I can upgrade female zombies

Chapter 219 Hound Team

Chapter 219 Hound Team
After hearing what the person in front of him reported, Brigadier General Medusa fell into silence.

After thinking for a moment, he gave orders to the dispatchers in the audience:

"First send out a reconnaissance team to investigate and see what is going on."

After a while of operations by the dispatcher below, someone soon reported to Medusa about the previous helicopter reconnaissance situation:

"Report, Brigadier General, we have already dispatched a helicopter to the city center for reconnaissance.

There are no signs of large-scale survivor activity, but we will continue to investigate tomorrow morning, just those mutated zombies.

They have all gone to another place. Obviously, those flames were directed at the mutated zombies, and the LV20 experimental subject might also be among those zombies. "

After Medusa thought for a moment, she quickly ordered.

"After a few more days of reconnaissance to confirm that there are no other survivors, we will arrange for the hunting team to be dispatched."

After Medusa finished saying this, the dispatcher next to her said with a surprised expression:

"Are we really going to send out the Hound Team? We have already lost all the Grizzly Team in D City.

What if the hound team is sent out again and encounters that group of alienated zombies again? "

Hearing that someone was questioning his order, Brigadier General Medusa shot him a cold look.

But that person immediately closed his mouth, and Han Chanruo was startled.

No one here dares to question Brigadier General Medusa's order.

Everyone took action quickly and did not dare to say anything more.

The order for the hunting team to dispatch was given quickly.

At this time, in a farm outside D city, 10 people were repairing and checking their equipment.

Soon a heavily armed federal company fighter stood up and looked at the signal transmitter in his hand to receive the order.

He clapped his hands and said to the person next to him:

"All members of the Hound Squad, we have new orders.

In the next two days, we will conduct basic reconnaissance near D City and wait until the headquarters issues an order.

We will enter D city to complete the mission. We must search for the LV20 experimental subject. Do you hear me? "

After this man finished speaking, the combatants who were repairing their equipment immediately responded.

Then he stood up, walked towards the explosion-proof vehicle outside, and started moving towards D City.

And just when the federal company responded and dispatched a small team to investigate all actions in D City.

Lu Cheng also took the female zombies around for a while to confirm that there were no other survivors.

Then he returned to the mountains and forests to talk about Lu Cheng's return.

The alienated zombies were quite nervous. After all, they didn't know what Lu Cheng was going to do.

In their eyes, Lu Chengcheng was a great hero among the survivors, who specialized in fighting alienated zombies.

These alienated zombies were afraid that Lu Cheng would have a bad temper and kill them all.

Lu Cheng was finally persuaded to leave by God, but now he has returned.

Could it be that he wanted to get back to him and get rid of them all?

Many people are thinking this in their hearts, but they don’t dare to ask more questions.

Although they didn't dare to ask more questions, everyone looked at Lu Cheng warily.

Lu Cheng had long been accustomed to their expressions and was mentally prepared.

This will lead the female zombies straight into the camp in the mountains and forests.

Then he walked to the wooden house where the white wolf was.

Bai Lang obviously also knew about Lu Cheng's arrival, and the wooden house was quickly opened.

The huge body of the white wolf walked out of the open door of the wooden house.

After seeing Lu Cheng, he just turned sideways and made an invitation.

Let Lu Cheng and the others enter the wooden house, and Bai Lang follows closely.

When Bai Lang entered the wooden house, Lu Cheng sat down and asked directly:

"I have already visited the city center and entered the supermarket, but I did not find any trace of the LV20 alienated zombie.

According to my observations, the LV20 alienated zombie is probably hidden in the zombie tide.

Maybe it's not the appearance of alienated zombies, but the appearance of ordinary zombies.

It's just that the person you are looking for may be really difficult to find.

After all, there are so many zombies there, and the crowd of zombies is estimated to be close to 10 at least.

It's not that easy to find her, but there is this LV20 alienated zombie. Do you have more information for me? "

After Lu Cheng finished saying this, the white wolf in front of him quickly thought for a moment.

