I can upgrade female zombies

Chapter 206 Muscular Mary

Chapter 206 Muscular Mary

Miss Mary is only in her early 20s and can stand her ground in the apocalypse.

She leads so many survivors partly because of her strength.

On the other hand, it was also thanks to the support of the maid in front of me.

To outsiders, this maid seemed to only take care of Mary's daily life.

But Mary knew about the uncertainties or difficulties she encountered in daily life.

This maid can always give herself crucial help and very useful suggestions at critical moments.

Just like her brain trust.

At this time, the maid seemed to see the problem in Mary's heart.

It was nothing more than hoping that Lu Cheng could help.

But if the federal company really attacks the Torch Sanctuary.

He doesn't have a great relationship with Lu Cheng either.

If he can remind me, it is already very good, and it can be regarded as the most benevolent and righteous thing.

It would be a bit too much to offer help.

When Mary heard the maid say this, she knew that she seemed to have an idea. She immediately sat down and looked at the maid in front of her seriously.

The maid did not sit in front of Mary, but continued to stand next to her.

Maintaining the posture that a maid should have, she said respectfully.

"Miss Mary, Lu Cheng's great hero, likes beautiful women.

In fact, I analyzed it myself. Look at the girls around Hero Lu Cheng just now.

Each of them is very beautiful and not something that ordinary people can have.

But every one of them looked at Lu Cheng, the great hero, as if they were looking at their boyfriend and husband. "

After Mary heard this, she felt doubtful in her heart, and then asked.

"This is normal, after all, someone as strong as Lu Cheng is.

It's natural that some girls will like him.

Although those girls are indeed very beautiful.

But I can't find some beautiful girls for Lu Cheng. Even so, he won't help us.

I feel like there are already so many beautiful girls around him.

Besides, in our shelter, if we really want to find a girl worthy of Lu Cheng, it seems like we really can’t find one. "

After Mary said this, she sighed. She was not exaggerating.

But in his own torch shelter, he really couldn't find such beautiful girls as Zhang Xiaoyun and others around Lu Cheng.

You must know that the quality of Zhang Xiaoyun and others is not generally high.

As long as one is placed before the end of the world, he can definitely rely on his appearance to make a living.

To the extent of being a movie star.

Now they are all around Lu Cheng. There are so many beautiful girls with different styles. Mary even feels that including herself.

Lu Cheng probably looks down on him.

Although Mary has always been quite confident in her appearance and figure.

But what Mary didn't know was that Lu Cheng actually felt very fresh when he saw her at the first sight.

After all, a girl like Mary has very obvious muscle lines and is a trained girl.

In reality, it's hard to find, especially those with thin waists and big hips. Those who haven't practiced won't have this effect at all.

After hearing what Mary said, the maid said calmly.

"Sending beautiful women is naturally a good idea, but Hero Lu Cheng will definitely look down on ordinary women.

I do have a suitable candidate here. I just saw the great hero Lu Cheng, and when he saw the girl, he had a look of interest on his face. "

After the maid said this, Mary hesitated, and then said worriedly.

"If that girl has no objection, I'm actually quite happy to facilitate this beautiful thing.

It's just that Mr. Lu Cheng is a great hero after all. His personality is very noble and his character is very pure.

Those girls were definitely not forced by Lu Cheng.

What if we send a beautiful woman to the great hero Lu Cheng, but it makes him feel disgusted?

I think this possibility is very high. "

Mary sighed, and what she said was indeed what she was worried about.

After all, online and after meeting Lu Cheng this time, I felt that Lu Cheng was polite and always had a smile on his face.

He certainly fits the image of a gentleman in people's minds.

And Mary was also worried about herself. If she presented a beautiful woman at such a time, it would be counterproductive.

The maid seemed to have anticipated Mary's worries, and nodded with a smile.

"What Lady Mary said is indeed true, so we cannot directly dedicate women to Mr. Lu Cheng.

It's about creating opportunities for the two of them. "

After hearing this, Mary's eyes lit up and she said.

"If only there was such a way to create an opportunity for Mr. Lu Cheng to achieve something good with a lady from our shelter.

