I can upgrade female zombies

Chapter 197 The Correct Usage of Corpse King’s Skills

Chapter 197 The Correct Usage of Corpse King’s Skills

Commodore Medusa seemed to be unable to believe her ears and asked again.

"Hank, do you know what you are talking about? Did you encounter the Nemesis and kill him?"

When Medusa finished saying this, Hank, who was wearing a mask in front of him, shook his head and said.

“It’s not that we killed the Nemesis, but that she was already dead when we came here.

Judging from the surrounding combat situation, there should be a fierce battle.

Moreover, the bazooka of Nemesis was also taken away, but the time of his death should not have passed long.

I estimate that the battle will only take place within ten hours. "

I have to say that Hank's estimated time is still very accurate.

They are also inseparable.

It is true that Lu Cheng had a bloody battle with the goddess of revenge in the afternoon, and at this time, about eight or nine hours had passed.

When Hank finished saying this, Commodore Medusa on the other side fell silent, and then said to the side.

"Give me information on the nearest shelter in the area."

Hank knew that he didn't say this to himself.

He didn't dare to turn off the communication device, so he continued to wait where he was.

Not long after, Medusa seemed to have finished communicating with the people over there, and quickly spoke to Hank again.

"Hank, you guys, please take the helicopter and leave as soon as possible.

In 10 minutes, a precise missile attack will be carried out on Research Institute No. [-] and the nearby Poseidon Sanctuary.

If there is anyone who can deal with the Nemesis, it should be the survivors.

Although it is unclear how they defeated the LV20 count-level Nemesis.

But there must be one mutant among them who has outstanding strength.

Leave as soon as possible and let the missile attack take care of the rest. "

"Understood, the call is over."

After Hank finished speaking, he quickly hung up the communication facility.

Then he followed his team members and exited the No. [-] Research Institute together.

We boarded the helicopter and quickly left the island in front of us.

Not long after Hank and the others left, a warning message was displayed on the helicopter's screen.

It was obviously a warning from the recent missile fire.

Where Hank and the others looked, there were two missiles flying quickly towards this side from a launch platform on the sea.

Obviously he went straight to Binhai City and the research institute.

At this time, Lu Cheng did not know that the danger was coming.

At this time, he had finished the mourning party with these survivors.

Then after thinking for a while, he decided to leave Poseidon Sanctuary overnight.

After all, he is not a kind person, he is just curious about mermaids, and he will not really stay here for the sake of mermaids.

Then look for the mermaid.

He still has a lot of things to do and a lot of things to deal with.

Dawn Sanctuary had just settled in Central Town, and he wanted to go there to check on the situation.

So after explaining the situation to Li Na and the others, Lu Cheng came to the door of Poseidon Sanctuary, preparing to get in his explosion-proof vehicle and leave Poseidon Sanctuary.

Li Na and the others over there were also a little reluctant to let go of the powerful Lu Cheng.

To be honest, with a strong survivor like Lu Cheng in their shelter, they would feel a lot more relaxed.

And Li Na had also heard from the captain about the fighting postures of Lu Cheng and the girls around him.

Knowing that Lu Cheng's strength is very terrifying, fortunately they are not enemies.

After a simple communication and an agreement that after a vaccine is developed, they will help their Poseidon Sanctuary as soon as possible.

Lu Chengcheng got into the riot vehicle and prepared to leave.

But before he started the car, he suddenly heard a whistling sound in the air.

Just as Lu Cheng came to his senses, the sound of breaking through the air had already reached his ears.

Then there was a violent shaking.A huge energy wave struck, and Lu Cheng was overwhelmed by the fire and energy in an instant.

The speed of the missile is extremely fast and has exceeded the limit of what the human eye can detect.

And when the missile landed over Poseidon Sanctuary, almost no one reacted.

The two missiles hit the target accurately.

One shot landed in Research Institute No. [-], and the other landed in Poseidon Sanctuary.

The moment the missile exploded, the shock wave destroyed all surrounding trees and houses and leveled them to the ground.

And in the Poseidon Shelter in the center of the missile, only a huge crater was left.

But when the explosion ended and everything calmed down.

At a distance of 1 kilometer from Poseidon Sanctuary.

A bulletproof car twisted from the void, appeared again, and hit the ground heavily.

The bulletproof car did not fall, but stabilized after shaking for a while.

The surrounding zombies were hit by missiles and fell to the ground.

After the explosion-proof vehicle suddenly appeared, there was no immediate rush towards the explosion-proof vehicle.

On the contrary, it was extremely abnormal. They turned their heads and spread out not far away, running away from each other.

After getting up in the explosion-proof car, after a pause, Lu Cheng panted and opened the door and got out.

