I can upgrade female zombies

Chapter 192 There is actually a mermaid?

Chapter 192 There is actually a mermaid?
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"Be careful not to let this zombie escape. Hurry and take it to the dormitory area next to the laboratory."

While Guan Xiaoting was giving instructions like this, she didn't see Lu Cheng who was approaching.
Lu Cheng parked the Land Rover a little far away, and the sound did not attract their attention.
It wasn't until Lu Cheng came to her side that Guan Xiaoting seemed to notice something.
After turning around in surprise, he was shocked.

Because Lu Cheng hugged Guan Xiaoting from behind in an instant.

Everyone knows about the ambiguous relationship between the two people.

So the survivors who were tying up the zombies and rushing into the laboratory didn't take it seriously.

Lu Cheng smiled, secretly provoked Guan Xiaoting with his hands, and then said.

"I haven't seen you for a few days. My Xiaoting has grown a lot."

Guan Xiaoting was wearing a white velvet cotton coat today, with slim-fitting trousers underneath.

The whole person looks like an elf coming out of the snow.

Although it hasn’t snowed yet in Central Town, the first snow of winter is coming soon.

The weather is getting colder and colder, and I feel the humidity in the air. It is estimated that it will snow in less than two days.

At this time, Guan Xiaoting looked particularly beautiful.

Lu Cheng couldn't help but be tempted.

Guan Xiaoting, who was hugged from behind by Lu Cheng, was startled at first.

He immediately gritted his teeth, glared at Lu Cheng, and then whispered shyly.

"Don't hug me, everyone else is watching."

After Guan Xiaoting said this, Lu Cheng hugged Guan Xiaoting and walked to a place where others could not see her.

Then he pushed Guan Xiaoting against the wall and pushed her directly up against it.

Then he said with a smile in her ear.

"They can watch it if they want. Who doesn't know that you, Guan Xiaoting, are my Lu Cheng's woman?"

Hearing what Lu Cheng said, Guan Xiaoting couldn't help but smile.

Although his face was still red, he was pressed against the wall by Lu Cheng's ambiguous posture.

Guan Xiaoting still felt secretly happy in her heart.

Especially knowing that Lu Cheng had just finished his work today and came to see him immediately.

Guan Xiaoting couldn't hold back the joy in her heart.

But he couldn't help but directly raised his head and gave her a sweet kiss.

Lu Cheng and Guan Xiaoting have been an old couple for a long time.

After chatting here for a while, Lu Chengcai asked about the specific situation.

"Is your vaccine research already so advanced? You've already started catching zombies for in vivo experiments."

After Lu Cheng asked this question, Guan Xiaoting started talking with a smile.

"Of course, after all, we have also obtained a lot of experimental data from federal companies.

And from the end of the world to now, Professor Liu Mengyang has been conducting research in this area.

It's been more than half a year. If we don't produce some experimental results, you, the shareholder behind the scenes, may have to withdraw your capital. "

Lu Cheng chuckled and started groping Guan Xiaoting's body with his hands again, taking advantage of her and said.

"That won't happen, as long as Professor Guan continues to maintain such an unclear relationship with me.

I will not withdraw my investment, after all, it is difficult for a hero to be a beauty.

Just think of this money as being given to Professor Guan. "

When Lu Cheng said this, Guan Xiaoting couldn't help but lift her foot and lightly stepped on Lu Cheng's instep.

She was wearing high heels, but she didn't use any force.

Lu Cheng pretended to moan twice, and then Guan Xiaoting said.

"Who is your Professor Guan? It seems like I am using my beauty to get you to invest in the project.

When this vaccine is developed, won’t you also benefit from it? "

"Stop talking about this, my little darling, tell me about the progress of the research."

Lu Cheng hugged Guan Xiaoting and walked towards the medical school. However, the location was not towards the research room, but towards Guan Xiaoting's dormitory.

Guan Xiaoting's face turned red, and she knew what Lu Cheng was trying to do by dragging her there.

Naturally, he was so happy that he talked too much, telling Lu Cheng everything about the research along the way.

Indeed, as Lu Cheng guessed, the experiment had entered the stage of in vivo experiments.

Generally, after entering this stage, theoretical research will basically have a lot of prospects.

In fact, when it comes to vaccine research, we don’t have much of a clue yet.

It's just that the research on restoring sanity to alienated zombies has great potential.

This is also thanks to Lu Cheng, who gave his essence to Guan Xiaoting for study last time.

