I can upgrade female zombies

Chapter 169 The Mantis Catches the Cicada Oriole Behind

Chapter 169 The Mantis Catches the Cicada Oriole Behind
To be honest, the team captains already knew what Lu Cheng was planning to do with this loudspeaker in advance.

But after hearing it this time, I still felt an inexplicable joy.

Lu Cheng sounded very cordial, after all, when the plug-in first arrived.

In the apartment, he used this big speaker to attract the zombies away from the apartment.

This time I took advantage of the opportunity and took out the big speaker again.

I didn't expect it to be useful.

The decibel of this speaker can be said to be just right.

It could be heard in the entire federal company's laboratory, not to mention the experimental building. Even in the woods, Lu Cheng could hear the roar of the zombies, and it seemed that they were all attracted to it.

However, because the woods are far away from the city, there are not many zombies in the woods.

Lu Cheng and the others have 500 people here anyway.

So there was no fear at all. The zombies in the woods were shot and killed one by one after they came out.

It was also louder because of the gunfire.

Let the zombies in the federal company's laboratory rush out faster.

Not long after, I heard a low roar, and then I saw countless zombies crowding in front of the closed door.

The entire building is divided into three parts, with the middle body having the highest floor.

Naturally, there were the most zombies. It didn't take long for the zombies to squeeze through the door, howling and rushing towards Lu Cheng.

It seems that no matter when, even if they turn into zombies, they still hate these loudspeakers that collect waste.

Lu Cheng and the others naturally did not hesitate and immediately started shooting at the lions in front of them.

Lu Cheng was holding his Barrett sniper rifle and concentrating on watching the groups of corpses rushing out.

Be prepared to deal with those elite-level or baron-level zombies anytime and anywhere.

But I don’t know why, maybe it was just good luck, but after waiting for half an hour, no elite or baron-level zombies came out.

And the firepower of 500 survivors cannot be overshadowed.

Even with so many zombies, under everyone's firepower, none of them could get close to the convoy.

Soon the open space in front of him was filled with zombie corpses.

Not only that, there was no longer any sound of ordinary zombies rushing out of the building.

Just when Lu Cheng was wondering if there were no elite-level zombies here.

An unusual low roar was heard.

Then I saw a huge body crashing from the window on the third floor. The body looked like a humanoid tank.

[Baron-level zombie·LV14]

A baron-level zombie, and it's LV14.

The key is that the appearance of this zombie makes Lu Cheng feel extremely familiar.

This humanoid tank, except for the slightly larger head in the middle.

The other bodies seemed to be made up of countless individuals, with hands, feet and heads.

Each body seemed to have its own behavior pattern, and the limbs began to dance randomly.

From a distance, they look like little fluffs.

The baron-level zombie in front of him reminded Lu Cheng of Councilor Wang, who had been poisoned to become a baron-level zombie.

However, its size is much smaller than that of Senator Wang, only about three meters.

But with such a height and body shape, coupled with the fact that the whole body is covered with arms and legs.

It's enough to give people a sense of oppression.

Fortunately, the 500 survivors here have an absolute advantage in firepower.

And no one ran away in this situation.

He immediately started shooting fiercely at the behemoth in front of him.

Although the defense of Baron-level zombies is already very strong, it can resist pistol or rifle fire in most situations.

But in the face of such fierce firepower, this baron-level zombie couldn't bear it at all.

It didn't take long before he fell to the ground with a whimper.

The main reason was that the firepower was too strong, and the cross bullets hit the Baron-level zombie like raindrops.

After a while, all the heads on his body were blown off.

Lu Cheng's Barrett sniper rifle wasn't even needed.

Under the fire that lasted for one minute, the baron-level zombie was unable to even advance in front of the survivors and fell directly to the ground.

And after seeing the baron-level zombie fall to the ground and making no sound anymore, Lu Cheng finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that the zombies here have been completely cleaned up.

However, the number of zombies here is smaller than Lu Cheng thought.

I originally thought there could be thousands of zombies, but after looking at it now, I estimate that there are only about 2000 zombie corpses lying on the ground.

However, it took Lu Cheng a lot of time to eliminate these 2000 zombies.

But considering this, it is a federal company's laboratory, and there may be more experimental organisms in it.

Although this laboratory is open to the public, it is not a secret laboratory hidden underground like the ones Lu Cheng has been to before.

But Lu Cheng still reminded the survivors around him to pay attention to safety when entering the laboratory.

Every corner of the room cannot be spared.

The survivors immediately responded, and then a special person began to collect the alienated crystal nuclei of the zombies lying on the ground.

The other people held rifles and searched inside based on their respective survivor bases.

Of course, Lu Cheng would not let each of them use their own survivor unit base as a unit.

Instead, in each survivor base, there will be some people from other survivor bases interspersed.

And it is guaranteed that in every small group, there is a Xu Jingqiu shelter to arrange for people to come over.

This can ensure to the greatest extent that there will be no hiding or misappropriation of materials.

