I can upgrade female zombies

Chapter 165 It has to be Guan Xiaoting

Chapter 165 It has to be Guan Xiaoting

When Wang Guangtou in the south of the city made up his mind to attack the Bright Sanctuary, Lu Cheng had already led everyone back to the central city.

Naturally, Lu Cheng didn't know that there was going to be another big challenge at Bright Sanctuary.

Even if he knew, Lu Cheng wouldn't be able to turn around and go back to help.

He wished that the survivors would have their heads beaten to pieces while he went to harvest them himself.

Because there were so many supplies brought back this time, 20 trucks were driven.

Along the way, it was like a transportation brigade. Fortunately, the road was opened when we came here.

Otherwise, I don’t know how long it will take when I go back.

The motorcade drove continuously for most of the day before finally driving back to the central city.

Naturally, Lu Cheng and the others cleaned up all the zombies they encountered along the way.

After the convoy arrived at the location of Xu Jingqiu's shelter, Lu Cheng had promised to leave 100 tons of supplies.

As a reward for Xu Jingqiu and the others' expedition, two trucks were naturally left for them.

The members of Xu Jingqiu's shelter were stunned when they saw the convoy coming.

"Why did you bring so many things back this time?"

"There are a lot of weapons and equipment, and a lot of food. Have you gone to the supermarket to plunder it?"

"Whatever I say depends on Lu Cheng."

"Brother Lu Cheng is awesome. Every time he takes our people out, they get a lot of rewards."

"So I have already said that if you hang out with Brother Lu Cheng, you will never go hungry."

A group of people said this excitedly, while Lu Cheng smiled shyly and didn't say much.

It was still early, so Lu Cheng naturally did not delay any more at Xu Jingqiu's shelter.

After taking his people with him, he immediately drove back in the car.

In this breath, he had harvested so much supplies and trucks that Lu Cheng had no intention of keeping them.

Ask Xu Jingqiu to arrange for someone to help drive to the villa area where Lu Cheng is, and then ask them to drive the truck back.

As for supplies, there are a total of 600 tons of supplies. It is estimated that several villas will have to be packed up before these supplies can be put down.

Naturally, Lu Cheng did not need to handle the task of cleaning up the villa himself.

After leaving these matters to Zhang Xiaoyun and the others, Lu Chengcheng planned to take Xiaobai back to the Central Medical College to find Jiang Lei and the others to find out what was going on.

Li Xiaoya and Zeng Xiaoman, who were nearby, volunteered to stay and help Lu Cheng unload the goods first.

As for whether the two of them would stay in the villa area, Lu Chengcheng didn't ask any more questions.

Li Xiaoya will definitely stay with a high probability, after all, the Bright Sanctuary is now in such a state of decline.

Li Xiaoya originally stayed in City A just to cooperate with Bright Shelter for some food.

But now that Lu Cheng is by her side, he can use his abilities anytime, anywhere to create alienated crystal nuclei for Li Xiaoya to eat. Naturally, Li Xiaoya has no reason to stay in City A.

What's more, Li Xiaoya still remembers what she promised Lu Cheng before, after solving the problem of special zombies and light shelter.

I will take the federal company's research institute on the outskirts of City A in Lucheng District to see if there is any vaccine available.

If a vaccine can be obtained, I believe that if the vaccine is given to Liu Mengyang, they can replicate it quickly.

Lu Cheng hopes to mass-produce alienated zombies with sanity. It doesn't matter if they don't have sanity.

Lu Cheng took Xiaobai and drove his Land Rover towards the Central Medical College.

It is still necessary for Jiang Lei and others to study Xiaobai's problem.

After all, Xiaobai was the person Lu Cheng saw popping out of the corpse of a viscount-level zombie.

To be precise, it was originally just a pile of rotten meat, but it was able to evolve into a human shape inside the silkworm chrysalis.

And it’s not alienated zombies, it’s alienated creatures.

This made Lu Cheng full of curiosity about Xiaobai's existence.

Lu Cheng can be sure that there is definitely a shadow of the Federal Company in this.

Maybe we can research something, maybe.

Lu Cheng thought like this as he drove the car and took Xiaobai to the entrance of the Central Medical College.