It was discovered that in Lu Cheng's essence, a certain virus variant, or a certain cell, could actually reverse the violent sanity of the alienated zombies.

This is like an alternative vaccine, relying on such discoveries.

Guan Xiaoting quickly used alienated viruses to cultivate similar substances.

After all, Lu Cheng's essence cannot reproduce on its own like a tumor.

This can be achieved by constantly making medicines, but by mutating the virus.

It's impossible to go to Lu Cheng every time to ask for the essence to study.

After Lu Guan Xiaoting discovered a substance similar to the alienated virus, she quickly used it in a vaccine research project.

It does have some effect, but we have to wait until more in vivo experiments to know how specific it is.

They also pay great attention to the security issues of these zombies.

Not only would they only catch one zombie at a time, but after studying it for several days, the zombie would be destroyed.

There will never be a large number of zombies left in the base.

Because the base is currently understaffed and has limited security systems.

Leaving a large number of zombies in the base for live research will cause certain safety risks.

After listening to Guan Xiaoting's description, the two of them had arrived in the bedroom.

The relationship between the two has been very deep, and it has entered an inextricable stage at this time.

Everyone knows what stage it is.

Guan Xiaoting bit her lip, looked at Lu Cheng behind her and gasped again.

“Every time at this time, he asks me about my work.

My mind is so messed up that I can't think of anything concrete, you bad guy. "

Although he said this about Lu Cheng, he could tell by looking at Guan Xiaoting's red face.

How can I think of blaming Lu Cheng at this time?

My heart was already filled with joy.

Lu Cheng naturally understood how Guan Xiaoting felt. When a woman reaches this stage, it doesn't matter what she says.

As long as the man moves in place, everything will be OK.

And a woman like Guan Xiaoting is under attack from a strong player like Lu Cheng.

He simply didn't have the energy to fight back, let alone say that his actions were in place.

At this stage alone, he is ready to surrender.

Sure enough, it was just as Lu Cheng thought. Before he could speak, Guan Xiaoting was already motionless and silent.

After filming for a long time, I finally woke up.

After Guan Xiaoting woke up, she looked at Lu Cheng and took a long breath and said.

"You are really going to die."

"I think it's you who is going to die."

"I would be happy if I could die like this every day."

Guan Xiaoting said this softly.

On the contrary, the excitement made Lu Lu become a bit uncontrollable.

But when Guan Xiaoting felt Lu Cheng's change, she panicked and said immediately.

"I can't do it anymore. Let's talk about something more serious. Hurry up and arrange for some manpower to come over. The security manpower in the research room is seriously lacking now."

Lu Cheng also understood this and nodded.

"I will tell Officer Xu about this matter and ask them to arrange 50 reinforcements."

In fact, Lu Cheng had already made arrangements for these days.

Additional manpower has been sent to the laboratory to protect the safety of the laboratory.

After all, all the experimentalists are here.

But you must not be rushed by zombies.

Fortunately, the laboratory is also within the range of his strong fear aura.

The zombies nearby will generally not come close.

Previously, 50 people were arranged, and this time an additional 50 people were assigned, for a total of 100 people.

Defense shouldn't be a big problem here.

At that time, they can also catch more zombies for research.

Lu Cheng also knew that Guan Xiaoting's body was not as good as Zhang Xiaoyun's.

Naturally, he did not continue to bully Guan Xiaoting.

The two quickly packed up and arrived at the laboratory.

I saw the zombie tied to a chair, with two experimenters next to it, injecting some kind of transparent medicine into it.

And the zombie binding system is also very good.

Not only was the entire head fixed with wires, but ropes and various thick things were also used to wrap his nails and so on.

Just in case you scratch other experimental researchers.

After the injection of the medicine, the zombie quickly calmed down, as if he had been given a sedative.

Seeing Lu Cheng coming over, Jiang Lei walked up with a normal expression.

Then I talked to Lu Cheng about the recent situation in the laboratory and set up some situations.

Lu Cheng had heard it from Guan Xiaoting before, but he still pretended not to have heard it before and nodded.

Discussed with Jiang Lei.

While they were talking, Liu Mengyang also came over. After Lu Cheng saw Liu Mengyang,

He immediately told Liu Mengyang what he saw in City B about his daughter.

Liu Mengyang was stunned when he heard this, and then confirmed it repeatedly.

"Really? I really saw my daughter as a clone, releasing a mist that can cause hallucinations and control others."

