I can upgrade female zombies

Chapter 71 Harvest!The Skeleton Gang's warehouse is all mine!

Chapter 71 Harvest!The Skeleton Gang's warehouse is all mine!
Lu Chengfa's photos on the Internet quickly caused an uproar.

If it were placed before the end of the world, that photo would definitely not pass the review.

But this is the end of the world, and all the reviewers will probably become zombies, or they will become dinner for zombies, and no one will care about this.

Looking at the photo, not to mention how badly the prince was bombed, he could barely recognize the human form, but his facial features were relatively complete, and anyone he knew could still recognize him.

It didn't take long for someone to recognize the photo Lu Cheng posted on Weibo.

[KingDon: What a fool!This is the prince!Killed by you? 】

[Liu Guang Mo Ran: Brother, why did you kill the prince?Is there internal strife among the Skeleton Gang? 】

[My Neighbor Totoro in Autumn Mountain: Good, good, good, good, good, good, God's way, reincarnation, whoever God spares, those who do unrighteousness will surely die!You are our hero. 】

[The chestnut-raising squirrel: Guys upstairs, don’t be so dramatic. This is the end of the world. Can we be realistic? 】

[Where are the books that aren’t bad? Does anyone have extra food?I found two crowbars, which can be explained by killing zombies. They can be exchanged with you. 】


Lu Cheng also didn't expect that the pictures he posted would attract everyone's attention so quickly.

After seeing many replies, Lu Cheng also confirmed that the mutated body of the LV9 survivor who was killed by him was the prince.

But then I thought about it, Xu Jingqiu is only at LV6 now, and this prince is already at LV9.

In other words, the way survivors upgrade is different from that of zombies.

Zombies can be upgraded directly by hunting and eating.

The survivors obviously don't eat, but have their own unique ways of leveling up.

There is also a survivor I met previously whose online name is [Xiao Man Loves Candy]. She is LV7 and her level is quite high.

Lu Cheng was a little confused, not sure how the survivors were upgraded.

But if you don't understand it, just don't think about it. Xu Jingqiu herself doesn't know this matter, so she escalated it in a daze.

Anyway, my upgrade route is very clear.

But no matter what, now that the prince has been killed, Lu Cheng has solved a serious problem in his heart. The Skeleton Gang is no longer a threat to him.

Even the supplies accumulated by the Skeleton Gang, Lu Cheng would definitely take over when he comes back.

It’s really like my neighbors are stocking grain and I am stocking guns, and my neighbors are my granaries.

It was a long night, and Lu Cheng was not in a hurry.


In the next two days, Lu Cheng had nothing to do.

Except for the hesitant female zombie, he just rode his cruiser motorcycle and ran to Beicheng to check out the situation.

Because of the zombie tide, there are really not many zombies in Beicheng. Fortunately, they were riding motorcycles. If they were driving a car, they would have been damaged long ago.

I originally thought that in one night, the group of corpses would be enough to eat up all the members of the Skeleton Gang in the villa area.

But early the next morning, after finding a favorable terrain to observe, Lu Cheng found that even if a zombie swarm was formed, the intelligence of the zombies was very worrying.

As long as some people hide on the second floor and make no noise, the zombies will usually not take the initiative to break down the doors one by one and search them.

But after the corpses invaded the villa area, there were only a few people who could still think of hiding in a small space and waiting for the corpses to calm down and disperse naturally.

Most of the people in the Skeleton Gang have become food for the zombies. At least Lu Cheng counted casually, and there were no less than a hundred corpses that were dragged in pieces.

Even if a fish slips through the net, it will not affect the situation.

Of course, Lu Cheng doesn't mind helping the zombies have some fun.

For example, use a slingshot to smash the windows of the room where the survivors are hiding from a distance.

Then he watched the zombies hear the sound of breaking glass, rush in, and take out the survivors of the Skeleton Gang for a feast.

Some people jumped down from the building and broke their legs, which made Lu Chengyuan watch a drama about eating and broadcasting.

The main focus is cruelty and ruthlessness, bloodthirsty and ruthless.

I don't know when it started, but Lu Cheng found that the sadistic and murderous instinct in his heart often appeared.

Maybe this is the little evidence that he still retains his humanity.

When the time came to the next day, the tide of corpses that had been stagnant in the villa area began to move again. They continued to migrate towards the north, seemingly moving away from the city.

However, the number of zombies was far less than the city's permanent population. Lu Cheng knew very well that with more zombies scattered in the city, it was far from safe.