It's not impossible if Lu Cheng is willing to help us with the shelter, but who is the girl you are talking about now? "

Mary also guessed a few candidates in her mind.

But those candidates, to be honest, although they look good, they are still a little far from beautiful.

The most important thing is that this is the end of the world. It is impossible to put on makeup and wear nice clothes every day. Everyone is just muddle along.

It is already a very lucky thing to be alive.

And just when Mary was guessing about the possible candidates, she saw the maid looking straight at her without saying a word.

And Mary was not an idiot, after confirming that the maid had indeed been looking at her.

She pointed to herself in surprise and said.

"I'm the one you shouldn't be talking about."

When Mary finished saying this, the maid nodded heavily.

There was even a trace of imperceptible excitement on his face.

He walked to Mary's side and said in a persuasive manner.

"Ms. Mary, maybe you didn't notice it when Mr. Lu Cheng came in just now.

Looking at your expression, I feel very fond of you.

I am absolutely not wrong. If Lady Mary is willing, what I say can definitely come true.

At that time, Mr. Lu Cheng, out of your consideration, will definitely help our shelter.

You must know that the people in the Federal Company are very cruel and powerful.

Even if we contact other shelters, other shelters may not be willing to send troops to our side to help us.

Even if they were willing to come over, it would be getting dark soon, and by the time they got here, it might be too late. "

After the maid said this, Mary still couldn't calm down for a while.

To be honest, although Mary is one of the three leaders of Torch Sanctuary, Mary is actually not very old.

Only in his early 20s.

She likes to play with fitness, but that doesn’t mean Mary likes to play with relationships between men and women.

So she had no idea about Lu Cheng's eyes, and she didn't notice anything wrong.

On the contrary, she felt very friendly. After all, she also had a good impression of Lu Cheng.

If other men looked at her like that, maybe she would hate it.

But with Lu Cheng, she wouldn't have this feeling. Now that she heard what the maid said and thought about it, Mary felt that it was really what the maid said.

But if he really wanted to sacrifice himself, she really couldn't do it.

After all, how could Mary, who didn't even have a boyfriend, do something like this?

Moreover, they had only known each other for a short time, and it was really too fast for Mary to jump to this level.

She stood up in a panic, her face red and a little at a loss.

Although he listened to the maid's words, he also knew that if he and Lu Cheng could reach an agreement on a male-female relationship, it would be a good thing for the Torch Sanctuary.

But it’s really weird to put this kind of thing on the table as a bargaining chip.

Mary was just thinking this, and the maid in front of her seemed to see through Mary's thoughts at once.

He came forward and continued speaking in a low voice.

"Speaking of which, this is also for our shelter. If the federal company really comes, with their strength, our shelter can hold on.

But the losses will definitely be very heavy. If there is such a powerful helper as the hero Lu Cheng, a lot of casualties may be reduced.

Of course, it's a bit weird to bring this matter to the table.

But this is all for the sake of Sanctuary. Lady Mary, as the leader of Sanctuary, you should make some sacrifices. "

Mary just thought of bringing this matter up on the table to discuss, which was a bit weird, but she didn't expect that the maid seemed to see through her little thoughts.

Mary was not afraid, she just sighed in her heart, this maid really understood her thoughts very well.

Just by looking at her expression, she could already guess what she was thinking. She sighed and confessed to the maid.

"I also understand what you're saying, but it's just that it's really about that.

I really don't know what to do. I can't just go to Lu Cheng's room and tell him that I like him and want to be with him.

Then let him help me defend against attacks by federal corporations.

He would definitely not believe it if I said this, not to mention there are so many beautiful girls around him.

Those girls might be jealous. When the time comes, if something happens between me and Lu Cheng, won't it be even more difficult?

Do you have any good method? "

Mary looked at the maid and asked.

The things she was worried about were indeed very reasonable and very likely to happen.

The maid said with a smile as if all this was not a problem.

"If Lady Mary trusts me, you can just live your life as usual, don't worry about anything, and leave the rest to me.

I will help you and Mr. Lu Cheng. "

Although the maid lady said this, Mary still sighed sadly.

But when I think about it, what if something happens between me and a great hero like Lu Cheng?