Seeing that Lu Cheng was very sure and nodded, Liu Mengyang began to think deeply.

Dr. Liang on the side asked strangely.

"Professor Liu is wrong, isn't your daughter already dead?
From what you say, your daughter's body is now in the body preservation cabin, at Lu Cheng's place. Why did it suddenly appear in City B? "

Liu Mengyang shook his head and said.

“I don’t know the specifics, but one thing is certain.

My daughter must have passed away, but it depends on Lu Cheng’s wishes.

The clone in City B is not the original body either.

There is still a question mark as to whether the real body is my daughter.

However, alienated viruses are too metaphysical, and many things are beyond the scope of our scientific understanding.

For example, something like resurrecting the dead, the alienated virus can actually do it.

If the federal company really extracts my daughter's cells and creates a host related to the alienated virus, it is not impossible. "

What Liu Mengyang meant was that his daughter had been cloned.

Make it into an alienated zombie, or similar creature, etc.

Lu Cheng could also understand, he actually thought so in his heart.

However, there are no other clues about the specific situation of Liu Mengyang's daughter.

We can only pay attention to it in the future, see if we can find any relevant clues, and then investigate.

Putting this matter behind him, Lu Cheng talked about going to Laboratory No. 3 again.

But when Lu Cheng mentioned Laboratory No. [-].

Liu Mengyang and the others all had confused expressions on their faces.

Lu Cheng then remembered that he was in City B and had just discovered what happened in Laboratory No. [-]. He hadn't told Liu Mengyang and the others yet.

This time I quickly recounted all my experiences in City B in order.

Everyone heard that Lu Cheng actually attacked the Federal Company's stronghold in City B and encountered a very powerful mutant who could release thunder and lightning.

It is also quite surprising.

Dr. Liang muttered immediately.

"Even electric eels don't have such a strong discharge ability. This alienated virus is really powerful. Will it mutate to cause more attribute damage in the future?"

"It's not certain, but fire-breathing is a biological law, so it's still possible that there won't be any discharge."

“What kind of biological laws are we talking about at this time?
Fire-breathing things may appear in the future, although in order to prevent the damage caused by fire-breathing, living things need to expend more energy, which is not worth it at all.

But with alienated viruses, you can’t look at them from a conventional perspective. "

The three doctors argued dialectically from a biological perspective.

Lu Cheng continued to say that he took out the experimental report and handed it to Liu Mengyang and the others to read.

After reading it, the three of them also gasped.

Who would have thought that the federal company really didn't disappear.

And after the end of the world, research on alienated viruses has been ongoing.

Federal corporations, both financially and manpower wise.

They are definitely many times stronger than Lu Cheng.

What's more, before the end of the world, he was already studying alienated viruses.

After the apocalypse, there are so many samples and resources for them to use.

The speed of researching project viruses seems to be a little faster.

This Laboratory No. 3 proves that the strength of the federal company is much stronger than they imagined.

This experimental creature named Nemesis actually has LV20.

When Liu Mengyang saw the level, he immediately explained.

“This grade system, which I have come across before, was originally planned within the federal company.

Ranking based on the strength of the alienated virus, but I didn’t expect it to be used now.

The level strength of LV20 is still very powerful.

I have estimated that it may not be worse than Lu Cheng's current strength. "

When Liu Mengyang said this, Lu Cheng didn't expect Liu Mengyang's guess to be so accurate.

LV20 is one level higher than Lu Cheng's LV19.

But considering Lu Cheng's own attributes, they should be higher than LV20.

But where is the physical state of the earl-level alienated zombies?

Just looking at attributes, at their level, it cannot represent everything.

Therefore, Lu Cheng would never underestimate an enemy. After hearing what Liu Mengyang said, he immediately nodded.

The other two people, Jiang Lei and Dr. Liang, looked at each other and suggested it.

“In that case, going to Shelter [-] is much more dangerous than imagined.

Lu Cheng, are you sure you really want to go?

In fact, our current research has made a lot of progress. I believe we will be given a little more time.

It is not impossible to develop a vaccine or even a medicine that can change the rationality of zombies.

In fact, there is no need to be in such a hurry and go to Shelter [-]. "

"Yes, and the report says that Laboratory No. [-] has lost control and been abandoned.

I guess they won’t be able to destroy the LV20 Nemesis inside.

There are many dangers, Lu Cheng thinks carefully. "

Looking at the three doctors in front of him who were worried about him, Lu Cheng naturally knew that they were also doing it for his own good.

