I can upgrade female zombies

Chapter 46 It's all right!

Chapter 46 It's all right!

This was Lu Cheng's first time to experience such a gunfight. After all, this is not a beautiful country. Gunfights occur every day. Ordinary people have no chance to participate in such a big scene.

Thinking about it this way, the beautiful country is really chosen for the apocalypse. Aren't there drug-taking zombies and gun battles every day?

Shots were being fired outside, and Lu Cheng was still thinking about whether he was alive or not. Sure enough, after turning into a zombie, his nerves became much stronger. He didn't feel scared, but a little nervous and excited.

Although the gunfire from the opposite side was loud, the accuracy was really a bit worrying.

After all, everyone is an ordinary person before the end of the world. If they get a gun all of a sudden, they will most likely not have a chance to practice. In actual combat, it will be purely suppressed by firepower.

However, the person opposite, called Lezi, who was called the Third Master, was somewhat accurate.

Two shots were fired, one of which hit the arm of a survivor on Xu Jingqiu's side.

The man who was shot lay on the ground screaming in pain, with blood flowing all over the floor.

The smell of blood and the wailing sound made everyone on Xu Jingqiu's side turn pale, which was a big blow to morale.

Xu Jingqiu didn't have a gun in his hand, and there was no way to make an effective counterattack at this time, but Lu Cheng did.

Lu Cheng quickly took out the pistol on his waist, opened the box at the same time, and gave Xu Jingqiu a Glock and a box of ammunition.

Xu Jingqiu didn't say much, took out his pistol and started loading bullets. On the other side, Lu Cheng began to try to aim.

This was his first time using a pistol, so his posture was certainly not up to standard, but at least he knew how to turn on the safety.

Xu Jingqiu didn't expect Lu Cheng to be very accurate, and then heard a gunshot.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Jingqiu saw a scene that shocked her extremely.

The person opposite, Lu Cheng, who was the closest, was shot and fell to the ground, screaming in pain.

After being hit by a gunshot, Lu Cheng immediately drew his head back and couldn't help but say:

"Hey, it only hit the shoulder. It's a pity."

Xu Jingqiu looked at Lu Cheng like a monster.

Although the distance just now was within 50 meters, it was definitely more than 30 meters.

You know, the best range of a pistol is naturally as close as possible, and 50 meters is the limit.

Soldiers can ensure a high hit rate within 30 meters, and well-trained soldiers can ensure a hit rate within 50 meters.

But once it exceeds 50 meters, even snipers who have trained for a long time cannot guarantee that they can hit it with one shot with a pistol.

But Lu Cheng was obviously a layman in both his shooting and gun-holding postures, and he actually hit the target with one shot?
Xu Jingqiu thought it was probably due to good luck. Everyone she looked at was dumbfounded, and she even forgot to raise her gun to shoot.

Then I saw Lu Cheng observing carefully through the glass for a while, then finding a hidden angle and starting to take aim.

Another shot.

Once again, someone on the opposite side fell to the ground.

Xu Jingqiu couldn't help but open his mouth. If the first shot was a matter of luck, then how could it be possible that this first shot was a hit?
The opponent once again used firepower to suppress Lu Cheng. Lu Cheng quickly retracted his head and couldn't help but said to himself:

"It's a pity that I didn't hit the head, so I cut off an ear. I'd better aim at the body next time."

Xu Jingqiu was completely stunned after hearing this, and couldn't help but ask:
"Lu Cheng, can you see clearly?"

Lu Cheng nodded, and then he remembered that at this distance, ordinary people really couldn't see where the bullet hit.

He added:
"My eyesight has been relatively good since I was a child, but I could barely see just now."

Xu Jingqiu nodded and asked again:
"By the way, have you ever practiced shooting before?" Lu Cheng knew that he probably showed too much strength, but it was the end of the world, so there was no need to hide his clumsiness.

He nodded.Honestly:
"Can cum."

Although Xu Jingqiu found it strange, Lu Chengdu said so and she did not continue to think about this issue.

Besides, it's a good thing to have someone who is a good shooter on your side. It's better than being suppressed all the time.

Lu Cheng's two bullets were very effective. The other party was obviously frightened. No one, including Laizi, dared to show their heads.

At the same time, the Skeleton Gang was now scared to death.

The leper squatted behind a corner of the house, looking at the two men who fell on the ground not far away, their faces now white.

He couldn't help shouting to a person next to him:

"Damn it, didn't you say that Xu Jingqiu's team is all rookies, but Xu Jingqiu is the only one who is great? What's going on?"

The man also had a confused expression on his face and hesitantly explained:
"That's what Xu Jingqiu's people said. Could it be that there are powerful characters in the group of people who traded with Xu Jingqiu?"

The leper looked angry and looked at about a dozen people behind him.

"Damn it, you brought five guns out specially. You couldn't hit anyone, and you knocked down two of them for others. What a bunch of losers!"

The younger brothers were so frightened by the scolding that they did not dare to say anything.

The people on the other side of the jeep, after noticing the ceasefire on Lezi's side, immediately began to move towards them cautiously.

Leizi fired a shot casually in the direction they were heading, scaring them all into hiding immediately. After thinking about it, he waved and said:
"Withdraw, withdraw!"

The opponent knocked down two people with just two shots, and Laizi was a little scared. With this level of skill, he was probably not a professional sniper, right?
Lezi quickly turned around and got on a motorcycle behind the house. The other boys also quickly got on the hidden motorcycles. Lezi then remembered something.

One of the people who were knocked down still had a gun in his hand. You can't throw away a pistol. If you don't take it back, won't the prince punish him?
But when he thought that there was probably a professional sniper on the other side who was keeping an eye on him, the man didn't dare to show his head casually. After thinking about it, he pushed the obedient man next to him and shouted:

"Go get the gun!"

There was a distance of about ten meters between the two buildings, but if the other side had a sharpshooter, he might die if he showed up. He was so scared that his legs trembled and he shouted:
"Third Leader, Deputy Chief, Brother Leizi, please say goodbye, I can't walk!"

"I can't walk because I can't. Believe it or not, I'll shoot you and break your legs?"

The man had his pistol raised, and the man had no choice but to bravely roll out and crawl out.

But just as he emerged, he heard a gunshot outside.

Lu Cheng's third shot was aimed at for a long time. Finally, when the other side emerged, the shot hit the man's head impartially.

The leper stared blankly as the white and red ones exploded in front of his eyes, splashing all over his face. He was so startled that he almost peed.

He didn't care about the pistol. He immediately turned on the accelerator and ran away on the motorcycle.

Suddenly, a dozen motorcycles started up and fled through the complex terrain of the community.

Lu Cheng watched the motorcycle drive away. Although he could see people, at this distance and at this speed, he really couldn't hit them.

Xu Jingqiu's reaction was quick. He immediately called to his companions who were still avoiding and hesitating and shouted:

"Quick! Go and arrest those who are not dead!"

(If nothing goes wrong, it should be on the shelves next week. If nothing goes wrong, it will be the next week. Anyway, after it is put on the shelves, it will be updated with [-] words per day, so don’t worry!)

(End of this chapter)

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