Just like the maid said, she took the initiative to sacrifice herself, and the great hero Lu Cheng didn't hate what he said.

In this doomsday world, doesn't it count as finding a boyfriend?
Although from the beginning of the end to now, Mary has been worried about survival and the development of the shelter.

But which girl doesn't have a dream in her heart to meet Prince Charming?

Before the end of the world, Mary was just a girl who had never been in love and hoped that her future boyfriend would treat her better and be more handsome.

Even though she has built muscles in the gym, she is still blank when it comes to love.

Now, just fantasizing about it in my mind makes me feel quite shy, and my face can't help but turn red.

After being shy for a while, Mary nodded reluctantly.

Now that the maid has told her that she will do it, what else can Mary say?

To be honest, I don't hate Mr. Lu Cheng. Although I still feel that the development is too fast, it is the end of the world.

There is no time for her to fall in love slowly. At this time, her mind is in chaos.

After being told this by the maid lady, I no longer have the ability to think on my own, and whatever the maid lady says is whatever I say.

And since she wants to live a normal life as usual, there is nothing to say.

It was time to take a bath at this point, and the maid quickly went to the room to put water in the room, and then prepared a bath for Mary.

After Mary entered the bathroom with her clothes, the maid immediately walked out without running around.

Instead, he went straight to the villa where Lu Cheng was staying.

When Lu Cheng heard someone knocking on the door outside, he immediately opened the door and walked out.

Miss Mary stood outside for a while, and when she saw it was Lu Cheng who opened the door, she immediately bowed respectfully, and then said to Lu Cheng.

"Mr. Lu Cheng, Lady Mary, please come over."

Lu Cheng looked at the maid in front of him and nodded, then turned around and was about to call the other girls to follow him.

But the maid quickly took a step forward, blinked, and said.

"Ms. Mary is taking a bath now. Inviting you there is a very private matter. Please ask Mr. Lu Cheng to go there alone."

The maid said this in a low voice, but Lu Cheng's eyes lit up.

Looking at the eyes of the maid in front of her, she seemed to understand something.

He immediately coughed twice, looked at Zhang Xiaoyun and the others who were walking over, and then said.

"Miss Mary called me over to discuss something. You have been busy all day, so you should have a good rest at night.

There's no need to follow me here, I'll come back as soon as I go. "

After Lu Cheng said this, Zhang Xiaoyun and the others were stunned for a moment, and then the original expressions appeared on their faces.

The connection between them and Lu Cheng was already very close. They could guess what Lu Cheng was thinking.

When it comes to Li Xiaoya, she has been with Lu Cheng for a relatively short time, so she looks confused.

However, when he saw that the maid at the door was still there, he was embarrassed to say that he was following Lu Cheng because he was worried about his safety, so he could only think about it and said:
"I'm not very tired, Lu Cheng. Let me go with you, just in time to hear what's going on. I'm still worried about the Torch Shelter."

The reason Li Xiaoya said was quite serious, but Lu Chengcheng immediately coughed twice.

Zhang Xiaoyun on the side immediately stopped, and Li Xiaoya, who wanted to follow him to be a light bulb, started talking.

"They are discussing things among the survivor leaders. Let's not follow them, so as not to delay their discussion."

Zhang Xiaoyun moved very quickly, and Shen Xue and the others were also very cooperative.

Soon he was on the side and pulled Li Xiaoya into the house.

Li Xiaoya still had a confused look on her face. She didn't know why Zhang Xiaoyun and the others were so relieved and let Lu Cheng talk to Miss Mary alone.

What if something unexpected happens?

Although Lu Cheng is also very strong, isn't it what he should do as a female zombie to protect his master?
Li Xiaoya still doesn't understand the style here, but Zhang Xiaoyun and the others have already dragged Li Xiaoya away.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Lu Cheng felt relieved and quickly packed his clothes.

Following the maid in front of him, he walked towards where Miss Mary was.

After all, Li Xiaoya didn't even notice the danger.

The maid kept smiling on the way, and even said something to Lu Cheng.

"Mr. Lu Cheng, what do you think of my Lady Mary?"

When Lu Cheng heard the maid asking such a question, he was stunned for a moment, and then answered with a smile.