These people think that they are working so hard for the vaccine.But Lu Cheng himself knew that going to Laboratory No. [-] was not entirely for the vaccine.

More importantly, it was aimed at the LV20 Nemesis, an experimental creature.

Lu Cheng is now in urgent need of high-level alienated crystal cores, which are earl alienated crystal cores, to improve his level.

If before, the purpose of upgrading the level in the apocalypse was to survive.

So now it is discovered that the Federal Corporation still exists, and has been conducting research on alienated viruses after the end of the world.

Lu Cheng's survival pressure suddenly increased a lot.

This time there was a head-on conflict with the Federal Company, and one of their teams was wiped out.

The Federal Company will most likely not remain indifferent.

Maybe, we are already investigating the relevant information.

Although Lu Cheng is very smart and uses the name of B City to act.

It is equivalent to binding City B and the central city together, plus City A next door.

With the combined strength of the survivors in the three cities, the federal company should not have a direct conflict with itself.

But who knows that the other party will not take some action after investigating clearly.

The pressure of survival is here, and in order to continue to do whatever you want in the future.

To better survive in the apocalypse, becoming an earl is a top priority.

This is also what Lu Cheng must do.

So he shook his head and used the same words as Xu Jingqiu said:

"With so many people following me, I can't just think about myself. The danger is danger, and I definitely know it.

But as long as it can be useful for research, I am willing to take such risks.

Moreover, we are temporarily unable to go to a distant laboratory that can study alienated biological derivatives.

Laboratory No. [-] is the laboratory closest to us and most likely to have relevant research data.

There was no way I wouldn't take a look. "

After Lu Cheng said this, Jiang Lei and the others also knew.

There was no point in trying to persuade him, so he just sighed.

But Liu Mengyang hesitated and said.

"In that case, take me with you when you go to Laboratory [-].

I still know a lot about federal companies.

In the past, I would copy the data, and the security would be higher. "

Hearing what Liu Mengyang said, Lu Chengli immediately shook his head and said with a smile.

"That's not necessary. Dr. Liu went to copy the data with you last time.

I've written down the process for your copy.

As for Federal Company, I also remember your employee ID and password.

Besides, you haven't been to Laboratory No. [-], and you didn't enter your employee information or anything like that.

It was useless in the past. You should still stay in the laboratory and conduct experiments.

I'm here to feel at ease. Don't worry, if I encounter any danger, I won't force myself to do this. "

Hearing what Lu Cheng said, Liu Mengyang and the others knew that Lu Cheng had already made up his mind, so they stopped trying to persuade him.

There was nothing to say in the next two days, just spending leisurely time in the villa.

It's day 3.

The group of survivors that Binhai City and Lu Cheng actively contacted finally responded to their messages.

He agreed to pay 5 tons of supplies and help Lu Cheng find sailors and captains who were willing to go to sea with him to Laboratory No. [-].

These people are necessary.

Lu Cheng also wanted to find people with experience in going to sea in the central city.

However, in Central City, an inland city, it is really difficult to find sailors.

Many of the survivors were even landlubbers.

Not to mention going overseas.

After negotiating the relevant matters, Lu Cheng quickly brought 10 tons of supplies and set off towards Binhai City with the female zombies.

This time, the only people brought along were Zhang Xiaoyun, Shen Xue, Jiang Shuyao, Xiaobai and Li Xiaoya.

Zeng Xiaoman and Lu Cheng also wanted to invite her, but he hadn't spoken yet.

Zeng Xiaoman had already proposed to leave to find her sister.

After all, Zeng Xiaoman had not seen her sister for a long time after staying in B City with Lu Cheng for such a long time.

I don't know what's going on.

And when I think of Zeng Xiaoan, this beautiful female zombie.

Lu Cheng also felt very sorry.

I had been thinking about finding an opportunity to find Zeng Xiaoan before.

But things came to him one after another, especially the messy things at federal company-related laboratories and shelters in other cities.

Lu Cheng couldn't spare any time at all.

Now we have to rush to Binhai City and go to Laboratory No. 3 to upgrade to count level.

Obviously, compared to Zeng Xiaoan, the matter of upgrading to earl level is more important.

So Lu Cheng could only let Zeng Xiaoman find his sister.

Let’s talk about it again after investigating Laboratory No. [-] and being promoted to earl level.

Lu Cheng had already made up his mind to find Zeng Xiaoan when he came back and turn her into his servant.

