I can upgrade female zombies

Chapter 178 Are you asking me on a date now?

Chapter 178 Are you asking me on a date now? (Breaking news version)
Central City, homeless shelter.

At this time, the homeless shelter was already developing quite well.

They originally established a stronghold based on the Skeleton Gang's shelter.

With Lu Cheng's help and supplies from time to time, he collected a lot of survivors who were living in the surrounding areas.

Although it is called a homeless shelter, there are many iron walls, houses under construction, concrete shooting barricades, etc.

And inside the shelter, universal electricity has been implemented.

Of course, like other shelters, the electricity used is external generators, and these generators are supplied to the warehouse when not necessary.

Some materials stored in warehouses are relatively perishable.

Like meat or vegetables, etc.

All require refrigerator cold storage to be stored.

After all, in this apocalyptic world, it is not easy to eat fresh vegetables and meat.

Eating rice, flour and oil all the time is not nutritionally comprehensive for survivors, and it is not possible to obtain all the energy required for daily activities.

As the leader of the homeless shelter, Zhou Quan had another troublesome matter at this time.

That is, a huge monster appeared recently around the sanctuary.

The monster had a huge body and burrowed around in the ground like an earthworm.

But earthworms are only in soft soil, and this monster, no matter what is underground, can't stop it.

Just recently, Zhou Quan saw the monster near the high-rise buildings around the shelter.

He drilled out of one end of the wall of the high-rise building and broke through the reinforced concrete load-bearing wall.

The whole building is tilted, and there is no telling when it will completely collapse.

Fortunately, there are comprehensive homeless shelters that are still some distance away from this building.

Otherwise, Zhou Quan would definitely be organizing other survivors to move.

Leave this area far away.

Although most of the survivors have valid plans and intentions to move.

But Zhouquan still decided to hold on for a while to see if there was any slim hope.

After all, this shelter has been under construction for more than half a year.

Zhou Quan has lived here for three months, and he has poured all his efforts into this shelter.

Coupled with Lu Cheng's material resources, the current development is not something that can be caught up in just a few months.

So Zhou Quan is still looking forward to that little hope, and as for hope, it's naturally Lu Cheng.

But Lu Cheng hasn't returned yet, and a special situation has arisen over there.

The staff who had been in contact with the Central Medical College during this period immediately ran over and said to Zhou Quan.

"Boss Zhou, things are not going well. I just received a call from Dr. Liang, saying that the coordinates of the earth insect are coming towards us again!"

When Zhou Quan heard this, he was so excited that he almost fell off the wall in fear, but he still hurriedly said to the man.

"What did Dr. Liang say? Are the earthworms just coming to us? Get Dr. Liang's phone number straight to me."

As soon as Zhou Quan finished speaking, the man had already handed over the phone in his hand.

Apparently he never hung up from the beginning, and when Zhou Quan took the call, he heard Dr. Liang's nervous voice say.

"Zhou Quan, you guys are preparing for the ground worms to come towards you!"

Zhou Quan couldn't help but smile bitterly when he heard Dr. Liang's voice on the phone.

"Dr. Liang, it's not that I don't want to prepare. You said this thing is crawling around underground. How can I deal with it?"

Zhou Quan was more complaining than explaining.

After all, facing this situation, it would be good if he didn't have a nervous breakdown.

Before Dr. Liang could reply on the other end of the phone, he felt the sound of a rumbling earthquake.

During this time, such sounds would come out from time to time, but the distance was relatively far.

But this time the distance was extremely close, and the survivors in the shelter all showed panic expressions.

Naturally, they also knew that there was a terrifying monster burrowing around in the ground around the shelter.

At this time, everyone started to panic, and some even wanted to escape.

But as soon as he walked out of the house, he was immediately shaken to the ground by the earthquake.

Fortunately, the houses here are basically bungalows or villas.

In terms of earthquake resistance, it is still better than ordinary high-rise buildings.

And the rumbling sound of the earthquake suddenly stopped.

Standing on the wall, Zhou Quan grasped the railing with both hands, and the voice of Dr. Liang shouting came from the phone.

But Zhou Quan no longer had time to reply to Dr. Liang.

Because he could feel that the earth worm was right in front of him.

Very close, already very close!
Zhou Quan slowly leaned out and looked at the ground under the wall.

On the ground, the stones were shaking continuously.

