I can upgrade female zombies

Chapter 211 Want a son

Chapter 211 Want a son

Even Medusa, who had always been calm, heard the news.

I couldn't sit still at all.

And she quickly slapped the table with both hands, and the three pounds of fat on her chest shook twice.

Then shouted to those working at the dispatch desk.

"Are you sure the jackal is dead? I want accurate information.

How does their vital sign checking device display? "

Brigadier General Medusa frowned and looked at it like this, and the dispatcher was suddenly stunned when he was about to report.

Then someone shouted.

“Wait a minute, Captain Jackal’s vital signs have recovered again, what’s going on?

It was obvious that his vital signs were gone just now. "

The other people were also in a state of confusion.

They didn't know exactly what happened, but the situation before them was indeed real.

On the screen, Captain Jackal's vital signs can be seen.

Restore the beating look.

And soon another dispatcher said in surprise.

"It seems that the headquarters sent the captain of another elite team to come over and pick him up."

Commodore Medusa frowned and then asked.

"Which team?"

"Team Athena."

"is her?!"

Commodore Medusa had obviously heard of Team Athena.

And I still know the team members inside, but now I thought about it for a while, and then said.

"Where is Team Athena heading now? Are they still in City C?"

When Brigadier Medusa finished saying this, the dispatcher shook his head and said:
"After they came to City C to take Captain Jackal away, they are now ready to leave City C.

Brigadier General, what should we do now?Do you want to continue sending more manpower to City C? "

Commodore Medusa thought for a moment, then shook her head.

“The strength of survivors in City C is much stronger than I imagined.

Stop sending more manpower to City C. Inform the surviving combat teams and ask them to leave City C immediately. "

After Medusa finished speaking, she paused and then continued.

"Also notify Team Athena and ask them to take care of Captain Jackal.

I will thank them individually later.

In addition, it can be seen that the tracking signal of the experimental body chip has disappeared.

They were indeed sent out of the city, although I don't know if there are any capable people among the survivors in City C.

But it seems that he is very familiar with the research of our federal company.

The strategy for City C has been put on hold for the time being. Don’t send any more people there.

That's it, until Captain Jackal recovers.

Ask her to come back to see me, and by the way, contact the Death Team.

I have new tasks for them. "

After Medusa finished speaking, the dispatcher below quickly became busy.

Medusa put her hands on the table, and her eyes gradually became sharp.

This failure made her sigh, and there were indeed very powerful people among the survivors.

Although Medusa wanted to get to the bottom of it.

But the number of people on hand is no longer enough to support her to continue the activities in City C, and the difficulty of City C is over there.

Instead of continuing to waste manpower and material resources in City C, it is better to seize the time and complete other tasks assigned by the federal company.

After thinking this way, Medusa could only sigh.

But Captain Jackal is still alive, which is finally good news.

Even if all 500 people died, Brigadier General Medusa would rather let Captain Jackal live alone.

That is his right-hand man.


On the other side, the survivors in City C have already started their carnival.

After sending the so-called experimental subjects outside the city, they began to return.

Although they lost 500 people in this battle.

But the benefits they received were also very generous.

Not to mention a large amount of supplies were seized.

We also need to wipe out the combatants of the Federal Company entrenched in City C.

After this battle, the reputation of the Torch Sanctuary where Mary was located could be said to have been completely established.

Previously, several of their shelters, when combined, were unable to deal with the federal company's combat power in City C.

And Torch Shelter took the lead this time.

When the main combat effectiveness is exceeded.

He actually defeated the Federal Company, and that's not the end of it.

It even completely resolved the possibility that Federal Company would continue to be in City C in the future.

Because they had just learned that the Federal Company was actually here for the escaped experimental subjects.

And now the experimental subjects have been sent out by them.

The federal company has no reason to stay in City C and fight them.

It can't be so boring, it's already the end of the world.

I don’t want to live my own life and cause trouble for other survivors.

Although in fact, the federal company has indeed been looking for trouble with other survivors.

But the setback in City C was too great.

And Lu Cheng's mission was finally completed.

When I found the maid again, she still looked careless.

However, the raised corners of her mouth still showed that she was in a good mood.

“I thought that a god like you wouldn’t have any personal emotions.

But after spending the past two days with you, I found that you still have quite a lot of personal emotions.

The god's clone I met in City B should be regarded as your sister.

I stabbed the short knife into her body, but she didn't show any pain or fear. She was more like a god than you. "

Lu Cheng looked at the maid in front of him and said this.

The maid girl flipped her hair as a matter of course, and then said with a smile.

"Although I'm not very clear about the specific situation of that god's clone.

But since you are willing to stick a dagger into her body, I am afraid she is not very beautiful. "

The maid did not answer Lu Cheng's question directly, but instead asked a question.

Lu Cheng smiled and said.

"Actually, it's quite beautiful to me."

"It seems that Mr. Lu Cheng didn't see the other person's specific appearance, so he stabbed him with a knife.

What a pity. I thought Mr. Lu Cheng liked beautiful women very much. Now that he killed a beautiful woman with his own hands, he must be very sad.