And they can also use this method to cultivate feelings for each other.

This is to avoid the situation where they are not very familiar with each other later, and even after being out a few times, they still only know the members of their own survivor base.

Those people quickly entered the basic building in small teams.

Lu Cheng estimated that it would take some time for them to search, so naturally he wouldn't wait outside.

Instead, he took the female zombies into the building and started searching.

However, after searching around, Lu Cheng was a little disappointed.

Although this federal company's laboratory is open to the outside world.

But I didn’t see any laboratories researching alienated viruses. As for the underground, except for the underground parking lot, there were no hidden laboratories.

Lu Cheng, on the other hand, found the vaccine he was looking for in a company's warehouse.

Just like Li Xiaoya said, if there is a vaccine in this city, then it is most likely here.

However, the success rate of this so-called vaccine is a bit low.

And the only effective one, Li Xiaoya, also turned into an alienated zombie, but she still retained her sanity.

Lu Cheng even wondered whether Li Xiaoya's ability to remain sane was because of her own physical constitution, which allowed her to perfectly integrate the alienated virus.

But what about this vaccine?
But no matter what, getting this sample is a great start.

Lu Cheng carefully collected the vaccine and prepared to take it back to Jiang Lei and others for study.

As for what can be researched, I am naturally looking forward to it.

The entire action plan was much easier and more successful than Lu Cheng had imagined.

He didn't encounter much obstacles, but this was something that made Lu Cheng feel a bit pity.

Originally, he thought there would be a few baron-level or elite-level zombies here.

So that I can collect high-level alienated crystal cores.

But he didn't expect that he only killed two thousand ordinary zombies and only one baron-level zombie.

It is not an enemy of 500 survivors at all, and there are no casualties in personnel.

In terms of supplies, we got a lot of supplies.

The total adds up to thirty tons, but most of them are daily necessities.

As for food, the quantity is not that much.

After all, the food storage in the supermarket here cannot be like the survivor bases harvested by Lu Cheng, which specialize in stocking food, rice, flour, oil and the like.

But although the food is not much, it is already a big harvest for other survivor bases.

Lu Cheng quickly asked Xu Jingqiu to arrange the distribution of supplies.

Of course he would not do such trivial chores.

Lu Cheng went to the side and started to smoke and huff, and took a look at the sky to see that it was already getting late.Although he can drive at night, other survivors don't have as good night vision as him.

For the sake of safety, it is natural to rest here for one night.

There will be some zombies popping up around from time to time, but with so many survivors, every one of them has been through many battles.

Cleaning up the zombies that popped up is not too difficult at all.

The survivors began to load all the supplies and pile them on the car during the night.

Lu Cheng, on the other hand, went to choose a suitable dormitory where he could sleep.

Most of these dormitories are vacant, after all, when the apocalypse comes, everyone will be at work.

Not many people are still sleeping in the dormitory, and even some of them have turned into zombies.

This will happen naturally. The survivors will find them and deal with them one by one.

Lu Cheng quickly found a room and cleaned it.

As for the other female zombies, they naturally packed their bags and moved into the room where Lu Cheng was.

Li Xiaoya really wanted to move in, but the beds in the dormitory were limited, and the female zombies had already occupied the beds.

Zeng Xiaoman and Li Xiaoya had to sleep in the room next to them.

But at night, Zeng Xiaoman sneaked into Lu Cheng's room and saw Lu Cheng playing mahjong with three maids among the zombies.

Xiaobai was still standing on the edge, watching and learning with a serious expression.

Don’t get me wrong, the playing mahjong mentioned here is really playing mahjong, not some obscure statement.

After all, the people coming and going outside are survivors from other survivor bases.

They didn't know the rules, so they would pass by Lu Cheng's room from time to time.

Besides, the team captains would come to Lu Cheng as soon as possible if something happened.

So Lu Cheng didn't plan to do anything extraordinary tonight.

In fact, just as Lu Cheng thought, he was playing mahjong with the female zombies. Next to him, Xiao Bai hugged Lu Cheng's neck and was also watching them play mahjong attentively.

Seems to be learning.

As soon as Zeng Xiaoman and Li Xiaoya came in and sat down, several team leaders came over.

It turned out that it was because of the uneven distribution of supplies, so I came to find Lu Cheng to reason with.

There was no other way, Lu Cheng could only follow them out to see what they were talking about.

After the girls lost Lu Cheng, Li Xiaoya immediately took Lu Cheng's position.

Accompanying the other female zombies, they started playing mahjong, and it seemed that they had found another way to entertain themselves.

Although Lu Cheng had dealt with the problem of material distribution in the past, he originally thought that he could leave after solving the problem.

But I didn't expect that if those survivors had something that couldn't be solved, their first reaction was not to come to Xu Jingqiu, but to come to Lu Cheng.

Lu Cheng couldn't help it. It was his first time to gather people from these survivor bases together.

In order not to make any mistakes, Lu Cheng had no choice but to take action himself.

As a result, I couldn't sleep all night.