Since there were 5 people, they brought 10 tons of supplies.

Lu Cheng no longer drove a Land Rover, but an explosion-proof vehicle from the Federal Company.

Of course, Lu Cheng thought for a moment and erased the federal company icon.

Just in case, meet other survivors who have been attacked by Confederate companies along the way.

It would be bad if you mistakenly thought they were members of the federal company and attacked them secretly.

Lu Cheng didn't want to be beaten up by other believers for the sake of the Federal Company.

After all, Federal Company's reputation in City B would not be very good.

If those mutants were arrested in other cities, the reputation of the federal company would definitely be very bad.

This is not the first time Lu Cheng has left the central town, and he has made all kinds of preparations very skillfully.

And just as Lu Cheng drove the explosion-proof car and left the central town with the girls, it didn't take long for heavy snow to fall in the sky.

Just a few hours later, Lu Cheng saw that the road in front of him was already covered with snow.

Fortunately, the situation gets better the further you drive towards the coast.

After all, the temperature along the coast is definitely slightly higher than inland.

Even if it snows, it's not as heavy as in central towns.

The road can still be driven on, but it's just a little slippery.

Lu Cheng had always been careful when driving, so he wasn't too worried.

Binhai City is not very far from the central city.

Lu Cheng only drove for a day and a night before arriving in Binhai City.

The time lost on the road is mainly due to the piles of scrap vehicles on the highway.

In front of alienated zombies like Lu Cheng, there is naturally no difficulty at all.

Just push the car blocking the road out of the way.

Binhai City is not very large. Although it is said to be a city, its population is actually only about 200 million.

The size of the city is much smaller than that of central towns.

Not to mention compared to City A and City B.

When Lu Cheng arrived at the expressway intersection in Binhai City, he saw the city in front of him.

The entire height of the house, compared to the central city, seems to have been cut in half in the middle.

Not only that, but the street appearance of the town also seems quite backward.

The only thing that is different from the central town is the vast expanse of sea in front of it, which looks refreshing.

As for snow, it naturally doesn’t snow in Haibin City. In fact, the snow disappears halfway through driving on the highway.

Under the sunset, Binhai City shows a peaceful picture.

The sea glowed with a golden glow in the glow, and the breeze gently caressed the sea surface, forming tiny ripples.

Where the sea and sky meet in the distance, the sky gradually changes from dark blue to orange-red, like a gorgeous oil painting.

Along the coastline, high-rise buildings rise from the ground, contrasting with the blue sky and white clouds.

The building shone in the twilight, reflecting the weak and gentle light of the sun.

The city has been extinguished, with no lights or noise, but in the glow, there is a warm glow of orange and pink.

A gentle wave mark was left on the beach, as if the soft breathing of the sea brushed past Lu Cheng's ears.

The port area, which should have been busy and lively, was now moored with all kinds of boats, from small fishing boats to luxury yachts, but all were deserted.

Away from the city center, a few small cafes and seafood restaurants line the coastline, but like the city, it is silent.

However, before Lu Cheng could appreciate it for long, he heard the roar of zombies in his ears.

But those zombies were not coming towards Lu Cheng.

But stay away from Lu Cheng's current direction.

He was running away towards the woods not far away.

Lu Cheng didn't care about those ordinary zombies.

These ordinary zombies have become faster and faster in the past few months.

Even just a little slower than a normal person walking.

Lu Cheng even doubted whether they would start running in another half year?

If this is the case, it can be said that the living environment of the survivors will become increasingly worse.

But Lu Cheng, who had reached the viscount level, no longer looked down upon these ordinary zombies.

Lu Cheng simply admired the beautiful scenery of Binhai City in front of him. To be honest, it would be quite pleasant to live in such a seaside city.

Zhang Xiaoyun and the others also couldn't help but sigh when they saw the scene in front of them in the explosion-proof vehicle.

"It's so beautiful here."

Li Xiaoya's eyes had turned into sparkling stars, and Zhang Xiaoyun also nodded, seeming to remember something.

“If we can live a peaceful life in the future, it would be nice for us to go to the beach and live in a beach house.

Master, what do you think? "

Because there was only Li Xiaoya next to them, the female zombies now openly called Master Lu Cheng.

Li Xiaoya is also an alienated zombie, so she naturally knows that Lu Cheng and Zhang Xiaoyun are also alienated zombies.

When there are no other survivors around, the six of them can still get along very freely.

