I can upgrade female zombies

Chapter 167 You can’t take a holiday even for an hour

Chapter 167 Can’t take a day off even for an hour

Lu Cheng didn't smoke often. At this time, melancholy came to his heart and he couldn't help but smoke a cigarette.

As the smoke filled the sky, Lu Cheng looked up at the sky. If it hadn't been for Xiaobai, Mingyue would have fallen into a deep sleep.

Lu Cheng thought this guy had no idea what sleep was.

Because of the Corpse King's skills, Lu Cheng is now connected to Xiao Bai in his heart.

I can slightly feel the rhythm of her life, so it is said that she was born from the corpse of a special zombie, but this is obviously a new individual.

Lu Cheng could feel her independent thoughts and independent life.

And that feeling of longing for your own essence.

It's not like other female zombies, they just want to be happy, or the essence can improve their body and condition.

And just like eating, yes, Xiaobai completely used his own essence as food.

Zhang Xiaoyun seemed to hear Lu Cheng's movement in the living room, opened the door and walked out.

I saw Lu Cheng alone, sitting on the corridor looking at the full moon outside the house, smoking silently.

Zhang Xiaoyun walked to Lu Cheng's side with his hands behind his back, then sat down, leaned on Lu Cheng's shoulder, and asked softly.

"Master, has it been done? What's going on with Xiaobai?"

Lu Cheng said with a sigh.

"That's a annoying monster."

Zhang Xiaoyun agreed, nodded and said.

“Whether it’s the appearance, the body, or the wings behind her, she really does look like the legendary fairy.

It's like a mythical creature, but I can feel a slight connection to her.

But it's not like the contact with Shen Xue, Jiang Shuyao and the others. What is the situation?Never encountered it before. "

Lu Cheng also smiled bitterly and said.

"I've never encountered one before, but it's similar to a half-servant.

It's just that she can't upgrade like you alienated zombies. She probably has her own upgrade routine, so just leave her alone.

As long as we make sure there is no harm to us, we will slowly study the future situation.

Jiang Lei and the others have already drawn a tube of Xiao Bai's blood, and I believe they will have preliminary research results in a few days. "

After Lu Cheng said this, Zhang Xiaoyun looked at the tired Lu Cheng and said with a smile.

"Master, you look very tired.

When you were with us before, you never looked this tired. "

Seeing that Zhang Xiaoyun actually had the nerve to make fun of him, Lu Cheng raised his hand and patted Zhang Xiaoyun, and then said in a dumbfounded voice.

"Good guy, how can I be called tired?

I'm really tired. You'll understand if I come here six or seven times a night. "

While Lu Cheng was speaking, the white belly of the fish was already exposed in the sky, and it looked like it was about to dawn, while Zhang Xiaoyun said with a smile.

"Isn't that great? The master didn't even come to see us. He just moaned and groaned at Xiaobai all night. Even though people call you daddy, you still act like this."

Lu Cheng was stunned for a moment, then looked at Zhang Xiaoyun and said.

"Don't you call me daddy too?"

Zhang Xiaoyun fell into Lu Cheng's arms with a groan.

Lu Cheng looked at the room she came out of, and then said:
"Are Zeng Xiaoman and the others asleep?"

Zhang Xiaoyun nodded.

"Zeng Xiaoman fell asleep very quickly, but Li Xiaoya came out several times in the middle. It may be that you and Xiaobai made too much noise.

Li Xiaoya doesn't trust you, but I think that little girl is already attracted to her.

When did brother Lu Cheng take her in?She is an alienated zombie. "

Zhang Xiaoyun had been encouraging Lu Cheng to take Li Xiaoya over quickly, but Lu Cheng had his own considerations and still shook his head at this time.

I think it's more appropriate to let things happen naturally. After all, Li Xiaoya's strength is still very high.

Besides, the favorability level is so high now, there is no need to use force on Li Xiaoya.

And with so many women around him, Lu Cheng needs to give himself a few days off, right?

On the other hand, Zhang Xiaoyun looked at Lu Cheng's unmoved look.

It was getting weirder and weirder for her to lean on Lu Cheng's body. Her face turned rosy and her body trembled as if she was sick.