"He is an amazing shelter leader, able to take care of so many people in the apocalypse.

It can also reach an agreement with other shelters and become one.

Not everyone can have such courage, and I believe that the shelter will definitely get better and better under her leadership.

It's just that the crisis this time is a bit big. If we can get through it safely, I believe there will be nothing difficult for Miss Mary in the future. "

After Lu Cheng said this, the expression on the maid's face did not change, but she continued.

"Mr. Lu Cheng, I'm not talking about this aspect, but if you look at Miss Mary from a man's perspective, what would Mr. Lu Sheng think?"

Lu Cheng was stunned for a moment, but then he understood the hint of the maid in front of him, and immediately said with a smile.

"That's naturally great. Beautiful girls like Miss Mary are already very rare before the end of the world.

Not to mention after the apocalypse, and Miss Mary gives me a very close feeling.

It's a pity that I am the leader of the central town, so I only came here for some personal matters.

Otherwise, I can help out by bringing more people from central towns.

But now it is definitely too late to move reinforcements. The central town is so far away from here, so water from far away cannot relieve fire from nearby. "

Lu Cheng sighed and kept emphasizing that his troops couldn't get through.

It was as if he was telling the maid that if something happened to him, he would definitely not be able to help the Torch Shelter.

Of course this is just a disclaimer.

In order to prevent the maid and Mary from conspiring together, let him go over and say some nice things and draw some big cakes for him to handle.

That's not worth the loss. Lu Cheng never eats the big cake.

Who will help if you don't give me some benefits, and the benefits you give will depend on whether they are in place.

If this benefit was not in place, Lu Cheng would not want to get involved in the matter between Torch Shelter and the Federal Company.

He even wanted to see how the federal company found the experimental subject in secret.

Since the experimental subject escaped from them, the federal company can track the experimental subject.

Maybe, there might be a way to find that experimental subject.

"In that case, Mr. Lu Cheng, he still has a good impression of Lady Mary, so I feel relieved."

The maid in front of her didn't seem to pay attention to what Lu Cheng said next. Instead, she only listened to Lu Cheng's views on Mary.

Soon he followed the maid to Mary's villa. After the maid led Lu Cheng into the villa, she said directly to the upstairs.

"Ms. Mary is taking a bath above. Please ask Mr. Lu Cheng to come up. Don't worry, I will help Mr. Lu Cheng guard the door down below."

The maid blinked and then looked at Lu Cheng.

Lu Cheng, on the other hand, was stunned. He didn't expect that he would enter the topic so quickly.

He had expected to light a candle, have dinner, and have some fun with each other.

At the very least, you need to know some basic family information of the other party, but unexpectedly the maid in front of you got straight to the point.

Good guy, he even said he would keep watch for himself.

Lu Cheng coughed twice and checked with his eyes again.

Seeing the maid lady nodding, Lu Cheng finally understood.So that's what happened, but I don't know whether it was Miss Mary's intention or the maid in front of her.

But no matter what, Lu Cheng would not miss this opportunity.

It’s not like I came here by myself, I was invited.

Lu Cheng raised his legs and went upstairs without thinking, and the maid behind him was actually at the top of the stairs helping to hold the door.

But this door is of no use. If the door is closed, who will come in?

After Lu Cheng went upstairs, he heard the sound of taking a shower.

At this time, Mary had almost finished washing in the bathroom.

When I heard someone coming upstairs, I thought it was the maid.

He opened the door and walked out, speaking to the door.

"Didn't my clothes come over? I didn't see them."

When she said this, Mary had already walked out of the bathroom, and Lu Cheng had just walked upstairs.

At this time, the two met on the aisle, and Mary was completely undressed at this time.

All I could see was that Mary's skin was still fair and smooth, and her entire body had perfect muscle lines due to exercise.

The curvature is forward and backward, and the curvature is unmatched by ordinary girls.

Although the size is very large, there is no feeling of falling at all.

Lu Cheng knew very well that this was a physical state that only young girls could possess.

But when Lu Cheng was admiring Mary's figure, Mary in front of him already had a confused expression on his face.

His face slowly turned red and he stammered.

"Mr. Lu Cheng, why are you here?"