After dealing with their miscellaneous things, it was not until dawn on the second day that they finally had time to rest.

But don't think about rest. Since everyone has moved the supplies to the car, everything that should be distributed has also been distributed.

The rest, naturally, is to return to the central city.

However, before Lu Cheng gave the order for everyone to return, he suddenly received a call from Sister Wang in City A.

[Sister Wang: Lu Cheng, we were attacked by Bald Wang from Nancheng!We need your help! 】

[Lu Cheng: Sister Wang, what exactly is going on? 】

Lu Cheng quickly asked.

Sister Wang also began to explain the situation to Lu Cheng in detail.

It turned out that just last night, Lu Cheng attacked the research institute of this federal company.

On Sister Wang's side, Bald Wang organized the surrounding survivors as well as his own survivors. As the main force, there were nearly 500 fighting forces in total.

They headed towards the Bright Sanctuary where Sister Wang was.

As for the Bright Sanctuary, although nearly two to three thousand survivors have gathered, most of them are still rebuilding their homes.

At dawn, they were caught off guard, and hundreds of people who were resting outside were killed.

The people led by Bald Wang broke through the gap in the wall.

Sister Wang could only lead the remaining people and retreated to the military camp to defend.

Fortunately, the military camp originally had a wall as a defensive line, and it was not breached.

Sister Wang resisted until the morning, and finally had the opportunity to send a message to Lu Cheng.

Seeking Lu Cheng's help, Lu Cheng knew that the situation at this time must be extremely urgent.

I don’t know how much the Bright Sanctuary has lost, but the Bright Sanctuary is Lu Cheng’s ally in City A.

The most important thing is that if he can help Sister Wang in this attack, he will definitely be able to make a lot of money from the warehouse supplies in Guangming Sanctuary.

And in addition to the Bright Shelter, at this moment, the shelter in the south of the city where Wang Guangtou was located must also be defenseless.

If we can take advantage of this opportunity, we can take down the shelter in the south of the city.

Then not only the supplies from the Bright Sanctuary, but also the supplies from the south of the city, he could openly swallow them all.

Although it is necessary to confront the shelter in the south of the city head-on, the risk is quite high.

But this benefit is too high.

After Lu Cheng thought for a moment, he immediately agreed.

What's more, there are many people from other survivor bases here.

Lu Cheng had already said during the previous meeting that everyone should work together as a team. As long as they are my friends, Lu Cheng, I will help them in whatever situations they encounter in the future.

If he ignored Sister Wang at this time and the incident came out later, what credibility would Lu Cheng have?
So Lu Cheng didn't hesitate and immediately agreed to Sister Wang. After hanging up the phone, Lu Cheng called over the team leaders from other shelter bases.

At first, when Lu Cheng told them about this, they didn't have any big reaction.

Some people even reacted immediately, still looking for a reason to go back to Central City first.

After all, it has been so long since they came out, and they have already taken enough supplies.

There is no need to continue taking risks, but Lu Cheng said that there are still about 1000 tons of supplies in the Bright Sanctuary.

There must also be hundreds of tons of materials in the future community in the south of the city.

Their eyes immediately changed, and one of them slapped the table and stood up, yelling angrily.

“This future community, I think it’s clear that they are hooligans.

We are all survivors, not to mention helping each other, but at this time, they are adding insult to injury to the Light Sanctuary. I am the first to disapprove of them. "

"Yes, our brother Lu Cheng said it before.

As long as they are allies with our Lu Cheng Central City, if they have any difficulties later, Brother Lu Cheng will help.

How could you not take action at this time?We will definitely stand with Brother Lu Cheng. "

"Yes, all of us will unite closely with Brother Lu Cheng.

Since the Bright Sanctuary in City A is Big Brother's ally, it is our ally. How can we not take action when our allies are in trouble? "

What each one said could be said to be filled with righteous indignation.

After Lu Cheng heard their statements like this, he felt that there was no problem.

The convoy that was originally planning to go back immediately turned around and headed towards City A.

Because City A had already been plowed by Lu Cheng and others a few days ago.

Basically, we encountered no zombies or obstacles.

It didn't take long to arrive near the future community.

In the future community, it is obvious that there are far fewer people on guard around.

And when Lu Cheng led people and drove cars one by one to a place not far outside the future community wall.

The people standing guard on the fence thought it was their boss and the others who had returned.

Everyone waved their hands excitedly, but when the motorcade drove in, they discovered that the car seemed a little different.

But at this time, even if they wanted to run away, they couldn't escape at all.

After Lu Cheng's car stopped, he immediately brought several grenades, and then without saying a word, he took the grenades and smashed the gate of the future community.

Although the gate of the future community is made of iron sheet.

But for Lu Cheng's grenade, it was simply impossible to resist.

After several explosions, the door was blown down until it fell down with a bang.

Lu Cheng took the rifle in his hand and fired several shots into the sky, and then shouted loudly.

"Brothers! Go in and grab whatever you want!"

(End of this chapter)

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