Xiaobai, on the other hand, kept clinging to Lu Cheng, hugging Lu Cheng's waist and calling Lu Cheng dad, dad.

At this time, the people guarding the gate of the Central Medical College were all Lu Cheng's confidants.

When they saw Lu Cheng coming over, they immediately stood up straight. When they saw Lu Cheng getting out of the car with a girl in his arms, their first reaction was shock.

After all, this little girl is so pretty. Although they know that Lu Cheng doesn't like others staring at his woman, they can't help but take a second look at her.

They didn't take a second look and immediately lowered their heads.

But after they lowered their heads, they immediately felt a little strange. At first glance, it seemed like this woman had wings.

Lu Cheng didn't pay attention to those people's gazes, but gave them instructions to keep an eye on him, and then carried Xiao Bai towards the laboratory of the Central Medical College.

It was only then that those under his command couldn't help but look back, and finally confirmed that this woman really had wings.

After arriving in the laboratory, just as Lu Chengcai walked in, he met Guan Xiaoting.

Guan Xiaoting was wearing glasses and a white coat at this time. The glasses were of course not myopia glasses, but goggles to protect the experimenter.

Guan Xiaoting also didn't expect that Lu Cheng would suddenly come back, looking at Xiao Bai next to Lu Cheng with a surprised expression.

"This girl is so beautiful, who is she?

Oh, wait a minute, why does she have wings? "

Guan Xiaoting finally discovered that Xiaobai in Lu Cheng's arms had wings.

Lu Cheng, on the other hand, kept hugging Xiaobai, not that he liked hugging this beautiful girl.

But Xiaobai didn't want to come down and leave by himself, and kept pestering Lu Cheng, wanting to be in his father's arms.

Xiaobai naturally heard Guan Xiaoting's voice and turned to look at this strange woman, while Lu Cheng smiled bitterly and said.

“It’s a long story, I don’t know much about this woman’s life experience, but it’s definitely quite bizarre.

By the way, where are Jiang Lei and the others?Call them over quickly and discuss anything with you. "

After Lu Cheng finished speaking, Guan Xiaoting also knew that the matter was a bit urgent.

After all, people with wings are so rare.

Plus Lu Cheng looked so anxious, something big must have happened.

So she quickly turned around to find Jiang Lei and the others. Lu Cheng arrived at a laboratory, which was vacant.

There were no other equipment or equipment, so I knew it must be a room that was not used yet.

He put Xiaobai inside and sat next to Xiaobai.

Not long after, Jiang Lei, Liu Mengyang and Dr. Liang came over with Guan Xiaoting.

The three old guys were all smiling at this time.

It seemed that some good things had been discovered in the past few days when Lu Cheng was away.

Sure enough, when he saw Jiang Lei walking to the door, he couldn't help but said loudly.

"Lu Cheng, you made the right decision to bring Dr. Liang here. We have made a major breakthrough during this period.

By the way, I heard from Guan Xiaoting that the people you brought are a bit strange. What is the strange way? "

Jiang Lei just said this and had already walked to the door, and then looked at Xiaobai's shocked expression.

At such an old age, he didn't think what would happen if a girl was pretty. Instead, he was a little surprised when he looked at the wings on Xiao Bai's back.

The expressions of Liu Mengyang and Dr. Liang who followed him were similar to Jiang Lei's.

Although the three of them had heard from Guan Xiaoting before, the person brought here by Lu Cheng was a bit strange.

But when I actually saw it, I was still confused.

The three old guys immediately surrounded Xiaobai and began to look at him. They looked at each other silently while looking at him.

Xiaobai was also a little strange when they saw him, and he immediately flapped his wings and flew behind Lu Cheng.

When they saw that Xiaobai could fly with wings, the three of them were even more shocked. Dr. Liang immediately said:
"These wings look so small, how can they fly? This doesn't comply with common sense!"

"Yeah, what on earth is going on?"

Liu Mengyang also had a confused expression, but Jiang Lei looked at Lu Cheng, knowing that Lu Cheng must have something to say to them.

Lu Cheng stopped nagging and immediately told the people in front of him about his experience in City A.

Mainly talking about the birth process of Xiaobai.

After listening to Lu Cheng's description, several people also had shocked expressions on their faces.