Apparently Mary heard the door opening just now, but thought it was the maid downstairs coming back.

But when she went out, she saw Lu Cheng, which made her unable to react. The maid downstairs suddenly called out.

"Miss Mary, I brought Mr. Lu Cheng here as you ordered.

Why don't you sit down and talk about what's going to happen later, and I'll make you a cup of tea. "

After Lu Cheng heard what the maid said, he was also confused.

I don’t know what kind of show this is, but Mary’s face in front of her is getting redder and redder.

Lu Cheng was thinking about Mary, maybe he didn't know he was coming.

Mary suddenly took two steps forward, and then said awkwardly.

"Ah, yes, yes, I called Mr. Lu Cheng over. There are some important things to discuss, but I am... now..."

Mary's expression clearly looked like her brain had shut down.

However, he still followed the maid's words and said this.

As for her unclothed state, she finally thought of covering herself up at this time.

He quickly covered his upper part with his hands, but covering his upper part could not protect his lower part.

She quickly raised her hand to protect it, but she couldn't cover it.

This suddenly made her panic, and at this moment, Mary took another step forward, as if she wanted to speak.

But for some reason, his foot slipped and he crashed into Lu Cheng.

Lu Cheng's reaction can naturally be avoided, but if he can still avoid it at this time, he will really be a great eunuch.

Lu Cheng didn't dodge at all, but went up to hold Mary.

Then he fell to the ground as if he had been hit by Mary.

With a bang, the two of them immediately fell to the ground.

I don't know why, but Lu Cheng was actually under Mary after the fall. While holding Mary's shoulders with both hands, he put one foot between Mary's legs.

The two hugged each other in such a strange posture.

Mary didn't feel any pain on her body, but it was because she was pressing on Lu Cheng's body.

Lu Cheng's face felt like he was hurt.

Mary was very concerned about Lu Cheng's current situation, but she noticed something was wrong as soon as she moved a little.

Her whole body was pressed against Lu Cheng's body. Not to mention the most critical thing, the fatal thing was that she was actually being pushed up by Lu Cheng's thigh.

At this time, as soon as she moved a little, a feeling that left her speechless emerged from her body.

On the other side, the maid had left with tea and came up to see Miss Mary and Lu Cheng in the corridor.

The maid covered her mouth with one hand, then narrowed her eyes and whispered.

“Oh, Lady Mary, you can’t do anything rude at a time like this.

Even if I can't wait, I still have to go to the bedroom, so do I still need to bring this tea? "

Mary was already shy enough, coupled with the weird and unpleasant feeling coming from her body.

She couldn't even speak. After hearing the maid's words, she wanted to bury her face in Lu Cheng's body.

But now in this posture, he can no longer speak, but he is hemming and hawing in his mouth.

And Lu Cheng seemed to feel Mary's mood and the maid lady's amazing assist, so he hurriedly said at this time.

"It seems that Miss Mary fell badly. Let me help her to the room first."

The maid over there nodded quickly and went downstairs again with tea.

Lu Cheng seemed to have no intention of caring about the situation here, and Lu Cheng held Mary in his arms.

He held her in his arms and walked towards the bedroom next to him.

Mary finally breathed a sigh of relief, but at this time she was too shy to say a word.

Forget it that Lu Cheng's body was completely exposed, now all the places that should be touched have been touched.

It would be nonsense to say that Mary doesn't care about such a relationship.

Here Lu Cheng carried Mary to the bedroom and put her in the room.

Under normal circumstances, it would be time to exit the room this time.

But Lu Cheng knew that this situation was obviously not normal for him.

Let’s not talk about the opportunities that the maid tried her best to create for herself. Let’s talk about this Miss Mary on the bed. She also looked like she could be taken over by anyone.

She didn't refuse, resist or take responsibility at all. If she were an ordinary girl, she would be in tears this time and would hold her hand to prevent her from leaving.

Then he said, after seeing and touching everything, you must be responsible, something like that.

But Mary didn't react at all, as if she had acquiesced in what Lu Cheng was going to do next.

Lu Cheng naturally felt sad and angry and wanted to stay here and continue to complete things.

But looking at Mary's appearance, Lu Cheng also knew not to rush.