Looking in front of him, the Poseidon Sanctuary had exploded and was engulfed in a sea of ​​fire.

There was even a burnt smell coming from his body.

Not only him, but even the explosion-proof vehicle was constantly smoking.

Obviously if they had left the center of the explosion just one second later, they would have ended badly.

The female zombies beside him also got out of the car at this time, with frightened expressions on their faces. This was the closest Lu Cheng had ever been to death.

This is the power of human technology!
As long as human civilization can maintain a stable organizational form.

Alienating viruses is not a problem at all.

And this is just the power of missiles, if it is a nuclear bomb.

Not even Lu Cheng's void transfer could save his life.

Fortunately, this time the void transfer saved Lu Cheng and the female zombies around him.

After Lu Cheng narrowly escaped death, he couldn't help but frown.

Why did a missile suddenly shoot over here?

Is it a federal company?

That's all I can think about. After all, just after I raided Research Institute No. [-], there was a missile attack.

One shot landed on Research Institute No. [-].

One shot landed at Poseidon Sanctuary, and it was obviously the work of the Federal Company.

Zhang Xiaoyun looked at the sea of ​​fire in front of him with lingering fear. He looked at Lu Cheng and said:

"Master, what should we do now? Do you want to go over and check out supplies or something?"

Lu Cheng shook his head. He understood Zhang Xiaoyun's suggestion very well.

They have no feelings for survivors like Li Na, even though they have been in contact with them for two days.

But they were right in front of him now, too dead to die anymore.

Lu Cheng didn't think that there would be any survivors under such a violent explosion.

They don't have any concrete structures or basements for them to hide in.

At this time, there is no need to go back to look for supplies, even if there are supplies left.

He wouldn't take such a big risk to search for supplies.

Who knows if federal companies have anything like satellite surveillance overhead.

Keep staring here.

What if Lu Cheng returns and is seen by the federal company and a second missile comes over?
So Lu Cheng thought for a while and said.

"No, let's get out of here quickly."

After Lu Cheng said this, the other female zombies would naturally not object.

They all got in the car, but Lu Cheng did not drive away directly.

Because they are worried about the federal company, they are still monitoring the situation around here.

So he could only use the void transfer skill again. This time after transferring again, he appeared on the highway.

Lu Cheng found that this skill was very useful.

Being able to position oneself in the void based on where he has been.

Then it only took a moment to appear nearby.

It's just that the consumption was a bit too much. After two consecutive void transfers, Lu Cheng felt that his physical strength was almost exhausted.

He was slumped in the seat, unable to move, and even speaking was a little difficult.

In fact, Lu Cheng had already discovered this situation during the first transfer just now.

Just to be on the safe side, I had to risk a second transfer.
Lu Cheng was very sure that if he carried out the third transfer regardless of his current physical condition.

Lu Cheng would probably die.

I didn't expect that this skill would consume so much.

But the effect is indeed strong enough. Without this void transfer, Lu Cheng would probably be dead by now.

Seeing Lu Cheng slumped in the driver's seat, the girls suddenly became nervous.

It was the first time that Li Xiaoya saw Lu Cheng looking so tired, and she immediately asked nervously.

"Lu Cheng, Lu Cheng, are you okay? Are you okay?
Why is this skill so scary?Does it consume so much? "

Li Xiaoya didn't know that Lu Cheng had just awakened the void transfer skill, but she saw Lu Cheng using this skill.

And after two consecutive times, Li Xiaoya also knew that Lu Cheng had saved their lives just now.

However, after using it this time, Lu Cheng's condition was obviously much worse than before.

She also knew that it must be because the skill consumed too much.

But Li Xiaoya had just finished asking, and Lu Cheng had no way to answer her.

His energy had been drained, and he almost fainted at this moment.

Zhang Xiaoyun gritted his teeth and ran to Lu Cheng's side.

After briefly checking Lu Cheng's situation, he started to take off his equipment without saying anything.

Seeing Zhang Xiaoyun's actions, Li Xiaoya was also entertained, and then quickly pulled Zhang Xiaoyun and said.

"Sister Xiaoyun, what are you doing? Lu Chengdu is already like this. Stop bullying him and let him have a good rest."

Li Xiaoya didn't know the effect of Lu Cheng's Corpse King skill, so she reacted like this.

Shen Xue on the side grabbed Li Xiaoya and said.

"Don't panic, this is Zhang Xiaoyun, he wants to replenish Lu Cheng's strength."

"Ah? Doesn't this kind of thing consume your energy?"

Although Li Xiaoya has not personally seen the entertainment activities between Lu Cheng and Zhang Xiaoyun.

But I heard it more than once from the corner.

Of course you know the things they do on a daily basis.At this time, I heard Shen Xue say that this kind of thing can actually replenish physical strength.