After Lu Cheng's message online became popular, many people chatted with Lu Cheng privately and even added him as a friend.

In two consecutive days, I accumulated more than 100 friends.

This really surprised Lu Cheng. It seemed that with a city population of millions, the number of survivors was still considerable.

Lu Cheng randomly clicked on a friend and saw a fruit photo with a message underneath.

[Can I join your survivor team?I am willing to be your woman]

Lu Cheng looked at the distortion of space next to the fruit photo and fell into deep thought.

He is a high-P warrior.

Unfortunately, I am not interested in women, I am more interested in female zombies.

Lu Cheng rowed away directly.

In addition to this outrageous content of self-sacrifice, there are actually more similar requests for joining and asylum.

Just from the words, you can see the desire to survive of these survivors.

For example, someone wants to seek refuge with a bag of rice; someone wants to seek refuge if he is young, strong, capable of working and can kill zombies; someone wants to seek refuge if he says he can program; and someone wants to seek refuge if he says he is a male college student with 190 six-pack abs and 0 burns.

All in all.

Lu Cheng ignored these messages of surrender.

He didn't have the energy to care about the survivors.

By the third day, the density of zombies in the villa area had dropped significantly.

At least the zombie wave has almost left, and most of the remaining zombies are trapped in the villa area. The number is less than a hundred, which is completely within the acceptable range.

Lu Cheng knew that the time had come for him to set up the net. After a lot of effort, he finally captured the Skeleton Gang's base. He wanted to scrape off a layer of the land here and pack it away!
These three days were not all spent in a daze at the Skeleton Gang headquarters. Lu Cheng still took Zhang Xiaoyun, Shen Xue and Jiang Shuyao to do some serious work.

For example, pushing a cart on the street.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not an old man pushing a cart, he’s really pushing a cart.

Clear the road from the villa area to the North City.

There aren't many traffic jams, and it's not a big project. If it wasn't for military trucks to pass, it wouldn't be so troublesome.

When everything was ready, Lu Cheng took Lao Zhao, Shen Xue and Jiang Shuyao, leaving Zhang Xiaoyun at home to look after the house.

The reason why he took Lao Zhao with him was because Lu Cheng saw a generator in the villa area. Even if the power was on, Lu Cheng couldn't operate it.

By the way, let's see if there is anything useful and ask Lao Zhao to take it with him.

Early on the fourth day, a group of people drove a Land Rover and a military truck and set off towards the north.The sun hadn't fully risen yet, but a few people had already arrived outside the villa area.

Seeing the mess outside, Du Zi and others were completely dumbfounded.

"Brother Cheng, what...what happened here?"

Traces of destruction by the corpse tide can be seen everywhere, the green belt has been basically flattened, and wooden walls in many places have also been knocked down.

The most severely damaged part was the gate. The gate made of iron railings was completely bent. You can imagine the zombies rushing into it after breaking through the main gate.

"As I said before, it just caused a wave of zombies and wiped out the Skeleton Gang."

Lu Cheng spoke in an understatement and even lit a cigarette, hiding his merit and fame.

But to Du Zi and others, it sounded like one thing, but now they saw it with their own eyes, it was another thing.

I had no idea before, but now I see the destruction of this villa area, I finally know what a corpse tide is.

With this destructive power, how many zombies must there be?
"Let's go in and find the warehouse. By the way, there are a lot of zombies in there, so cheer up. There may be other survivors of the Skeleton Gang. If you see them, don't hesitate, just shoot."

After Lu Cheng finished speaking, he loaded his pistol and led the group inside.

This villa area is not very big, mainly due to the large area of ​​green gardens. There are actually only thirty or forty houses in total, all of which are single-family villas. The main focus is high-end and low-density.

Before the end of the world, this villa area was already very famous.

It was not difficult to guess the location of the warehouse. When Lu Cheng saw the only house with electricity, he guessed that the warehouse must not be far away.

Sure enough, in a house nearby, I saw a house full of various supplies.

In addition to this one, there is another house, which is also full of supplies.

The Skeleton Gang collected so much supplies that they needed two houses to store it.

With so many things, Lu Cheng estimated that it would not be enough to transport them all in one trip, and military trucks would have to make a trip by then.

Just hard currency foods like oil, rice and noodles can weigh [-] to [-] tons by visual inspection.

Lu Cheng's villa area now has ten tons, and now there are so many more, nearly forty tons of reserves.

A very large supermarket only has so many reserves.