If you immediately start taking off your equipment at this time, the opponent might even violently resist.

Although Lu Cheng was not afraid of Mary's resistance, it was originally a good thing, but when the time came to fight, it would not be good.

After Lu Cheng put Mary down, he quickly kneaded Mary's thighs and then asked.

"I wonder if Miss Mary is injured?"

Mary blushed and didn't know how to answer for a moment.

She could only nodded and said yes. She originally meant to say that she was not injured, but Lu Cheng seemed to have misunderstood.

She suddenly showed a nervous expression, and both hands suddenly touched her thighs and began to caress her gently.

"Sure enough, you were injured just now. I see that you didn't fall lightly at all."

Mary was stunned for a moment, and then she realized what she meant, which seemed to be a misunderstanding.

It turns out that Mr. Lu Cheng thought he was injured. No wonder his hands were placed on his body.

Mr. Lu Cheng is really a good man.

Others are pretty good at it.

When Mary thought this in her heart, she actually felt guilty.

If I hadn't accepted the maid's advice, I wouldn't be in such an embarrassing situation.

As for the fall just now, Mary actually didn't fall at all.

Instead, she pinned Lu Cheng under her. She was a little worried about whether Lu Cheng was injured in the fall.

However, the opponent is a mutant with a very high level and strong strength, so it should be nothing serious.

Mary wanted to stand up and take a few steps to show that she wasn't hurt.

But for some reason, Lu Cheng's hands seemed to have a kind of magic power.

After it came over, Mary's body was numb and she didn't even want to move.

And she was not wearing any clothes now. Just twitching her body made her very shy.

If she stood up again, it would be even more inappropriate. She turned around and wanted to take the quilt to cover her body.

But when he turned his head, he found that the quilt on the bed was missing.

I don't know when it was taken away. At this time, I can only hold the sheet to cover my body.

With this thought, she raised her hand and grabbed the sheets.

But just when he was about to pull the sheets over and cover his body.

But I found that the bed sheets were also fixed. What on earth is going on?
Mary couldn't help howling inside.

But on the surface, he still didn't dare to show any weird expression.

On the other side, Lu Cheng saw Mary's little movements and Marina's evasive and panic look.

Immediately understood.

I'm afraid that the maid lady is the real mastermind behind this.

And this Mary is the sacrifice stuck in her mouth, so she must eat it.

At this time, Mary didn't know that Lu Cheng was about to take her into his mouth.

At this time, she was still thinking that it would be a good idea to become an adult.

The current scene made her feel very embarrassed.

As a result, Lu Cheng was still concerned about whether he was injured or not. There was something wrong with the hand touching his thigh.

It's getting higher and higher, what's going on?
Mary also became nervous at this time, and quickly grabbed Lu Cheng's wrist, and then said.

"Mr. Lu Cheng, wait a moment."

Lu Cheng was stunned. He originally thought that Mary had no ability to resist, but he didn't expect that she would do this again.

What is this for?Is it just playing hard to get?

But he was still very obedient, put his hand on Mary's thigh, and then asked.

"What's wrong? It's so uncomfortable here."

"No, it's just going up. If it's going up..."

At this point, Mary was too embarrassed to say any more.

Although he was not wearing any clothes now, as Lu Cheng moved his hand upwards, things became worse.

But now she was shy, and her body began to feel slightly hot.

I don’t know how Mr. Lu Cheng can maintain such a calm posture.

Facing myself without clothes.

It can only be said that a gentleman like this can still remain calm under such circumstances.

Sure enough, it's because he cares about himself without any distractions.

Mary was thinking wildly at this time, while Lu Cheng said with a smile.

"Is the injury up there more serious? I understand, and I will take good care of you.

Even though you look at me like this, I am actually very good at massage and have very good medical skills. "

Lu Cheng was not lying when he said this, after all, his medical skills were indeed superb.

The girls around me all get their beauty shots from Lu Cheng.

Not only that, those female zombies also have to rely on Lu Cheng if they want to regain their sanity.

After Lu Cheng said this, Mary became even more shy.

But looking at Lu Cheng's expression, it didn't look like he was lying.