From the shelter behind, the sounds of survivors running away and wailing could be heard.

But it was too late for Zhou Quan to care about what happened behind him.

He had a very bad premonition in his heart.

【boom--! 】

With the sound of an explosion, the wall in front of him collapsed.

And underneath the wall, the ground exploded as if something had hit it.

Concrete splashed everywhere, and some people standing on the wall had no time to dodge. They were hit by the concrete and suffered severe head injuries.

There were also some people standing around Zhou Quan who fell down as the wall collapsed.

Zhou Quan himself is a mutant and is much stronger than ordinary survivors.

At this time, he reacted and jumped to the side immediately, instead of collapsing with the wall.

Zhou Quan had just stood upright when he saw the huge earth worm in front of him emerging from the ground.

Whether it is broken rocks, concrete walls, or iron walls.

Or those survivors who were wailing and falling into the air.

They were all swallowed into the mouth by the huge earth worm.

The bug in front of me is like the mother bug in StarCraft that has been magnified countless times.

The entire huge body is about 10 meters in diameter.

And that abyss-like huge mouth seems to be able to accommodate everything.

Circles of saw teeth are constantly rotating and cutting, but anyone swallowed into the mouth has basically no chance of survival.

Xu Jingqiu had been swallowed before, but it was only with the protection of a metal car that he had a chance of survival.

And if, like these survivors now, there is no protection around them, they will be cut into pieces just by passing those huge teeth.

Zhou Quan was completely frightened, and even his legs were trembling.

Although he has LV8, he is an alienated person with pretty good strength.

But facing this terrifying monster, he had no intention of resisting.

If it weren't for Zhou Quan still thinking about protecting the shelter and the branch base left by Brother Lu Cheng.

I'm afraid he turned around and ran away like the other survivors.

And just when he was so frightened that he couldn't move, the huge insect slammed down towards the gap in the wall.

There was only a bang, and Zhou Quan saw the huge insect destroying a large area of ​​houses.

Only then did Zhou Quan wake up from the rumbling sound.

He hurriedly ran away to the side. At this time, he also knew that there was no chance at all to stop this huge earth insect.

I can only shout loudly to the people around me.

"Run! Run towards the outside of the shelter."

However, his shouts had long been hindered by the rumbling sound of the earthworm moving.

At this critical moment, a huge sound was suddenly heard not far away.

【bump! 】

This huge sound was obviously not made by earthworms.

It looked like someone was shooting not far away, but the gunshot was too loud.

The rumbling sound echoed in my ears like thunder.

Zhou Quan suddenly realized that the gunshot was from a Barrett sniper rifle!

There is only one person in the entire central city who owns a Barrett sniper rifle.

Lu Cheng!

"Is the big hero coming? Great, I see the big hero."

"It's on the roof of that villa over there."

"I saw it too, I saw it too, it's really the great hero Lu Cheng."

"It's great that we are saved!"

Zhou Quan's heart, which was originally lifted, suddenly sank.

He even thought that he would no longer be afraid of being eaten by earth worms. After all, if a great hero appeared, then the earth worm in front of him would not be a problem at all.

Zhou Quan thought this, but at this moment, standing on the roof of the villa, holding a Barrett sniper rifle, his heart was shocked.

Although I was mentally prepared for the huge size of the earth worm.

But at the last moment, Lu Cheng, who rushed over at the critical moment, was still frightened by the terrifying monster in front of him, which was almost hundreds of meters long.

Not sure if it was his imagination, but Lu Cheng clearly felt that the earth worm in front of him seemed to be even bigger than before.

The earth worm's body was blown up like a balloon.

Lu Cheng remembered that the last time he saw this earth insect, it was not this big.

It's about 10 meters in diameter, and I don't know how it grew.

The bullets of the Barrett sniper rifle are powerful enough, but when they hit the ground worm, it was like a pebble dropped into the center of the lake.

There can only be a few ripples.

However, it can still be seen that a huge bloody hole was blown out of the ground worm where it was hit by Barrett's sniper rifle.

The blood hole was one meter wide, and blood kept trickling out of it.

The lethality of this earth insect is still visible to the naked eye.

Even though this wound is like a human fingernail falling off to an earthworm, the pain is real.

Moreover, this earth insect seems to be very afraid of pain.