Lu Cheng naturally knew what Zhang Xiaoyun wanted to do, but at this time everyone had occupied the room. Although there were many villas, there were at least seven or eight people sleeping in this room.

So Lu Cheng had no other place to go, so he quickly pulled Zhang Xiaoyun and said.

"Xiaoyun, don't be impulsive. All the rooms in this house are full."

Zhang Xiaoyun whispered in Lu Cheng's ear.

"Can't we go to Zhang Tingting's side?"

Lu Cheng then remembered that he had not been to Zhang Tingting's room since he came back.

Zhang Tingting doesn't walk around very often because she has a child with her.

Although my daughter is almost seven or eight months old, she is still unable to walk and it is a bit difficult to sit.

Therefore, Zhang Tingting often has to take care of her daughter in the room.

I only take it out to bask in the sun on weekdays, and then push the stroller for two laps.

After Zhang Xiaoyun said this, he immediately stood up, took Lu Cheng's hand, and walked towards Zhang Tingting's room.

As soon as I walked to the door, I heard the sound of a child crying inside.

Then came Zhang Tingting's voice coaxing the child, and the sound subsided after a while.

He was obviously feeding the child, but before Lu Cheng could react, Zhang Xiaoyun knocked on the door and said.

"Sister Tingting, is it convenient for me to come in?"

There was a quick response from the room.

"It's okay, come in."

Zhang Xiaoyun quickly opened the door and walked in. Zhang Tingting was sitting on the bed holding her daughter. When she looked up and saw Zhang Xiaoyun coming in, she had a smile on her face.

But when he saw Lu Cheng behind him, he was stunned for a moment, and then showed an aggrieved expression.

Zhang Tingting couldn't help but said to Lu Cheng.

"Why is brother Lu Cheng here?"

Lu Cheng chuckled, walked over, put his arms around Zhang Tingting and picked her up.

The little girl in his arms seemed to feel the feeling of being picked up, and turned to look at Lu Cheng.

He immediately bared his teeth and claws viciously.

It seems to be saying, you bad guy is here to steal my mother again.

After Zhang Tingting was picked up, she couldn't help but scream.

Then he turned away shyly. Lu Cheng also knew what Zhang Tingting was thinking, and then said.

"I was busy all day yesterday and didn't have time to come over to see my sister Tingting. Sister Tingting won't be sad, right?"

Zhang Xiaoyun was grinning beside him, taking off his clothes while talking.

"Whether it hurts or not depends on how Brother Lu Cheng behaves."

Zhang Tingting's face turned red when she saw Zhang Xiaoyun's expression, but this was not the first time.

Everyone is used to it.

Lu Cheng laughed, turned around and closed the door. Needless to say, the next step was to behave well.

When there are too many women around, there are all kinds of troubles.

The biggest worry is that I have no time for myself.

Lu Cheng took advantage of the opportunity to smoke a cigarette when it was almost dawn, and spent the next day wandering around among various girls.

After accompanying Zhang Tingting and Zhang Xiaoyun, Shen Xue and Jiang Shuyao came over again.

Then Xiaobai came over again.

Then the women began to take turns looking for him.

Guan Xiaoting did take some time to come over, but it was not as powerful as the others. Guan Xiaoting was still busy with research.

So in the middle of the journey, Shen Xue was asked to drive her back. However, the only ones in the house who came to see Lu Cheng were Zeng Xiaoman and Li Xiaoya.

Zeng Xiaoman didn't know anything. Although he heard the thumping noise in the house, he didn't take it to heart.

After all, as long as I can play games, I will be happy.

Li Xiaoya, on the other hand, was blushing the whole time, as if her whole body was shaken by the sound and couldn't move.

I can only play games there with Zeng Xiaoman.

Fortunately, this kind of movement only lasted for most of the day. When it was time to eat in the evening, I saw Lu Cheng coming out in high spirits, wearing only a pair of shorts.

There were all kinds of red marks all over his body, so he knew what had happened.

But Zeng Xiaoman was surprised. Looking at Lu Cheng, he couldn't help but ask.