He also had a confused expression.

Shen Xue and the others didn't explain much.

After all, Lu Cheng looked very weak now, and Zhang Xiaoyun sat directly on Lu Cheng's body.

Then he was still hesitating about how to get Lu Cheng to react.

What I didn't expect was that I just saw Zhang Xiaoyun's beautiful body.

Lu Chengcheng had already reacted very fiercely.

Otherwise, a man can only be honest if he hangs on the wall.

Lu Cheng didn't care about being shy in front of Li Xiaoya.

This time he was also very cooperative with Zhang Xiaoyun. Although he cooperated, he couldn't move.

We can only let Zhang Xiaoyun come by himself.

This situation must be said to be very spectacular.

At least Li Xiaoya's face was already flushed.

And Shen Xue had already helped Lu Cheng lower the driver's seat.

The space of the explosion-proof vehicle is still very wide, and it is very convenient for Zhang Xiaoyun to move.

By this time, Zhang Xiaoyun had already started to help Lu Cheng recover.

She just blushed and made a slight sound, then gritted her teeth and began to continuously output magic power to Lu Cheng.

And Lu Cheng also felt that his physical strength began to recover after activating his Corpse King skill.

While helping Lu Cheng regain his strength, Zhang Xiaoyun blushed and bit his lips as he asked.

"Master, how are you feeling? Have you recovered more?"

At this time, Lu Cheng was already flying with joy.

Close your eyes.

Before the reflex arc could react, the mouth had already answered.

"It feels good, ah, no, I mean my physical strength recovers quickly, continue."

Lu Cheng still looked weak at this time, his lips were pale, his teeth were clenched and his brows were furrowed.

But judging from his physical appearance, he didn't look weak at all.

On the contrary, he is very energetic.

At least Zhang Xiaoyun is gritting his teeth and persisting, but he looks even more difficult than Lu Cheng.

After all, where is Lu Cheng's capital, and he is very capable.

In Zhang Xiaoyun's daily life, even though she looks carefree, she is actually a very young girl.

All I can say is that I understand everything.

It is understandable that Zhang Xiaoyun is having difficulty moving now.

Li Xiaoya looked at it and couldn't help but swallow her saliva.

It's not that she feels envious and wants to go up and give it a try.

But it was the first time to observe it so closely.

And it's still in the car, so the progress is really too big.

It's a bit beyond Li Xiaoya's cognitive scope.

However, Zhang Xiaoyun soon ran out of energy. There was no way Lu Cheng was too strong.

Zhang Xiaoyun over there, completely unable to move, waved his hands and said to Shen Xue.

"It can't work anymore, it can't work anymore, please take over from me."

There is no way, who makes Lu Cheng's current situation more critical.

Shen Xue also took off her equipment immediately without saying a word.

Then he began to take over from Zhang Xiaoyun's side.

Li Xiaoya was completely stunned. Shen Xue rushed up and immediately pulled Shen Xue's arm, and then asked in surprise.

"Wait a minute Shen Xue, do you want to go up and help Lu Cheng recover his strength? You also know Zhang Xiaoyun's skills."

It seemed that Li Xiaoya had misunderstood and thought that restoring physical strength was Zhang Xiaoyun's skill.

But in fact, this is not Zhang Xiaoyun's ability at all, but Lu Cheng's skill.

Shen Xue did not hesitate and directly took over from Zhang Xiaoyun. Then she gritted her teeth and insisted on explaining to her.

"This is not Zhang Xiaoyun's skill. Restoring physical strength is Lu Cheng's skill. Don't talk so much. I have to concentrate, otherwise I won't last long."

After Shen Xue said this, Zhang Xiaoyun said breathlessly on the side.

"You must not concentrate on this matter. The more you concentrate on this matter, the less likely you will be able to hold on for long."

But even though Zhang Xiaoyun said so, she herself didn't last long, and Shen Xue didn't last long either before she couldn't help but say to Zhang Xiaoyun.

"You just experienced it yourself, how can it be useful to tell me this now?

I also want to lose concentration, but I can't control it at all.

I can't do it anymore. I can't do it anymore. It's your turn, Jiang Shuyao. Quickly, quickly, take over from me. "

Shen Xue was urging hurriedly, while Jiang Shuyao had already taken over from Shen Xue without saying a word.

Started to help Lu Cheng recover his strength.

But looking at the chaotic situation in front of them, Li Xiaoya was dumbfounded.

She really couldn't imagine that so many girls were helping Lu Cheng regain his strength.

But Lu Cheng's situation looked indeed very bad.

At this time, Lu Cheng's face looked better than before, but he was still very pale.

The lips are also bloodless, and I don’t know how much power was expended.