Jiang Lei pushed up his glasses and asked in disbelief.

"What did you say? You said Xiaobai was transformed after absorbing the flesh and blood of special zombies."

“It’s not transformation, it’s gestation.

I watched with my own eyes as she grew from the size of a fertilized egg, to the size of a baby, and then to the size she is now. The whole process only took about a minute or two. "Lu Cheng said with certainty, while Dr. Liang opened his mouth and said.

"Lao Jiang, you are wrong. It is not the flesh and blood of special zombies, but the flesh and blood derived from alienated viruses."

Liu Mengyang also circled Lu Cheng and Xiaobai a few more times, then shook his head and said.

"It's so weird, so weird. When I was doing research at Federal Corporation, I never heard of this kind of project.

We previously studied flesh and blood derived from alienated viruses, and we just wanted to study the specific functions of those flesh and blood.

But I have never heard of it being able to give birth to new life, and it still looks so similar to humans. "

Guan Xiaoting, who had been silent all this time, suddenly put forward her own point of view.

"We have suspected before that the flesh and blood derived from the alienated virus have self-awareness. Could Xiaobai be the embodiment of those self-awareness?"

When Guan Xiaoting said this, Lu Lili immediately asked as if he had been awakened by something.

"You mean that the derived flesh and blood has the ability to learn.

And after seeing a lot of humans or assimilating a lot of humans, did you choose this kind of self-awareness? "

When Lu Cheng said this, Liu Mengyang remembered something and said.

"Lu Cheng, do you remember? When we went to the federal company's laboratory before, we met those flesh and blood transformed into Dr. G, and they even took the initiative to talk to us."

Lu Cheng nodded, of course he remembered this.

I still don’t know why those flesh and blood transformed into Dr. G’s appearance.

However, he did see the flesh and blood gathered together and turned into the appearance of Dr. G.

Even able to speak.

If you think according to this theory, it is really possible that the flesh and blood derived from the virus in City A has self-awareness.

After the special zombies were killed, the flesh and blood were peeled off, and then turned into Xiaobai at the last moment.

"Then if you put it this way, who is Xiaobai?

Is it considered flesh and blood derived from alienated viruses?Or is it an alienated zombie? "

Dr. Liang was a little confused, but Lu Cheng thought about it for a while.

"I think it shouldn't be counted, because in that case, whether it is the derived flesh and blood or the alienated zombies at that time, I can be very sure that they are all dead.

But I really don’t understand why creatures like Xiaobai appear.

But please do some research. "

After Lu Cheng said this, the family nodded, and then Liu Mengyang turned around and said.

"Then I'll prepare the operating room."

When Liu Mengyang said this, Dr. Liang, Jiang Lei and Guan Xiaoting seemed to have no objections.

Lu Cheng quickly stopped Liu Mengyang and asked.

"Wait a minute, Professor Liu, what are you doing in preparing the operating room?"

Liu Mengyang turned his head and said matter-of-factly.

"Research, didn't you say research? Then it must be sliced. How can we study it without slicing?"

Lu Cheng was speechless for a while, but luckily Xiao Bai next to him didn't understand what slicing meant.

Otherwise, with her LV18 ability, she would probably be able to dismantle the laboratory at this time.

Lu Cheng said somewhat dumbfounded.

"What kind of slices are you cutting? The research I'm talking about is to draw a tube of blood. You can use it for research. This little girl must not slice it. I'll keep the useful ones."

After Lu Cheng said this, Jiang Lei became confused, wondering what Lu Cheng's use was.

Guan Xiaoting, on the other hand, looked like she had suddenly realized something, biting her lip and giving Lu Cheng a look so vicious.

Of all the people present, Guan Xiaoting was the only one who could probably guess what Lu Cheng wanted to keep this little girl for.

After Lu Cheng said this, Liu Mengyang and the others showed expressions of pity.

Although it cannot be sliced, it is good to draw a tube of blood for research.

Liu Mengyang quickly brought the syringe over, but what everyone didn't expect was Liu Mengyang's operation.

When I was about to draw blood for Xiaobai, the needle poked Xiaobai's skin. The skin that originally looked fair and tender was not punctured by the needle.

Not only that, the needle tube was broken in several sections.

It's like being poked into a diamond.