After Lu Cheng seriously injured him with a Barrett sniper rifle, his huge body twisted on the spot, knocking down all the surrounding houses and walls.

It caused huge damage, but quickly retreated towards the hole he drilled out of.

And Lu Cheng, who was standing on the rooftop in the distance with a Barrett sniper rifle, didn't dare to approach rashly.

Even if he was a viscount-level zombie, he didn't know if he could withstand it if he was hit with this size.

What's more, the level of the earth insect in front of him is still a question mark.

Lu Ben originally thought that he should be a count-level creature, but he did not expect that the level seemed to be higher than the count.

Could it be the Duke?

Man, this thing is terrible.

If he didn't seize the time to restrain him, when he got into the city center, the homeless shelter in front of him might look like the fate of his future shelter.

Liu Mengyang, who was next to Lu Cheng, did not climb up to the roof, but stood under the villa, looking at the earthworms in the distance that were constantly drilling back into the hole, and said with emotion.

"The alienated virus is so powerful, I didn't expect this earthworm to have the ability to evolve independently.

At first, he was just a small insect with a size of several dozen centimeters. "

Lu Cheng almost laughed out loud when he heard Liu Mengyang's words below.

A few dozen centimeters and still called a bug?Should I say that I really deserve to be a scientist?

And after this sniper shot, the earthworm finally retreated temporarily.

When the rumbling sound on the ground continued to fade away, the survivors in front of them finally walked out of the wall that had been smashed by the earth insects.

Lu Cheng waved and cheered, and there were zombies attracted by the movement. Naturally, there were a lot of them.

But these survivors have already experienced hundreds of battles, and there is no great danger to these ordinary zombies.

Lu Cheng put away his sniper rifle and waved an order to Liu Mengyang and the female zombies behind him. "Let's go to the homeless shelter first and check out the situation."


When Lu Cheng walked into the homeless shelter and looked at the destroyed wall in front of him at close range, he felt truly emotional.

The destructive power of this earth insect is really not weak.

Huge ruins with a radius of nearly 10 meters have been smashed into the wall.

In addition to the ruins, all the houses near the walls were also destroyed by earthworms.

Not to mention the heavy losses, in terms of casualties, preliminary statistics show that 30 people were eaten by the earthworm.

There were still more than a dozen people injured. At this time, it was too late for everyone to feel sad and hurried to clean up the ruins.

Find a way to fill this wall.

Fortunately, there is only one earth worm, if there are multiple earth worms like baron-level or viscount-level zombies.

Lu Cheng felt that the survivors really couldn't survive in this apocalypse.

At least there is no way to build your own base with peace of mind.

Otherwise, the huge body of this earth insect would have to be flattened by him at this twisting base.

After seeing Lu Cheng coming, the surviving people gathered around, with expressions of excitement and joy on their faces.

It was as if Lu Cheng was their savior.

Although this is indeed the case, without Lu Cheng's Barrett sniper rifle.

It is estimated that at least half of the entire homeless shelter, not to mention being bulldozed by groundworms, was lost.

"Hero Lu Cheng, thank you for saving us again."

"Hero Lu Cheng, I love you!"

"Big hero, big hero, you are so awesome."

The survivors cheered, and Lu Cheng skillfully raised his hand to greet them.

Not long after, I saw Zhou Quan, a gray-headed man walking over.

Lu Cheng hadn't seen Zhou Quan for a while, and when he saw him, he was already a LV8 survivor mutant.

The level rises quite quickly. It seems that during this period, the experience value of fighting zombies outside is quite high.

Lu Cheng patted his shoulder directly and said.

"Don't worry about me for now, quickly arrange manpower to clean up the ruins and build a wall.

The ordinary zombies outside were attracted by the noise. There will be a lot of them in the past two days. Take the time to repair the wall. "

After Lu Cheng finished speaking, Zhou Quan, who was originally going to say some polite words, nodded quickly with tears in his eyes.

He had worked hard to build this shelter for several months, even though he was only managing it on behalf of Lu Cheng.

But he also regards this place as his home. Now that he sees the shelter being destroyed like this and so many acquaintances dying, he is quite heartbroken.

He immediately greeted the people around him and began to get busy repairing the shelter.

Li Xiaoya on the side also said in surprise when she saw the destructive power of the earth worm.

"What's the origin of this earth insect? Why is it so scary?"