But putting Lu Cheng's level here can directly clear the power. Obviously, the void transfer skill consumes a lot of money and can be seen with the naked eye.

And it is not an easy matter to restore the emptied energy pool.

Even the female zombies couldn't help Lu Cheng recover his strength within one round.

In fact, although Lu Cheng was still very weak and in pain, his physical strength had recovered a lot.

Now that I see the female zombies working so hard, I am very moved.

But it was touching and very satisfying at the same time.

You ask if this is a pleasant thing, then why the hell do you still ask?
While Lu Cheng was feeling secretly happy, he also looked at Li Xiaoya and couldn't help feeling.

Although his relationship with Li Xiaoya is already very deep.

But if you want to get to home plate, it's still a little bit worse.

The most important thing is that Li Xiaoya is very shy.

Sometimes, it's useless for Lu Cheng to hint, so he can't force it.

But the current situation is obviously a golden opportunity.

He happened to be in danger now and needed Li Xiaoya to help him regain his strength.

I believe Li Xiaoya will definitely not refuse this request.

Lu Cheng was thinking now that Jiang Shuyao, who was helping him regain his strength, was no longer able to survive.

Over there, Zhang Xiaoyun was preparing to take over, but Lu Cheng waved his hand and said to Zhang Xiaoyun, who was obviously very energetic.

"No, Xiaoyun, you just helped me recover my strength, how long did it take?

If you continue to recover, your body will not be able to hold on. Not Xiaoyun, I will never hurt you. "

Lu Cheng Dayi said this solemnly, while Zhang Xiaoyun was stunned for a moment.

She knew very well the effects of Lu Cheng's Corpse King's skills.

Not to mention the time it took me to recover, even if I just connected directly and seamlessly.

No problem either.

But Lu Cheng must have had his own intentions when he said this.

Sure enough, when Zhang Xiaoyun thought about it carefully, he saw Lu Cheng's eyes looking at Li Xiaoya from time to time.

Zhang Xiaoyun understood immediately, and Shen Xue also understood.

Jiang Shuyao, who was already in a state of confusion, didn't understand. At this time, she lay on the side and couldn't help but whine.

"I can't do it anymore, I can't do it anymore. Zhang Xiaoyun must be strong enough now after resting, but I can't do it anymore."

As she said this, Shen Xue went up and covered her mouth, and then said.

"What are you talking about? Zhang Xiaoyun's situation is definitely not going to work anymore.

If he went up to help his master regain his strength, Zhang Xiaoyun might die. "

After Shen Xue said this, she blinked at Jiang Shuyao, but Jiang Shuyao obviously did not react.

This time, he was already unconscious and could not speak for a long time.

It didn't matter even if Shen Xue didn't cover her mouth, but Zhang Xiaoyun immediately looked weak.

Her face was obviously very rosy, but at this time she fell on the chair in the car and said.

"It's true that I can't survive, but the master's condition is very dangerous, if he doesn't help the master replenish his strength as soon as possible.

The master will probably die here. Shen Xue, come on. Your physical strength should be okay. "

Just after Zhang Xiaoyun said this, Shen Xue showed a sad expression.

He also shook his head and said.

"My physical strength is not enough anymore. I have replenished too much for the master just now. If I go up, it may be in danger.

But forget it, for the master, even if I die here, I am still willing to help the master. "

After she said this, she gritted her teeth as if she was about to sacrifice her life.

But Lu Cheng stopped her immediately, and then showed a determined expression on his face.

As if he had made a difficult decision, he opened the door and went out.

At this time, his physical strength has actually recovered a lot, and he can now raise his hand to open the door.

But Li Xiaoya, who was watching from the side, didn't notice it at all.

The scene was so tense at this time that Li Xiaoya didn't notice these details.

He saw Lu Cheng wanting to get out of the car, and while sitting like this, he said:

"Don't worry about me, just leave quickly and leave me on the roadside for the zombies to eat.

I can't survive anyway. With my current physical strength, following you will only drag you down. "

Lu Cheng's acting skills can be said to be quite superb.

Zhang Xiaoyun next to him was even better. At this time, he fell on Lu Cheng and started crying.

While crying, she looked at Li Xiaoya pitifully.

At this time, Li Xiaoya was completely confused.

After meeting Zhang Xiaoyun's eyes, she finally reacted.

Are you going to do it yourself?

After gritting his teeth and hesitating for a moment, he immediately grabbed Lu Cheng's arm and prevented him from getting off the car. At the same time, he shouted loudly to Lu Cheng.

"Stop arguing, Lu Cheng, I won't let you die either.

Since their physical strength is gone, let me do it, Lu Cheng, I will help you regain your physical strength. "

Li Xiaoya said firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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