She also thought about continuing to stop Lu Cheng's fingers, and then find a reason to let Lu Cheng go out first.

I wanted to find something to wear, but to my surprise, Lu Cheng was faster.

Mary's defense was immediately broken through, and Mary's eyes widened when she felt the unprecedented feeling.


Mary couldn't help but make a terrible sound.

When Mary heard this sound, she wanted to cover her mouth.

Just find a crack in the bricks and get through it.

She never expected that she could make such a cute voice.

To be honest, I have never had anything to do with cuteness since I was a child.

Although she is beautiful, her beauty is very powerful.

It's not the cute and cute feeling of a bird cuddling up to people.

This would make such a sound, but it would undoubtedly reveal the softness of women. Lu Cheng was not surprised at all. He would be surprised if such a sound was not made.

Looking at Mary's panicked look in front of him, Lu Cheng continued to tease her with words.

"What's wrong? Is it injured here?

Why don't you come out without drying yourself after taking a shower? Look at the slippery floor, and you haven't even dried yourself either. "

Lu Cheng frowned and said this seriously.

Although Lu Cheng's expression was very serious, his hands were constantly helping Miss Mary in front of him to check the injuries.

Then he pretended to be surprised and said.

"Look at the big wound caused by the fall. It really makes me feel bad."

Lu Cheng sighed, and Miss Mary was just about to explain something.

But suddenly I felt that bad feeling getting stronger and stronger.

I don’t know why, but Lu Cheng’s hands must be really magical.

Now, Miss Mary could only grit her teeth and try not to make that cute sound just now.

The other hand was holding the sheets, but Lu Cheng didn't stop at all, and then said.

"There's nothing like a drying cloth here, so I'll use my hands to dry you."

"No, no, Mr. Lu Cheng, I feel more and more strange."

"Oh, Miss Mary, what's wrong with you?
No, no, I'll help you clean it up quickly. Look, the sheets are almost stained.

It's so troublesome for the maid to wash it back. "

Lu Cheng had just finished saying this, but he didn't expect the maid's voice to be heard from the door.

"Did Miss Mary soil the sheets? Do you need me to come in and change them?"

But just after the maid said this, Mary suddenly blushed and shouted loudly.

"No! Don't! I will handle it myself."

"I understand, Miss Mary."

After the maid said this, she turned around and left.

Lu Cheng, on the other hand, chuckled, feeling very grateful to the maid lady for such a divine assist.

Just this moment, because of Mary's distraction.

Lu Cheng had directly broken through Mary's last line of defense.

At this time, Mary had no ability to resist at all. Seeing that Lu Cheng couldn't lift it up, she didn't have any strength at all.

I don’t know where the inexhaustible energy I usually use has gone.

All the muscles in this body seemed to have turned into dead muscles.

Although Miss Mary looks very powerful, her muscles are not very large.

It's the kind of girly muscles that make people feel very graceful.

But compared to the soft flesh on Zhang Xiaoyun and others, these muscles have more lines.

The abdominal muscles, gluteal muscles, etc. are all very obvious, and looking at them makes Lu Cheng move his index finger.

For men, novelty is more important than anything else.

Otherwise, it is better to say that a wife is not as good as a concubine, and a concubine is worse than being stolen than not being able to be stolen.

Why would a man with a beautiful wife at home go out to look for those little girls?
Isn’t it just because of the freshness?

There is nothing that can be done about it. Lu Cheng is a man, and a very powerful man.

Even though the Miss Mary in front of him was not as good-looking as Zhang Xiaoyun and the others, Lu Cheng was still very interested after the novelty hit her.

Of course, Mary didn't know what Lu Cheng was thinking. He was already in a very bad state at this time.

There was no strength in his body, and Lu Cheng's hands seemed to have magic power. The key was that these hands were too dishonest.

Mary gasped and looked at Lu Cheng in front of her, her eyes a little hazy.

I couldn't help but use my last bit of strength to say.

"No, Mr. Lu Cheng."

You have to listen to what a woman says, if you want it, you don’t want it, if you don’t want it, you want it.


After Lu Cheng got Mary's consent, he stopped continuing these secretive things. Let's get to the point.

(End of this chapter)

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