Before Lu Cheng could answer, Zeng Xiaoman said with his hands on his waist:
"So what if it's scary? In front of big brother Lu Cheng, why don't you just run away in despair?"

Although being praised like this by Zeng Xiaoman, Lu Cheng was very happy.

But this was not the time to listen to flattery from girls, he immediately told Liu Mengyang.

"Professor Liu, hurry up and teach me how to use this chip. We can't let these earthworms wreak havoc in Central City like this again."

Professor Liu also knew that the most important thing now was to quickly control this earthworm.

The destructive power of this earth insect was too strong, so he quickly talked to Lu Cheng about it.

"The method of using this chip is very simple, as long as it can be injected into the subcutaneous flesh of the earthworm.

But I could easily get in before, but I'm afraid it's not that easy now. "

Professor Liu said worriedly, which Lu Cheng could understand, but Zeng Xiaoman asked strangely because he didn't understand.

"What's the problem? Just put it in."

Professor Liu was stunned:
"Before, I could use a needle to penetrate it. His skin was not very thick, but now this earthworm is at least 10 meters in diameter. I'm afraid the skin is so thick that even a needle can't penetrate it."

Lu Cheng also knew Professor Liu's concerns. If a firearm was used, the chip would definitely be damaged.

It's better to use a large-diameter needle and poke it in.

When Lu Cheng was thinking about how to inject this chip into the earth worm's body, Zeng Xiaoman said with a smile.

"This earthworm should also have a ready-made hole, right in its chrysanthemum, then stuff it in from the back. When I had a cold in the past, my sister often said that stuffing green onions can get rid of the cold."

I have to say that Zeng Xiaoman's method seems like something a fool would use.

However, Zeng Xiaoman's words reminded Lu Cheng, and Lu Cheng said quickly.

"Wait a minute, if it's a ready-made hole, didn't I just drill one out just now?"

When Lu Cheng said this, everyone reacted.

Just now, Lu Cheng took the Barrett sniper rifle and dug a big hole out.

If his skin was thick enough, the wound made by the Barrett sniper rifle would definitely be able to penetrate it.

After all, the blood and flesh were everywhere, and the gap in the wall at the door could still be seen clearly.

After Lu Cheng said this, Liu Mengyang clapped his hands quickly.

"That's right, taking advantage of this opportunity, his wound has not healed yet.

Quickly put the chip in, and after his wound heals, the chip will not fall out.

Then just use the computer to restart the chip and it will be fine! "

When Liu Mengyang said this, Lu Chengli immediately started gearing up.

No more talking, drill a hole!

Although the method has been found, it is a very high-level alienated creature after all.

Moreover, his strength is very strong, and he doesn’t know where he got.

There is a cave though, right at the door of the homeless shelter.

But the danger if you go down can be imagined.

After much deliberation, Lu Cheng decided to go down alone so that he could escape as soon as possible if he encountered a special situation.

Lu Cheng would really feel bad if he took the female zombies down.

What's more, their night vision ability is not good at all, and the lack of vision will hinder their pace of action.

On the contrary, I have good night vision, which makes me the most suitable for this job.

However, when Lu Cheng made his decision, including his female zombies, they all firmly opposed it.

"No, brother Lu Cheng, what if you encounter danger if you continue like this?"

Zeng Xiaoman immediately hugged Lu Cheng's arm.

Zhang Xiaoyun also nodded seriously.

"That's right, brother Lu Cheng. If you go down, you don't know the slope of this cave. If it's very steep, what will happen if you can't come to class? I won't allow you to go down alone."

Lu Cheng was speechless for a while, then heard Shen Xue nodding.

"It's too dangerous. I won't allow you, Brother Lu Cheng, to be in danger unless you let me follow you."

It seems that the girls also know that this mission is extremely dangerous.

Seeing that none of them agreed, including Li Xiaoya and Jiang Shuyao, although they did not speak, they stood firmly on Zhang Xiaoyun's side.

Even if he opens his mouth, I'm afraid he won't let Lu Cheng go down.

On the other hand, Xiaobai hummed twice, and then flew around Lu Cheng. Lu Cheng suddenly understood, and immediately put Xiaobai into his arms and said.

"Isn't there someone who can fly? Don't worry, if you encounter any danger or the slope is too steep, just let Xiaobai hold me and fly."