In addition, there are various pistols and ammunition, etc. Unfortunately, these are relatively few. There are only thirty pistols and not a lot of ammunition.

It is estimated to be the amount used by an ordinary police station.

For Lu Cheng and others who had seen the gunpowder depot at the military base, the Skeleton Gang's thermal weapon firepower reserve was really not enough.

But after all, there is. If there is a head-on confrontation, there will definitely be casualties.

Not to mention all the other messy building materials, which Lu Cheng urgently needs to reinforce and renovate his villa area.

However, there is no need to move all the building materials. Food is still the first priority. These things are the hard currency in the apocalypse.

Now it's like picking it up for free, not to mention how cool it is.

The group here found the warehouse. Lu Cheng had already cleared away all the things blocking the road at the gate.

General Du Zi drove a truck into the villa, and then everyone waited and started to clean up the remaining zombies.

There were probably dozens of zombies in the entire villa area. Although there were a lot of zombies, they were scattered and many were inside the houses.

Lu Cheng didn't plan to search the other houses one by one, and he probably wouldn't be able to find anything good.

Just take away all the supplies in the warehouses in front of you.

The first thing to move was weapons and resources, and a whole box was packed and carried onto the car.

Then there were things like rice, noodles, and oil. These things were very heavy, and Du Zi and the others had to move them with a squeaking sound, but they all had playful smiles on their faces.

This saves us the trouble of moving things to the supermarket. The Skeleton Gang has packed them for us.

It's not that Lu Cheng was lazy and didn't help. He mainly used a machete to clean up the approaching zombies. Since he didn't plan to completely clean up the villa, he vacated the warehouse and left.

The movement naturally attracts zombies from afar.

We were so busy here that we moved to noon and loaded up an entire military truck with twenty tons of various supplies.

The move is not finished yet, we will have to move it again later.

But just as everyone was about to get in and drive away in a military truck, Lu Cheng suddenly raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

Not long after, I saw five people walking from one side of the villa area.

These five people looked dirty. They seemed to have taken a bath for many days, and their clothes were also very shabby.

Lu Cheng could see that they were all ordinary people, and there were no mutant survivors among them.

They looked a little frightened when they saw Lu Cheng and others, who were heavily armed and driving a military truck, approaching slowly.

They obviously didn't expect that there were people here. The leader was holding a meat cleaver, which was their best weapon.

When Lu Cheng saw the other party approaching, he raised his pistol and pointed it at them. At the same time, he looked left and right in case there was an ambush.

The five people were startled, and the leader quickly threw away the knife in his hand and shouted:

"Don't, don't shoot! We are not from the Skeleton Gang!"

The four people behind him also followed the same example and quickly threw weapons, all of which were sticks and the like.

One even knelt down in fear.

Lu Cheng frowned. Of course he could tell that the other party was not from the Skeleton Gang, but if these survivors dared to have ideas about his warehouse, he wouldn't mind having five more lives in his hands.

He now regards the Skeleton Gang's warehouse as his personal property.

If I kill all the people with my own skills, their supplies are not mine anymore.

Lu Cheng said nothing, and the leader said tremblingly:

"We were persecuted by the Skeleton Gang. My wife was robbed by the Skeleton Gang, his daughter was robbed, his wife was also robbed, his brother was killed, and several others. We all have a grudge against the Skeleton Gang. , all distributed around.”

When he said this, he took out his mobile phone. On it was the picture of the tragic death of the prince uploaded by Lu Cheng.

The leader's eyes were red, and with a plop, Lu Cheng knelt down and shouted:

"Benefactor, you destroyed the Skeleton Gang, right? You are our great savior and great benefactor! Take us with you, we will act like cattle and horses for you!"

Several other people also knelt down, their heads pounded like garlic.

Du Zi felt a little embarrassed and looked at Lu Cheng.

Lu Cheng had nothing to be embarrassed about and said straightforwardly:
“We no longer need staff at our shelters.”

After hearing Lu Cheng's answer, the leader looked disappointed.

But Lu Cheng followed up and said:

"But if you are interested in this place, you can use this as your base. The walls built by the Skeleton Gang are quite good, and they will still be very defensive with a little repair.

But I can’t leave the things in the warehouse to you, I want to take them all away. "

As Lu Cheng spoke, he took out two unused alienated orbs from his arms, showed a smile and said:
"If you want food and supplies, you can exchange this with me when you have enough. One bead, one hundred kilograms of food and supplies."

Free labor here in Beicheng is here, isn’t it?
(End of this chapter)

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