I can upgrade female zombies

Chapter 17 Cannibalistic Elite Zombies

Chapter 17 Cannibalistic Elite Zombies
Lu Cheng never expected that those annoying recycling ads would come in handy at a time like this.

The effect of this loudspeaker is not very good, it only shouted a few times.

The corpses in Building No. [-] were howling and screaming one by one, chasing in the direction of the noise with red eyes.

It's just a little troublesome to control zombies every time. Fortunately, the Eagle Eye skill comes with a positioning system.

After using his eagle eye skills to control the zombies and lure the corpses away, Lu Cheng then controlled the zombies to turn off the loudspeaker and threw it on the roadside.

This thing is very useful, I will recycle it if I have the chance.

After luring away the zombies in Apartment Building No. [-], Lu Cheng was finally free to clean up all the zombies in the apartment complex.

Most of the zombies that were not trapped in the house were pulled away by the noise, or pulled out of the apartment building.

After the loudspeaker was turned off, a few zombies walked aimlessly in the community. The number was not large, and Lu Cheng's current strength was enough to deal with them easily.

Although he wanted to clean up the apartment complex first, he finally got information about the elite zombies. Lu Cheng was not sure whether these elite zombies had territorial awareness.

After thinking twice, he decided to go to the shopping mall two blocks away to get some information.

The alienated crystal core of ordinary zombies is important, but the elite-level alienated crystal core is even more important.

This was the first time that he stepped out of the apartment complex and took a look at the city outside. It didn't take much for him to know that it was definitely full of dangers.

In the past, he would definitely not go out casually, but now he should be upgraded to LV7, and he also has the Eagle Eye skill. As long as he doesn't show off, the problem shouldn't be too big.

The first thing is to check the equipment. A ten-round pistol is stuck on the waist, a seven-shot crossbow is carried on the back, and a brand-new baseball bat is carried. It can be said that he is fully armed.

The second is the personnel to be brought with them. Shen Xue and Zhang Xiaoyun must both be brought with them.

Although Lu Cheng has some strength now, Lu Cheng doesn't know to what extent this strength is exposed to the outside world, and what level the elite-level zombie Xu Jingqiu mentioned is very strong.

Therefore, bringing Shen Xue and Zhang Xiaoyun along is a guarantee of combat effectiveness. If they fail to defeat, the three of them can cover each other to facilitate their escape.

With everything ready, Lu Chengcheng, Shen Xue and Zhang Xiaoyun set off cautiously.

The supermarket Xu Jingqiu mentioned was one that Lu Cheng had often gone to before. It had two floors and approximately several thousand square meters. It was not a chain supermarket, but opened by a local boss. It was pretty good in terms of scale.

It is also surrounded by residential areas and front-end houses. It can be said to be a relatively prosperous place nearby.

As Lu Cheng passed by, there were zombies along the way. They were obviously attracted by the sound of Xu Jingqiu and others' cars driving.

In order to avoid unnecessary complications, Lu Cheng resisted the temptation of the alienated crystal nuclei and sneaked along with the help of houses and green belts.

Nothing went wrong along the way. After walking and stopping, we arrived near the supermarket in about an hour and could see the supermarket's neon sign.

Lu Cheng carefully observed the surrounding environment, but did not see the location of the elite zombie. Zhang Xiaoyun also looked everywhere and couldn't help but whisper:

"Brother Cheng, is that elite zombie hiding in the supermarket? Do we want to make some noise?"

Lu Cheng thought for a while, shook his head and said:
"Let's observe for the time being. There are actually quite a few zombies around here. If we make a sound now, the scattered zombies will definitely be the first ones to come over.

When the time comes to trap us here, it won't be good if the elite zombie attacks from behind. I'll control a zombie to go in and check the situation first. If there is any emergency, you guys can shake me awake. "

Zhang Xiaoyun nodded.

Lu Cheng quickly selected a zombie very close to the supermarket, and then used the eagle eye skill on it.As Lu Cheng's vision changed, he quickly affected the zombie's body and staggered towards the supermarket.

When I reached the corner entrance, I realized that the supermarket door had been twisted into an S shape by some force.

There is also a clearly visible handprint on the door frame. The handprint is much larger than that of ordinary people. It looks like the handprint of a little giant.

Judging by the size of the handprint alone, Lu Cheng estimated that the other person was at least three meters tall.

Coupled with the strength that can directly bend the door, it must be the masterpiece of the elite zombie that Xu Jingqiu said before, the strong zombie that almost overturned their jeep, is the masterpiece of the elite zombie he found.

Lu Cheng couldn't help but be more cautious. In terms of strength, the opponent was even better than him.

At least Lu Cheng didn't dare to say that he could break the door into such a crooked state.

Although there are no lights in the supermarket, it is bright outside and you can still see clearly near the door.

But the further inside, the vision becomes darker and darker.

Lu Cheng's Eagle Eye's night vision ability can only be used on himself, but the zombies who share his vision cannot have the bonus of night vision.

But Lu Cheng had an easier way.

He manipulated the zombies to deliberately touch the shelves and goods. Although he couldn't hear them, such actions would definitely make a sound.

But after waiting for a long time, he didn't see any zombies rushing out of the supermarket.

But when he was about to control the zombies and walk up to the second floor, he suddenly saw a lot of things piled on the stairs on the second floor of the supermarket.

Apparently there were survivors here.

But what about now?Did he leave, or was he killed by that elite zombie?

Lu Cheng was thinking, and the time to control the zombies was almost up.

Just when he was about to disable the Eagle Eye skill, there was a sudden sound of piercing the air behind him, and then his vision flew out and circled several times in the sky.

Finally, he fell heavily to the ground. In a daze, he saw a monster that was all gray and without any clothes. It looked like a head and limbs growing out of a ball of flesh.

The monster just slapped the zombie's head away!

Elite zombies!Appeared!
In the last sight, the elite zombie stretched out his hand towards the zombie's head, grabbed it, and pushed it into his bloody mouth.

The vision completely disappeared.

The Eagle Eye skill was passively canceled due to the death of the target, and Lu Cheng quickly returned to Zhang Xiaoyun and Shen Xue.

Lu Cheng was also a little surprised when he thought of the scene just now.

That elite zombie who is as strong as a meat mountain can actually eat zombies!
However, unlike eating the alienated crystal core himself, the elite zombie directly eats flesh and blood.

It seems that cannibalism can also gain experience or satisfy satiety.

Lu Cheng was thinking about it. Zhang Xiaoyun next to him didn't know that his consciousness had returned. He suddenly started to shake him and said in a low voice:
"Brother Cheng, someone is coming over there!"

(End of this chapter)

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