Xiaobai couldn't speak, so he didn't participate in the discussion.

Naturally, Lu Cheng would not be disappointed at this time, so he nodded immediately.

"Binhai City is not very far from our central town. When things are over, we can build a beachfront villa here, which will be quite good as a sub-base."

"When the time comes, we can build a yacht and go out to sea."

"This is a good idea. Let's get some marine entertainment projects and diving equipment. I have never dived before."

"Surfing is also fun. I've surfed waves on an indoor wave machine before."

"I've also done it in the amusement park."

Xiaobai could only chime in from the side, as if he wanted to participate too.

The girls were chattering in the explosion-proof car.

Lu Cheng also fantasized about living in a beachfront villa in a coastal city in the future.

It seems to be quite good indeed.

After all, the recreational activities at sea are definitely much more colorful than those in central towns.

After everyone entered the coastal city, Lu Cheng found a place to park.

Picking up the phone, he had already contacted the survivors in the coastal city before.

The person who contacted Lu Cheng was a woman named Li Na from Poseidon Sanctuary.

This woman named Li Na is already quite old. Lu Cheng looked at her personal home page and her works.

I saw that she was a mother of three children, about 50 to [-] years old.

To be able to become the leader of Poseidon Sanctuary, this person obviously has some abilities.

Lu Cheng guessed that he was also a mutant,

Compared with the lively network environment in central towns, the network in Binhai City seems to be quite depressed.

The main reason is that Binhai City has a small population. As a seaside city, it is not a tourist city.

It's not a goods distribution center, so it's not that easy to develop a population.

As for the scale of Poseidon Sanctuary, Lu Cheng thought it wouldn't be particularly big.

But he won't go to Poseidon Sanctuary, so naturally it doesn't matter.

And Li Na is on social platforms.I agreed with Lu Cheng that we would meet at the entrance of the expressway.

About 10 minutes had passed, but Lu Cheng still didn't see Li Na.

The sky was getting darker. If Li Na didn't show up before dark, Lu Cheng would have to consider other possibilities.

Will they be attacked or something along the way?

Fortunately, the unexpected situation that Lu Cheng thought did not happen.

He didn't wait long before he saw the road ahead and several cars approaching at the corner.

The leading car looked more seriously damaged, and it looked like there was a fight on the way here.

Lu Cheng stood next to his explosion-proof car, and soon the four or five cars in front of him stopped.

A woman walked down who looked the same as the one she saw on social media.

That is Li Na.

After Li Na saw Lu Cheng, she naturally recognized this powerful online hero immediately.

The total number of people behind her was nearly 30. When they saw Lu Cheng, the five girls around her also started talking about it.

"Those women are so beautiful. What are those wings?"

"Don't talk nonsense, the person standing at the front is the great hero Lu Cheng."

"Fuck, he's as handsome as online. Why are there such handsome and strong people in this apocalyptic world?"

"Can you compare with others? The whole city A and B are applauded by others."

"He also controls the entire central city. He is so powerful. I heard that he helped Ai Chen defeat tens of thousands of zombies some time ago."

"Aren't you defending the zombies in Central City? Why are the versions of the story we read different?"

Those people were chattering and discussing.

Lu Cheng was used to other people's compliments, and there was no change in his face at this time.

But suddenly he heard what several people said, which made him very interested.

"But why do they want to rent a boat to go to the island?"

"Don't you know yet? Didn't you already tell me when you came here?

There is a federal company's laboratory up there, and this hero Lu Cheng is going to the laboratory to get experimental data that can make a vaccine.

There is a large laboratory in the central town. Many scientific celebrities have been gathered by Lu Cheng to study vaccines. "

"That's awesome. He is worthy of being a great hero in Lucheng. He is still working hard to research vaccines for the future of mankind. However, it is too dangerous to go to sea."

"Yes, yes, it's too dangerous. There are many man-eating monsters in the sea."

"I heard it's a mermaid, but how could this thing appear?"

"Isn't a mermaid an ugly fish?"

"Are you from our Haicheng Sanctuary? Don't you know this?
Someone witnessed it some time ago, and it was true. The upper body was a human and the lower body was a fish tail. "

Lu Cheng was taken aback when he heard this. If the mermaid was from before, Lu Cheng would definitely think they were joking.

But having seen the technology of the Federal Company, Lu Cheng was somewhat looking forward to it.

Could it be that there really are mermaids?
is it beautiful?
(Please order in full)

(End of this chapter)

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