Then he said:

"I have told you all the information I knew before, but the LV20 experimental subject you mentioned is hidden among ordinary zombies.

I've never heard of this.

In fact, I have seen the LV20 alienated zombie before.

It is an experimental subject from the Federal Corporation. As for its size, it should be very easy to identify. "

Lu Cheng frowned and then said:

"Although there are hundreds of alienated zombies over there, I have checked every one of them, unless he is hiding very well.

Otherwise, none of those alienated zombies with weird shapes would reach the LV20 level. "

After Bai Lang heard Lu Cheng say this, he lowered his head and began to think deeply:

"Does he have any ability to transform? I'm not sure about that."

As he spoke, the white wolf suddenly looked at Xiao Bai next to him, and then said:
"The person next to you is quite strange. Is she an alienated zombie?"

After Bai Lang finished saying this, Lu Cheng also looked at Xiao Bai.

It seems that Xiao Bai's identity, the white wolf in front of him, also noticed something strange.

But from the corner of his eyes, he didn't realize that Xiaobai was a creature transformed from an alienated creature derivative.

This meeting does not mention Xiaobai’s true identity.

He just said casually:
"She's just an ordinary mutant. I don't know much about the rest."

The god clone in front of him didn't know the identity of Lu Cheng's alienated zombie, and of course he didn't know that the female zombies around him were not human either.

After hearing what Lu Cheng said this time, he did not continue to ask questions.

He just nodded casually.

I originally thought that I could get more intelligence and news from Bailang, but I didn't expect to find nothing.

At this time, the sky was slowly getting dark, and Lu Cheng suddenly heard the sound of a helicopter again.

After hearing the sound of the helicopter, the survivors in the forest quickly turned off all the light sources.

Then they hid, and not long after, they saw a helicopter flying over their heads.

It seems that they are also here for investigation. The scope of investigation is not only the city of D, but also the surrounding mountains and forests.

After seeing the helicopter flying overhead, Lu Chengcai returned to the wooden house.

The white wolf in front of him said doubtfully:

“It seems that the federal company has recently increased its investigation efforts.

Never before, helicopters were dispatched to fly over here so frequently.

Regarding Mr. Lu Cheng, the fire he set in the city earlier probably attracted the attention of the Federal Company. "

Lu Cheng was a little dumbfounded. He originally thought that from Bai Lang's angle, he couldn't see the flames over there.But looking at it now, the fire I set was quite big.

The light of the fire should be visible even in the mountainous forest.

However, Lu Cheng had no regrets about this fire.

After all, these alienated zombies don't need the supplies in the city.

It doesn't matter if he burns down the whole city with his own fire.

The shoulders shrugged indifferently. Lu Cheng was about to leave when Bai Lang suddenly called out to Lu Cheng and said:

"Mr. Lu Cheng has something to remind you.

If you really want to find the LV20 alienated zombie, you may have to arrange a bait. "

When Bai Lang said this, he had already looked at Xiao Bai next to him.

Lu Cheng raised an eyebrow. He had never told Bai Lang.

Xiaobai can attract those zombies if he takes action.

In fact, I have seen many ordinary zombies on the road.

But most ordinary zombies have no reaction to Xiaobai.

This was the first time that Xiaobai had such a big reaction when encountering these ordinary zombies gathered together.

Otherwise, if Lu Cheng and Xiao Bai were strolling on the street, a wave of corpses would immediately gather behind them.

It seems that ordinary zombies have no reaction to Xiaobai.

The only one who reacted to Xiao Bai was the LV20 alienated zombie.

That LV20 alienated zombie.He is very lustful for Xiaobai,

After hearing what Bai Lang said, Lu Cheng also thought of something.

Then he asked the white wolf:

"Do you also think that Xiaobai is also very useful to your growth?"

Bai Lang nodded, and then said:
"It seems that Mr. Lu Cheng has already discovered this when he went to the city center before.