But Mr. Lu Cheng, your problem is not particularly complicated.

The clone in City B may not have experienced the joy of life yet.

As for me, I already cherish my current life.

I don’t know if it counts as life, but if I can live a little longer, I still want to maintain the current state.

But in the future, when all the clones come together to regenerate my true body.

I won't have any hesitation either.

After all, this is also a profound memory in my life, right? Mr. Lu Cheng. "

Listening to the other party's description of life and his obvious desire to survive.

Although this kind of words should have been said with tears and runny noses.

Or maybe it was said in some sad situation.

But when communicating with Lu Cheng in private, the maid lady who claimed to be a god's clone did not have any similar emotions in front of her.

Instead, it was as normal as asking what should I eat today.

But from the lines of her words and the tone of her words.

Lu Cheng could indeed hear a slight difference.

At least the maid lady Mian Cheng is completely different from the emotionless god in City B.

Maybe it's just like what she said, it's not bad to feel the true meaning of life.

But Lu Cheng didn't care much about these.

After thinking about it for a while, I threw it away. There was a more important question.

That is the address of the earl-level alienated zombie.

Lu Cheng quickly knocked on the table in front of him and asked the maid.

"We no longer discuss issues about the true meaning of life, or topics such as cherishing life.

Let’s discuss the issues that concern me most right now.

This is the location of the LV20 alienated zombie you promised. "

After Lu Cheng said this, the maid in front of him nodded.

Then he took out a map, marked a big circle on it, and said:
"According to the information provided by my clone, LV20 experimental subjects have been seen within this range.

But I don't know the exact location.

If you have friends there, you can ask them if there are any powerful alienated zombies or anything like that. "

After the maid sister finished speaking, Lu Cheng looked at the map and began to think deeply.

This place is not very far from the central city where I am located.

City D located in the southwest.

However, it is a bit far from City C. I have to go back to the central town to resupply first.

Then we set off to City D. Lu Cheng had another important question, so he thought about it and asked it.

"How long ago did you get this news?

If I go there now, maybe the alienated zombie will be gone.

After all, by reaching LV20, his sanity should have recovered quite well, right? "

After Lu Cheng said this, the maid in front of him nodded and said:

"Mr. Lu Cheng, what you said makes sense, but don't worry.

This is also the message I just received from a clone not long ago.

As for whether the other party is in D City, this question should still exist.Because he stayed in D city for a long time, but I don’t know exactly what he stayed for.

You also know that the information sharing between me and other clones is not real-time and comprehensive.

You can only occasionally get some fragmented information, and there is only so much news that can be given to you. "

Lu Cheng thought for a while and asked again.

"What about your clone? Where is it?
I can go find her. After all, the communication with you is quite pleasant.

Maybe I can be very happy communicating with your clone in D City, maybe. "

After Lu Cheng said this, the maid smiled and shook her head gently.

“Although we are all clones of gods, we actually don’t communicate very frequently with each other.

And the connection is also very weak. I can only feel the fragmentary information she occasionally sends.

But I don’t know her specific situation. Speaking of which, I haven’t contacted her clone in D City for several days.

Maybe he's dead. "

After Lu Cheng said this, he nodded slightly.

The two communicated in private, and there were no other people around.

So the maid lady had a lot to say, and Lu Cheng was about to get up.

Suddenly a more important question came to mind and I immediately sat back down.

The maid lady was slightly confused when she saw Lu Cheng's movements when he came back.

He tilted his head as if waiting for Lu Cheng to ask a question, but Lu Cheng thought about it and asked.

"Although we have not known each other for a long time, it has been quite pleasant to communicate with you these two days.

At least the experience was much more pleasant than at Dawn Sanctuary in City B.

I don't know what your name is yet?

You and Mary have lived together for so long, you should have a name.

Speaking of which, I've never heard Mary say your name. "

After Lu Cheng said this, the maid girl tilted her head.

Then he said doubtfully.

"My name is Lord Kami."

"No, no, no, the name I mentioned is not your noun attribute or anything like that.

Maybe you think you should be called a god, but there are too many gods. There are gods in the west, gods in the south, and there are even more gods in the east.

But what I am talking about is a code name, your own unique code name, just like me, my name is Lu Cheng.

There may be many people named Lu Cheng in this world, but I, Lu Cheng, am the only one with a name like this. Can you understand what I mean? "

The maid girl lowered her head and thought for a moment, then nodded.

"I understand what Mr. Lu Cheng means.

The noun code for social attributes probably looks like this.

But unfortunately, I don't have such a thing.

Since meeting Miss Mary and helping her start building a shelter.

I rarely leave this room. In fact, few people in the shelter know of my existence.

You also know that my ability is related to tampering with memory.

And although I don’t change Miss Mary’s memory very often, I will also slightly modify it regarding my existence.

And for this reason, Miss Mary never asked about my origins.

Or my name and stuff.

When Mr. Lu Cheng mentioned it, I thought maybe I should give it a name.

But my knowledge in this area is really too poor. If Mr. Lu Cheng doesn't mind, he can help me think of a nicer name. "

"Then you need to warm up your weapons."