"Brother Lu Cheng, what's your new look?"

Lu Cheng was also stunned when asked.

I didn't know how to answer for a while.

Fortunately, Zhao Mingming had already prepared the things for the evening barbecue, so everyone no longer struggled with this issue.

Lu Cheng carried Xiaobai and walked to the yard. After a day or two, Xiaobai and Lu Cheng had become extremely close.Coupled with the skills of the Corpse King, her danger was eliminated, and it was also verified that she was an independent living entity.

It was not the ordinary flesh and blood of the alienated virus derivatives that Lu Cheng had encountered.

So everyone's wariness about Xiaobai has been reduced a lot.

At this time, everyone was excited when they saw the barbecue dinner in front of them.

Especially Li Xiaoya, it has been a long time since she had such a sumptuous barbecue.

For alienated zombies, eating a meal of meat is not an easy task.

After all, Li Xiaoya would not eat the flesh of those of the same kind or survivors.

While eating, Li Xiaoya happily picked up the meat skewers, stuffed her mouth full, and then couldn't help but sigh.

"I'm so happy. If I had known you had so many delicious food here, I would have come to join you earlier."

Zhao Mingming said with a smile while putting more meat skewers on the table.

"It seems that sister Li Xiaoya likes to eat. I will get more."


"Actually, you can stay here as long as you want. I also like the feeling of having you by my side."

After Lu Cheng finished speaking, Li Xiaoya blushed, but suddenly remembered something, and then said.

"By the way, when are we going to City A? I agreed to take you to the federal company's research laboratory to get the vaccine. I'm not sure if it's still available."

After Li Xiaoya said this, Lu Cheng nodded and said.

"Don't worry, I still have some things to do in Central City."

"what's up?"

"It's not an important matter, just inviting the leaders of other survivor bases over for a cup of tea."

After Lu Cheng said this, Li Xiaoya could roughly guess what Lu Cheng was going to do.

This matter is indeed quite urgent. After all, we can't worry about other survivor leaders coming to cause trouble for us every time we take Xu Jingqiu's survivors on an expedition.

And how to prevent this is actually not complicated.

That is, when he takes the survivors on an expedition, he also takes the combatants from other survivor bases with him.

At the very least, they don't have enough power on hand to be able to do things behind their backs.

This is what Lu Cheng has been doing during this period of time.

Inviting the other survivor leaders over naturally does not require Lu Cheng to personally intervene,

Xu Jingqiu has been busy with this matter these days.

Xu Jingqiu is Lu Chengming's right-hand deputy and is quite famous in Central City.

The leaders of the survivor bases naturally knew this too.

After receiving Xu Jingqiu's invitation, Lu Cheng believed that they would not refuse.

If someone really refuses, then Lu Cheng doesn't mind arranging for someone to go.

In short, that's the sentence, either you come over, or I come over.

Two days had passed, and by the time they finished eating, Lu Chengcheng had received a message from Xu Jingqiu.

The invitation over there is almost done.

The location of the meeting was chosen in the Dawn Sanctuary because everyone knew the location of the Dawn Sanctuary.

Coupled with the defensive measures of Dawn Sanctuary, the measures are very complete.

There are not many zombies around.

The safety of other survivor base leaders can be guaranteed after they come over.

Because he was still busy going to City A to find vaccines, Lu Cheng didn't plan to delay this matter for too long, so he set the meeting time for the day after tomorrow.

After confirming the matter with Xu Jingqiu on his mobile phone, Lu Chengcheng put down his mobile phone.

After seeing the girls finish their meal, they put on their swimsuits again and started playing in the swimming pool in the backyard.

I have to say that in this doomsday, only the girls on Lu Cheng's side can live so happily.

The girls who followed Lu Cheng were naturally very happy.

I originally thought that every girl's swimsuit would be as sexy as Zhang Xiaoyun's.

Unexpectedly, Li Xiaoya chose a very student-like swimsuit.

Zeng Xiaoman is similar, and even has a kawaii icon in front of his chest.

However, there is nothing special about Zeng Xiaoman's figure.

So it doesn't look very attractive.