Are those alienated zombies and zombies chasing the girl next to you?

His name is Xiaobai, right? He's running after her.

When I first saw her just now, I had a feeling.

If I could eat her in one bite, maybe my divine power would be greatly improved. "

When Bai Lang said this, Xiao Bai immediately made a sound of resistance.

As for Shen Xue and the others, they immediately became nervous and touched their weapons one after another.

However, Lu Cheng laughed a little and didn't look nervous at all.

Since the god clone in front of him said this, it meant that he would not do any hostile behavior towards Xiao Bai.

Even if he wanted to do it, I'm afraid his strength wouldn't be able to deal with Xiao Bai's.

After all, the main ability of the god clone in front of him is to influence other alienated zombies, control their thoughts, and guide them to regain their sanity.

And not in terms of combat.

At least until now, Lu Chengdu has not found any god clones with outstanding combat abilities.

Therefore, the divine clone in front of him did not pose any threat to Lu Cheng.

The same is true even if he controls the alienated zombies next to him and attacks him.

Just by himself, he could kill an entire village.

So after hearing Bai Lang's words, he didn't think much and just nodded.

Then he led the female zombies out of the forest.

On the way, Xiaobai nudged Lu Cheng's side again.

As for whether to use Xiao Bai as bait, Lu Cheng would definitely not do that.

When Xiaobai went out to lure the zombies by himself before, Lu Cheng was actually very worried.

Although he would also work with female zombies to guide the zombie tide.

But we will never let a female zombie act alone.

The main concern is their safety.

Lu Cheng's strength is there. If any emergency occurs, he can handle it together with the female zombies.

But Lu Cheng couldn't let the female zombie next to him or Xiao Bai face such a dangerous thing alone.

Therefore, Bai Lang's proposal can only be put aside.

But how to lure this LV20 alienated zombie out has become Lu Cheng's biggest headache.

Is it true that we can only continue to wait and see what actions the alliance company takes?
Just when Lu Cheng was having a headache, how to solve the problem of luring LV20 zombies.

At this moment, the hound team investigating outside D City has also completed their first investigation and settled down.

Start preparing for tonight's rest.

There are a total of 10 members of the Hound Team.

Their captain is at the LV20 level and is still very powerful.

At least it was more powerful than the Jackal Team and Grizzly Bear Team that Lu Cheng had encountered before.

And this will be the hound team, after resting at the station.

But he noticed unusual movements coming from the darkness.

Not long after, I saw a white wolf dog coming out.

Watching them from a distance.

The captain of the hound team raised his gun and shot him.

The silenced bullet knocked the white wolfdog to the ground without making any sound.

After killing the white wolf dog, the leader of the hound team said to the members next to him:
"We should have been discovered. There were previous reports that this wolf dog should be the opponent's spy.

I just don’t know how that experimental subject can control wild animals.

Judging from the report, it should only control alienated zombies. "

After the captain finished saying this, a team member next to him followed closely and said:

"Speaking of that LV20 mutated zombie, where did it come from? It turned the entire city's survivors into alienated zombies. It's really powerful."

When the team member finished speaking, the captain of the hound team smiled and said:
“I don’t know very well, but I heard someone say that when this experimental body was produced at the federal base.

I just thought about whether I could create a zombie king and control other zombies, so I made a lot of improvements in the injected virus.

It can be said that it is the culmination of the entire federal company. I didn't expect it to have such a great effect.

But the side effect of turning everyone into alienated zombies is somewhat beyond everyone's expectations.

But it doesn’t matter, it’s not what happened on our side anyway.

We just use D City as an experimental site. We will set out to enter D City the day after tomorrow and find the LV20 experimental subject.

The mission is completed, are you ready with everything else? "

After the captain finished saying this, the other team members nodded.

Then everyone returned to the explosion-proof vehicle to rest without saying anything.

Two people were also arranged to keep watch at night.

(End of this chapter)

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