cool!

(End of this chapter)

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