Lu Cheng almost answered without thinking at the first moment.

The maid's expression did not change at all.

Just a big smile.

"Although I know I can't beat you, I don't know why I suddenly want to scold you."

Lu Cheng looked embarrassed. Unexpectedly, the maid lady actually heard what it meant.

But he immediately slapped the table angrily, and then asked the maid in question.

"You little guy is not honest at all. You just said that you have very little social knowledge.

As a result, I now realize that you know quite a lot. Let me just give you a name.

You will be able to associate some messy things. As expected, people with dirty hearts will always make unnecessary associations.

My name is pretty good. My last name is Weapon, right? "

Although Lu Cheng looked indignant.

But the maid lady was not aroused by his expression at all.

Instead, he sat there very calmly and spoke rationally.

"Although what you said, Mr. Lu Cheng, seems to make sense.

But I can't accept this name either. Please ask Mr. Lu Cheng to change his name. "

"Hey, it's so troublesome to come up with a name. I'd say the hot weapon is pretty good."

Lu Cheng said this casually, but he also knew the name.

If the other party is unwilling to accept it, then it would be better for you to change it yourself.

He looked at the cup of coffee next to him again, then he suddenly understood and said with some inspiration.

"If you don't want to be a hot weapon, then you can just be coffee."

It seems that because of the hot weapon Lu Cheng proposed earlier, the name is too weird and embarrassing.

This time, the maid lady who was the goddess's clone did not answer immediately.

Instead, he lowered his head and thought silently for a moment, then nodded.

"There's nothing wrong with this name, so let's call it coffee."

The maid lady seemed very interested in her name.

From now on she will be called coffee.

Lu Cheng didn't expect that she would actually like the name he said casually.

But looking at the slightly raised corners of the other person's mouth, I don't know why, but I feel that the maid in front of me, who is not particularly good-looking, is a bit cute.

And the maid lady was still chanting her new name while drinking coffee.

But she didn't notice that Lu Cheng had stood up. When she raised her head and looked at Lu Cheng.

But he found that Lu Cheng leaned forward, and then his lips were kissed gently by Lu Cheng.

Coffee paused for a moment, then sat upright in the chair without resisting or leaving.

Lu Cheng, who had always been very impatient, now just kissed the coffee gently.

Nothing more extreme is done to coffee.

And when Lu Cheng raised his head again, straightened up, and looked at the coffee in front of him with interest.

But he found that Coffee still looked cold, expressionless and full of reason.

It's like a robot.

The coffee in front of him hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

"It seems that Mr. Lu Cheng is so horny that even an ordinary-looking person like me can't hold back.

But Mr. Lu Cheng, there are so many beautiful female zombies around him, I believe there is no shortage of me.

Besides, Mr. Lu Cheng, we don’t owe each other anything. If Mr. Lu Cheng..."

Coffee was still chattering, but Lu Cheng had raised his hand to interrupt him, and then said with a smile.

"No, no, no, don't be so panicked, I just want to kiss you.

I just wanted to see your reaction, so let’s watch it now.

Even the clones of gods are emotionally similar to ordinary people.

But I don’t actually hate girls like you who have nothing.

Strictly speaking, it's not three nothings, after all, you also have expressions.

But at this time, pretending to be like a robot with no expression is a bit too deliberate. "

Lu Cheng laughed and said this.

Coffee didn't respond with any special expression.

He just lowered his head and meditated silently.

It seemed that he was reflecting on his own emotional fluctuations just now.

After all, he could still talk to Lu Cheng like a calm normal person.

However, after being kissed by Lu Cheng, Coffee suddenly changed into Sanwu.

Expressionless like a robot.

Lu Cheng didn't believe it if he didn't become like this intentionally because of emotional fluctuations.

And Coffee seemed to have sensed this change in his mood.

You know, even in the Dawn Sanctuary in City B, the goddess clone was killed.

They also maintained no fluctuations in emotions.

And coffee is also the same, the mood swings are not very big.

Although he has a smile and some small thoughts of his own, they are just coffee, deliberately pretending to imitate human emotions.

In fact, coffee, except for the rarity of one's own life.

For other things, maybe they really don’t value it very much.

But after being kissed by Lu Cheng, she had such emotions that she couldn't understand.

This made Coffee deep in thought.

Lu Cheng didn't care about the coffee he was meditating on, but stood up on his own.

He still had a lot of things to be busy with when he first went out.

He saw Mary walking towards him, and the survivors beside him were still celebrating.

Seeing Lu Cheng coming over, everyone raised their glasses, but Lu Cheng didn't say much.

He waved at them with a smile on his face.

After Mary came over, she also had a tender expression on her face.

Lu Cheng was not polite and stretched out his hand to stop Mary's waist.

Pressing the opponent on top of him.

That career line was deeply imprinted in Lu Cheng's eyes.

Lu Cheng asked quietly in Mary's ear.

"I plan to leave here later and go back to the central town. Is there any gift you want me to give you before I leave?"

Lu Cheng just said it casually, but he didn't expect Mary to breathe softly into his ear.

He said something that made him excited.

"I want a son~"

(End of this chapter)

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