However, Li Xiaoya had such a proud figure, but she was wearing a student's blue and black swimsuit, which really made Lu Cheng a little unable to control herself.

I couldn't help but want to push Li Xiaoya down.

But think about it, the best dessert is of course saved for last.

Lu Cheng didn't hesitate, just took off his shirt, put on his shorts, and plunged into the swimming pool with a loud bang.

I started playing with those girls. As for what happened during the play, I won’t tell outsiders.


Two days later.

Time flies, and soon it's time to meet with the leaders of the survivor bases for a meeting.

Lu Cheng naturally arrived at the meeting early, and after statistics, there were more than 50 survivor strongholds in Central City with more than 20 people in total.

When there are more than 100 people, there are as many as 15.

The rest are less than 50 people in size, so there is no need to invite them.

Most of these survivor bases will be annexed by other survivors.

Or slowly die among the endless zombies in the city.

Lu Cheng doesn't intend to save everyone, but if he builds a large number of survivors, Base Lu Cheng will definitely invite them.

Of the more than 20 survivor bases, 20 were present. As for the remaining few who were not present, no matter what the reason was, Lu Cheng wrote down the names.

He handed it to Xu Jingqiu, and then asked Xu Jingqiu and the others to arrange manpower to find opportunities to remove them all one by one.

All supplies were taken away, and what personnel could absorb was absorbed.

If it cannot be absorbed, then of course it must be dealt with in a pollution-free manner.

As for what is pollution-free, I can only say that everyone understands it.

It has been half a year since the end of the world. After such a long time, it is naturally impossible for any survivor to have the heart of the Holy Mother.

Xu Jingqiu also knew the necessity for Lu Cheng to do this, so without saying a word, after getting the list, he would arrange this matter after the meeting.

The other leaders of the survivor base who were present naturally knew why Lu Cheng invited them.

Previously, Lu Cheng defeated a zombie wave of [-] to [-] people in Central City.

Most of them are at the survivor base and have not sent reinforcements.

Then when Lu Cheng took people to City A to help Bright Sanctuary, no reinforcements were sent.

Lu Cheng relied on his own strength to complete these impossible tasks.

I heard that there is an endless tide of corpses at the Bright Sanctuary in City A.

The survivor base of nearly ten thousand people was destroyed by these zombie waves.

I don’t know how Lu Cheng did it.

It was actually able to help the survivors of the Light Sanctuary to recapture the Light Sanctuary.

Although I don’t know how many survivors there are in Light Sanctuary now.

But the scale is definitely much larger than the previous Dawn Sanctuary.

In other words, Lu Cheng now has another powerful ally in City A.

Just in the central city alone, Lu Cheng's power cannot be underestimated.

There is actually a powerful ally in City A nearby. How could they, the leaders of the survivor base, dare not attend this meeting?

As for the few survivor bases that really didn't participate, I can only describe them as stupid.

These people can also predict their fate.

But no one sympathized with them.

After all, in this doomsday world, if you don't know how to take sides, you won't deserve sympathy if you die.

After everyone arrived, Lu Cheng arrived belatedly, accompanied by Guan Xiaoting.

After all, Guan Xiaoting is the nominal leader of Dawn Sanctuary. If the meeting is naturally chosen at Dawn Sanctuary, then Guan Xiaoting, as the leader, will definitely appear.

In addition to Guan Xiaoting, Lu Cheng also specially invited scientific researchers Jiang Lei, Dr. Liang and Liu Mengyang to the meeting this time.

The reason why scientific researchers are called to the scene is, of course, to share the results of their vaccine research.

Lu Chengcai is not as stupid as Congressman Wang. He wants to unite survivors but is unwilling to share his research results.

Lu Cheng was very generous. Anyway, few of these survivors had scientific research capabilities.

The only person in this city who has the ability to study alienated viruses is himself.

So Lu Cheng generously asked Jiang Lei and others to summarize some vaccine research results that could be announced.

Telling these survivors, in short, gives them hope.

Tell them that as long as they follow me, Lu Cheng, they can enjoy hot and spicy food, and they can also get vaccines.

(End of this chapter)

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