Liu Mengyang, who was holding the syringe, had a confused expression on his face.

However, Xiaobai looked at Liu Mengyang with an angry look on his face after being manipulated like this.

Fortunately, Lu Cheng reacted quickly and immediately grabbed Xiaobai's hands, and then comforted him.

"Don't be afraid, Xiaobai. We want to help you. Don't think we are attacking you. Uncle Liu Mengyang is a good person."

Although Xiaobai may not understand what Lu Cheng is saying, she knows that Xiaobai is her name.

Naturally, she also knew that Lu Cheng in front of her was her father.

At this time, he showed an obedient expression, nodded, and said softly at the same time.

"Dad, uh-huh!"

Lu Cheng was a little embarrassed when he saw the current situation. He couldn't even draw blood, right?
Fortunately, Xiaobai immediately stretched out his arm again, looked at Liu Mengyang again, and then nodded.

It seemed to mean that Liu Mengyang would do it again. Liu Mengyang was not sure, but he turned around and took a new syringe.

This time the blood drawing process was much smoother than before.

You can see bright red blood accumulating in the needle tube.

After drawing a whole syringe of blood, Liu Mengyang pulled out the needle, while Xiao Bai had an indifferent expression.

Xiao Bai's wound had completely recovered without even needing to stop the bleeding.

Looking at this magical scene, Lu Cheng also felt emotional. It seemed that Xiaobai was deliberately defensive, so the needle tube broke.

This ability is somewhat similar to Zeng Xiaoman's sister, Zeng Xiaoan.

Thinking of Zeng Xiaoan, Lu Cheng felt melancholy again. He didn't know when he would encounter the bulletproof plate again.

After getting Xiaobai's blood, Liu Mengyang and others hurriedly took it to study.

As for Xiaobai, he stood beside Lu Cheng obediently without saying a word.

Guan Xiaoting was not in a hurry to leave. Instead, she crossed her arms and looked at Lu Cheng, then at Xiao Bai, and then asked.

"You wouldn't do it with those flesh and blood, would you?"

Lu Cheng was stunned and quickly shook his head.

"How could it be? I don't have such strong taste."

What Lu Cheng said is true. I have been so busy these past two days that I have no time to discuss adult stories with Xiaobai.

Guan Xiaoting, on the other hand, had a look of disbelief on her face and pulled Lu Cheng to speak.

"I don't believe it, I want to check."

Lu Cheng suddenly felt dumbfounded. It was Guan Xiaoting who wanted to check this. It was obviously this little girl who was dissatisfied with her desires. Seeing that he was back, she was pulling him to do bad things.

Sure enough, they saw Guan Xiaoting licking her lips while pulling Lu Cheng.

Isn't it just to make a bad look?

And this is not the first time Guan Xiaoting has done this.

The last time Lu Cheng came back, Guan Xiaoting took Lu Cheng to the classroom outside and found an empty room to satisfy herself.

Naturally, he repeated his old trick this time and dragged Lu Cheng to the teaching building outside.

And Xiaobai followed Lu Cheng the whole time.

He didn't know where his father was being dragged by this strange sister in front of him.

Naturally, Guan Xiaoting did not explain to Xiao Bai, and pulled Lu Cheng into an empty room.

While pulling on his coat to take off his clothes, when he saw Xiaobai beside him, he immediately went to Mei Tou to ask.

"Has she always been following you like this? Can you ask her to wait at the door? Or do you want her to observe?"

This was not the first time that Guan Xiaoting had been with other girls, but Xiaobai's identity made Guan Xiaoting a little strange.

After all, although Xiaobai is very good-looking, he is also in human shape.

But there were butterfly-like wings behind her. The most important thing was that Guan Xiaoting suspected that Xiaobai was the flesh-and-blood conscious body of the alienated virus derivatives.

If you think about it this way, isn't it equivalent to growing up with Lu Cheng in front of the alienated virus?

Lu Cheng thought this, and suddenly felt a little strange, and immediately asked Xiaobai to wait at the door.

Fortunately, Xiao Bai also understood and immediately went to stand at the door. Lu Cheng closed the door and was pulled onto the bed by Guan Xiaoting as soon as he turned around.

Guan Xiaoting couldn't hold it anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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