Xiaobai naturally understood what Lu Cheng meant, and immediately nodded his head gracefully.

Then she rubbed Lu Cheng's chest vigorously in his arms.

Not long after, he flapped his wings and flew out of Lu Cheng's arms. As if to show his strength, he hugged Lu Cheng and flew around the girls, making an OK gesture.

To be honest, Xiaobai's progress in language communication has been very obvious during this period.

But I still can't speak in sentences. The most common words I say are the word "dad".

But Xiaobai became more and more cute, and Lu Cheng couldn't help but want to hold her and find a place to hang out with her cute appearance.

But with so many survivors here watching, of course Lu Cheng couldn't do such a beastly thing.

The other girls, after seeing Xiaobai's ability and attitude, finally reluctantly nodded in agreement.

Lu Cheng and Xiao Bai were allowed to enter the cave together and inject the chip into the injured earth worm.

They also know that now is the best chance to control the ground worms, in case the ground worms run away.

Or if his wound heals, it won't be that simple to find a way to inject the chip into his body later.

If it had been before, Lu Cheng would have been fine, taking the female zombies or a few important people around him and leaving the central city in a leisurely manner.

But he has already established his own power base in this city.

With so many shelters scattered around as outposts, the safety of Lu Cheng and the female zombie servants has been fully guaranteed.

The quality of life has also been very high.

The most important thing is that the personnel of the Federal Company I met two days ago seem to indicate that the Federal Company is not completely finished.

Whether there will be conflicts with his side in the future, Lu Cheng still feels it is necessary to have the survivors in Central City as helpers.

So this adventure must be carried out.

But when drilling a hole, you don’t go down blindly, Liu Mengyang quickly said.

“Although this earth worm has been modified with an alienated virus, it also has its own biological clock.

In other words, he also has some rest time, and he is definitely still moving around now.

While he was resting, we determined his positioning.

Lu Cheng, please go down when the time comes, so as not to enter the cave and not find its specific location. "

"Okay Professor Liu, when you have completed your positioning and everything is ready, Xiaobai and I will go down."

After Lu Cheng said this, he went to prepare some basic things to enter the cave.

Mainly some weapons and equipment, the Barrett sniper rifle is a must, the rifle must also carry various bullets, and some grenades must also be carried.

Although they may not necessarily be used, having these things around makes a difference in safety.

Liu Mengyang quickly contacted Jiang Lei and the others at the base.

After confirming that the ground insect had stopped moving, Liu Mengyang quickly took out his mobile phone, handed it to Lu Cheng and said.

"My mobile phone was specially made when I was at the Federal Company.

There is a small program connected to the monitoring software. You can directly open it to check the location of the ground insect. When you get close to the ground insect, the small program will prompt you.

I don't know the situation in the cave below. With this phone, I can find the location of the ground worm more accurately. Lu Cheng pays attention to safety. "

Lu Cheng didn't expect Liu Mengyang to have such a good thing, so he immediately picked up the phone.

After confirming that the ground worms had not moved for half an hour.

He took Xiaobai directly into the cave and touched the ground worms deep in the cave.

In an environment deep underground, communication equipment can no longer be counted on.

Therefore, Lu Cheng and the others did not carry walkie-talkies for communication.

Anyway, it will definitely not be used after entering the underground.

It's a pity that neither Lu Cheng nor the female zombies have the skills to awaken communication. Thinking about it this way, there are quite a lot of missing skills.

Investigation and communications are all urgently needed.

Lu Cheng was thinking wildly while holding his mobile phone and walking underground with Xiao Bai.

Xiaobai followed Lu Cheng very obediently. When Lu Cheng walked around, there was no light at all.

Relying on the special effects of his skills, he was still able to see clearly in the dark environment.

But suddenly he found that Xiaobai beside him seemed to be able to see, and he was a little surprised.

It seems that Xiaobai next to him also has perfect night vision ability like himself, which is really good news.

And just when Lu Cheng was about to move forward to explore the location of the earth worm, he suddenly heard a cry from Xiaobai next to him.

There was something strange on the road, so he looked at Xiaobai.

When he saw Xiaobai, he immediately jumped on him.

His body was twisting and turning, and Lu Cheng relied on his connection with Xiao Bai to understand what Xiao Bai meant.

Xiaobai is looking for a date with herself!
(End of this chapter)

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